ACO 2029 , the SIMBAD biblio

ACO 2029 , the SIMBAD biblio (949 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:23:53

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Title First 3 Authors
1964MNRAS.128..103P 51 31 Radio sources and rich clusters of galaxies. PILKINGTON J.D.H.
1966ApJ...146..528F 123 54 Radio emission from clusters of galaxies. FOMALONT E.B. and ROGSTAD D.H.
1970ApJ...162L.149B 83 379 On the classification of the forms of clusters of galaxies. BAUTZ L.P. and MORGAN W.W.
1971ApJS...23..371S 2711 51 Rectangular coordinates of rich clusters of galaxies on the Palomar Sky Survey charts. SASTRY G.N. and ROOD H.J.
1974AJ.....79..427O 204 66 Observations of Abell clusters of galaxies at 1400 MHz. OWEN F.N.
1974AJ.....79.1356C 119 84 Abell galaxy cluster magnitudes and the Hubble diagram. CORWIN H.G.Jr
1974MNRAS.168...15G 35 13 Radio emission associated with the brightest galaxies in clusters. GUTHRIE B.N.G.
1975AJ.....80..263O 180 52 Pencil beam observations of Abell clusters of galaxies. I. 2695 MHz. OWEN F.N.
1975ApJ...198..249B 2 15 181 Core radii and central densities of 15 rich clusters of galaxies. BAHCALL N.A.
1976ApJ...207...16R 164 55 Nearby groups of galaxy clusters. ROOD H.J.
1977AJ.....82..187F 1 14 139 Radial velocities for galaxies in 11 clusters. FABER S.M. and DRESSLER A.
1977ApJ...217L..77B 42 99 X-ray clusters of galaxies: correlations with optical morphology and galaxy density. BAHCALL N.A.
1977LicOB.753....1F 12 0 Radial velocities for galaxies in 11 clusters. FABER S.M. and DRESSLER A.
1978ApJ...220....8S 34 32 The X-ray luminosity function of Abell clusters. SCHWARTZ D.A.
1978ApJ...222..761E 37 36 26.3 MHz radio source survey. III. Correlation with extragalactic X-ray sources. ERICKSON W.C., MATTHEWS T.A. and VINER M.R.
1978ApJ...223..765D 2 12 174 A comprehensive study of 12 very rich clusters of galaxies. I. Photometric technique and analysis of the luminosity function. DRESSLER A.
1978ApJ...224....1J 58 76 X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-richness relation. JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1978ApJ...225...21M 1 31 233 OSO 8 X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies. I. Observations of twenty clusters: physical correlations. MUSHOTZKY R.F., SERLEMITSOS P.J., SMITH B.W., et al.
1978ApJ...226...55D 3 12 198 A comprehensive study of 12 very rich clusters of galaxies. II. Dynamics. DRESSLER A.
1978ApJS...38..357F viz 380 657 The fourth UHURU catalog of X-ray sources. FORMAN W., JONES C., COMINSKY L., et al.
1978MNRAS.182..489C viz 119 295 The Ariel V SSI catalogue of high galactic latitude (|b|>10) X-ray sources. COOKE B.A., RICKETTS M.J., MACCACARO T., et al.
1978MNRAS.184..783M 49 68 X-ray sources in clusters of galaxies. McHARDY I.
1978LicOB.771....1D 14 0 A comprehensive study of 12 very rich clusters of galaxies. I. Photometric technique and analysis of the luminosity function. DRESSLER A.
1979ApJ...231..659D 106 T                   1 1 194 The dynamics and structure of the cD galaxy in
Abell 2029.
1979ApJ...232L.145H 27 32 Velocity dispersions for X-ray- emitting clusters of galaxies. HINTZEN P. and SCOTT J.S.
1979ApJS...39..573M 142 77 The MIT/OSO 7 catalog of X-ray sources : intensities, spectra and long-term variability. MARKERT T.H., WINKLER P.F., LAIRD F.N., et al.
1979ApJS...40..657M 176 174 New hard X-ray sources observed with HEAO A-2. MARSHALL F.E., BOLDT E.A., HOLT S.S., et al.
1979ApJS...41..327A 468 26 A catalog of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1980A&A....82..322D 2 38 384 On velocity dispersions of galaxies in rich clusters. DANESE L., DE ZOTTI G. and DI TULLIO G.
1980A&AS...41..339A viz 35 35 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. III. 6.2 cm observations, radio spectra and optical identifications of sources in 29 Abell clusters. ANDERNACH H., WALDTHAUSEN H. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1980ApJ...236..738J 11 6 SAS 3 and related observations of Abell 2029. JOHNSON H.M., SCHNOPPER H.W. and DELVAILLE J.P.
1980ApJ...241..486H 119 263 The photometry properties of brightest cluster galaxies. I. Absolute magnitudes in 116 nearby Abell clusters. HOESSEL J.G., GUNN J.E. and THUAN T.X.
1980ApJ...241..493H 108 169 The photometric properties of brightest cluster galaxies. II. Sit and CCD surface photometry. HOESSEL J.G.
1980ApJ...241..915M 23 38 Galactic cannibalism. IV. The evidence-correlations between dynamical time scales and Bautz-Morgan type. McGLYNN T.A. and OSTRIKER J.P.
1980ApJ...242..857H 40 30 The revised HEAO A-2 X-ray luminosity function for Abell clusters. HINTZEN P., SCOTT J.S. and McKEE J.D.
1980MNRAS.191..325C 2 22 258 The morphology of clusters of galaxies. CARTER D. and METCALFE N.
1981A&A...100....7R 17 25 Observation of the cluster of galaxies A 401 at 11 cm. ROLAND J., SOL H., PAULINY-TOTH I., et al.
1981A&AS...43..155A viz 24 10 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. 11.1 cm observations of 19 Abell clusters in total intensity and polarization. ANDERNACH H., SCHALLWICH D., HASLAM C.G.T., et al.
1981ApJ...243...26D 68 T                   50 54 The dynamics of the cluster of galaxies
A 2029.
1981ApJ...247..787B 1 24 134 The relation between velocity dispersion and central galaxy density in clusters of galaxies. BAHCALL N.A.
1981ApJS...47..235J 103 14 Radio observations of Abell clusters and a comparison with certain Einstein observations. JOHNSON H.M.
1981MNRAS.196..409C 19 14 Observations of rich clusters of galaxies at metre wavelengths. CANE H.V., ERICKSON W.C., HANISCH R.J., et al.
1981MNRAS.197..893M 140 144 The Ariel V (3A) catalogue of X-ray sources. II. Sources at high galactic latitude (|b| > 10 deg). McHARDY I.M., LAWRENCE A., PYE J.P., et al.
1981SvA....25..647F 460 24 A catalog of galaxy clusters with measured redshifts. FETISOVA T.S.
1982A&A...107..338B 169 353 The shape and orientation of clusters of galaxies. BINGGELI B.
1982A&A...108L...7S viz 329 84 A Table of redshifts for Abell Clusters. SARAZIN C.L., ROOD H.J. and STRUBLE M.F.
1982A&A...111...97H 84 34 A search for radio halo emission at 430 MHz in 72 rich clusters of galaxies. HANISCH R.J.
1982AJ.....87....1Q 28 106 On the determination of velocity dispersions for cD clusters of galaxies. QUINTANA H. and LAWRIE D.G.
1982AJ.....87....7S 276 111 Morphological classification (revised RS) of Abell clusters in D<4 and an analysis of observed correlations. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1982ApJ...253..485P 1 88 623 A complete X-ray sample of the high-latitude (b)-20 sky from HEAO 1 A-2: log N-log S and luminosity functions. PICCINOTTI G., MUSHOTZKY R.F., BOLDT E.A., et al.
1982MNRAS.200..971D 39 13 Observations of X-ray clusters of galaxies at 102.5 MHZ. DAGKESAMANSKY R.D., GUBANOV A.G., KUZMIN A.D., et al.
1982PASP...94..421G 65 285 Substructure within clusters of galaxies. GELLER M.J. and BEERS T.C.
1982Ap&SS..82....3A 472 20 Second catalogue of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1983A&A...125..223V 96 41 The trivariate (radio, optical, X-ray) luminosity function of cD galaxies. II. VALENTIJN E.A. and BIJLEVELD W.
1983ApJ...265..606V 12 13 The nature of the cluster surrounding 3C 295. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1983ApJ...266...58T 24 1 121 Anisotropic velocity dispersions in spherical galaxies. TONRY J.L.
1983ApJ...266..425J 144 42 A survey by HEAO 1 of clusters of galaxies. III. The complete Abell catalog. JOHNSON M.W., CRUDDACE R.G., ULMER M.P., et al.
1983ApJ...266..516D 2 11 115 Dynamics of yet more ellipticals and bulges. DAVIES R.L. and ILLINGWORTH G.
1983ApJ...268..495M 1 8 68 Effects of galaxy collisions on the structure and evolution of galaxy clusters. I. Mass and luminosity functions and background light. MILLER G.E.
1983ApJ...272...29C 3 13 240 Two-dimensional spectrophotometry of the cores of X-ray luminous clusters. COWIE L.L., HU E.M., JENKINS E.B., et al.
1983ApJ...274..521F 26 10 The intrinsic shape of cD galaxies. FTACLAS C. and STRUBLE M.F.
1983MNRAS.202.1127M 40 8 CCD camera observations of nearby rich clusters. I. R photometry of brightest galaxies. MURPHY H.P., SCHILD R.E. and WEEKES T.C.
1983AZh....60....9A 78 4 Radio emission of Abell clusters of galaxies at 102.5 MHz. ALIAKBEROV K.D., DAGKESAMANSKY R.D. and SHUTENKOV V.R.
1983AZh....60...44Z 101 1 Integrated photometry of globular clusters in the Vilnius system. ZDANAVICIUS K.V.
1983AN....304..211B 19 25 Secondary maxima in the radial galaxy distribution of clusters of galaxies and subclustering. BAIER F.W.
1983MmSAI..54..875A 14 0 Star formation in cooling flows. ARNAUD K.A.
1983PASAu...5..114S 399 26 Radio data on clusters of galaxies from the Culgoora circular array. SLEE O.B. and SIEGMAN B.C.
1984ApJ...276...38J 3 48 891 The structure of clusters of galaxies observed with Einstein. JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1984ApJ...279..511S 37 2 On the X-ray spectrum of the volume emissivity arising from Abell clusters. STOTTLEMYER A.R. and BOLDT E.A.
1984ApJ...285....1S 1 35 182 The prevalence of cooling flows in clusters of galaxies. STEWART G.C., FABIAN A.C., JONES C., et al.
1984ApJS...56..403K viz 144 90 An X-ray survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. A survey of southern clusters and a compilation of upper limits for both Abell and southern clusters. KOWALSKI M.P., ULMER M.P., CRUDDACE R.G., et al.
1984ApJS...56..507W viz 900 396 The HEAO A-1 X-ray source catalog. WOOD K.S., MEEKINS J.F., YENTIS D.J., et al.
1984ARA&A..22..185D 1 31 272 The evolution of galaxies in clusters. DRESSLER A.
1984AZh....61..645D 27 2 The origin of galaxies and clusters of galaxies in the neutrino universe. DOROSHKEVICH A.G.
1984PASJ...36....1N 33 0 N-body simulations of the evolution of elliptical galaxies. NOGUCHI M.
1985A&A...144..431R 44 66 Iron abundance in galaxy clusters. ROTHENFLUG R. and ARNAUD M.
1985AJ.....90.1413B 579 82 Finding lists of candidate superclusters and voids of Abell clusters BATUSKI D.J. and BURNS J.O.
1985AJ.....90.1648H 179 112 CCD Observations of Abell clusters. IV. Surface photometry of 175 brightest cluster galaxies. HOESSEL J.G. and SCHNEIDER D.P.
1985ApJ...292..441H 17 42 The physical implications of an isothermal model for the hot intracluster medium. HENRIKSEN M.J. and MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1985ApJ...299...41H 34 83 The kinematics of stars and gas in radio galaxies. HECKMAN T.M., ILLINGWORTH G.D., MILEY G.K., et al.
1985ApJS...57...77S 654 143 Clusters of galaxies from the Shane-Wirtanen counts. SHECTMAN S.A.
1985ApJS...59..447H 60 249 Long-slit spectroscopy of gas in the cores of X-ray luminous clusters. HU E.M., COWIE L.L. and WANG Z.-H.
1985JApA....6..247P 10 0 Gravitational perturbation of homogeneous collisionless dark matter. PADMANABHAN T. and VASANTHI M.M.
1985Natur.317..788R 45 2 Liouville's theorem and the velocity field of galaxies. RIVOLO A.R.
1986A&A...164....6F 18 23 The role of thermal conductivity in the evolution of the gas in clusters of galaxies. FRIACA A.C.S.
1986ApJ...300..557B 50 135 Density cusps in clusters of galaxies. BEERS T.C. and TONRY J.L.
1986ApJ...301..675R 17 22 Optical and infrared studies of galaxy clusters with cooling accretion flows. ROMANISHIN W.
1986ApJ...303..523V 25 38 Redshift asymmetries in systems of galaxies and the missing mass. VALTONEN M.J. and BYRD G.G.
1986ApJ...305L..39C 16 27 Kinematic evidence of satellite galaxy populations in the potential wells of first-ranked cluster galaxies. COWIE L.L. and HU E.M.
1986ApJS...60..603S 1 69 288 The structure of brightest cluster members. I. Surface photometry. SCHOMBERT J.M.
1986MNRAS.221..453L 27 92 The Centaurus cluster of galaxies - II. The bimodal velocity structure. LUCEY J.R., CURRIE M.J. and DICKENS R.J.
1986Ap&SS.121..161S 187 3 cD galaxies of apparent supergiant sizes due to the curvature of space. SOUCEK J.
1986BAAS...18..902S 69 T                   1 ~ High resolution radio observations of the CD galaxy in Abell cluster
1987A&A...183..217R 40 77 A study of the elongation of Abell clusters. I. A sample of 37 clusters studied earlier by Binggeli and Struble & Peebles. RHEE G.F.R.N. and KATGERT P.
1987AJ.....93..519O 14 22 The nearby Abell clusters. II. Luminosity and spatial distribution of galaxies in A2175, A2256 and A2384. OEGERLE W.R., HOESSEL J.G. and JEWISON M.S.
1987ApJ...316....1W 29 79 Profiles of clusters of galaxies: cosmological scenarios versus observations. WEST M.J., DEKEL A. and OEMLER A.Jr
1987ApJ...317..668S 21 22 Alignment statistics of clusters with their brightest members at bright and faint isophotes. STRUBLE M.F.
1987ApJ...321..686K 43 38 The marginal gravitational lensing. KOVNER I.
1987ApJ...323....1T 393 101 More about clustering on a scale of 0.1 c. TULLY R.B.
1987ApJS...63..543S 585 178 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1987ApJS...63..555S viz 2712 116 A catalog of morphological properties of the 2712 Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1987ApJS...64..643S 279 177 The structure of brightest cluster members. II. Mergers. SCHOMBERT J.M.
1987MNRAS.224...75J 2 25 246 The optical spectra of central galaxies in southern clusters : evidence for star formation. JOHNSTONE R.M., FABIAN A.C. and NULSEN P.E.J.
1987MNRAS.228..941F 59 39 The alignment of galaxy clusters. FLIN P.
1987ARA&A..25..425T 4 37 594 Existence and nature of dark matter in the universe. TRIMBLE V.
1987ApL....26...43M 26 ~ Determination of the masses of elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies with AXAF. MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1987BAAS...19.1105K 1 1 Cluster diffuse light measurements. KUHN J.R., BOUGHN S.P. and USON J.M.
1987PASAu...7..132N 3 5 Star formation in cooling flows. NULSEN P.E.J., JOHNSTONE R.M. and FABIAN A.C.
1987IAUS..127...63D 13 16 The stellar kinematics of elliptical galaxies. DAVIES R.L.
1987IAUS..127...89T 4 3 54 Properties of CD galaxies. TONRY J.L.
1987IAUS..127..167O 13 6 Stars formation in cooling flows. O'CONNELL R.W.
1987IAUS..127..433V 3 0 Are cooling flows governing E-galaxy evolution ? VALENTIJN E.A.
1988A&AS...73..265A viz 49 37 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. VI. More observations of 34 Abell cluster areas at 11.1, 6.3 and 2.8 cm and a preliminary statistical review of data in papers I-VI. ANDERNACH H., HAN T., SIEVERS A., et al.
1988AJ.....95..298T 36 19 The alignment of clusters with brightest member galaxies. TUCKER G.S. and PETERSON J.B.
1988ApJ...327...66S 3 3 42 Cooling flows and the stability of radio jets. SOKER N. and SARAZIN C.L.
1988MNRAS.234..725B 70 T                   1 151 14 A study of satellite galaxies in the rich cluster
A 2029.
1988ARA&A..26..509B 2 46 549 The luminosity function of galaxies. BINGGELI B., SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1989AJ.....98.1523O 8 23 The nearby Abell clusters. III. Luminosity functions for eight rich clusters. OEGERLE W.R. and HOESSEL J.G.
1989AJ.....98.2018M 1 25 166 Star formation in cooling flows in clusters of galaxies. McNAMARA B.R. and O'CONNELL R.W.
1989ApJ...338...48H 2 44 474 Dynamical, physical and chemical properties of emission-line nebulae in cooling flows. HECKMAN T.M., BAUM S.A., VAN BREUGEL W.J.M., et al.
1989ApJ...340..661G 1 5 27 A search for diffuse light in a richness 4 cluster of galaxies. GUDEHUS D.H.
1989ApJ...341L..71E 6 5 137 Biased cold dark matter theory : trouble from rich clusters ? EVRARD A.E.
1989ApJ...346...34T 87 32 Near-infrared photometry and stellar populations of first-ranked galaxies in a complete sample of nearby Abell clusters. THUAN T.X. and PUSCHELL J.J.
1989ApJ...346..539W 28 28 The radius-mass relation for clusters of galaxies: cosmological scenarios versus observations. WEST M.J., OEMLER A.Jr and DEKEL A.
1989ApJ...347..610W 236 94 On the morphology of superclusters. WEST M.J.
1989ApJS...70....1A viz 5256 1561 A catalog of rich clusters of galaxies. ABELL G.O., CORWIN H.G.Jr and OLOWIN R.P.
1989ApJS...70..723M 53 77 X-ray morphologies of Abell clusters. McMILLAN S.L.W., KOWALSKI M.P. and ULMER M.P.
1989MNRAS.238..881L 56 152 The spatial distribution of X-ray clusters of galaxies. LAHAV O., EDGE A.C., FABIAN A.C., et al.
1989AN....310....7B 567 1 Catalogue of Abell clusters of galaxies with published photometric data. BAIER F.W. and ZIENER R.
1989AuJPh..42..633S viz 87 18 A VLA survey of rich clusters of galaxies. I. Whole-cluster maps, source list and statistics. SLEE O.B., PERLEY R.A. and SIEGMAN B.C.
1990A&A...237..283V 129 34 Orientation of bright galaxies in Abell clusters. VAN KAMPEN E. and RHEE G.F.R.N.
1990AJ.....99...14B 2 33 293 The radio properties of cD galaxies in Abell clusters. I. An X-ray selected sample. BURNS J.O.
1990ApJ...351..406B 30 56 Infrared emission from central dominant galaxies in X-ray luminous clusters. BREGMAN J.N., McNAMARA B.R. and O'CONNELL R.W.
1990ApJ...355..401G 39 41 Search for cold gas in clusters with and without cooling flows. GRABELSKY D.A. and ULMER M.P.
1990ApJ...356...32D 2 15 176 Einstein observations of the Hydra A cluster and the efficiency of galaxy formation in groups and clusters. DAVID L.P., ARNAUD K.A., FORMAN W., et al.
1990ApJ...360...20M 28 63 H I absorption toward cooling flows in clusters of galaxies. McNAMARA B.R.
1990ApJS...74....1Z 372 296 The kinematics of Abell clusters. ZABLUDOFF A.I., HUCHRA J.P. and GELLER M.J.
1990MNRAS.245..559E 1 54 429 An X-ray flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies : evidence for evolution of the luminosity function. EDGE A.C., STEWART G.C., FABIAN A.C., et al.
1990MNRAS.247..387R 536 29 Molonglo radio sources in the directions of southern Abell clusters. ROBERTSON J.G. and ROACH G.J.
1990RMxAA..21...57Q 3 0 Two examples of cluster dynamical cusps : A 496 and Sersic 40/6. QUINTANA H. and RAMIREZ A.
1990Sci...250..539U 71 T                   1 1 6 The central galaxy in
Abell 2029 : an old supergiant
1991A&A...243...38R 27 22 An X-ray optical study of 26 Abell clusters. RHEE G.F.R.N. and LATOUR H.J.
1991A&A...243...56A 20 22 GINGA observation of distant galaxy clusters: temperature and iron abundance of A 2507 and A 483. ARNAUD M., LACHIEZE-REY M., ROTHENFLUG R., et al.
1991A&A...246..301R 97 29 Substucture in Abell clusters. RHEE G.F.R.N., VAN HAARLEM M.P. and KATGERT P.
1991A&A...250...67J 8 13 Neutral hydrogen in A 2052 and other cooling flow clusters. JAFFE W.
1991A&AS...91..513R 106 34 A study of the elongation of Abell clusters. II. A sample of 107 rich clusters. RHEE G.F.R.N., VAN HAARLEM M.P. and KATGERT P.
1991AJ....101..783M 43 31 A search for bound satellite populations around central dominant galaxies in clusters. MERRIFIELD M.R. and KENT S.M.
1991AJ....101.1561P viz 182 71 CCD observations of Abell clusters. V. Isophotometry of 175 brightest elliptical galaxies in Abell clusters. PORTER A.C., SCHNEIDER D.P. and HOESSEL J.G.
1991AJ....101.1983B 285 15 Galaxy and cluster redshift observations in the Sextans-Leo region. BATUSKI D.J., BURNS J.O., NEWBERRY M.V., et al.
1991ApJ...369...46U 96 T                   1 1 106 Diffuse light in dense clusters of galaxies. I. R-band observations of
Abell 2029.
1991ApJ...372..410H 2 33 369 A measurement of the mass fluctuation spectrum from the cluster X-ray temperature function. HENRY J.P. and ARNAUD K.A.
1991ApJ...375...15O 44 87 Fundamental parameters of brightest cluster galaxies. OEGERLE W.R. and HOESSEL J.G.
1991ApJ...375..532S 10 17 Optical coronal emission lines from cooling flows in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters. SARAZIN C.L. and GRANEY C.M.
1991ApJ...383..135K 22 29 The ultraviolet spectra of nearby radio galaxies. KEEL W.C. and WINDHORST R.A.
1991ApJS...77..363S viz 780 166 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters (epoch 1991.2). STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1991MNRAS.248..741T 4 11 The evolution of overdense regions in cluster gas. TRIBBLE P.C.
1991MNRAS.249..164O 89 87 Surface photometry of radio galaxies - II. Cluster sources. OWEN F.N. and WHITE R.A.
1991MNRAS.249..662P 379 86 Projected and intrinsic shapes of galaxy clusters. PLIONIS M., BARROW J.D. and FRENK C.S.
1991MNRAS.250..103E 22 43 On the relation between the X-ray properties of clusters of galaxies and their brightest cluster member. EDGE A.C.
1991MNRAS.250..607P 53 3 Morphological evolution of clusters. PEARCE F.R. and THOMAS P.A.
1991MNRAS.252...72W 2 21 217 The discovery of large amounts of cold, X-ray absorbing matter in cooling flows. WHITE D.A., FABIAN A.C., JOHNSTONE R.M., et al.
1991AN....312..161S 16 1 On star formation in cooling flows of clusters of galaxies. SCHMIDT K.-H.
1992A&A...254...49A 1 47 267 Some constraints on the origin of the iron enriched intra-cluster medium. ARNAUD M., ROTHENFLUG R., BOULADE O., et al.
1992AJ....103.1051H 118 8 Verification of a subsample of the Abell survey using X-ray data. HENRIKSEN M.
1992AJ....103.1721R 102 27 The elongation of Abell clusters. III. Rich clusters and initial conditions. RHEE G., VAN HAARLEM M. and KATGERT P.
1992AJ....104..495M 176 97 Dynamics of clusters of galaxies with central dominant galaxies. I. Galaxy redshifts. MALUMUTH E.M., KRISS G.A., DIXON W.V., et al.
1992ApJ...384..404P viz 376 238 The distribution of nearby rich clusters of galaxies. POSTMAN M., HUCHRA J.P. and GELLER M.J.
1992ApJ...386..420M 21 37 The distribution of cD galaxy peculiar velocities. MALUMUTH E.M.
1992ApJ...389L..59S 74 T                   3 52 X-ray emitting filaments in the cooling flow cluster
A 2029.
1992ApJ...394..452D 29 17 Semiempirical limits on the thermal conductivity of intracluster gas. DAVID L.P., HUGHES J.P. and TUCKER W.H.
1992ApJ...397L..31S 5 2 44 X-ray and optical emission-line filaments in the cooling flow cluster 2A 0335+096. SARAZIN C.L., O'CONNELL R.W. and McNAMARA B.R.
1992ApJ...400..385B 2 5 43 X-ray constraints on the shape of the dark matter in five Abell clusters. BUOTE D.A. and CANIZARES C.R.
1992ApJS...80..257E 823 245 The Einstein Slew Survey. ELVIS M., PLUMMER D., SCHACHTER J., et al.
1992ApJS...80..501O viz 245 55 A 20 centimeter VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. II. Images and optical identifications. OWEN F.N., WHITE R.A. and BURNS J.O.
1992MNRAS.254...67R 83 6 Peculiar motions of Abell clusters in compact groups. ROOD H.J.
1992MNRAS.258..177E 1 57 256 Properties of cooling flows in a flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies. EDGE A.C., STEWART G.C. and FABIAN A.C.
1992AN....313...21B 14 2 Essential properties of the cD galaxy in Abell 1795 - I. General optical and X-ray structure, dynamics and formation. BAIER F.W., KIRCHNER T.M. and TIERSCH H.
1992AN....313..275B 28 3 Observational evidence for the evolution of cD galaxies. BAIER F.W. and SCHMIDT K.-H.
1992BAAS...24..823B 5 ~ X-ray constraints on the shape of the dark matter in five Abell clusters. BUOTE D.A. and CANIZARES C.R.
1992BAAS...24.1143S 3 ~ X-ray filaments in cluster cooling flows. SARAZIN C.L., O'CONNELL R.W. and McNAMARA B.R.
1992GriO...56b...2Y 1 0 The fallacy of scale. YOUNG A.
1993AJ....105...53B 104 44 The radio properties of CD galaxies in Abell clusters. II. The VLA sample. BALL R., BURNS J.O. and LOKEN C.
1993AJ....106..831H viz 643 65 Dynamics of cD clusters of galaxies. I. Redshift data for seven clusters. HILL J.M. and OEGERLE W.R.
1993ApJ...405...94W viz 296 40 Far-infrared emission from the intracluster medium. WISE M.W., O'CONNELL R.W., BREGMAN J.N., et al.
1993ApJ...407..470Z 423 116 All-sky catalogs of superclusters of Abell-ACO clusters. ZUCCA E., ZAMORANI G., SCARAMELLA R., et al.
1993ApJ...415L..17L 42 122 The relation between velocity dispersion and temperature in clusters : limiting the velocity bias. LUBIN L.M. and BAHCALL N.A.
1993MNRAS.264..593A 11 22 A search for cold clusters of galaxies with cooling flows. ANNIS J. and JEWITT D.
1993MNRAS.265..431C 24 46 On the nature of the blue light in central cluster galaxies. CRAWFORD C.S. and FABIAN A.C.
1993BAAS...25..913S 2 ~ Homogeneity of diffuse light in cD clusters. SCHEICK X.
1993BAAS...25.1428S 71 T                   1 ~ Dynamical friction wake candidates in
A2029 and diffuse light in binary nucleus clusters.
1993ExA.....4..117C 7 1 EUVITA - an extreme UV imaging telescope array with spectral capability. COURVOISIER T.J.-L., ORR A., BUHLER P., et al.
1994A&A...283..407B 13 45 Deep CO observations of dominant cluster galaxies with reported cooling flows. BRAINE J. and DUPRAZ C.
1994A&A...284L..31S 20 31 A Faber-Jackson relation for clusters of galaxies: implications for modified dynamics. SANDERS R.H.
1994AJ....107..448A 1 6 27 A broadband, widefield search for CO in cooling flows. ANTONUCCI R. and BARVAINIS R.
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1994ARA&A..32..277F 5 56 1174 Cooling flows in clusters of galaxies. FABIAN A.C.
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1994BAAS...26.1427T 6 ~ A search for X-ray substructure in cooling flows. THOMPSON H.S.
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1994JApA...15..275B 85 6 A VLA 20 and 90 centimetre radio survey of distant Abell clusters with central cD galaxies. BAGCHI J. and KAPAHI V.K.
1995A&A...293..315B 19 35 CO(1-0) observations of the cooling flow galaxy NGC 1275 with the IRAM interferometer. BRAINE J., WYROWSKI F., RADFORD S.J.E., et al.
1995A&A...296..359K 11 5 Dynamics of the Abell 98 cluster and the radio structure of 4C+20.04. KREMPEC-KRYGIER J. and KRYGIER B.
1995A&A...299...34N 3 5 A ROSAT HRI observation of the cooling flow cluster MS0839.9+2938. NESCI R., PEROLA G.C. and WOLTER A.
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1995AJ....109...14O viz 542 80 Optical spectroscopy of radio galaxies in Abell clusters. I. Redshifts and emission-line properties. OWEN F.N., LEDLOW M.J. and KEEL W.C.
1995AJ....109..853L viz 1072 106 A 20 cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. IV. The radio sample and cluster properties. LEDLOW M.J. and OWEN F.N.
1995AJ....110...32O 317 39 Observations of hugh dispersion clusters of galaxies constraints on cold dark matter. OEGERLE W.R., HILL J.M. and FITCHETT M.J.
1995AJ....110.1959L viz 523 63 A 20cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. V. Optical observations and surface photometry. LEDLOW M.J. and OWEN F.N.
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1995ApJ...452..522B 9 4 156 Quantifying the morphologies and dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters. I. The method. BUOTE D.A. and TSAI J.C.
1995ApJS...99..405C 163 22 Far-Infrared emission from Abell clusters. COX C.V., BREGMAN J.N. and SCHOMBERT J.M.
1995MNRAS.273...72W 3 21 282 Einstein Observatory evidence for the widespread baryon overdensity in clusters of galaxies. WHITE D.A. and FABIAN A.C.
1995AN....316..319B 329 4 Compilation of nearby northern Abell clusters (z<0.1) with central dominant galaxies. BAIER F.W. and WIPPER H.
1995BAAS...27Q1408S 4 ~ Microvariability : discrimination by chaos. SADUN A.C. and BOLTWOOD P.
1995PhRvL..74..216B 1 2 11 Constraints on the dwarf star content of dark matter. BOUGHN S.P. and USON J.M.
1996AJ....111...53O 341 51 Optical spectroscopy of radio galaxies in Abell clusters. II. BL Lacs and FR I unification. OWEN F.N., LEDLOW M.J. and KEEL W.C.
1996AJ....112..416H 3 8 83 Star clusters in interacting and cooling flow galaxies. HOLTZMAN J.A., WATSON A.M., MOULD J.R., et al.
1996AJ....112..797S 1 7 32 Accurate sky subtraction of long-slit spectra : velocity dispersions at sigma v=24.0 Mag/ARCSEC. SEMBACH K.R. and TONRY J.L.
1996ApJ...457..565B 5 5 86 X-Ray constraints on the intrinsic shapes and baryon fractions of five Abell clusters. BUOTE D.A. and CANIZARES C.R.
1996ApJ...458...27B 1 59 211 Quantifying the morphologies and dynamical evolution of galaxy clusters. II. Application to a sample of ROSAT clusters. BUOTE D.A. and TSAI J.C.
1996ApJ...460..244Z 7 10 Magnetically uplifted clumps in cooling flow clusters. ZOABI E., SOKER N. and REGEV O.
1996ApJ...461..622H 28 28 A high-resolution ROSAT X-ray study of the Hercules cluster. HUANG Z. and SARAZIN C.L.
1996ApJ...463...80C 12 13 Nonmagnetic and magnetized cooling flow models. CHRISTODOULOU D.M. and SARAZIN C.L.
1996ApJ...468L..13P 2 5 41 WFPC2 observations of the cooling flow elliptical in Abell 1795. PINKNEY J., HOLTZMAN J., GARASI C., et al.
1996ApJ...473..670F 172 264 The observational distribution of internal velocity dispersions in nearby galaxy clusters. FADDA D., GIRARDI M., GIURICIN G., et al.
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1996MNRAS.281.1290B 19 13 B-R colours of globular clusters in NGC 6166 (A 2199). BRIDGES T.J., CARTER D., HARRIS W.E., et al.
1996MNRAS.282...77T 1 4 20 Cosmological implications of galaxy cluster evolution. TSAI J.C. and BUOTE D.A.
1996MNRAS.283.1031N 2 6 40 Probing the dynamics of cluster-lenses. NATARAJAN P. and KNEIB J.-P.
1996AuJPh..49..977S viz 1073 10 A VLA survey of rich clusters of galaxies. III. The weaker sources: maps and identifications. SLEE O.B., ROY A.L. and ANDERNACH H.
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1997A&A...317..350V 14 8 Ca depletion and the presence of dust in large scale nebulosities in radiogalaxies. II. VILLAR-MARTIN M. and BINETTE L.
1997A&A...324..449F 6 9 Alfven heating in optical filaments in cooling flows. FRIACA A.C.S., GONCALVES D.R., JAFELICE L.C., et al.
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1997ApJ...485....1M 1 35 117 Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the nearby clusters A478, A2142, and A2256. MYERS S.T., BAKER J.E., READHEAD A.C.S., et al.
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1997ApJ...491...38M 42 80 An X-ray size-temperature relation for galaxy clusters: observation and simulation. MOHR J.J. and EVRARD A.E.
1997ApJS..108...41O 482 106 A 20 centimeter VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. VII. Detailed radio images. OWEN F.N. and LEDLOW M.J.
1997MNRAS.284..439B 5 2 32 Sensitivity of galaxy cluster morphologies to OMEGA0 and P(k). BUOTE D.A. and XU G.
1997MNRAS.286..583A 1 18 100 The spatial distributions of cooling gas and intrinsic X-ray-absorbing material in cooling flows. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1997MNRAS.292..289E 6 13 268 The intracluster gas fraction in X-ray clusters: constraints on the clustered mass density. EVRARD A.E.
1997MNRAS.292..419W viz 228 427 An investigation of cooling flows and general cluster properties from an X-ray image deprojection analysis of 207 clusters of galaxies. WHITE D.A., JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1997MNRAS.292..920W 14 30 X-ray shapes of distant clusters and blue galaxy fractions. WANG Q.D. and ULMER M.P.
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1998A&A...330..801P 24 19 X-ray structures in galaxy cluster cores. PIERRE M. and STARCK J.-L.
1998A&A...338..813W viz 141 31 Updating the σ-T relationship for galaxy clusters. WU X.-P., FANG L.-Z. and XU W.
1998A&A...339...52L 22 22 On the location of X-ray peaks and dominant galaxies in clusters. LAZZATI D. and CHINCARINI G.
1998AJ....115...26R 92 37 The mount stromlo Abell cluster supernova search. REISS D.J., GERMANY L.M., SCHMIDT B.P., et al.
1998AJ....115.1737K 106 16 The identification of quasars behind elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies. KNEZEK P.M. and BREGMAN J.N.
1998AJ....116...37G 5 14 Amplification of magnetic fields in the centers of cluster cooling flows. GODON P., SOKER N. and WHITE III R.E.
1998AJ....116.1118D 25 20 The faint end of the galaxy luminosity function in Abell 426 and 539. DE PROPRIS R. and PRITCHET C.J.
1998AJ....116.1529H viz 788 20 Dynamics of cD clusters of galaxies. III. Redshift data for 11 Abell clusters. HILL J.M. and OEGERLE W.R.
1998ApJ...496L..79C 8 12 Gravitational lensing in low-redshift clusters of galaxies: the arclike object in Abell 3408 and its lensing interpretation. CAMPUSANO L.E., KNEIB J. and HARDY E.
1998ApJ...498..606S 111 T K                 4 36 X-ray spectral properties of the cluster Abell 2029. SARAZIN C.L., WISE M.W. and MARKEVITCH M.L.
1998ApJ...501..571G 52 151 The slope of the cluster elliptical red sequence: a probe of cluster evolution. GLADDERS M.D., LOPEZ-CRUZ O., YEE H.K.C., et al.
1998ApJ...502..141D 92 1 278 The origin of the brightest cluster galaxies. DUBINSKI J.
1998ApJ...503...77M 4 35 459 The temperature structure of 30 nearby clusters observed with ASCA: similarity of temperature profiles. MARKEVITCH M., FORMAN W.R., SARAZIN C.L., et al.
1998ApJ...504...27M viz 5 35 554 The LX-T relation and temperature function for nearby clusters revisited. MARKEVITCH M.
1998ApJ...505...74G 170 346 Optical mass estimates of galaxy clusters. GIRARDI M., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1998MNRAS.296..579Z 2 4 Dynamics of magnetic flux loops in cooling-flow clusters of galaxies. ZOABI E., SOKER N. and REGEV O.
1998MNRAS.297L..57A 2 32 239 The impact of cooling flows on the Tx-Lbol relation for the most luminous clusters. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1998MNRAS.297L..63A 40 98 The relationship between cooling flows and metallicity measurements for X-ray-luminous clusters. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1998MNRAS.298..416P 2 56 383 A ROSAT study of the cores of clusters of galaxies - I. Cooling flows in an X-ray flux-limited sample. PERES C.B., FABIAN A.C., EDGE A.C., et al.
1998MNRAS.298..977C 38 85 Spectral gradients in central cluster galaxies: further evidence of star formation in cooling flows. CARDIEL N., GORGAS J. and ARAGON-SALAMANCA A.
1998MNRAS.300..967B 1 8 27 Molecular gas in the Perseus cooling flow galaxy, NGC 1275. BRIDGES T.J. and IRWIN J.A.
1998MNRAS.301..881E viz 233 605 The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. The compilation of the sample and the cluster log N-log S distribution. EBELING H., EDGE A.C., BOEHRINGER H., et al.
1998IAUC.6893Q...1G 5 ~ Supernovae 1998bq, 1998br, 1998bs. GERMANY L.
1999A&A...343..420S 1 31 151 Morphology of the Virgo cluster: Gas versus galaxies. SCHINDLER S., BINGGELI B. and BOEHRINGER H.
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1999AJ....117.1985Y 49 85 A quantitative measure of the richness of galaxy clusters. YEE H.K.C. and LOPEZ-CRUZ O.
1999ApJ...510..806A 21 35 Measuring molecular, neutral atomic, and warm ionized galactic gas through X-ray absorption. ARABADJIS J.S. and BREGMAN J.N.
1999ApJ...511...65J viz 1 74 260 Einstein observatory images of clusters of galaxies. JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1999ApJ...517...70R 24 22 Constraining q0 with cluster gas mass fractions: a feasibility study. RINES K., FORMAN W., PEN U., et al.
1999ApJ...517..627M 4 46 555 Properties of the intracluster medium in an ensemble of nearby galaxy clusters. MOHR J.J., MATHIESEN B. and EVRARD A.E.
1999ApJ...519..518I 32 76 Radial temperature profiles of X-ray-emitting gas within clusters of galaxies. IRWIN J.A., BREGMAN J.N. and EVRARD A.E.
1999ApJ...519..533D viz 147 39 ROSAT PSPC observations of the richest (R≥2) ACO clusters. DAVID L.P., FORMAN W. and JONES C.
1999ApJ...520L...5L 49 22 Massive cooling flow clusters inhabit crowded environments. LOKEN C., MELOTT A.L. and MILLER C.J.
1999ApJ...520...78H 1 50 165 Observational tests of the mass-temperature relation for galaxy clusters. HORNER D.J., MUSHOTZKY R.F. and SCHARF C.A.
1999ApJ...524...22W 245 174 The LX-t and LX-σ relationships for galaxy clusters revisited. WU X.-P., XUE Y.-J. and FANG L.-Z.
1999ApJ...525...47V 1 56 175 Outer regions of the cluster gaseous atmospheres. VIKHLININ A., FORMAN W. and JONES C.
1999ApJ...527..545M 2 11 92 Mass profiles of the typical relaxed galaxy clusters A2199 and A496. MARKEVITCH M., VIKHLININ A., FORMAN W.R., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..834E 1 43 207 ROSAT PSPC observations of 36 high-luminosity clusters of galaxies: constraints on the gas fraction. ETTORI S. and FABIAN A.C.
1999MNRAS.306..857C viz 14       D               329 357 The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - III. Optical spectra of the central cluster galaxies. CRAWFORD C.S., ALLEN S.W., EBELING H., et al.
1999MNRAS.307..131C 25 24 Kinematics, abundances and origin of brightest cluster galaxies. CARTER D., BRIDGES T.J. and HAU G.K.T.
2000A&A...361...13A 63 1 Uncertainties on clusters of galaxies distances. ADAMI C. and ULMER M.P.
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2000ApJ...532..694N 2 12 106 The cluster m-t relation from temperature profiles observed with ASCA and ROSAT. NEVALAINEN J., MARKEVITCH M. and FORMAN W.
2000ApJ...534L..43M 9 22 Interaction in Abell 2256: the BeppoSAX view. MOLENDI S., DE GRANDI S. and FUSCO-FEMIANO R.
2000ApJ...534..114M viz 289 82 The RASSCALS: an X-ray and optical study of 260 galaxy groups. MAHDAVI A., BOHRINGER H., GELLER M.J., et al.
2000ApJ...534..565H 2 43 259 Measuring cosmological parameters from the evolution of cluster X-ray temperatures. HENRY J.P.
2000ApJ...536...73N 1 10 30 X-ray total mass estimate for the nearby relaxed cluster A3571. NEVALAINEN J., MARKEVITCH M. and FORMAN W.
2000ApJ...536..144A 22 9 On the internal absorption of galaxy clusters. ARABADJIS J.S. and BREGMAN J.N.
2000ApJ...536..561G 5 5 82 Measuring the diffuse optical light in Abell 1651. GONZALEZ A.H., ZABLUDOFF A.I., ZARITSKY D., et al.
2000ApJ...538..543I 1 14 72 Radial temperature profiles of 11 clusters of galaxies observed with BEPPOSAX. IRWIN J.A. and BREGMAN J.N.
2000ApJ...540..614M 31 20 Mass models and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect predictions for a flux-limited sample of 22 nearby X-ray clusters. MASON B.S. and MYERS S.T.
2000ApJ...542..106T 12 1 36 Detection of the entropy of the intergalactic medium: accretion shocks in clusters, adiabatic cores in groups. TOZZI P., SCHARF C. and NORMAN C.
2000ApJ...542..578W 46 18 On the radial density profile of intracluster gas tracing the isothermal dark halo with a finite core. WU X.-P. and XUE Y.-J.
2000ApJ...544..104C 36 22 Einstein cluster alignments revisited. CHAMBERS S.W., MELOTT A.L. and MILLER C.J.
2000ApJ...544..188F 2 20 157 An ASCA study of the heavy-element distribution in clusters of galaxies. FINOGUENOV A., DAVID L.P. and PONMAN T.J.
2000ApJ...545..141Z 31 12 A comparison of central temperatures of the intracluster gas determined from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements. ZHANG T.-J. and WU X.-P.
2000ApJS..126....1Q viz 14       D               210 2 Photometry of the central regions in a complete sample of high Bautz-Morgan-Type Abell clusters. I. Observations and data calibration. QUINTANA H., INFANTE L., FOUQUE P., et al.
2000ApJS..129..547B viz 14       D               1 1633 94 RBSC-NVSS sample. I. Radio and optical identifications of a complete sample of 1556 bright X-ray sources. BAUER F.E., CONDON J.J., THUAN T.X., et al.
2000MNRAS.311..649S 98 16 The origin of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies. SAKELLIOU I. and MERRIFIELD M.R.
2000MNRAS.312..663W 107 221 Deconvolution of ASCA X-ray data - II. Radial temperature and metallicity profiles for 106 galaxy clusters. WHITE D.A.
2000MNRAS.315..269A 37 108 The properties of cooling flows in X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies. ALLEN S.W.
2000MNRAS.318..715X 35 22 Properties of the double β model for intracluster gas. XUE Y.-J. and WU X.-P.
2000MNRAS.318..733S 35 12 X-ray colour maps of the cores of galaxy clusters. SANDERS J.S., FABIAN A.C. and ALLEN S.W.
2000AN....321....1S viz 14       D               2101 219 The ROSAT Bright Survey: II. Catalogue of all high-galactic latitude RASS sources with PSPC countrate CR > 0.2/s. SCHWOPE A.D., HASINGER G., LEHMANN I., et al.
2000NewAR..44..355F 4 0 Massive stars and the intergalactic medium. FINOGUENOV A., ARNAUD M., DAVID L.P., et al.
2001A&A...368..749F 2 40 317 Details of the mass-temperature relation for clusters of galaxies. FINOGUENOV A., REIPRICH T.H. and BOEHRINGER H.
2001A&A...369..459N 9 13 Temperature and total mass profiles of the A3571 cluster of galaxies. NEVALAINEN J., KAASTRA J., PARMAR A.N., et al.
2001A&A...378..408S 2 25 160 A systematic study of X-ray substructure of galaxy clusters detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. SCHUECKER P., BOEHRINGER H., REIPRICH T.H., et al.
2001AJ....122.2222E viz 1468 148 Optical and X-ray clusters as tracers of the supercluster-void network. I. Superclusters of Abell and X-ray clusters. EINASTO M., EINASTO J., TAGO E., et al.
2001AJ....122.2858O 1 26 138 Dynamics of cD clusters of galaxies. IV. Conclusion of a survey of 25 Abell clusters. OEGERLE W.R. and HILL J.M.
2001ApJ...546..150I 19 36 Iron abundance profiles of 12 clusters of galaxies observed with BeppoSAX. IRWIN J.A. and BREGMAN J.N.
2001ApJ...551..153D 3 22 233 Metallicity gradients in X-ray clusters of galaxies. DE GRANDI S. and MOLENDI S.
2001ApJ...553L..15B 3 19 174 On the origin of radio halos in galaxy clusters. BUOTE D.A.
2001ApJ...553...78X 23 57 The mass-temperature relation of 22 nearby clusters. XU H., JIN G. and WU X.-P.
2001ApJ...554L.129M viz 364 78 The LX-σ relation for galaxies and clusters of galaxies. MAHDAVI A. and GELLER M.J.
2001ApJ...555..191F 1 23 111 Temperature and heavy-element abundance profiles of cool clusters of galaxies from ASCA. FINOGUENOV A., ARNAUD M. and DAVID L.P.
2001ApJ...562...24C 17 41 Neutralinos and the origin of radio halos in clusters of galaxies. COLAFRANCESCO S. and MELE B.
2001MNRAS.322..187E 11 32 BeppoSAX observations of three distant, highly luminous clusters of galaxies: RX J1347-1145, Zwicky 3146 and Abell 2390. ETTORI S., ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
2001MNRAS.324..443J 1 12 37 Infrared spectra of cooling flow galaxies. JAFFE W., BREMER M.N. and VAN DER WERF P.P.
2001MNRAS.325...77P 73 178 Power-spectrum normalization from the local abundance of rich clusters of galaxies. PIERPAOLI E., SCOTT D. and WHITE M.
2001ARep...45..173Z 55 0 Peculiarities of the radio emission of very rich Abell clusters. ZHURAVLEV V.I. and FETISOVA T.S.
2001RMxAC..11..183L 12 8 Photometric properties of low-redshift galaxy clusters. LOPEZ-CRUZ O.
2001NewAR..45..329D 13 2 The Sunyaev-Zeldovich MITO project. D'ALBA L., MELCHIORRI F., DE PETRIS M., et al.
2002A&A...383..773I 109 178 A new measurement of the X-ray temperature function of clusters of galaxies. IKEBE Y., REIPRICH T.H., BOEHRINGER H., et al.
2002A&A...391..841E 2 23 140 Gravitating mass profiles of nearby galaxy clusters and relations with X-ray gas temperature, luminosity and mass. ETTORI S., DE GRANDI S. and MOLENDI S.
2002AJ....124.1918M viz 2213 10 The MX northern Abell cluster survey II: the Abell/ACO cluster redshifts and spatial analyses. MILLER C.J., KRUGHOFF K.S., BATUSKI D.J., et al.
2002ApJ...567..163D 2 26 215 Temperature profiles of nearby clusters of galaxies. DE GRANDI S. and MOLENDI S.
2002ApJ...567..202E 1 21 110 Magnetic fields in cluster cores: Faraday rotation in A400 and A2634. EILEK J.A. and OWEN F.N.
2002ApJ...567..716R 2 107 888 The mass function of an X-ray flux-limited sample of galaxy clusters. REIPRICH T.H. and BOHRINGER H.
2002ApJ...567..762M 20 6 Nonthermal X-ray emission: an alternative to cluster cooling flows. McCARTHY I.G., WEST M.J. and WELCH G.A.
2002ApJ...569..720G viz 284 69 Observational mass-to-light ratio of galaxy systems from poor groups to rich clusters. GIRARDI M., MANZATO P., MEZZETTI M., et al.
2002ApJ...573L..13L 117 T K                 2 47 Chandra observations of
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2002ApJ...575..779F 1 19 99 Deep CCD surface photometry of galaxy clusters. I. Methods and initial studies of intracluster starlight. FELDMEIER J.J., MIHOS J.C., MORRISON H.L., et al.
2002ApJ...576..688B 44 45 The soft X-ray emission in a large sample of galaxy clusters with the ROSAT position sensitive proportional counter. BONAMENTE M., LIEU R., JOY M.K., et al.
2002ApJ...576..720K 5 6 95 Determination of the dark matter profile of A2199 from integrated starlight. KELSON D.D., ZABLUDOFF A.I., WILLIAMS K.A., et al.
2002ApJ...578L.107V 1 38 144 Evolution of the cluster X-ray scaling relations since z > 0.4. VIKHLININ A., VAN SPEYBROECK L., MARKEVITCH M., et al.
2002MNRAS.332L..50F 1 18 67 The missing soft X-ray luminosity in cluster cooling flows. FABIAN A.C., ALLEN S.W., CRAWFORD C.S., et al.
2002MNRAS.334..769T 34 101 Magnetic fields in the Centaurus cluster. TAYLOR G.B., FABIAN A.C. and ALLEN S.W.
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2002ARA&A..40..319C 7 30 632 Cluster magnetic fields. CARILLI C.L. and TAYLOR G.B.
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2007ARA&A..45..117M 28 20 1120 Heating hot atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei. McNAMARA B.R. and NULSEN P.E.J.
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2008MNRAS.387.1470A 204       D     X C F     4 30 80 X-ray group and cluster mass profiles in MOND: unexplained mass on the group scale. ANGUS G.W., FAMAEY B. and BUOTE D.A.
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2009MNRAS.395..764S 130       D     X         4 28 72 A statistically selected Chandra sample of 20 galaxy clusters - II. Gas properties and cool core/non-cool core bimodality. SANDERSON A.J.R., O'SULLIVAN E. and PONMAN T.J.
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