4C -02.55 , the SIMBAD biblio

4C -02.55 , the SIMBAD biblio (436 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:31:03

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Title First 3 Authors
1966ApJ...145..951B 12 30 Radio and optical data on twelve quasi-stellar objects. BOLTON J.G. and KINMAN T.D.
1966AuJPh..19..649S 642 54 Accurate positions of 644 radio sources. SHIMMINS A.J., CLARKE M.E. and EKERS R.D.
1966AuJPh..19..837S 631 90 The Parkes catalogue of radio sources. Declination zone 0 to -20. SHIMMINS A.J., DAY G.A., EKERS R.D., et al.
1967ApJ...149L..17A 14 17 Polarimetric observations of 14 quasi-stellar objects. APPENZELLER I. and HILTNER W.A.
1968AJ.....73..298K 640 89 Measurements of the flux density of discrete radio sources at centimeter wawelengths. I. Observations at 2695 MHz. (11.3cm). KELLERMANN K.I., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and TYLER W.C.
1968AJ.....73..953P 507 86 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete sources at centimeter wavelengths. II. The observations at 5 GHz (6cm). PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1968MmSAI..39..421B 21 9 Optical monitoring of quasi stellar objects at the Observatory of Asiago. BARBIERI C. and ERCULIANI ABATI L.
1970AJ.....75..351E 4213 76 The Ohio Survey between 0 and -36 degrees. EHMAN J.R., DIXON R.S. and KRAUS J.D.
1971ApJ...164..237M 78 48 The radio structures of seventy-nine quasi-stellar objects. MacDONALD G.H. and MILEY G.K.
1971MNRAS.152..277H 78 69 Optical positions for 87 identified radio sources. HUNSTEAD R.W.
1971MNRAS.152..477M 128 206 The radio structure of quasars - A statistical investigation. MILEY G.K.
1971PASP...83..611D 202 88 A catalogue of quasars. DE VENY J.B., OSBORN W.H. and JANES K.
1971AuJPA..19....1W 797 63 The Parkes 2700 MHz survey catalogues for the ±4 declination zone and for selected regions. WALL J.V., SHIMMINS A.J. and MERKELIJN J.K.
1972AJ.....77..405B viz 574 259 Flux densities, positions, and structures for a complete sample of intense radio sources at 1400 MHz. BRIDLE A.H., DAVIS M.M. and FOMALONT E.B.
1972MNRAS.156..275K 62 37 The polarization of radio sources with appreciable redshift. KRONBERG P.P., CONWAY R.G. and GILBERT J.A.
1973AJ.....78..828K 501 88 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. IV. The observations at 10.7 GHz (2.8 cm). KELLERMANN K.I. and PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K.
1973PASP...85..162A 347 6 A list of quasi-stellar radio sources and quasi-stellar radio-source candidates from the 3C and 4C catalogs between declination -7 deg and +40 deg. AGNEW D. and ARP H.
1973Obs....93..229B 24 10 Effect of the availability of search lines on the distribution of absorption-line redshifts of QSOs. BASU D.
1974PASP...86..873G 93 55 The degree of optical variability of quasi-stellar objects. GRANDI S.A. and TIFFT W.G.
1975AJ.....80....1K 178 23 Radio spectra and red shifts of 179 QSOs. KRAUS J.D. and GEARHART M.R.
1975MmRAS..80....1M 340 68 Accurate positions and identifications for a complete sample of 341 radio sources from the Parkes ± 4 degres survey. McEWAN N.J., BROWNE I.W.A. and CROWTHER J.H.
1975MmSAI..46..461B 493 7 Catalogue of quasi-stellar-objects. BARBIERI C., CAPACCIOLI M. and ZAMBON M.
1976AJ.....81....7S 63 40 Optical behavior of 64 extragalactic radio sources. SCOTT R.L., LEACOCK R.J., McGIMSEY B.Q., et al.
1976AJ.....81..574P 412 12 Radio two-color diagram for QSOs, spiral galaxies, and BL Lac objets. PACHT E.
1976MNRAS.176..275B 101 30 The radio structure of a sample of 101 quasars from the Parkes ±4 degres survey. BENTLEY M., HAVES P., SPENCER R.E., et al.
1977A&AS...27..205S 398 12 A comprehensive catalogue of quasi-stellar objects. SMITH-HAENNI A.L.
1977AJ.....82...21B 456 21 Variability of extragalactic sources at 2.7 GHz II. Flux densities of 550 sources and further evidence for variations. BRIDLE A.H., KESTEVEN M.J.L. and BRANDIE G.W.
1977ApJ...213..619W 17 35 A spectroscopic study of selected quasars with zabs > zems. WEYMANN R.J., WILLIAMS R.E., BEAVER E.A., et al.
1977ApJ...218....1B 10 49 Observations of Fe II and Mg II absorption in QSOs with Zabs ≪Zem. BURBIDGE E.M., SMITH H.E., WEYMANN R.J., et al.
1978A&AS...34..129M 124 120 Radio intensity and polarization distributions of quasars at three frequencies. MILEY G.K. and HARTSUIJKER A.P.
1978ApJ...226...21P 7 17 Absorption lines in the spectra of low-redshift Quasi-Stellar Objects. PETERSON B.M. and STRITTMATTER P.A.
1978ApJ...226..603W 1 7 36 An attempt to detect faint objects near quasi-stellar objects with low-redshift absorption systems. WEYMANN R.J., BOROSON T.A., PETERSON B.M., et al.
1978PASP...90..337P 122 60 Absorption in the spectra of Quasi-Stellar Objects and BL Lacertae objects. PERRY J.J., BURBIDGE E.M. and BURBIDGE G.R.
1979AJ.....84..699W 3 4 75 Detection of 21-cm absorption at z=1.8 in the quasi-stellar object 1331+170. WOLFE A.M. and DAVIS M.M.
1979ApJ...230L...1B 72 T                   1 24 21 centimeter absorption at z=0.395 in the quasar 1229-021. BROWN R.L. and SPENCER R.E.
1979ApJS...39..291W 129 58 Radio studies of complete samples of QSOs from the 4C and Parkes catalogs. WILLS D.
1980AJ.....85.1442P 105 93 Long-term optical behavior of 114 extragalactic sources. PICA A.J., POLLOCK J.T., SMITH A.G., et al.
1981A&A....98..300T 108 15 A study of galactic absorption as revealed by the reddenings of quasars. TEERIKORPI P.
1981A&A....98..309T 44 8 On the Hubble diagram for quasars as a corrected for galactic absorption: evidence for a separate class of the most luminous quasars. TEERIKORPI P.
1981ApJS...46..239S 266 23 Linear polarization of extragalactic radio sources at 3.71 and 11.1 centimeters. SIMARD-NORMANDIN M., KRONBERG P.P. and BUTTON S.
1981Ap&SS..74..409B viz 325 18 Decametric survey of discrete sources. VII. Source catalogue in the range of declination -2 to -13. BRAUDE S.Y., MIROSHNITCHENKO A.P., SOKOLOV K.P., et al.
1981Ap&SS..76..279B 147 6 Decametric survey of discrete sources. VIII. Spectra of discrete sources in the range 12.6 to 1400 MHz for declinations -2 to -13. BRAUDE S.Y., MIROSHNITCHENKO A.P., SOKOLOV K.P., et al.
1983AJ.....88..709H 343 145 Are wide-angle radio-tail QSOs members of clusters of galaxies ? I. VLA maps at 20 cm of 117 radio quasars. HINTZEN P., ULVESTAD J. and OWEN F.
1983ApJ...264...87B 11 34 21 centimeter H I absorption at z = 0.437 against the extended radio structure of 3C 196. BROWN R.L. and MITCHELL K.J.
1983ApJ...268...76B 1 19 117 The incidence of 21 centimeter absorption in QSO redshift systems selected for Mg II absorption: evidence for a two-phase nature of the absorbing gas. BRIGGS F.H. and WOLFE A.M.
1983ApJ...269..387P 102 15 A statistical VLBI study of milli-arcsecond cores in extragalactic radio sources. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1983ApJ...272...11P 131 88 Optical variability, absolute luminosity, and the Hubble diagram for QSOs. PICA A.J. and SMITH A.G.
1983PASAu...5....2W 293 86 An atlas of QSO spectra. WILKES B.J., WRIGHT A.E., JAUNCEY D.L., et al.
1984A&A...131...81M 221 5 One more sample supporting the cosmological evolution of flat-spectrum quasars. MAVRIDES S. and MUTUS H.
1984A&A...133..374B 63 39 The evolution and origin of the sharp metal-rich absorption lines in QSO spectra. BERGERON J. and BOISSE P.
1984AJ.....89..336W 298 21 Very long baseline interferometry observations of 257 extragalactic radio sources in the ecliptic region. WEHRLE A.E., MORABITO D.D. and PRESTON R.A.
1984AJ.....89.1275E 52 15 Alternating ejection in radio-loud quasars ? ENSMAN L.M. and ULVESTAD J.S.
1984ApJ...279...19W 125 82 The rotation measure distribution of QSOs and of intervening clouds: magnetic fields and column densities. WELTER G.L., PERRY J.J. and KRONBERG P.P.
1984ApJ...279..465M 240 160 A comparison of the properties of highly polarized QSOs versus low-polarization QSOs. MOORE R.L. and STOCKMAN H.S.
1984ApJ...279..485S 142 147 The optical polarization properties of "normal" quasars. STOCKMAN H.S., MOORE R.L. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1984MNRAS.209..697L 37 68 Optical monitoring of radio sources. LLOYD C.
1984PASAu...5..510W 68 2 On the variability of some Parkes radio sources. WRIGHT A.E.
1985A&A...145..479D 12 3 A search for HI and OH absorption in high redshift quasars. DA WAARD G.J., STROM R.G. and MILEY G.K.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985ApJ...293..387B 75 T                   1 1 33 Magnesium, iron and calcium in the z=0.39498 21-centimeter absorber of
PKS 1229-021.
1985MNRAS.217..601P 42 107 The high-redshift evolution of radio galaxies and quasars. PEACOCK J.A.
1986MNRAS.218..331W 201 174 Studies of broad emission line profiles in QSOs - II. Properties of a large, predominantly radio selected sample. WILKES B.J.
1986MNRAS.220....1S 67 18 Absorption lines and the radio structure of quasars. SWARUP G., SAIKIA D.J., BELTRAMETTI M., et al.
1986Afz....24..320K 6 0 Possible role of dwarf galaxies and globular clusters in forming the L alpha and 21cm absorption lines in the spectra of distant QSO. KOMBERG B.V.
1986Ap&SS.118..473C 31 0 QSO absorption lines (invited rewiew). CHEN J.-S.
1987A&A...180....1B 1 6 39 Comprehensive study of the QSO-galaxy pair 1327-206 and the extent of low ionization galactic haloes. BERGERON J., D'ODORICO S. and KUNTH D.
1987Ap&SS.134...35Y 315 2 The spectral properties of quasars. YU K.N.
1988A&A...191..193B 6 13 A 21 cm study of some QSO/galaxy pairs. BOISSE P., DICKEY J.M., KAZES I., et al.
1988A&AS...75..317S 296 145 Millimeter continuum measurements of extragalactic radio sources. STEPPE H., SALTER C.J., CHINI R., et al.
1988AJ.....96.1215P 144 137 Long-term optical behavior of 144 compact extragalactic objects: 1969-1988. PICA A.J., SMITH A.G., WEBB J.R., et al.
1988MNRAS.233...87S 462 50 Cosmic evolution of the physical sizes of extragalactic radio sources and their luminosity-size correlation. SINGAL A.K.
1988Ap&SS.141..303B 677 71 Catalogue of unambiguous (Faraday-thin, one-component, spectrum-selected) rotation measures for galaxies and quasars. BROTEN N.W., MacLEOD J.M. and VALLEE J.P.
1989ApJ...338..630B 112 148 Emission-line properties of optically and radio-selected complete quasar samples. BALDWIN J.A., WAMPLER E.J. and GASKELL C.M.
1989ApJS...69....1H 1594 191 The first addition to the new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1989Ap&SS.155...19T 27 4 Reddenings of quasars vs PSA counts at high galactic latitudes. TEERIKORPI P. and KOTILAINEN J.
1990A&A...236..291B 19 14 An optical study of the z = 0.437 21-cm absorber in front of 3C 196. BOISSE P. and BOULADE O.
1990A&A...239...33A 363 65 Periodicity of quasar redshifts. ARP H., BI H.G., CHU Y., et al.
1990ApJ...357..321L 1 13 78 Intermediate-redshift galaxy halos: results from QSO absorption lines. LANZETTA K.M. and BOWEN D.
1991A&A...243..344B 3 34 450 A sample of galaxies giving rise to Mg II quasar absorption systems. BERGERON J. and BOISSE P.
1991AJ....101.1121H 442 69 The Large, Bright QSO Survey. III. QSOs in six equatorial fields. HEWETT P.C., FOLTZ C.B., CHAFFEE F.H., et al.
1991ApJ...379...19W 132 14 Superclustering at high redshifts. WEST M.J.
1991ApJS...77..203J viz 633 60 A catalog of absorption in the spectra of quasi-stellar objects. JUNKKARINEN V., HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1991MNRAS.248...58W 46 14 QSO absorption lines and rotation measures. WATSON A.M. and PERRY J.J.
1991MNRAS.250...24Y 262 53 An inhomogeneous reference catalogue of identified intervening heavy element systems in spectra of QSOs. YORK D.G., YANNY B., CROTTS A., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..330W viz 1195 35 Flux densities at 8400 MHz for a large sample of radiosources. WRIGHT A.E., WARK R.M., TROUP E., et al.
1991MNRAS.251..649B 147 35 Interstellar Ca II in the galactic halo and in QSO absorption systems. BOWEN D.V.
1992A&A...261...18H 31 14 The radio structure of extended quasars. I. A VLBI survey of the nuclear emission. HOOIMEYER J.R.A., BARTHEL P.D., SCHILIZZI R.T., et al.
1992ApJ...387..528K 111 T K                 7 161 Discovery of extended Faraday rotation compatible with spiral structure in an intervening galaxy at z = 0.395: new observations of
PKS 1229-021.
1992ApJ...388...17W 9 4 152 Magnetic fields in damped Ly-alpha systems. WOLFE A.M., LANZETTA K.M. and OREN A.L.
1992ApJ...391...48L 42   K                 4 114 The kinematics of intermediate-redshift gaseous galaxy halos. LANZETTA K.M. and BOWEN D.V.
1992ApJ...391..560V 124 78 Radio properties of optically selected quasars. VISNOVSKY K.L., IMPEY C.D., FOLTZ C.B., et al.
1992ApJ...396...20B 25 45 Mg II absorption by previously know galaxies at z 0.5. BECHTOLD J. and ELLINGSON E.
1992ApJ...398..454W 267 218 A survey for high optical polarization in quasars with core-dominant radio structure: is there a beamed optical continuum ? WILLS B.J., WILLS D., BREGER M., et al.
1992PASP..104..835L 1 3 The spatial and kinematic structure of QSO metal-line absorption systems. LANZETTA K.M.
1992NewSc1814...24C 2 0 Distant galaxy upsets magnetic theory. COUPER H.
1993ApJ...406..407P 1 6 27 Magnetic field strengths in high-reshift galaxies : can the galactic dynamo be tested ? PERRY J.J., WATSON A.M. and KRONBERG P.P.
1993ApJ...413..453N viz 541 81 On the redshift-apparent size diagram of double radio sources. NILSSON K., VALTONEN M.J., KOTILAINEN J., et al.
1993ApJS...87..451H viz 14       D               7278 328 A revised and updated catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1993AZh....70..667V 4 1 A search for molecular lines in the direction of quasars. VAL'TTS I.E., KHERSONSKIJ V.K., SLYSH V.I., et al.
1993PASAu..10..310D viz 526 21 A survey of 526 southern flat-spectrum radio sources with the Parkes-Tidbinbilla interferometer DUNCAN R.A., WHITE G.L., WARK R., et al.
1994A&AS..105..211S viz 527 137 The optical identification status of the 1 Jy radio source catalogue. STICKEL M., MEISENHEIMER K. and KUEHR H.
1994AJ....107..461B 272 24 Hubble Space Telescope faint object spectrograph quasar absorption system snapshot survey (ABSNAP). I. Astrometric optical positions and finding charts of 269 bright QSOs. BOWEN D.V., OSMER S.J., BLADES J.C., et al.
1994AJ....108.2046S 2 10 92 Imaging of two damped Lyman alpha absorbers at intermediate redshifts. STEIDEL C.C., PETTINI M., DICKINSON M., et al.
1994ApJS...92...53W viz 515 204 The Einstein database of IPC X-ray observations of optically selected and radio-selected quasars. I. WILKES B.J., TANANBAUM H., WORRALL D.M., et al.
1994ApJS...93....1A 56 83 Mg II absorption in a sample of 56 steep-spectrum quasars. ALDCROFT T.L., BECHTOLD J. and ELVIS M.
1994BAAS...26.1330C 71 T                   1 ~ Observations of the 21 cm absorber PKS 1229-021. COHEN R.D., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1510W 2 ~ CO emission from low-redshift QSO absorption line systems. WALKER C.E., BECHTOLD J. and BLACK J.H.
1995A&A...299..382W 2 15 142 CO, HCO+ and HCN absorption in the gravitational lens candidate B0218+357 at z =0.685. WIKLIND T. and COMBES F.
1995AJ....109.1498H viz 1055 309 The Large Bright Quasar Survey. VI. Quasar catalog and survey parameters. HEWETT P.C., FOLTZ C.B. and CHAFFEE F.H.
1995ApJ...439...90M 205 55 Active galaxies observed during the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer all-sky survey. MARSHALL H.L., FRUSCIONE A. and CARONE T.E.
1995ApJ...440..435L 239 354 The IUE survey for damped Lyman-alpha and Lyman-limit absorption systems: evolution of the gaseous content of the universe. LANZETTA K.M., WOLFE A.M. and TURNSHEK D.A.
1995ApJ...440..525V 2 42 456 High-energy gamma-ray emission from active galaxies: EGRET observations and their implications. VON MONTIGNY C., BERTSCH D.L., CHIANG J., et al.
1995ApJ...445...62H viz 256 90 Radio properties of optically selected quasars. HOOPER E.J., IMPEY C.D., FOLTZ C.B., et al.
1995ApJ...447..103D 66 102 Two classes of gamma-ray emitting active galactic nuclei. DERMER C.D. and GEHRELS N.
1995ApJ...449..488R 40 52 The incidence of damped Ly-alpha systems in the redshift interval 0 < z < 4. RAO S.M., TURNSHEK D.A. and BRIGGS F.H.
1995ApJ...452..156C 41 80 The evolution of gamma-ray loud active galactic nuclei. CHIANG J., FICHTEL C.E., VON MONTIGNY C., et al.
1995ApJ...454..698W 278 267 The large bright QSO survey for damped Ly-alpha absorption systems. WOLFE A.M., LANZETTA K.M., FOLTZ C.B., et al.
1995ApJS...97..347G viz 4381 198 The Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) Surveys. VI. Source Catalog for the Equatorial Survey (-9.5 deg < Dec. < +10.0 deg) GRIFFITH M.R., WRIGHT A.E., BURKE B.F., et al.
1995ApJS..101..259T viz 163 463 The second EGRET catalog of high-energy gamma-ray sources. THOMPSON D.J., BERTSCH D.L., DINGUS B.L., et al.
1995MNRAS.273..583D 1 45 319 Gamma-ray-loud blazars and beaming. DONDI L. and GHISELLINI G.
1995AuJPh..48..143S viz 2214 69 Radio sources observed with the Culgoora circular array. SLEE O.B.
1995Rech..276..500B 9 0 Les quasars, filtres de l'univers. BOISSE P. and PETITJEAN P.
1996A&A...309....9B 123 37 The reality of anomalous redshifts in the spectra of some QSOs and its implications. BURBIDGE G.
1996A&A...313L..25P 2 2 16 A damped Lyα candidate at z∼0.1 towards Q0439-433. PETITJEAN P., THEODORE B., SMETTE A., et al.
1996AJ....112...62T viz 227 6 A study of quasar absorption-line systems with IRAS. TANNER A.M., BECHTOLD J., WALKER C.E., et al.
1996ApJ...456..132C 7 13 A 21 centimeter absorber identified with a spiral galaxy: Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph and Wide-Field Camera observations of 3CR 196. COHEN R.D., BEAVER E.A., DIPLAS A., et al.
1996ApJ...461..396M 33 10 1010 The likelihood analysis of EGRET data. MATTOX J.R., BERTSCH D.L., CHIANG J., et al.
1996ApJ...464..628S 1 28 123 EGRET observations of the North Galactic Pole region. SREEKUMAR P., BERTSCH D.L., DINGUS B.L., et al.
1996ApJ...469..572C 34 8 A search for ultrahigh-energy gamma rays from EGRET-detected active galactic nuclei using CASA-MIA. CATANESE M., BORIONE A., COVAULT C.E., et al.
1996ApJ...473..152P 69 15 Spectral diagnostics of blazar central engines. I. Observational implications. PUNSLY B.
1996ApJ...473..746H 111 36 The radio properties of optically selected quasars. III. Comparison between optical and X-ray selected samples. HOOPER E.J., IMPEY C.D., FOLTZ C.B., et al.
1996ApJ...473..763M 131 99 Variability of CGRO/EGRET gamma-ray sources. McLAUGHLIN M.A., MATTOX J.R., CORDES J.M., et al.
1997A&A...319..757H viz 124 22 Beamed radio and far infrared emission in quasars and radio galaxies. HOEKSTRA H., BARTHEL P.D. and HES R.
1997A&A...321..733L 7 12 272 The nature of intermediate-redshift damped Lyα absorbers. LE BRUN V., BERGERON J., BOISSE P., et al.
1997A&A...325...19C 46 1 A statistical method of testing the gamma ray emission mechanisms of blazars. CHI X. and YOUNG E.C.M.
1997A&A...326...51P 44 27 A spectral study of gamma-ray emitting active galactic nuclei. POHL M., HARTMAN R.C., JONES B.B., et al.
1997A&AS..121..119V viz 55 117 Optical photometric monitoring of γ-ray loud blazars. I. Observations from November 1994 to November 1995. VILLATA M., RAITERI C.M., GHISELLINI G., et al.
1997AJ....114..544P 85 10 The statistical significance of quasar identifications of EGRET sources. PUNSLY B.
1997ApJ...480..534C 53 103 On the soft X-ray spectra of γ-loud blazars. COMASTRI A., FOSSATI G., GHISELLINI G., et al.
1997ApJ...481...95M viz 127 181 The idenfication of EGRET sources with flat-spectrum radio sources. MATTOX J.R., SCHACHTER J., MOLNAR L., et al.
1997ApJ...484..118B 52 46 A dramatic millimeter wavelength flare in the gamma-ray blazar NRAO 530. BOWER G.C., BACKER D.C., WRIGHT M., et al.
1997ApJ...486..665P 6 18 343 The metallicity of high-redshift galaxies: the abundance of zinc in 34 damped Lyα systems from z = 0.7 to 3.4. PETTINI M., SMITH L.J., KING D.L., et al.
1997ApJ...490..116M 1 51 250 EGRET observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from blazars: an update. MUKHERJEE R., BERTSCH D.L., BLOOM S.D., et al.
1997MNRAS.284...85D viz 323 159 The Parkes half-jansky flat-spectrum sample. DRINKWATER M.J., WEBSTER R.L., FRANCIS P.J., et al.
1997Ap&SS.249..303R 6 0 Evidence for an extended extragalactic gamma ray source. RADECKE H.-D.
1997FCPh...18..273L 11 15 On the origin and evolution of Galactic magnetic fields. LESCH H. and CHIBA M.
1997Natur.385..131Z 6 11 215 Magnetic fields in galaxies and beyond. ZWEIBEL E.G. and HEILES C.
1998A&A...333..841B 5 13 197 A HST spectroscopic study of QSOs with intermediate redshift damped Lyα systems. BOISSE P., LE BRUN V., BERGERON J., et al.
1998A&A...338...27F 44 38 Correlation between the γ-ray and the radio emissions. FAN J.H., ADAM G., XIE G.Z., et al.
1998A&A...340..381L 9 3 Discovery of a z=0.808 damped Lyα system candidate in a UV selected quasar spectrum. LE BRUN V., VITON M. and MILLIARD B.
1998A&AS..127..445R viz 27 45 Optical photometric monitoring of γ-ray loud blazars. II. Observations from November 1995 to June 1996. RAITERI C.M., GHISELLINI G., VILLATA M., et al.
1998A&AS..131...11R viz 53 10 Flux density monitoring of radio sources with detected or supposed γ-ray emission. REICH W., REICH P., POHL M., et al.
1998A&AS..132...31N viz 613 24 Kinematical models of double radio sources and the unified scheme. II. The database. NILSSON K.
1998A&AS..132..305T viz 157 248 Fifteen years monitoring of extragalactic radio sources at 22, 37 and 87 GHz. TERAESRANTA H., TORNIKOSKI M., MUJUNEN A., et al.
1998AJ....115..451S 9 1 Hubble space telescope spectra of 3C 279: a Lyman limit system at low redshift. STOCKE J.T., PENTON S., HARVANEK M., et al.
1998MNRAS.299..433F 2 155 1108 A unifying view of the spectral energy distributions of blazars. FOSSATI G., MARASCHI L., CELOTTI A., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..261S 344 34 X-ray properties of the Parkes sample of flat-spectrum radio sources: dust in radio-loud quasars? SIEBERT J., BRINKMANN W., DRINKWATER M.J., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..451G 5 49 831 A theoretical unifying scheme for gamma-ray bright blazars. GHISELLINI G., CELOTTI A., FOSSATI G., et al.
1998PASP..110..223T 201 6 Astrophysics in 1997. (Review paper). TRIMBLE V. and McFADDEN L.A.
1998ExA.....8..187K 30 1 AGN detection ranges of MACE and TACTIC imaging gamma-ray telescopes. KAUL C.L., SHANTHI K., BHAT C.L., et al.
1998PABei..16..117S 363 0 Progress in space VLBI science. SHEN Z.-Q.
1999A&A...341..709L viz 1 7 37 Chemically consistent evolution of galaxies. Spiral galaxy models compared to DLA systems. LINDNER U., FRITZE-v.ALVENSLEBEN U. and FRICKE K.J.
1999A&A...351..841M 9 3 Comparison of the redshift evolution of dLyα absorbers with predictions from models for the viscous evolution of the Galactic disk. MEUSINGER H. and THON R.
1999AJ....118..613N 40 13 Quasar-galaxy correlations: a search for amplification bias. NORMAN D.J. and IMPEY C.D.
1999ApJ...510..576P 14 6 264 Metal abundances at z<1.5: fresh clues to the chemical enrichment history of damped Lyα systems. PETTINI M., ELLISON S.L., STEIDEL C.C., et al.
1999ApJ...511..612G viz 119 69 A comparison of the optical properties of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars. GOLDSCHMIDT P., KUKULA M.J., MILLER L., et al.
1999ApJS..123...79H viz 1 291 1709 The third EGRET catalog of high-energy gamma-ray sources. HARTMAN R.C., BERTSCH D.L., BLOOM S.D., et al.
1999MNRAS.307..802C 197 68 Correlation between radio and broad-line emission in radio-loud quasars. CAO X. and JIANG D.R.
1999AcApS..19..151F 42 0 Hubble diagram for gamma-ray loud AGNs. FAN J.-H. and ZHANG L.
1999AcApS..19..251C 35 3 Multiwavelength radiation spectra of blazars: beaming effect and intrinsic spectrum. CHENG K.S., ZHANG L. and FAN J.-H.
1999ChA&A..23..143W 34 1 The radio properties of a sample of optically selected radio-loud quasars. WU J.-H., YUAN Q.-R., ZHU Z.-H., et al.
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