3C 277.3 , the SIMBAD biblio

3C 277.3 , the SIMBAD biblio (368 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST11:06:49

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Title First 3 Authors
1962ApJS....7..141M 172 83 Brightness distribution in discrete radio sources. III. The structure of the sources. MALTBY P. and MOFFET A.T.
1963AJ.....68..421G 42 115 Positions of optical objects in the fields of 42 radio sources. GRIFFIN R.F.
1963MNRAS.125..261C 161 230 The radio frequency spectra of discrete radio sources. CONWAY R.G., KELLERMANN K.I. and LONG R.J.
1963MmRAS..68..163B 331 ~ The revised 3C catalogue of radio sources. BENNETT A.S.
1964AJ.....69..772F 42 24 Accurate right ascencions for 226 radio sources. FOMALONT E.B., MATTHEWS T.A., MORRIS D., et al.
1964ApJ...140..969K 241 162 The spectra of non-thermal radio sources. KELLERMANN K.I.
1965AJ.....70..120W 18 13 Further accurate declinations of radio sources. WYNDHAM J.D. and READ R.B.
1965ApJ...142.1156E 118 48 The spectra of radio sources at decametric wavelengths. ERICKSON W.C. and CRONYN W.M.
1966ApJ...144..459W 329 283 Optical identification of radio sources in the 3C revised catalogue. WYNDHAM J.D.
1966ApJ...145...21C 194 62 Radio-source fringe visibilities with an interferometer of 21500-wavelength base line. CLARK B.G. and HOGG D.E.
1966ApJS...13...65P viz 736 224 Positions and flux densities of radio sources. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., WADE C.M. and HEESCHEN D.S.
1966MNRAS.134..371L 262 52 The radio spectra of sources in the fourth Cambridge catalogue. LONG R.J., SMITH M.A., STEWART P., et al.
1967ApJ...150..767C 135 91 New limits on the diameters of radio sources. COHEN M.H., GUNDERMANN E.J. and HARRIS D.E.
1967MNRAS.135..361S 195 13 Further radio studies of sources in the fourth Cambridge catalogue. STEWART P. and LONG R.J.
1968AJ.....73..135G 627 132 Survey of radio sources observed in the continuum near 1420 MHz, declinations -5 to +70. GALT J.A. and KENNEDY J.E.D.
1968AJ.....73..298K 640 89 Measurements of the flux density of discrete radio sources at centimeter wawelengths. I. Observations at 2695 MHz. (11.3cm). KELLERMANN K.I., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and TYLER W.C.
1968AJ.....73..953P 507 86 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete sources at centimeter wavelengths. II. The observations at 5 GHz (6cm). PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1968ApJS...15..203F 535 123 The east-west structure of radio sources at 1425 MHz. FOMALONT E.B.
1968ApJS...16..373B 233 66 Brightness distributions of radio sources at 2695 MHz. BASH F.N.
1969AJ.....74..827D 146 22 Flux densities of radio sources at a wavelength of 2.8 cm. DOHERTY L.H., MacLEOD J.M. and PURTON C.R.
1969ApJ...157....1K 315 764 The spectra of radio sources in the revised 3C catalogue. KELLERMANN K.I., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and WILLIAMS P.J.S.
1969MNRAS.145...31M 62 197 Observations of the structure of radio sources in the 3C catalogue. II. MacKAY C.D.
1970AJ.....75.1015M 143 26 Precise declinations and optical identifications of selected discrete radio source. MOSELEY G.F., BROOKS C.C. and DOUGLAS J.N.
1971A&A....11..171W 322 35 A statistically complete sample of radio-sources at 1400 MHz. WITZEL A., VERON P. and VERON M.P.
1971AJ.....76....5F 354 74 Positions of 352 small-diameter radio sources. FOMALONT E.B. and MOFFET A.T.
1971AJ.....76..294D 341 15 A survey of the sky at 610.5 MHz. IV. The region between declinations +27 and +31.5 degrees. DICKEL J.R., WEBBER J.C. and YANG K.S.
1971MNRAS.151..421M 34 31 The orientation of radio sources and elliptical galaxies. MacKAY C.D.
1972A&AS....7....1C viz 366 161 The B2 catalogue of radio sources - second part. COLLA G., FANTI C., FANTI R., et al.
1972AJ.....77..405B viz 574 259 Flux densities, positions, and structures for a complete sample of intense radio sources at 1400 MHz. BRIDLE A.H., DAVIS M.M. and FOMALONT E.B.
1972AJ.....77..797P viz 242 111 The NRAO 5-GHz radio source survey. III. The 140-ft "strong" source survey. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1972ApJ...178...25S 98 285 The redshift-distance relation. III. Photometry and the Hubble diagram for radio sources and the possible turn-on time for QSOs. SANDAGE A.
1972MNRAS.156....7W 320 34 Fan-beam surveys of radio sources near declinations +28deg and +41deg. WILLSON M.A.G.
1972MNRAS.156..377B 33 100 Radio maps of 31 extragalactic sources at 2.7 and 5.0 GHz. BRANSON N.J.B.A., ELSMORE B., POOLEY G.G., et al.
1972MNRAS.156..399B 169 11 Identification of 5C 4 radio sources. BARBIERI C. and BERTOLA F.
1973AJ.....78..828K 501 88 Measurements of the flux density and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. IV. The observations at 10.7 GHz (2.8 cm). KELLERMANN K.I. and PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K.
1973ApJ...185..787Y 19 1 116 Winds and X-rays from clusters of galaxies. YAHIL A. and OSTRIKER J.P.
1973ApJ...186..777G 6 1 41 A study of three groups of galaxies: plausible explanation of the virial mass discrepancy. GOTT III J.R., WRIXON G.T. and WANNIER P.
1974AJ.....79.1006J 134 43 Optical identifications from the NRAO 5-GHz radio survey. JOHNSON K.H.
1974AJ.....79.1220C 462 84 Spectra of sources in the NRAO 5000-MHz surveys. CONDON J.J. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1974ApJ...187..425P 122 6 4427 Formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies by self-similar gravitational condensation. PRESS W.H. and SCHECHTER P.
1974MNRAS.167p..31F 81 ~ The morphology of extragalactic radio sources of high and low luminosity. FANAROFF B.L. and RILEY J.M.
1974MNRAS.169..477P 1 36 251 Observations of 48 extragalactic radio sources with the Cambridge 5-km telescope at 5 GHz. POOLEY G.G. and HENBEST S.N.
1975AJ.....80..477H 8 3 160 Distribution of observed orientations of galaxies. HAWLEY D.L. and PEEBLES P.J.E.
1975AJ.....80..931V 668 82 26.3-MHz radio source survey. II. Radio source positions and fluxes. VINER M.R. and ERICKSON W.C.
1975ApJ...199...10T 30 30 Radio galaxies in the Coma cluster. TIFFT W.G. and TARENGHI M.
1976A&A....49..179J 31 92 A Westerbork survey of rich clusters of galaxies. III. Observations of the Coma cluster at 610 MHz. JAFFE W.J., PEROLA G.C. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1976AJ.....81.1084G 213 28 Measurements of the flux densities and spectra of discrete radio sources at centimeter wavelengths. The observations at 14.9 GHz (2 cm). GENZEL R., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., PREUSS E., et al.
1976ApJ...208...13D 36 2 369 Galaxy correlations as a function of morphological type. DAVIS M. and GELLER M.J.
1977ApJ...217..944T 50 15 Radio galaxies in the Coma cluster. II. TIFFT W.G. and TARENGHI M.
1977JRASC..71...21K 34 10 Index of extragalactic radio-source catalogues. KESTEVEN M.J.L. and BRIDLE A.H.
1979A&AS...37..397W 89 6 A 6cm source survey with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope I: the data. WILLIS A.G. and MILEY G.K.
1979AJ.....84.1111G 90 13 Extended radio sources and elliptical galaxies. III. Optical positions for galaxy centers. GOODSON R.E., PALIMAKA J.J. and BRIDLE A.H.
1979MNRAS.188..111H 79 276 Optical spectra of 3CR radio galaxies. HINE R.G. and LONGAIR M.S.
1980A&AS...40...91K 189 73 Statistical properties of radio sources of intermediate strength. KATGERT-MERKELIJN J., LARI C. and PADRIELLI L.
1981A&A...103...35G 2 2 29 Observations of the head-rail radio galaxy NGC 3862 (3C 264) at 0.6, 1.4, and 5.0 GHz. GAVAZZI G., PEROLA G.C. and JAFFE W.
1981AJ.....86.1604D 91 35 318-MHz variability of complete samples of extragalactic radio sources. II. DENNISON B., BRODERICK J.J., LEDDEN J.E., et al.
1981ApJ...247L...5M 70 T                   1 5 74 Optical emission from the extended radio source
3C 277.3 (Coma A).
1981ApJS...45...97S viz 420 305 The Faraday rotation measures of extragalactic radio sources. SIMARD-NORMANDIN M., KRONBERG P.P. and BUTTON S.
1981MNRAS.194..331P 179 110 Bright extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz - I. The northern hemisphere catalogue. PEACOCK J.A. and WALL J.V.
1981MNRAS.195..245B 56 14 Observations of the structure of 3CR sources at 0.96 GHz. BEDFORD N.H., KERR A.J., MATHUR S.H., et al.
1982AJ.....87....1Q 28 106 On the determination of velocity dispersions for cD clusters of galaxies. QUINTANA H. and LAWRIE D.G.
1982ApJ...262..529H 2 9 129 An optical and radio investigation of the radio galaxy 3C 305. HECKMAN T.M., MILEY G.K., BALICK B., et al.
1982MNRAS.199.1053L 37 68 Infrared studies of a sample 3C radio galaxies. LILLY S.J. and LONGAIR M.S.
1983A&A...122..330M 6 13 X-ray observations of radio-jet galaxies. MILEY G.K., NORMAN C., SILK J., et al.
1983ApJ...270..410G 7 31 Radio and X-ray observations of the radio halo source in A 1367. GAVAZZI G. and TRINCHIERI G.
1983MNRAS.202..113G viz 6727 206 The Coma Cluster - I. A Catalogue of magnitudes, colours, ellipticies and position angles for 6724 galaxies in the field of the Coma Cluster. GODWIN J.G., METCALFE N. and PEACH J.V.
1983MNRAS.203..667P 2 3 38 An arcsec radio jet in NGC 1275 (Perseus A). PEDLAR A., BOOLER R.V. and DAVIES R.D.
1983MNRAS.204..151L viz 190 852 Bright radio sources at 178 MHz: flux densities, optical identifications and the cosmological evolution of powerful radio galaxies. LAING R.A., RILEY J.M. and LONGAIR M.S.
1983Ap&SS..90..207V 141 12 Are there correlations between radio and optical axes of radio galaxies ? VALTONEN M.J.
1983JApA....4...47S 2 1 12 Diffuse radio emission in the Coma Cluster of galaxies at decametre wavelengths. SASTRY C.V. and SHEVGAONKAR R.K.
1984A&A...133..252A 69 T                   1 15 17 Observations at centimetre wavelengths of the extended radio source near
Coma A.
1984A&A...139...55F 146 49 Statistical properties of the radio cores in elliptical galaxies. FERETTI L., GIOVANNINI G., GREGORINI L., et al.
1984AJ.....89..203U 67 14 5-GHz observations of cores in extended radio galaxies. ULRICH M.-H. and MEIER D.L.
1984AJ.....89..979B 95 104 Sidedness, field configuration, and collimation of extragalactic radio jets. BRIDLE A.H.
1984ApJ...277..115F 49 200 An X-ray survey of a complete sample of 3CR radio galaxies. FABBIANO G., MILLER L., TRINCHIERI G., et al.
1984MNRAS.209..401L 9 25 Surface photometry of powerful radio galaxies : their relation to Abell cluster cD galaxies. LILLY S.J., McLEAN I.S. and LONGAIR M.S.
1984MNRAS.210..611A 206 26 Variations of the linear sizes of extragalactic radio sources with radio luminosity and redshift. ALLINGTON-SMITH J.R.
1984ARA&A..22..319B 191 769 Extragalactic radio jets. BRIDLE A.H. and PERLEY R.A.
1984Afz....21...93A 161 5 On the relative orientations of radio source axes and parent elliptical galaxies. ANDREASSIAN R.R.
1985A&A...150..302G 69 T                   1 9 18 VLA observations of the extended source near
Coma A.
1985A&A...153....9H 69 T                   1 8 12 The nature of the diffuse radio source near
Coma A.
1985ApJ...290..496V 86 T                   1 2 171 Optical emission-line gas associated with the radio source
3C 277.3.
1985ApJS...57..423B 459 158 A catalog of radio, optical, and infrared observations of spiral galaxies in clusters. BOTHUN G.D., AARONSON M., SCHOMMER B., et al.
1985MNRAS.213..899E 23 19 CCD magnitudes of 3C radio sources. EALES S.A.
1985PASP...97..932S viz 301 455 A third update of the status of the 3 CR sources: further new redshifts and new identifications of distant galaxies. SPINRAD H., DJORGOVSKI S., MARR J., et al.
1985Afz....23...47A 121 1 On the relative orientations of magnetic fields and major axes of radiogalaxies. ANDREASSIAN R.R.
1985Ap&SS.116...61S 12 3 The X-ray gas scintillation spectrometer experiment on the first spacelab flight. SIMS M.R., ANDRESEN R.D., LEIMANN E.A., et al.
1986A&A...164...17G 93 12 A two-color Tully-Fisher relation. GIRAUD E.
1986ApJ...301..834V 7 13 VLBI and VLA observations of the BL Lacertae-type object Markarian 501: evidence for grossly misaligned small-scale and large-scale radio structure. VAN BREUGEL W. and SCHILIZZI R.
1986ApJ...305..651C 9 2 79 The dynamical evolution of clusters of galaxies. CAVALIERE A., SANTANGELO P., TARQUINI G., et al.
1986ApJ...310..160S 26 43 Small-scale variations in the galactic magnetic field : rotation measure variations across extragalactic radio sources. SIMONETTI J.H. and CORDES J.M.
1986ApJ...311...58V 2 6 70 4C 29.30: extended optical line and radio emission in a probable galaxy merger. VAN BREUGEL W.J.M., HECKMAN T.M., MILEY G.K., et al.
1986MNRAS.221...15M 1 2 12 Galaxy orbits in the Coma cluster. MILLINGTON S.J.C. and PEACH J.V.
1986BAAS...18..707K 1 0 Emission and entrainment in turbulent radio galaxy jets. KRAUTTER A.H. and HENRIKSEN R.N.
1986IAUS..119..185G 2 2 PKS 0812+020: a quasar interacting with its environment. GHIGO F., RUDNICK L., WEHINGER P., et al.
1987A&A...178...16A 23 1 A search for diffuse neutral hydrogen in filaments of galaxies. ALTSCHULER D.R., DAVIS M.M. and GIOVANARDI C.
1987A&A...181..217F 2 4 The galaxian surface density of the nearby universe. FONTANELLI P., CHAMARAUX P. and BALKOWSKI C.
1987AJ.....93..616N 124 31 Population studies. IV. The rose "red horizontal branch" candidates as probes of the thick disk. NORRIS J.
1987ApJ...313...42D 2 107 1266 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. I. A new distance estimator. DRESSLER A., LYNDEN-BELL D., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1987ApJ...316...70E 89 42 Color evolution in high-redshift galaxies. EISENHARDT P.R.M. and LEBOFSKY M.J.
1987ApJ...317....1D 1 27 153 The Dn-sigma relation for bulges of disk galaxies : a new, independent measure of the Hubble constant. DRESSLER A.
1987ApJS...64..507C 132 57 Isophotal diameters of cluster spirals. CORNELL M.E., AARONSON M., BOTHUN G., et al.
1987ApJS...64..643S 279 177 The structure of brightest cluster members. II. Mergers. SCHOMBERT J.M.
1987MNRAS.226..543E 53 38 Structure and formation of superclusters - VI. Morphology-density-luminosity relation of isolated and grouped galaxies. EINASTO M. and EINASTO J.
1987MNRAS.229..573L 7 20 The evolution of galaxies at moderate redshift. LILLY S.J.
1987AcA....37..247D 5 0 Analysis of shapes of the clusters of galaxies. DOBRZYCKI A.
1987AZh....64..360G 8 11 Investigations of the magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars of different ages. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., KLOCHKOVA V.G. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1987ApL....26...35N 2 ~ The AXAF CCD imaging spectrometer experiment (ACIS). NOUSEK J.A., GARMIRE G.P., RICKER G.R., et al.
1987ApL....26...43M 26 ~ Determination of the masses of elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies with AXAF. MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1987Ap&SS.133..241N 4 2 Dark matter influence on velocity dispersion profiles of clusters of galaxies. NAVARRO J.F. and GARCIA LAMBAS D.
1987JApA....8..211K 6 1 Dark spots, bubbles and shells in the lobes of extragalactic radio sources. KUNDT W. and SARIPALLI L.
1987PhR...148..309A 76 28 Extragalactic magnetic fields. ASSEO E. and SOL H.
1987IAUS..121...65K 63 5 UV-Galaxies. KHACHIKIAN E.Y.
1987IAUS..124..267M 1 1 5 Radio bending at high redshifts - A new probe of protogalaxies ? MILEY G.K.
1988A&A...189...11M 1 24 106 Low luminosity radio galaxies: effects of gaseous environment. MORGANTI R., FANTI R., GIOIA I.M., et al.
1988A&A...195....9G 2 4 Radio continuum emission in nearby non-cluster spirals. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1988A&A...199...13M 72 83 Photometry, spectroscopy and content of the distant cluster of galaxies Abell 370. MELLIER Y., SOUCAIL G., FORT B., et al.
1988A&A...199...73G 191 166 Radio nuclei in elliptical galaxies. GIOVANNINI G., FERETTI L., GREGORINI L., et al.
1988A&A...199..146N 104 212 The fourth-parameter problem in uvby-beta photometry of open clusters. NISSEN P.E.
1988A&A...206..219R 46 26 Supernova rates and bursts of star formation. RICHTER O.-G. and ROSA M.
1988AJ.....95...26G 133 152 IRAS observations of radio galaxies. GOLOMBEK D., MILEY G.K. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1988ApJ...325..749B 27 68 Lithium and metallicity in the Ursa Major group. BOESGAARD A.M., BUDGE K.G. and BURCK E.E.
1988ApJ...326...19L 12 17 835 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. V. Galaxy streaming toward the new supergalactic center. LYNDEN-BELL D., FABER S.M., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1988ApJ...327....1W 7 4 118 Subclustering in rich clusters of galaxies and their environs. WEST M.J., OEMLER A.Jr and DEKEL A.
1988ApJ...328..475S 40 159 The structure of brightest cluster members. III. cD envelopes. SCHOMBERT J.M.
1988ApJ...329...97A 5 9 Radio emission from large-scale radio jets. ANYAKOHA M.W., OKEKE P.N. and OKOYE S.E.
1988ApJ...329..532K 1 15 83 The optical continua of extragalactic radio jets. KEEL W.C.
1988ApJ...330..596L 3 12 174 Evidence for galaxy-galaxy interactions as an active agent of the "Butcher-Oemler" effect at a redshift of 0.2. LAVERY R.J. and HENRY J.P.
1988ApJ...335..542B 13 10 A 40h-1 Mpc diameter void in Pisces-Cetus. BURNS J.O., MOODY J.W., BRODIE J.P., et al.
1988MNRAS.230..131P 210 219 The cluster environments of powerful radio galaxies. PRESTAGE R.M. and PEACOCK J.A.
1988MNRAS.233...87S 462 50 Cosmic evolution of the physical sizes of extragalactic radio sources and their luminosity-size correlation. SINGAL A.K.
1988MNRAS.235..403T 2 6 48 Very extended ionized gas in radio galaxies - IV. PKS 2152-69. TADHUNTER C.N., FOSBURY R.A.E., DI SEREGO ALIGHIERI S., et al.
1988MNRAS.235.1313S 101 18 A survey for metrewave variability extragalactic radio sources. SLEE O.B. and SIEGMAN B.C.
1988PASP..100....8V 21 22 Novae, supernovae, and the island universe hypothesis. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1988PASP..100.1340G 4 0 VII. Redshifts surveys of emission-line galaxies. GREGORY S.A.
1988AcC....15..101K 2 5 Percolation as a descriptive statistics : prospects and methods. KLYPIN A.A.
1988Ap&SS.141..303B 677 71 Catalogue of unambiguous (Faraday-thin, one-component, spectrum-selected) rotation measures for galaxies and quasars. BROTEN N.W., MacLEOD J.M. and VALLEE J.P.
1988S&T....75..483K 11 0 Journeys on the H-R diagram. KALER J.B.
1989A&A...211L...9H 1 3 18 A supernova at z = 0.28 and the rate of distant supernovae. HANSEN L., JORGENSEN H.E., NORGAARD-NIELSEN H.U., et al.
1989A&AS...81..253D 184 16 A catalogue of extented ionized nebulosities around active galactic nuclei. DURRET F.
1989ApJ...336..121F 7 20 Near-ultraviolet emission from 3C 66B and its jet. FRAIX-BURNET D., NIETO J.-L., LELIEVRE G., et al.
1989ApJ...336..702B 1 38 199 Extended optical-line emitting gas in powerful radio galaxies: what is the radio emissiom-line connections ? BAUM S.A. and HECKMAN T.
1989ApJ...341L..37D 2 3 35 A new family of distance indicator relations for elliptical galaxies. DE CARVALHO R.R. and DJORGOVSKI S.
1989ApJ...341..658S 72 152 Multicolor surface photometry of powerful radio galaxies. II. Morphology and stellar content. SMITH E.P. and HECKMAN T.M.
1989ApJ...342..617G 12 12 On the deviation from uniform expansion of the universe. GUDEHUS D.H.
1989ApJ...342..823S 200 22 Determining the temperatures of solar-type stars : do star spots produce color anomalies ? SODERBLOM D.R.
1989ApJ...344..907D 1 4 27 Coronal activity-rotation relations for lower main-sequence stars. DOBSON A.K. and RADICK R.R.
1989ApJ...346..539W 28 28 The radius-mass relation for clusters of galaxies: cosmological scenarios versus observations. WEST M.J., OEMLER A.Jr and DEKEL A.
1989ApJS...69..365S 72 97 Multicolor surface photometry of powerful radio galaxies. I. Observations and data reduction. SMITH E.P. and HECKMAN T.M.
1989MNRAS.240..225T 39 104 The kinematics of the ionized gas around powerful radio galaxies. TADHUNTER C.N., FOSBURY R.A.E. and QUINN P.J.
1989AZh....66...12P 62 3 The groups of open clusters with common motion in the galaxy. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1989AN....310...23L 3 3 On the periodical structures in populations of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. LITVIN V.F., HOLZMANN F.M., TAIBIN B.S., et al.
1989Ap&SS.157...47R 7 5 The galactic evolution of lithium. REBOLO R.
1989C&E...240...46B 5 0 Mauna Kea : les astronomes plus pres du ciel. BRUNIER S.
1989Natur.341..720K 4 10 193 Discovery of intergalactic radio emission in the Coma-A 1367 supercluster. KIM K.T., KRONBERG P.P., GIOVANNINI G., et al.
1990AJ.....99.1397K 94 23 VLA observations of unidentified Leiden-Berkeley deep-survey sources: luminosity and redshift dependence of spectral properties. KAPAHI V.K. and KULKARNI V.K.
1990ApJ...350...89B 95 1 380 Tidal generation of active spirals and SO galaxies by rich clusters. BYRD G. and VALTONEN M.
1990ApJ...351..503C 63 20 HI absorption limits and emission mapping for high-velocity clouds. COLGAN S.W.J., SALPETER E.E. and TERZIAN Y.
1990ApJ...353...39S 50 40 The relative spatial distributions of high- and low-luminosity galaxies toward Coma. SALZER J.J., HANSON M.M. and GAVAZZI G.
1990ApJ...355...29K 4 18 292 The halo and magnetic field of the Coma cluster of galaxies. KIM K.-T., KRONBERG P.P., DEWDNEY P.E., et al.
1990ApJ...363...21C 3 18 252 4C 41.17: a radio galaxy at a redshift of 3.8. CHAMBERS K.C., MILEY G.K. and VAN BREUGEL W.J.M.
1991AJ....102..562F 8 22 An optical study of 3C 31, 3C 66B, 3C 120, and their jets. FRAIX-BURNET D., GOLOMBEK D. and MACCHETTO F.D.
1991ApJ...371..478M 204 182 Correlated radio and optical asymmetries in powerful radio sources. McCARTHY P.J., VAN BREUGEL W. and KAPAHI V.K.
1991ApJ...379...80K 155 255 Detection of excess rotation measure due to intracluster magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. KIM K.T., TRIBBLE P.C. and KRONBERG P.P.
1991ApJS...75..297H viz 947 131 An optical catalog of extragalactic emission-line objects similar to quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1991MNRAS.251p..46T 7 ~ High-velocity gas in powerful radio galaxies. TADHUNTER C.N.
1992A&AS...95..249L 232 10 A finding list of extragalactic radio jets and statistical results. LIU F.K. and XIE G.Z.
1992ApJ...384..467V 6 20 The origin of the optical emission lines associated with extragalactic radio sources. VIEGAS S.M. and DE GOUVEIA DAL PINO E.M.
1992ApJ...385..173C 3 5 70 Origin of the structures and polarization in the classical double 3C 219. CLARKE D.A., BRIDLE A.H., BURNS J.O., et al.
1992ApJ...389..208B 1 38 159 Spectroscopy of emission-line nebulae in powerful radio galaxies: interpretation. BAUM S.A., HECKMAN T.M. and VAN BREUGEL W.
1992ApJS...81...83H viz 259 69 A compendium of radio spectra and luminosities for three complete samples of radio sources. HERBIG T. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1992MNRAS.256..186B 1 35 147 A study of FRII radio galaxies with z<0.15. I. High-resolution maps of eight sources at 3.6 cm. BLACK A.R.S., BAUM S.A., LEAHY J.P., et al.
1992BAAS...24..822D 13 ~ New tests of the cosmic distance scale. DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1993ApJ...404..521A 124 90 The evolution of galaxies in radio-selected groups. ALLINGTON-SMITH J.R., ELLIS R.S., ZIRBEL E.L., et al.
1993ApJ...411...43Y 93 74 Quasars and active galactic nuclei in rich environments. III. The rapid evolution of active galactic nucleus activity in rich clusters. YEE H.K.C. and ELLINGSON E.
1993ApJ...413..453N viz 541 81 On the redshift-apparent size diagram of double radio sources. NILSSON K., VALTONEN M.J., KOTILAINEN J., et al.
1993ApJ...414..510S 21 2 172 Shock excitation of the emission-line filaments in Centaurus A. SUTHERLAND R.S., BICKNELL G.V. and DOPITA M.A.
1994A&A...284...65J 4 9 HST observations of Cygnus A: circumnuclear effects of a powerful jet ? JACKSON N., SPARKS W.B., MILEY G.K., et al.
1994A&A...288..122K 30 5 Radio observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies and its immediate vicinity III. Statistical analyses and source counts. KIM K.-T., KRONBERG P.P., DEWDNEY P.E., et al.
1994A&AS..105..211S viz 527 137 The optical identification status of the 1 Jy radio source catalogue. STICKEL M., MEISENHEIMER K. and KUEHR H.
1994A&AS..105..403K viz 298 8 Radio observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies and its immediate vicinity. II. A master list of radio sources. KIM K.-T.
1994AJ....107..892O 62 6 Test of unified schemes using jet opening angles. OPPENHEIMER B.R. and BIRETTA J.A.
1994MNRAS.267..424G 9 1 Optical emission associated with the radio jet in B2 1243+26. GONZALEZ-SERRANO J.I., PEREZ-FOURNON I. and MORGANTI R.
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