33P 133 , the SIMBAD biblio

1996A&AS..115..345L - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 115, 345-349 (1996/February-0)

Radio sources in fields centered near supernova remnant G160.9+2.6 (HB9).


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a catalogue of the 408MHz and 1420MHz radio sources in the region centered near Right Ascension 4h58m and Declination 46degrees (epoch 1950), i.e. near the supernova remnant HB9. The observations were made with the Synthesis Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, near Penticton, Canada. 494 sources at 408MHz and 255 sources at 1420MHz were detected. 408-1420MHz spectral indices for 101 common sources were derived. The 408MHz source list was compared with the 4850MHz sources from the Green Bank catalog. Spectral indices were determined for 165 common sources. We also compared the source lists with the IRAS and ROSAT point source catalogs for that region and have identified 16 radio sources with IRAS point sources and 3 radio sources with X-ray sources.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): catalogs - surveys - radio continuum: general

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+AS/115/345): table2 table3 table4 table5 table6>

Nomenclature: Table 2: 32P NNN (Nos 1-494), Table 3: 33P NNN (Nos 1-255)

Simbad objects: 644

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