2MASX J18431459+2130483 , the SIMBAD biblio

2000ApJS..127...27R - Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 127, 27-38 (2000/March-0)

A visual search for galaxies in a Milky Way region around the North Supergalactic Pole.


Abstract (from CDS):

We performed a visual systematic search for galaxies on POSS II(B) plates in a Milky Way region between l≃32°-68° and b≃-4° to 19°. This region partly contains the Local Void, and the north supergalactic pole exists at the central part. The surveyed area was about 560 deg2, and a total of 11,310 galaxies and galaxy candidates with sizes of 0'.1 or greater were identified. Among the detected objects, 152 have been given in galaxy catalogs and 159, including 49 known galaxies, are associated with IRAS point sources. We made a catalog of the detected objects, in which the position in (α, δ) and (l, b), the size, and the features of the image and multiplicity are given for each object. The surface number densities of the detected objects almost depend on the Galactic latitude. In the surveyed region, there is no nearby cluster and there is an outstanding concentration of galaxies at l=7°-12° and 4000-5000 km.s–1.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Catalogs - Galaxies: Statistics - Infrared: Galaxies - Cosmology: Large-Scale Structure of Universe - Surveys

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: VII/209>

Nomenclature: Table 2: CGMW 5-NNNNN N=11310.

Simbad objects: 11303

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