2MASX J12031735-2132187 , the SIMBAD biblio

2002A&A...392..795V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 392, 795-805 (2002/9-4)

Abell 1451 and 1RXS J131423.6-251521: A multi-wavelength study of two dynamically perturbed clusters of galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present results from optical, X-ray and radio observations of two X-ray bright (LX∼1045erg/s) galaxy clusters. Abell 1451 is at redshift z=0.1989 and has line-of-sight velocity dispersion σv=1330km/s as measured from 57 cluster galaxies. It has regular X-ray emission without signs of substructure, a Gaussian velocity distribution, lack of a cooling flow region and significant deviations from the observed scaling laws between luminosity, temperature and velocity dispersion, indicating a possible merging shock. There is only one spectroscopically confirmed cluster radio galaxy, which is close to the X-ray peak. 1RXS J131423.6-251521 (for short RXJ1314-25) has z=0.2474 and σv=1100km/s from 37 galaxies. There are two distinct galaxy groups with a projected separation of ≃700kpc. The velocity histogram is bi-modal with a redshift-space separation of ∼1700km/s, and the X-ray emission is double peaked. Although there are no spectroscopically confirmed cluster radio galaxies, we have identified a plausible relic source candidate.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 1451, 1RXS J131423.6-251521 - X-rays: galaxies - radio lines: galaxies - galaxies: distances and redshifts - galaxies: clusters: general

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/392/795): table3.dat table4.dat table11.dat table12.dat>

Nomenclature: Table 3: [VMP2002] ACO 1451 NN (Nos 1-81). Table 4: [VMP2002] 1RXS J131423.6-251521 NN (Nos 1-48). Table 11: [VMP2002] ACO 1451 ANN (Nos R1-R14), [VMP2002] 1RXS J131423.6-251521 AN (Nos R1-R6).

Simbad objects: 153

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