2MASS J19581266+3231333 , the SIMBAD biblio

2001A&A...371..123B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 371, 123-132 (2001/5-3)

A search for peculiar objects in young open clusters. II. A new Be star, the optical counterpart of IRAS 19564+3224 and a new open cluster in Vulpecula.


Abstract (from CDS):

A serendipitous sky field in Vulpecula was observed with Johnson BVR photometry and slitless spectroscopy in the 5600-8000Å range, looking for emission line and late spectral type stars. We discovered that the B2V star LS II +32° 9, most probably a member of the Vul OB4 association, is now an Hα emitter. Furthermore, we identified the optical counterpart of the IRAS source IRAS 19564+3224 as a C star. Photometric study of the surrounding stellar field revealed that this object lies inside the sky area of a previously undetected open cluster of intermediate age. We discuss the possible cluster membership of the Carbon star and its implications. Some hints about the galactic structure along the line of sight of the observed field are also give

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: carbon stars - stars: evolution - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: individual LS II +32 9 - open clusters and associations

Nomenclature: NAME LOIANO 1. p.126: Cl* NGC 6871 BP NN (No. 10) added. Table 3: [BP2001] NN (Nos 1-75).

CDS comments: in ref list FABREGAT J., REGLERO V., 1990MNRAS.247..407F instead of 249.414

Simbad objects: 80

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