2MASS J16170523-5047317 , the SIMBAD biblio

2004AJ....127.2817R - Astron. J., 127, 2817-2825 (2004/May-0)

The stellar population associated with the IRAS source 16132-5039.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the discovery of a young massive stellar cluster and infrared nebula in the direction of the CS molecular cloud associated with the IRAS point source 16132-5039. Analysis of mid-infrared images from the more accurate Midcourse Space Experiment catalog reveals that there are two independent components associated with the IRAS source. The integral of the spectral energy distribution for these components between 8.28 and 100 µm gives lower limits for the bolometric luminosity of the embedded objects of 8.7x104 and 9x103 L, which correspond to zero-age main-sequence O8 and B0.5 stars, respectively. The number of Lyman continuum photons expected from the stars that lie along the reddening line for early-type stars is about 1.7x1049/s, enough to produce the detected flux densities at 5 GHz. The near-infrared spectrum of the nebula increases with frequency, implying that free-free emission cannot be the main source of the extended luminosity, from which we conclude that the observed emission must be mainly dust-scattered light. A comparison of the cluster described in this paper with the young stellar cluster associated with the IRAS source 16177-5018, which is located at the same distance and in the same direction, shows that the mean visual absorption of the newly discovered cluster is about 10 mag smaller and that it contains less massive stars, suggesting that it was formed from a less massive molecular cloud.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: Dust, Extinction - ISM: H II Regions - infrared: stars - Stars: Formation - Stars: Pre-Main-Sequence

Nomenclature: Table 2: [RA2004a] IRS NN (Nos 1-35).

CDS comments: Source A = MSX5C G332.5433-00.1282, Source B = MSX5C G332.5302-00.1171

Simbad objects: 43

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