2MASS J16073799-2242468 , the SIMBAD biblio

2MASS J16073799-2242468 , the SIMBAD biblio (24 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST14:57:31

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2007MNRAS.374..372L viz 15       D               181 89 New brown dwarfs in Upper Sco using UKIDSS Galactic Cluster Survey science verification data. LODIEU N., HAMBLY N.C., JAMESON R.F., et al.
2008MNRAS.383.1385L 167       D       C F     5 46 117 Near-infrared cross-dispersed spectroscopy of brown dwarf candidates in the UpperSco association. LODIEU N., HAMBLY N.C., JAMESON R.F., et al.
2011ApJ...730...39B 15       D               3 55 28 A Keck LGS AO search for brown dwarf and planetary mass companions to upper Scorpius brown dwarfs. BILLER B., ALLERS K., LIU M., et al.
2011A&A...527A..24L viz 15       D               1 751 60 Multi-fibre optical spectroscopy of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius. LODIEU N., DOBBIE P.D. and HAMBLY N.C.
2011ApJ...743..148B 77             C       1 36 61 A disk around the planetary-mass companion GSC 06214-00210 b: clues about the formation of gas giants on wide orbits. BOWLER B.P., LIU M.C., KRAUS A.L., et al.
2011MNRAS.418.2604L 15       D               1 42 14 Testing the fragmentation limit in the Upper Sco association. LODIEU N., HAMBLY N.C., DOBBIE P.D., et al.
2012ApJ...757..141K viz 15       D               1 506 56 Multiple star formation to the bottom of the initial mass function. KRAUS A.L. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2012ApJ...758...31L viz 15       D               1 869 196 The disk population of the Upper Scorpius association. LUHMAN K.L. and MAMAJEK E.E.
2013MNRAS.429..903D viz 16       D               1 121 26 New brown dwarf discs in Upper Scorpius observed with WISE. DAWSON P., SCHOLZ A., RAY T.P., et al.
2013MNRAS.435.2474L viz 16       D               1 119 15 Probing the Upper Scorpius mass function in the planetary-mass regime. LODIEU N., DOBBIE P.D., CROSS N.J.G., et al.
2013MNRAS.435.2650C 16       D               1 63 20 Towards precise ages and masses of free floating planetary mass brown dwarfs. CANTY J.I., LUCAS P.W., ROCHE P.F., et al.
2014A&A...562A.127B viz 16       D               2 105 116 A library of near-infrared integral field spectra of young M-L dwarfs. BONNEFOY M., CHAUVIN G., LAGRANGE A.-M., et al.
2014ApJ...788...40T viz 16       D               1 222 18 A search for companions to brown dwarfs in the Taurus and Chamaeleon star-forming regions. TODOROV K.O., LUHMAN K.L., KONOPACKY Q.M., et al.
2015ApJS..219...33G viz 16       D               1 430 153 BANYAN. VII. A new population of young substellar candidate members of nearby moving groups from the BASS survey. GAGNE J., FAHERTY J.K., CRUZ K.L., et al.
2017ApJ...837...95B 16       D               1 702 15 A search for L/T transition dwarfs with Pan-STARRS1 and WISE. III. Young L dwarf discoveries and proper motion catalogs in Taurus and Scorpius-Centaurus. BEST W.M.J., LIU M.C., MAGNIER E.A., et al.
2017AJ....154..224R viz 16       D               1 3476 62 Zodiacal Exoplanets In Time (ZEIT). V. A uniform search for transiting planets in young clusters observed by K2. RIZZUTO A.C., MANN A.W., VANDERBURG A., et al.
2018AJ....155..196R viz 16       D               1 2638 104 Rotation of low-mass stars in Upper Scorpius and ρ Ophiuchus with K2. REBULL L.M., STAUFFER J.R., CODY A.M., et al.
2018MNRAS.477L..50G viz 16       D               1 1321 7 Three-dimensional structure of the Upper Scorpius association with the Gaia first data release. GALLI P.A.B., JONCOUR I. and MORAUX E.
2018MNRAS.473.2020L 99       D       C       4 77 34 The optical + infrared L dwarf spectral sequence of young planetary-mass objects in the upper scorpius association. LODIEU N., ZAPATERO OSORIO M.R., BEJAR V.J.S., et al.
2018AJ....156...76L viz 16       D               2 3079 34 New young stars and brown dwarfs in the Upper Scorpius association. LUHMAN K.L., HERRMANN K.A., MAMAJEK E.E., et al.
2019ApJ...872..159M 42           X         1 118 3 The rotation-disk connection in young brown dwarfs: strong evidence for early rotational braking. MOORE K., SCHOLZ A. and JAYAWARDHANA R.
2020A&A...633A.124P 315       D     X         8 33 14 A new take on the low-mass brown dwarf companions on wide orbits in Upper-Scorpius. PETRUS S., BONNEFOY M., CHAUVIN G., et al.
2020MNRAS.494.5751P 17       D               2 52 ~ K2 Ultracool Dwarfs Survey - VI. White light superflares observed on an L5 dwarf and flare rates of L dwarfs. PAUDEL R.R., GIZIS J.E., MULLAN D.J., et al.
2020AJ....160...44L viz 17       D               1 2652 55 Refining the census of the Upper Scorpius association with Gaia. LUHMAN K.L. and ESPLIN T.L.

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