2MASS J11582484+1354456 , the SIMBAD biblio

2MASS J11582484+1354456 , the SIMBAD biblio (5 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:38:19

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Title First 3 Authors
2003AJ....126.2421C viz 15       D               1 831 351 Meeting the cool neighbors. V. A 2MASS-Selected sample of ultracool dwarfs. CRUZ K.L., REID I.N., LIEBERT J., et al.
2006PASP..118..659L viz 15       D               198 25 RI photometry of 2MASS-selected late M and L dwarfs. LIEBERT J. and GIZIS J.E.
2009AJ....137....1F viz 15       D               1 851 248 The brown dwarf kinematics project I. Proper motions and tangential velocities for a large sample of late-type M, L, and T dwarfs. FAHERTY J.K., BURGASSER A.J., CRUZ K.L., et al.
2020A&A...633A.124P 43           X         1 33 14 A new take on the low-mass brown dwarf companions on wide orbits in Upper-Scorpius. PETRUS S., BONNEFOY M., CHAUVIN G., et al.
2021A&A...649A...6G viz 17       D               1 128237 168 Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. GAIA COLLABORATION, SMART R.L., SARRO L.M., et al.

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