1ES 1210-64.6 , the SIMBAD biblio

1ES 1210-64.6 , the SIMBAD biblio (46 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:45:27

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Title First 3 Authors
1972ApJ...173L..99G 79 94 X-ray emission from rich clusters of galaxies. GURSKY H., SOLINGER A., KELLOGG E.M., et al.
1972ApJ...178..281G 143 336 The UHURU catalog of X-ray souces. GIACCONI R., MURRAY S., GURSKY H., et al.
1976ApJ...206L..29F 55 85 UHURU observations of the galactic plane in 1970, 1971 and 1972. FORMAN W., JONES C. and TANANBAUM H.
1976MNRAS.177p..13S 53 ~ X-ray sources in the Southern Milky Way. SEWARD F.D., PAGE C.G., TURNER M.J.L., et al.
1978AJ.....83.1619C 49 31 Transmission grating spectroscopy of X-ray source fields. COWLEY A.P., CRAMPTON D. and HUTCHINGS J.B.
1978ApJS...38..357F viz 380 657 The fourth UHURU catalog of X-ray sources. FORMAN W., JONES C., COMINSKY L., et al.
1979ApJS...39..573M 142 77 The MIT/OSO 7 catalog of X-ray sources : intensities, spectra and long-term variability. MARKERT T.H., WINKLER P.F., LAIRD F.N., et al.
1979ApJS...41..327A 468 26 A catalog of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1982Ap&SS..82....3A 472 20 Second catalogue of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1992ApJS...80..257E 823 245 The Einstein Slew Survey. ELVIS M., PLUMMER D., SCHACHTER J., et al.
1999A&AS..134..287R viz 1208 32 The EXOSAT Medium-Energy Slew Survey Catalog. REYNOLDS A.P., PARMAR A.N., HAKALA P.J., et al.
1999MmSAI..70..881R 17 9 X-ray transients observed with the RXTE all sky monitor 1996-1997. REMILLARD R.A.
2003A&A...411L..59E viz 1017 51 High-energy sources before INTEGRAL. INTEGRAL reference catalog. EBISAWA K., BOURBAN G., BODAGHEE A., et al.
2007ApJS..170..175B viz 15       D               425 288 The third IBIS/ISGRI soft gamma-ray survey catalog. BIRD A.J., MALIZIA A., BAZZANO A., et al.
2007A&A...467..585B viz 15       D               506 92 A description of sources detected by INTEGRAL during the first 4 years of observations. BODAGHEE A., COURVOISIER T.J.-L., RODRIGUEZ J., et al.
2007ATel.1253....1R 2 2 8 Identification of two INTEGRAL sources with SWIFT/XRT. REVNIVTSEV M., SUNYAEV R., LUTOVINOV A., et al.
2007A&A...475..775K viz 15       D               420 164 INTEGRAL/IBIS all-sky survey in hard X-rays. KRIVONOS R., REVNIVTSEV M., LUTOVINOV A., et al.
2009A&A...495..121M 357       D     X C       9 24 57 Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VII. Identification of 20 galactic and extragalactic hard X-ray sources. MASETTI N., PARISI P., PALAZZI E., et al.
2010ApJS..186....1B viz 15       D               1 739 266 The fourth IBIS/ISGRI soft gamma-ray survey catalog. BIRD A.J., BAZZANO A., BASSANI L., et al.
2010ApJS..186..378T viz 15       D               1 471 205 The 22 month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. TUELLER J., BAUMGARTNER W.H., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2010A&A...510A..48C viz 15       D               2 763 81 The Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray catalogue. II. Results after 39 months of sky survey. CUSUMANO G., LA PAROLA V., SEGRETO A., et al.
2010A&A...511A..48M 2921 T K A S   X C       74 14 4 The peculiar high-mass X-ray binary

1ES 1210-646
2010A&A...523A..61K viz 15       D               1 522 65 INTEGRAL/IBIS 7-year All-Sky Hard X-ray Survey. II. Catalog of sources. KRIVONOS R., TSYGANKOV S., REVNIVTSEV M., et al.
2010A&A...524A..64C viz 15       D               1 1294 157 The Palermo Swift-BAT hard X-ray catalogue. III. Results after 54 months of sky survey. CUSUMANO G., LA PAROLA V., SEGRETO A., et al.
2011ApJS..195....9C viz 15       D               1 414 2 Finding persistent sources with the BeppoSAX/Wide Field Camera: an in-depth analysis. CAPITANIO F., BIRD A.J., FIOCCHI M., et al.
2012A&A...545A..27K viz 15       D               1 378 93 INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic hard X-ray survey. KRIVONOS R., TSYGANKOV S., LUTOVINOV A., et al.
2013MNRAS.431..327L 16       D               1 66 72 Population of persistent high-mass X-ray binaries in the Milky Way. LUTOVINOV A.A., REVNIVTSEV M.G., TSYGANKOV S.S., et al.
2013ApJS..207...19B viz 16       D               1 1212 487 The 70 month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. BAUMGARTNER W.H., TUELLER J., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2014A&A...564A.107M viz 16       D               1 228 11 A thin diffuse component of the Galactic ridge X-ray emission and heating of the interstellar medium contributed by the radiation of Galactic X-ray binaries. MOLARO M., KHATRI R. and SUNYAEV R.A.
2014ApJ...793...77C 3446 T K A S   X C       85 17 1 Probing the mysteries of the X-ray binary
4U 1210-64 with ASM, PCA, MAXI, BAT, and Suzaku.
2015A&ARv..23....2W 175       D     X C       4 153 186 High-mass X-ray binaries in the Milky Way. WALTER R., LUTOVINOV A.A., BOZZO E., et al.
2015BaltA..24..395M viz 16       D               1 619 2 Binary star DataBase: binaries discovered in non-optical bands. MALKOV O.Y., TESSEMA S.B. and KNIAZEV A.Y.
2016ApJS..223...15B viz 16       D               1 944 98 The IBIS soft gamma-ray sky after 1000 INTEGRAL orbits. BIRD A.J., BAZZANO A., MALIZIA A., et al.
2016PASJ...68S..32T viz 16       D               1 196 1 The first MAXI/SSC catalog of X-ray sources in 0.7-7.0keV. TOMIDA H., UCHIDA D., TSUNEMI H., et al.
2018ApJS..235....4O viz 16       D               1 1636 246 The 105-month Swift-BAT all-sky hard X-ray survey. OH K., KOSS M., MARKWARDT C.B., et al.
2019A&A...622A..60C viz 17       D               1 150347 194 Gaia Data Release 2. Specific characterisation and validation of all-sky Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. CLEMENTINI G., RIPEPI V., MOLINARO R., et al.
2019A&A...622A.211C 84             C       1 22 6 Prolonged sub-luminous state of the new transitional pulsar candidate CXOU J110926.4-650224. COTI ZELATI F., PAPITTO A., DE MARTINO D., et al.
2019A&A...625A..14R viz 17       D               2 2137 85 Reclassification of Cepheids in the Gaia Data Release 2. Period-luminosity and period-Wesenheit relations in the Gaia passbands. RIPEPI V., MOLINARO R., MUSELLA I., et al.
2021A&A...645A..18D viz 17       D               2 1681 ~ Onboard catalogue of known X-ray sources for SVOM/ECLAIRs. DAGONEAU N., SCHANNE S., RODRIGUEZ J., et al.
2020ATel13946....1N 85           X         2 3 ~ MAXI/GSC detection of a possible new short X-ray transient MAXI J1216-655. NEGORO H., KOBAYASHI K., KOMACHI K., et al.
2022A&A...665A..31F viz 18       D               5 99 11 Constraints to neutron-star kicks in high-mass X-ray binaries with Gaia EDR3. FORTIN F., GARCIA F., CHATY S., et al.
2022ATel15771....1N 224 T         X         4 1 ~ MAXI/GSC observation of the possible long-term periodicity from the high-mass X-ray binary
4U 1210-64 (
1ES 1210-646).
2023AJ....165..163C viz 19       D               1 1619 ~ Galactic Model Parameters and Spatial Density of Cataclysmic Variables in the Gaia Era: New Constraints on Population Models. CANBAY R., BILIR S., OZDONMEZ A., et al.
2023ApJS..265...52W 19       D               2 264 ~ The Long-term Monitoring Results of Insight-HXMT in the First 4 yr Galactic Plane Scanning Survey. WANG C., LIAO J.-Y., GUAN J., et al.
2023A&A...677A.134N viz 140           X         3 68 ~ XRBcats: Galactic High Mass X-ray Binary Catalogue. NEUMANN M., AVAKYAN A., DOROSHENKO V., et al.
2024MNRAS.527.5293M 1100 T   A D     X C F     20 5 ~
4U 1210-64: a new member of the rare intermediate-mass X-ray binary subclass.

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