* zet01 Sco , the SIMBAD biblio

* zet01 Sco , the SIMBAD biblio (373 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST14:57:21

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Title First 3 Authors
1896ApJ.....4..369P 10 10 Harvard College Observatory, circular no. 12. Stars having peculiar spectra. New variable stars in Crux and Cygnus. PICKERING E.C. and FLEMING W.P.
1914ApJ....40...43K 324 28 On the individual parallaxes of the brighter galactic helium stars in the southern hemisphere, together with considerations on the parallax of stars in general. KAPTEYN J.C.
1925ApJ....61..389M 200 27 Discovery and observations of stars of class Be. MERRILL P.W., HUMASON M.L. and BURWELL C.G.
1930MmMtS...2....0R 35 ~ The luminosities and parallaxes of 350 stars of spectral type B (1930). RIMMER W.B.
1933ApJ....78...87M 417 209 Catalogue and bibliography of stars classes B and A whose spectra have bright hydrogen lines. MERRILL P.W. and BURWELL C.G.
1950MNRAS.110...15G 168 12 Relative gradients for 166 southern stars. GASCOIGNE S.C.B.
1951AJ.....56..134M 8 1 Photographic polarization results for extragalactic nebulae in Coma, southern stars and HD 14633. MARKOWITZ W.
1951AJ.....56..209S 36 ~ Photoelectric colors of 2031 stars south of declination - 15 d. SCHILT J. and JACKSON C.
1951Obs....71..199C 10 6 Bright variable stars in southern hemisphere. COUSINS A.W.J.
1952MNSSA..11....9C 4 6 Bright variable stars. COUSINS A.W.J.
1953ApJ...118..323M 89 15 Blue giants in the neighborhood of NGC 6231. MORGAN W.W., GONZALEZ G. and GONZALEZ G.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954PASP...66..249B 33 32 Spectral classification of Southern stars of high luminosity. BIDELMAN W.P.
1958PASP...70..261C 4 20 A superluminous B-type star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and its galactic counterpart. CODE A.D. and HOUCK T.E.
1958JO.....41...66H 6 0 Remarque sur Beta.536 - ADS 2755 Gaultier 86 Pleiadum. HERTZSPRUNG E.
1959ApJ...129..637S 12 2 174 On the maximum mass of stable stars. SCHWARZSCHILD M. and HARM R.
1959MNRAS.119..638E 168 41 Fundamental data for southern stars (2nd list). EVANS D.S., MENZIES A. and STOY R.H.
1959PASP...71..156W 34 13 Three-color photometry of bright southern supergiants. WESTERLUND B.
1959AnAp...22..111R 5 32 The relativistic periastron motion of DI Her. RUDKJOBING M.
1960BAN....15...67W 102 154 A new photoelectric method of classification of luminosity and spectral type for O and B-type stars. WALRAVEN T. and WALRAVEN J.H.
1962AJ.....67..491R viz 166 69 Kinematic studies of early-type stars. I. Photometric survey, space motions, and comparison with radio observations. RUBIN V.C., BURTLEY J., KIASATPOOR A., et al.
1962MNRAS.124..189B 73 32 The Scorpio-Centaurus association. III. Radial velocities of 70 additional stars. BUSCOMBE W.
1962MNRAS.124..195B 61 17 The Scorpius-Centaurus association. IV. Interstellar absorption lines in the Southern Milky Way. BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1962JRASC..56..113B 4 20 Supergiant B stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (1962). BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1964IzKry..31...44B 83 40 A general catalogue of rotational velocities of 2.558 stars. BOJARTCHUK A.A. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1964MNSSA..23..175C 9 23 Photometric data for stars in the equatorial zone (Seventh list). COUSINS A.W.J.
1964PLPla..28....1J viz 335 93 Catalogue of stellar spectra classified in the Morgan-Keenan system. JASCHEK C., CONDE H. and DE SIERRA A.C.
1964ZA.....59..108J 477 39 A survey of Southern Be stars. I. Spectroscopic data. JASCHEK C., JASCHEK M. and KUCEWICZ B.
1966ApJ...144.1073A 33 42 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of selected Southern stars. ALLER L.H., FAULKNER D.J. and NORTON R.H.
1966MNRAS.132..433H 172 37 Equivalent widths of H-gamma in stellar spectra of the Magellanic Clouds. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1967MNRAS.137..337D 262 24 Spiral arms. DIXON M.E.
1967BANS....2....1B 958 2 Determination of proper motions in the region of the association Scorpius OBl. BRAES L.L.E.
1967IBSH...11...29B 10 1 Rotational velocities of southern B stars (1967). BUSCOMBE W.
1968ApJ...152..225S 5 2 65 Evolution of massive He-burning supergiants. STOTHERS R. and CHIN C.-W.
1968ApJ...152..233S 10 41 On the pulsational stability of blue supergiants. STOTHERS R. and SIMON N.R.
1968MNRAS.139..341B 72 21 Stellar radial velocities from Coude spectrograms. BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1968MNRAS.139..417B 71 24 Optical interstellar absorption features. BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1968MNRAS.141..219H 6 3 110 Expanding atmospheres in OB supergiants. I. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1968MNRAS.141..299L 88 32 The dissociation equilibrium of H in stellar atmospheres. LAMBERT D.L. and PAGEL B.E.J.
1968PASP...80..410F 36 28 The open cluster NGC 6231. FEINSTEIN A. and FERRER O.E.
1968ZA.....68...29F 79 67 A survey of southern Be stars. II. Photometric data. FEINSTEIN A.
1969ApJ...156..609S 75 95 A spectroscopic study of the association Scorpius OB 1. SCHILD R.E., HILTNER W.A. and SANDULEAK N.
1969ApJ...157..313H 495 300 MK spectral types for bright southern OB stars. HILTNER W.A., GARRISON R.F. and SCHILD R.E.
1969ApJ...158..441S 53 17 Regional variations in the wavelength dependence of interstellar polarization. SERKOWSKI K. and ROBERTSON J.W.
1969MNRAS.144....1B 123 65 Line strengths for southern OB stars. I. Spectrograms with high dispersion. BUSCOMBE W.
1969MNRAS.144..235H 1 4 37 Expanding atmospheres in OB supergiants. III. P Cygni. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1969PASP...81..259M 31 2 H-alpha emission line stars around the Scorpius OB 1 association. MacCONNELL D.J. and PERRY C.L.
1970AJ.....75..602H 691 193 The space distribution and kinematics of supergiants. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1970AJ.....75..624C 13       D               414 182 Four-colour and H-beta photometry for bright stars in the southern hemisphere. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V. and GOLSON J.C.
1970ApJ...159..107R 64 38 Evolutionnary effects in the rotation of supergiants. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1970ApJ...162..547R 12 34 Spectrum variations in A-type supergiants. ROSENDHAL J.D. and WEGNER G.
1970MNRAS.147..161H 25 67 Expanding atmospheres in OB supergiants. IV. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1970MNRAS.148...79B 92 11 Line strengths for southern OB stars. IV. BUSCOMBE W.
1971A&A....11...65G 60 16 On the interpretation of the pulsar dispersion measure. GREWING M. and WALMSLEY M.
1971AJ.....76..237S 65 63 Interstellar absorption and color excesses in Sco OB-1. SCHILD R., NEUGEBAUER G. and WESTPHAL J.A.
1971AJ.....76.1048C 13       D               142 56 Four-color and H-beta photometry for open clusters. VII. NGC 6231 and the I Sco association. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., HILL G., et al.
1972A&A....17..378G 57 10 A comparison between the radial velocities of optical and radio interstellar lines in southern hemisphere. GONIADZKI D.
1972A&A....19...82L 15 13 Les regions H II de l'association Sco OB1. LAVAL A.
1972A&AS....5..129L 442 104 New kinematical data for bright southern OB stars. LESH J.R.
1972ApJ...175..717S 30 27 Red supergiants and neutrino emission. II. STOTHERS R.
1973AJ.....78...61T 21 8 Two methods for computing monochromatic extinction from BV measurements. TAYLOR B.J.
1973ApJ...184L.127O 8 35 The spectra of two weak-lined B-type supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud. OSMER P.S.
1973ApJ...186..909R 61 116 A survey of H-alpha emission in early-type high-luminosity stars. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1973PASP...85..127J 68 T                   1 2 13
Zeta1 Scorpii: a variable spectrum supergiant.
1973SAOSR.350....1D viz 13       D               4539 ~ Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet magnitudes. DAVIS R.J., DEUTSCHMAN W.A. and HARAMUNDANIS K.L.
1974A&A....34..355C 25 47 Mass loss from early type stars. CHIOSI C. and NASI E.
1974A&A....36..401J 30 22 The CNO stars. JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1974ApJ...191..603S 42 175 Steps towards the Hubble constant. II. The brightest stars in late-type spiral galaxies. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1974MNRAS.169..171F viz 13       D               299 36 Photoelectric measures of the hydrogen lines in early-type stars. FEINSTEIN A.
1975A&AS...21...81D viz 100 14 Standard stars for photoelectric H alpha line photometry. DACHS J. and SCHMIDT-KALER T.
1975ApJ...196..261S 330 1048 Wavelength dependence of interstellar polarization and ratio of total to selective extinction. SERKOWSKI K., MATHEWSON D.S. and FORD V.L.
1975ApJ...196..503S 70 12 The Balmer discontinuities of O9-B2 supergiants. SCHILD R.E. and CHAFFEE F.H.
1975ApJ...197..117C 39 45 Optical interstellar lines in southern supergiants. COHEN J.G.
1975PASP...87..115C 14 16 Emission-line effects in H alpha, H beta, H gamma and uvby photometry for B-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V. and PERRY C.L.
1975PASP...87..759W 68 T                   1 2 3 A search for spectrum variability in HD 148688 and
zeta1 Scorpii.
1975MmRAS..78...51B 527 59 Equivalent widths and rotational velocities of southern early-type stars. BALONA L.A.
1976ApJ...203..438H 64 227 Stellar winds from hot supergiants. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1976ApJ...204L..99H 8 30 Copernicus ultraviolet spectra of OB supergiants with strong stellar winds. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1976ApJ...205..419W 92 238 The OBn and OBc stars. WALBORN N.R.
1976ApJS...30..451H 420 193 Evolved stars in open clusters. HARRIS G.L.H.
1976ApJS...30..491H 14       D               1 1947 250 Observations of southern emission-line stars. HENIZE K.G.
1976ApJS...32....7B viz 640 231 Catalog of spectrophotometric scans of stars. BREGER M.
1976MNRAS.177..625W 32 52 Infrared photometry, extinction curves and R values for stars in the Southern Milky Way. WHITTET D.C.B., VAN BREDA I.G. and GLASS I.S.
1976PDAO...14..355H 65 13 Spectroscopic measurements of OB Supergiants. HUTCHINGS J.B.
1977A&A....56..417D 14 29 Photoelectric scanner measurements of Balmer emission line profiles for southern Be stars. DACHS J., MAITZEN H.M., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
1977A&A....57..361S 22 91 Light variations of extreme galactic B-and A supergiants. STERKEN C.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977A&A....60..205D 49 25 MK classification in the Small Magellanic Cloud. DUBOIS P., JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1977A&A....61..251D 2 14 143 Evolution of massive stars with mass loss by stellar wind. DE LOORE C., DE GREVE J.P. and LAMERS H.J.G.L.M.
1977A&AS...27..215K 14       D               1656 150 UBV, Hbeta and polarization measurements of 1660 southern OB stars. KLARE G. and NECKEL T.
1977IBVS.1248....1K 1048 15 62nd name-list of variable stars. KUKARKIN B.V., KHOLOPOV P.N., FEDOROVICH V.P., et al.
1978A&A....65..357B 32 54 The semi-period-luminosity-colour relation for supergiant stars. BURKI G.
1978A&A....70..641S 1 7 38 Mass loss of B1 Ia-O supergiants. STERKEN C. and WOLF B.
1978ApJS...38..287G 87 63 Skymap: a new catalog of stellar data. GOTTLIEB D.M.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1978BICDS..14...16H 20 0 More errata in Bright Star catalogue, third edition. HOFFLEIT D.
1978MSS...C02....0H viz 14       D               1 30386 ~ Catalogue of two dimentional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol. 2 HOUK N.
1979A&A....78...15W 71 T                   1 1 18 The UV resonance lines of
zeta1 Sco.
1979A&AS...35...69S 4 6 Radial velocity variations of B Ia-0 supergiants. STERKEN C. and WOLF B.
1979A&AS...38...51A 69 T                   1 2 17 IUE observations of the extreme B1 supergiant
zeta1 Sco.
1979AJ.....84.1713F 80 51 The photometric behavior of Be stars. FEINSTEIN A. and MARRACO H.G.
1979ApJ...230..519W 9 12 The physical properties and orbital parameters of the B0 Ia star HD 152667=V861 Scorpii: a supergiant with a black hole companion ? WOLFF S.C. and BEICHMAN C.A.
1979ApJ...233..913H 69 T                   1 3 19 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the extreme B supergiants P Cygni and
zet1 Scorpii.
1979MNRAS.186..245M 20 57 Separation of the intrinsic and interstellar linear polarization components of southern hemisphere early-type emission-line stars. McLEAN I.S. and CLARKE D.
1980A&A....90..311M 33 129 Supergiant variability: amplitudes and pulsation constants in relation with mass loss and convection. MAEDER A.
1980A&AS...39..305S 42 7 The diffuse interstellar line at 6284 angstroem. SCHMIDT-KALER T., TUG H., BUCHHOLZ M., et al.
1980ApJ...242..723N 53 31 Stellar winds, fast rotators and magnetic acceleration. NERNEY S.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1980ApJS...44..535W 22 61 An Atlas of yellow-red OB spectra. WALBORN N.R.
1980MNRAS.192p..59H 68 T                   1 1 ~ Simultaneous spectroscopic (UV Mg II and Al II lines) photometric variations of zeta1 Sco (
HD 152236).
1980MNRAS.192..467W 232 115 Infrared photometry of southern early-type stars. WHITTET D.C.B. and VAN BREDA I.G.
1980IUE80.......93L 6 ~ New insight into the physics of atmospheres of early type stars. LAMERS H.J.G.L.M.
1980IUE2n.......43H 68 T                   1 1 ~ Simultaneous spectroscopic (UV MgII and AlII lines) and photometric variations of zet1 Sco (
HD 152236)
1981A&A....94...16T 34 14 The diffuse interstellar line at 4430 angstrom. TUG H. and SCHMIDT-KALER T.
1981AJ.....86.1546M 8 7 Light curves and solutions for ST Centauri. MILONE E.F. and HRIVNAK B.J.
1981ApJ...244..963U 21 70 Concerning the Wolf-Rayet and other luminous early-type stars. UNDERHILL A.B.
1981MNRAS.195...79V 22 32 Very broadband structure in the extinction curves of Southern Milky Way stars. VAN BREDA I.G. and WHITTET D.C.B.
1982A&A...107..205B 72 T                   1 1 17 Variability and mass loss in the extreme supergiant
zeta01 Sco.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1982A&AS...48..375D 62 2 Equivalent width measurements in galactic supergiant and in Small Magellanic Cloud star spectra. DUBOIS P.
1982ApJ...256L..49B 22 28 Comparison of winds in the Small Magellanic Cloud and galactic early-type stars. BRUHWEILER F.C., PARSONS S.B. and WRAY J.D.
1982MNRAS.200..431T 14 12 Molecules in celestical objects. III. Study of CO in interstellar diffuse clouds. TARAFDAR S.P. and KRISHNA SWAMY K.S.
1983AJ.....88..825Z 173 33 A study of B-type supergiants with the uvby, beta photometric system. ZHANG E.-H.
1983ApJ...269..335H 33 84 The brightest stars as extragalactic distance indicators. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1983ApJS...52....7F 930 70 New UBVRI photometry for 900 supergiants. FERNIE J.D.
1983PASP...95...48M 236 8 A photometric study of early-type stars. MENDOZA V E.E., GOMEZ T., ORTEGA R., et al.
1984A&A...132..151L 83 66 Early-type stars in OB associations in the infrared. I. Extinction law and IR excesses. LEITHERER C. and WOLF B.
1984A&A...138..246D 1 16 82 The stability limit of hypergiant photospheres. DE JAGER C.
1984A&AS...58..537V 188 33 VBLUW photometry of the association Sco OB1 (containing the open cluster NGC 6231). A discussion on the evolutionary status of the hypergiant dzeta1 Sco (B1Ia+). VAN GENDEREN A.M., BIJLEVELD W. and VAN GRONINGEN E.
1984ApJ...279..225A 25 68 2 to 20 micron observations of mass loss from early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C., TELESCO C.M. and WOLFF S.C.
1984BAAS...16..958V 4 1 New interstellar absorption lines of C2 and CN. VAN DISHOECK E.F.
1984RMxAA...9....3L 69 T                   1 1 3 The mass loss rate of the galactic hypergiant
HD 152236 (delta 1 Scorpii) from optical and near infrared observations.
1985A&A...144...87B 58 35 Early-type stars in OB associations in the infrared. II. A discussion of density and temperature distributions in stellar winds. BERTOUT C., LEITHERER C., STAHL O., et al.
1985A&A...148..412W 1 5 39 The absorption spectrum of the Be star MWC 300. WOLF B. and STAHL O.
1985A&AS...61..387K 538 48 Photometric observations of emission B-stars in the Southern Milky Way. KOZOK J.R.
1985A&AS...62....7K 475 41 Distances, reddenings and distribution of emission B-stars in the galactic centre region l ≤ 45. KOZOK J.R.
1985ApJ...294..599S 245 267 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. I. Neutral hydrogen SHULL J.M. and VAN STEENBERG M.E.
1985ApJS...59..397S viz 1283 150 A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars. SAVAGE B.D., MASSA D., MEADE M., et al.
1986A&A...166..271K 36 16 Interstellar extinction curve. The profile of very broad structure. KRELOWSKI J., MASZKOWSKI R. and STROBEL A.
1986ApJ...303..401L 64 83 On the CH+ ion in diffuse interstellar clouds. LAMBERT D.L. and DANKS A.C.
1986ATsir1435....4I 9 0 On the distance modulus of M 33 galaxy. IVANOV G. and KYNCHEV P.
1986Ap&SS.128...83R 14 4 Observations of the very broad-band structure by combined uvby and UBV photometry. REIMANN H.-G.
1987A&AS...71..201M 111 39 Properties of blue stragglers in young OB associations. MATHYS G.
1987A&AS...71..539M 312 52 Instrumental effects and the Stromgren photometric system. MANFROID J. and STERKEN C.
1987PASP...99.1184P 367 125 A catalog of bright uvby beta standard stars. PERRY C.L., OLSEN E.H. and CRAWFORD D.L.
1987AN....308...41F viz 783 8 The interstellar 217 nm band : a third catalogue of equivalent widths. FRIEDEMANN C. and RODER U.-K.
1987Ap&SS.136..167M 8 0 Computations of radial velocities for O- and B-type stars. MISSANA M.
1987Obs...107..147C 2 1 10 Measurement of the instrumental response function of the Mount Stromlo Coude echelle spectrograph. CRAWFORD I.A., REES P.C.T. and DIEGO F.
1988A&A...207...70B 19 11 Mass loss and C IV ionization in the stellar wind of OB stars. BLOMME R. and VAN RENSBERGEN W.
1988A&AS...72..259D 327 777 Mass loss rates in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. DE JAGER C., NIEUWENHUIJZEN H. and VAN DER HUCHT K.A.
1988A&AS...73..195A viz 170 57 Atlas of wavelength dependence of ultraviolet extinction in the galaxy. AIELLO S., BARSELLA B., CHLEWICKI G., et al.
1988ApJ...326..356L 149 167 H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars. LEITHERER C.
1988ApJ...330..942V 261 92 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with the IUE. III. Silicon, manganese, iron, sulfur, and zinc. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988ApJ...331..932T 89 12 A unified formula for mass-loss rate of O to M stars. TARAFDAR S.P.
1988ApJ...335..197V 297 6 IUE-IRAS studies of the infrared cirrus. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988ApJS...67..225V 261 37 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. II. The equivalent widths and column densities. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988IUE88...2...53W 39 ~ IUE studies of mass loss phenomena in hot stars. WILLIS A.J.
1989A&A...208..135V 93 36 The maximum amplitude of the optical micro-variations of massive O-F type stars (or alpha Cygni variables, including LBV's or S Dor variables) across the HR diagram. VAN GENDEREN A.M.
1989A&A...219..151W 5 19 An analysis of high resolution spectra of the Be -stars CPD -52 9243 and MWC 300. WINKLER H. and WOLF B.
1989A&AS...81..115T 237 10 The spectral energy distribution of early-type stars. II. The extinction law towards O-type stars. THE P.S., DE WINTER D., ARENS M., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1147M 59 8 Narrowband photometry of luminosity class I stars. MENDOZA V E.E.
1989ApJ...336..212C 24 57 High-resolution observations of interstellar Na I and Ca II absorption lines toward the Scorpius OB1 association. CRAWFORD I.A., BARLOW M.J. and BLADES J.C.
1989ApJ...340..273V 49 185 Interstellar C2, CH, and CN in translucent molecular clouds. VAN DISHOECK E.F. and BLACK J.H.
1989ApJ...340..518B 95 254 A survey of radio emission from galactic OB stars. BIEGING J.H., ABBOTT D.C. and CHURCHWELL E.B.
1989MNRAS.241..575C 11 41 High-resolution observations of interstellar CH and CH+ towards the Scorpius OB1 association. CRAWFORD I.A.
1989AZh....66.1165P 55 3 Groups of stars with the common space motion in the Galaxy. The groups of B stars with the luminosity classes I and II and their comparison with the groups of long-period Cepheids and open clusters. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1989CoLon..79....0C 7 2 A study of interstellar UV lines towards six members of the Sco OB1 association. CRAWFORD I.A.
1989TarOT..94....1N 399 6 Mass loss from stars : the universal formula for mass loss rate. NUGIS T.
1990ApJ...361..607P 286 479 Terminal velocities for a large sample of O stars, B supergiants, and Wolf-Rayet stars. PRINJA R.K., BARLOW M.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
1990MNRAS.244..105M 6 9 The velocity law and acceleration of the hydrogen and OSiN discrete components observed in P Cyg's stellar wind in 1982. MARKOVA N.
1990MNRAS.244..646C 9 15 Observations of interstellar CN and C2 towards the Scorpius OB1 association. CRAWFORD I.A.
1991A&AS...87..481M viz 457 78 Long-term photometry of variables at ESO. I. The first data catalogue (1982-1986). MANFROID J., STERKEN C., BRUCH A., et al.
1991A&AS...90..195P 330 48 A study of Sco OB1 and NGC 6231. II. A new analysis. PERRY C.L., HILL G. and CHRISTODOULOU D.M.
1991ApJ...377..629L 3 7 99 Observations of stellar winds from hot stars at 1.3 millimeters. LEITHERER C. and ROBERT C.
1992A&A...265L...1J 29 28 Far UV nonlinear rise extinction in relation to CH and CH+ abundances. JENNISKENS P., EHRENFREUND P. and DESERT F.-X.
1992ApJ...398...53P 34 23 CN rotational excitation. PALAZZI E., MANDOLESI N. and CRANE P.
1992MNRAS.259...47C 11 37 High-resolution observations of the interstellar lambda 3302 Na I doublet and a discussion of the resulting NaI/Ca II ratios. CRAWFORD I.A.
1992AZh....69..250P 133 3 Groups of stars with common motion in the Galaxy. Groups of stars of O and B spectral classes. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1992Obs...112..105H 20 ~ The prevalence of large-amplitude variability among blue supergiants. HERTZOG K.P.
1993A&A...269..477G 1 21 120 The abundance of CH+ in translucent molecular clouds : further tests of shock models. GREDEL R., VAN DISHOECK E.F. and BLACK J.H.
1993A&A...274..439J 115 54 Environment dependence of interstellar extinction curves. JENNISKENS P. and GREENBERG J.M.
1993A&AS..102...79S viz 475 61 Long-term photometry of variables at ESO. II. The second data catalogue (1986-1990) STERKEN C., MANFROID J., ANTON K., et al.
1993S&T....86a..66S 12 0 The stars at summer's height. SCHAAF F.
1993SSRv...66....7D 18 1 Massive stars: setting the stage. DE JAGER C.
1994ApJ...424..754A 117 34 CH+ in the interstellar medium. ALLEN M.M.
1994ApJ...424..772F 123 119 Chemical transitions for interstellar C2 and CN in cloud envelopes. FEDERMAN S.R., STROM C.J., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
1994ApJS...93..211D viz 555 284 An IUE survey of interstellar H I Ly-alpha absorption. I. Column densities. DIPLAS A. and SAVAGE B.D.
1994ApJS...94..127F viz 14       D               595 122 The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium. I. The data. FRUSCIONE A., HAWKINS I., JELINSKY P., et al.
1994ApJS...95..163S viz 233 29 An atlas of ultraviolet P Cygni profiles. SNOW T.P., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., LINDHOLM D.M., et al.
1994MNRAS.266L..65C 3 2 29 Ultra-high-resolution observations of Ca K line variations in the beta Pictoris disc. CRAWFORD I.A., SPYROMILIO J., BARLOW M.J., et al.
1994AGAb...10...40W 71 T                   1 0 High resolution spectroscopic monitoring of the B1 hypergiant zeta1 Sco. WOLF B., KAUFER A., RIVINIUS T., et al.
1994AGAb...10..155R 2 0 Time dependent modelling of the Balmer-Line profiles of the B1.5 hypergiant zeta1 Sco. RIVINIUS T., WOLF B. and STAHL O.
1994BASI...22...35S 10 2 The infrared fluxes of early type stars. SHYLAJA B.S.
1995A&A...300..446K 3 6 73 Wray 977 (GX 301-2): a hypergiant with pulsar companion. KAPER L., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., RUYMAEKERS E., et al.
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