* kap Psc , the SIMBAD biblio

* kap Psc , the SIMBAD biblio (278 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:15:28

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Title First 3 Authors
1926ApJ....64..262D 206 4 Spectroscopic magnitudes of A-type stars. DOUGLAS A.V.
1933ApJ....77..330M 46 32 Some evidence for the existence of a peculiar branch of the spectral sequence in the interval B8-F0. MORGAN W.W.
1938CoPer...1...10H 590 33 A survey of stars with composite spectra. HYNEK J.A.
1950AJ.....55..153W 97 14 Observations of double stars. WILSON R.H.Jr
1951ApJ...113..437S 20 9 Lines of neutral oxygen in the infrared spectra of peculiar A stars. SLETTEBAK A.
1951BAN....11..299O 414 9 Photoelectric colours of southern early-type stars. OOSTERHOFF P.T.
1953ApJ...118..489P 40 84 Light variations of peculiar A stars. PROVIN S.S.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..146S 181 176 The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types B8-A2. SLETTEBAK A.
1955AJ.....60...65E 833 50 Magnitudes and colors for 833 Northern and Southern stars. EGGEN O.J.
1957AJ.....62...45E 262 33 Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array. EGGEN O.
1957JO.....40..107B 108 5 Mesures de vitesses radiales au spectrographe C de l'Observatoire de Haute Provence. BOULON J.
1958ApJ...128..228B 114 117 Magnetic fields in the A-type stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958ApJS....3..141B 336 677 A catalog of magnetic stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958MmSAI..29..507H 12 4 Ricerche sulle stelle a peculiari: studio di HD 224801. HACK M. and TAMBURINI T.
1958ZA.....45...35J 136 36 The position of the peculiar A-type stars in the color-absolute magnitude diagram. JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1959ApJ...129...88S 108 20 Peculiar and metallic line A-type stars in a galactic zone. SLETTEBAK A. and NASSAU J.J.
1959JO.....42...45B 477 41 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1960MNRAS.121...17W 228 26 Absolute measures of stellar radiation. WILLSTROP R.V.
1960JO.....43..129B 487 22 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles A a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1961ApJS....6..253I 288 77 Southern Cepheid photometry. IRWIN J.B.
1962ApJ...136..408S 23 50 Studies of the peculiar A stars. I. The oxygen-abundance anomaly. SARGENT W.L.W. and SEARLE L.
1962BOTT....3...37H viz 233 109 Faint blue stars in the region near the South Galactic Pole. HARO G. and LUYTEN W.J.
1964ApJ...139..793S 47 102 Studies of the peculiar A stars. II. The silicon-abundance anomaly. SEARLE L. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1964JO.....47..154M 23 0 Comparaison de (H-nu + H-delta) et des magnitudes absolues visuelles. MARTIN N.
1964ZA.....60...76B 19 2 Haufigkeiten von Na und Mg in Metallinien und Ap Sternen. BASCHEK B.
1965JO.....48..211B 719 21 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles A a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1966AJ.....71..709C 13       D               1192 112 Photoelectric H-beta photometry for 1217 stars brighter than V= 6.5 mag. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., FAURE B.Q., et al.
1966ApJ...144...25M 49 78 Studies of the peculiar A stars. III. Model atmosphere line-strength calculations with application to the Ap stars. MIHALAS D. and HENSHAW J.L.
1966ApJ...145..141S 27 33 Studies of the peculiar A stars. IV. The relative abundances of four iron-peak elements. SEARLE L., LUNGERSHAUSEN W.T. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1966GeoOM..21....0C 13       D               677 93 Investigation of the magnetic and related stars through narrow-band photometry. CAMERON R.C.
1966JO.....49..387L 283 2 Resultats des observations faites a Tananarive avec l'astrolabe A. Danjon. LEFEBVRE M. and GUINOT B.
1966SvA....10...56G 38 2 Some results of observation of the continuous spectra of magnetic and peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKII Y.
1967ApJS...15...21W 57 124 A spectroscopic and photometric study of the Ap stars. WOLFF S.C.
1968ApJ...151..259J 23 54 Studies of the peculiar A stars. V. Continuous energy distribution. JUGAKU J. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1968PASP...80..563R 5 5 Photoelectric observations of the magnetic and spectrum variable 53 Camelopardalis. RAKOS K.D.
1969AJ.....74..139P 229 59 The galactic force law K(z). PERRY C.L.
1969PAllO...8...91B 131 11 The radial velocities of 129 stars in the years 1906 to 1917. BEARDSLEY W.R.
1970A&AS....1..165J 13       D               489 28 Photoelectric observations of early A stars. JOHANSEN K.T. and GYLDENKERNE K.
1970A&AS....1..189F 439 3 A catalogue of proper motions for 437 A stars. FOGH OLSEN H.J.
1970MNRAS.147...75D 139 22 Rotation and chemical abundances in the peculiar A stars. II. DURRANT C.J.
1971A&A....12....5H 370 7 Narrow-band photometry of early-type stars. HAGGKVIST L.
1971A&A....14...48V 15 44 Five-colour photometry of 12 magnetic variable stars. VAN GENDEREN A.M.
1971SvA....15..419K 34 3 The oblique-rotator model for the brightness and color variability of magnetic Ap stars. KHOKHLOVA V.L.
1972ApJ...175..779A 61 106 Rotational velocities of Ap stars. ABT H.A., CHAFFEE F.H. and SUFFOLK G.
1972MmSAI..43..759G 67 T                   1 1 3 A spectral analysis of
kappa Piscium. I.
1973A&A....22..209S 42 22 Photometric investigations of magnetic stars. STIFT M.J.
1973A&A....26..385K 50 16 On the light variation of peculiar A-type stars. KODAIRA K.
1973ApJS...25..137A 75 166 The binary frequency for Ap stars. ABT H.A. and SNOWDEN M.S.
1974A&A....34..153S 35 21 The radii of the Ap stars. STIFT M.J.
1974A&AS...15..209L 58 13 Statistical analysis of the uvby-beta catalogue. LINDEMANN E.
1974PASP...86..241E 132 28 Luminosities and motions of peculiar B-type stars. EGGEN O.J.
1974Ap&SS..31..193G 67 T                   1 2 2 Evidence for r-process elements in
HR 8911.
1974Natur.249..130G 67 T                   1 1 2 Uranium in
HR 8911.
1975A&AS...19..189M viz 775 6 Catalogue of early-type stars measured in a narrow-band photometric system. MORGULEFF N. and GERBALDI M.
1975ApJ...195..397A 34 40 On the continuous energy distributions of peculiar A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1975ApJ...201..624L 21 54 A search for strong magnetic fields in rapidly rotating Ap stars. LANDSTREET J.D., BORRA E.F., ANGEL J.R.P., et al.
1976A&A....51..223M 172 156 Lichtelektrische Filterfotometrie der Flussdepression bei 5200 A in pekuliaren A-Sternen. MAITZEN H.M.
1976A&AS...23..125S 510 24 Optical polarization of stars of galactic latitudes b-45 degres. SCHROEDER R.
1976A&AS...26...49H 195 15 A photoelectric parameter of the peculiarity of the Ap stars. HAUCK B.
1976ApJS...32....7B viz 640 231 Catalog of spectrophotometric scans of stars. BREGER M.
1976AN....297..191A 13 5 Investigation of the Balmer lines in Ap Stars. ASLANOV I.A., RUSTAMOV J.S., KHALILOV V.M., et al.
1976SvA....19..734A 14 1 Spectrophotometry of hydrogen lines in Ap stars. ASLANOV I.A., RUSTAMOV Y.S., KHALILOV V.M., et al.
1977A&A....56..235H 420 11 Absolute luminosity calibration of Stroemgren's "late group". HECK A.
1977A&A....58..105W 171 22 Observations of radio stars at 10.6 GHz. WOODSWORTH A.W. and HUGHES V.A.
1977A&AS...27..443G viz 14       D               2696 173 Photoelectric Hbeta photometry for bright O to G0 type stars south of declinaison +10. GRONBECH B. and OLSEN E.H.
1977PASP...89..519G 57 2 A photoelectric peculiarity index in the Ap stars. GETTYS J. and SCHILD R.E.
1977PASP...89..650A 68 10 An examination of Breger's catalog of spectrophotometric scans for broad, continuum features in peculiar A and mercury-manganese stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1977ApL....18..163F 12 0 Narrow band photometry of the broad absorptions in peculiar A stars. FELDT A.N.
1977RMxAA...2..259M 23 8 H alf and OI photometry of Ap stars. MENDOZA V E.E.
1978A&A....66..187V 105 13 Ultraviolet photometric observations of Ap and Am stars. VAN DIJK W., KERSSIES A., HAMMERSCHLAG-HENSBERGE G., et al.
1978A&A....69..155M 2 2 On the classification criteria of CR-stars. MUTHSAM H. and WEISS W.W.
1978A&AS...34..441P 165 1 Photoelectric K-line indices for 165 B, A and F stars. PEDERSEN H. and RUDKJOBING M.
1978ApJS...37..371W 280 148 Late B-type stars: rotation and the incidence of Hg-Mn stars. WOLFF S.C. and PRESTON G.W.
1978MNRAS.182..773R 33 3 On the intrinsic rotation of magnetic variables. RAJAMOHAN R. and BABU G.S.D.
1979AJ.....84..857A 131 26 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. I. On the detection of the lam 4200 and lam 5200 broad, continuum features of peculiar A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1979ApJS...40..475E 235 18 Lunar occultation summary. III. EITTER J.J. and BEAVERS W.I.
1979PASP...91..180M 186 71 Secondary standards for BVRI photometry. MOFFETT T.J. and BARNES III T.G.
1980A&AS...40..207C 481 17 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra. CUCCHIARO A., JASCHEK M., JASCHEK C., et al.
1980A&AS...41..111C 210 27 Catalogue of photometric data related to surface magnetic fields for B-type stars. CRAMER N. and MAEDER A.
1980ApJ...242..684C 102 29 Stellar abundances from line statistics. COWLEY C.R. and AIKMAN G.C.L.
1980IBVS.1841....1W 56 0 Is there a magnetic field-period relation for the hotter Ap-stars ? WEISS W.W.
1980JRASC..74..261J 49 1 Analyse d'une des caracteristiques des etoiles Ap : la depression a 5200 A. JONCAS G.
1981A&A...100...24G 107 10 The absolute magnitudes of the Ap stars. GRENIER S., JASCHEK M., GOMEZ A.E., et al.
1981A&A...101..176F 85 13 Effective temperature of Ap stars. FLOQUET M.
1981BICDS..21...26B 476 1 Refined data for parallax stars. BUSCOMBE W.
1981SvAL....7..200A 68 T                   1 1 ~ Lines of heavy elements in spectra of the magnetically variable star
HD 220825.
1982A&A...114...23H 595 82 Photometric properties of Ap stars in the Geneva system. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1982BICDS..23...53H 441 0 Variable stars in the General Catalogue of trigonometric parallaxes. HOFFLEIT D.
1982JRASC..76..224F 12 4 Photometry among the climatically underprivileged. FERNIE J.D.
1983A&AS...51..365P viz 69 T                   1 6 22 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. XIII. HD 51418, 53 Camelopardalis, 78 Virginis, and
kappa Piscium.
1983A&AS...52..373A 249 2 First astrolabe catalogue of Rio de Janeiro. ANDREI A.H., D'AVILA V.A., NASCIMENTO J.O., et al.
1983A&AS...52..403C 199 7 The first astrolabe catalogue at Valinhos. CLAUZET L.B.F.
1983A&AS...53...91G 105 18 Infrared magnitudes (JHKLM) for 105 chemically peculiar A- and B- stars. GROOTE D. and KAUFMANN J.P.
1983MNRAS.202..691B 21 10 A Study of peculiar A-type stars in the infrared. BARUCH J.E.F., GRIFFITHS W.K., GROOTE D., et al.
1983ATsir1298....7R 22 0 Spectral types of some Ap-stars. RADKOV R.
1984A&A...141..328N 158 27 The rotation of Ap stars. NORTH P.
1984A&AS...55..371C viz 230 70 Catalogue des periodes observees pour des etoiles Ap. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1984AcA....34..419M 5 4 H beta line variability in magnetic Ap stars. I. MADEJ J., JAHN K. and STEPIEN K.
1984AN....305..311S 13 4 Photometry and spectrophotometry of magnetic stars. STEPIEN K.
1985A&AS...59..145C 1020 153 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations, 1984 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al.
1985MNRAS.213..307S 10 22 Effective temperatures, angular diameters and radii of Ap stars. SHALLIS M.J., BARUCH J.E.F., BOOTH A.J., et al.
1985PASP...97..970A 65 22 On the ultraviolet energy distributions and the temperatures of peculiar B and A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985AISAO..20...26G 72 1 To the problem of the surface magnetic fields of the chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1985AZh....62...87K 22 4 Peculiar stars in the Pleiades group. KLOCHKOVA V.G. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1985AZh....62..947K 77 9 On rotation velocities of chemically peculiar stars. KLOCHKOVA V.G. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1986AISAO..21...21L 221 0 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. I. The stars with known periods. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..21...30L 207 4 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. II. The stars with the depression of continuum spectrum at lambda 5200 A. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..22...39G 343 2 On the effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and CHUNAKOVA N.M.
1986AISAO..23...37G 207 8 The magnetic field and other parameters of the chemically peculiar stars. I. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., ROMANYUK I.I., CHUNAKOVA N.M., et al.
1986AISAO..23...58L 71 0 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. III. Acceleration of gravity and mass of stars from hydrogen line profiles. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986ATsir1450....6A 12 0 The separation of the magnetic stars into two groups according to an analysis of hydrogen lines. ALIEV S.G.
1987A&A...181..315K 40 14 IRAS observations of CP stars. KROLL R.
1987A&AS...67..195K 46 17 Infrared properties of CP stars. KROLL R., SCHNEIDER H., CATALANO F.A., et al.
1987AISAO..24...44K 160 7 Quantitative spectral peculiarity indexes of CP stars of the upper main sequence. KOPYLOV I.M.
1987AISAO..25...13G 110 3 Balmer discontinuities of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and GTOPILSKAJA G.P.
1987AZh....64..601G 13 7 Effective temperatures and angular diameters of the peculiar stars. GLUSHNEVA I.N.
1988A&A...202..143M 26 25 Variability of Balmer lines in Ap stars. MUSIELOK B. and MADEJ J.
1988A&AS...72....1C 190 44 Premier supplement au catalogue des periodes observees pour des etoiles Ap. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1988A&AS...72..551M 59 44 Effective temperatures and angular diameters of Bp-Ap Si stars and B and A normal stars : u-b and (delta-m 2100)0 calibrations. MEGESSIER C.
1988AN....309..181R 112 7 A search for age-dependency of Ap star parameters. RUEDIGER G. and SCHOLZ G.
1989A&A...220..105S 69 18 Radii and space orientation of the rotational axes of Ap stars. STEPIEN K.
1989A&AS...77..411S 453 4 A catalogue of right ascensions and declinations of FK4 stars. SADZAKOV S. and DACIC M.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989A&AS...81..127G 125 27 Behaviour of OI triplet lambda-7773. II. Ap stars. GERBALDI M., FLOQUET M., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
1989IBVS.3282....1K 70 T                   1 4 5 The rotation period of the Ap star
HD 220825 (kappa Psc).
1990ApJS...73...67R 48 83 Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in the chemically peculiar stars of the upper main sequence. ROBY S.W. and LAMBERT D.L.
1990MNRAS.247..606B 25 43 A search for magnetic fields in Lambda Bootis stars. BOHLENDER D.A. and LANDSTREET J.D.
1990AISAO..29...84K 293 1 The catalogue of equivalent line widths in the spectra of A- and F-stars. KLOCHKOVA V.G., PANCHUK V.E. and FEDOROVA O.V.
1990AISAO..30...78B 64 2 Magnetic fields and other parameters of chemically peculiar stars. II. BYCHKOV V.D., GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., EL'KIN V.G., et al.
1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1991A&A...242..199L 9 8 The overall flux distribution of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. LEONE F. and CATALANO F.A.
1991A&A...246..346K 70 T                   1 2 6 Intermediate band photometry of the CP2-star
HD 220825 (Kap Psc).
1991A&A...249..401H 78 2 On the origin of the statistical correlation between rotation periods and apparent radii for CP 2 stars. HENSBERGE H., VAN RENSBERGEN W. and BLOMME R.
1991A&AS...87...59C 113 30 Second supplement to the catalogue of observed periods of Ap stars. CATALANO F.A., RENSON P. and LEONE F.
1991A&AS...89..429R viz 14       D               1 6690 131 General catalogue of Ap and Am stars. RENSON P., GERBALDI M. and CATALANO F.A.
1991SoSAO..66....5K 235 1 Catalogue of hydrogen lines profiles of 236 B,A, F-stars' spectra. KLOCHKOVA V.G.
1992A&AS...95..355C viz 1037 6 Santiago Fundamental Catalogue. A catalogue of 1105 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1992PPMtO..11..184X 1204 0 Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992. XIAN D.-Z., LI N.-Y. and YAO H.-Y.
1993A&A...269..403H 95 65 Effective temperature of Ap and Am stars from Geneva photometry. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1993A&A...270..335L 31 19 Linear polarimetry of Ap stars. II. New observations with a reappraisal of former ones. LEROY J.L., LANDOLFI M. and LANDI DEGL'INNOCENTI E.
1993A&AS...98..269C 83 22 Third supplement to the catalogue of observed periods of Ap stars. CATALANO F.A., RENSON P. and LEONE F.
1993A&AS..101..393A 77 9 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. XIX. Variability of the magnetic CP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and PYPER D.M.
1993A&AS..101..551L viz 1003 31 Optical polarization of 1000 stars within 50 pc from the Sun LEROY J.L.
1993AJ....105.1903N 125 30 A seven-year northern sky survey of Ap stars for rapid variability. NELSON M.J. and KREIDL T.J.
1994A&AS..103..427K viz 519 3 The second Quito astrolabe catalogue. KOLESNIK Y.B. and DAVILA H.
1994A&AS..105..125M viz 212 7 Catalogue of CP stars with references to short time scale variability. MALANUSHENKO V.P., POLOSUKHINA N.S. and WEISS W.W.
1994AJ....108..313S 164 18 CCD observations linking the radio and optical references frames. STONE R.C.
1994MNRAS.271..129M 228 55 The Cape rapidly oscillating Ap star survey - III. Null results of searches for high-overtone pulsation. MARTINEZ P. and KURTZ D.W.
1994BSAO...38..152G viz 672 30 A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114...79L viz 54 82 Linear polarimetry of Ap stars. V. A general catalogue of measurements. LEROY J.L.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJS...99..135A viz 2017 518 The relation between rotational velocities and spectral peculiarities among A-type stars. ABT H.A. and MORRELL N.I.
1996A&A...306..995B 6 13 The identification of nebular lines in the spectra of meteor trains. BOROVICKA J., ZIMNIKOVAL P., SKVARKA J., et al.
1996A&A...310..477F 8 1 Absorption line profiles in the early development of nova V1500 Cygni. FRIEDJUNG M., MIKOLAJEWSKA J. and MIKOLAJEWSKI M.
1996Ap&SS.238..169F 40 ~ The lambda 6708 feature in Ap stars. FARAGGIANA R., GERBALDI M. and DELMAS F.
1996PAZh...22..917R 71 T                   8 ~ Surface distribution of chromium on the CP2 star HD 220825 (kappa Psc). RYABCHIKOVA T.A., PAVLOVA V.M., DAVYDOVA E.S., et al.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&AS..124..299C viz 3158 203 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations: 1996 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., SOUBIRAN C., FRIEL E.D., et al.
1997AJ....114..850S viz 689 6 Systematic errors in the FK5 catalog as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame. STONE R.C.
1997PNAOJ...5....1Y viz 6645 0 The Tokyo PMC Catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle. YOSHIZAWA M. and SUZUKI S.
1998A&A...336..953G viz 955 52 The HR-diagram from Hipparcos data. Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of Bp-Ap stars. GOMEZ A.E., LURI X., GRENIER S., et al.
1998A&AS..127..421C viz 369 38 The observed periods of Ap and Bp stars. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998A&AS..129..463C 39 7 Near infrared light variations of chemically peculiar stars. The SrCrEu stars. CATALANO F.A., LEONE F. and KROLL R.
1998A&AS..130..215S viz 68 18 Effective temperatures of Ap stars. SOKOLOV N.A.
1998A&AS..130..455V viz 807 23 An extensive {DELTA}a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars. VOGT N., KERSCHBAUM F., MAITZEN H.M., et al.
1998A&AS..132...93A viz 649 27 On the Hipparcos photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1998CoSka..27..243C 72 1 Proceedings of the 26th Meeting and Workshop of the European Working Group on CP stars, Vienna, Austria, October 27-29, 1997. On the near infrared variability of chemically peculiar stars. CATALANO F.A. and LEONE F.
1998CoSka..27..482P 72 T                   1 2 Proceedings of the 26th Meeting and Workshop of the European Working Group on CP stars, Vienna, Austria, October 27-29, 1997. Multi-element Doppler imaging of kappa Psc. PISKUNOV N., STEMPELS H.C., RYABCHIKOVA T.A., et al.
1999A&AS..134..211C 16 11 Variability of the HeI5876 A line in early type chemically peculiar stars. CATANZARO G., LEONE F. and CATALANO F.A.
1999VeARI..35....1W viz 878 17 Sixth catalogue of fundamental stars (FK6). Part I. Basic fundamental stars with direct solutions. WIELEN R., SCHWAN H., DETTBARN C., et al.
2000ARep...44..738A 72 T                   4 3 Discovery of rapid spectral variability in the Ap star κ Psc. ALIEV S.G. and ISMAILOV N.Z.
2001A&A...365..222G viz 1542 14 The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5. GONTCHAROV G.A., ANDRONOVA A.A., TITOV O.A., et al.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001AJ....122.2008A 103 15 Are stellar rotational axes distributed randomly. ABT H.A.
2002A&A...393..897R viz 2184 207 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. II. Measurement of vsini in the northern hemisphere. ROYER F., GRENIER S., BAYLAC M.-O., et al.
2002A&A...394..151C viz 179 86 Multiplicity among chemically peculiar stars. II. Cool magnetic Ap stars. CARRIER F., NORTH P., UDRY S., et al.
2002NewA....7..495C         O           116 1 On the behavior of the CII 4267.261, 6578.052 and 6582.882 A lines in chemically peculiar and standard stars. CATANZARO G. and LEONE F.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...407..631B viz 597 86 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2004ApJS..152..251V viz 1275 489 The Indo-US library of coude feed stellar spectra. VALDES F., GUPTA R., ROSE J.A., et al.
2005A&A...430.1143B viz 137 60 A catalog of stellar magnetic rotational phase curves. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2006A&A...450..763K viz 248 190 Evolutionary state of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. KOCHUKHOV O. and BAGNULO S.
2006MNRAS.371..703S viz 15       D               991 1162 Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra. SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ P., PELETIER R.F., JIMENEZ-VICENTE J., et al.
2007MNRAS.374..664C viz 15       D               1021 234 Medium-resolution Isaac Newton Telescope library of empirical spectra - II. The stellar atmospheric parameters. CENARRO A.J., PELETIER R.F., SANCHEZ-BLAZQUEZ P., et al.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007AN....328..475H 95 37 Evolution of magnetic fields in stars across the upper main sequence: II. Observed distribution of the magnetic field geometry. HUBRIG S., NORTH P. and SCHOELLER M.
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