* 21 Com , the SIMBAD biblio

* 21 Com , the SIMBAD biblio (285 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:25:02

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Title First 3 Authors
1926ApJ....64..262D 206 4 Spectroscopic magnitudes of A-type stars. DOUGLAS A.V.
1933ApJ....77..330M 46 32 Some evidence for the existence of a peculiar branch of the spectral sequence in the interval B8-F0. MORGAN W.W.
1947ApJ...105..283D 18 101 A study of the spectrum variables of type A. DEUTSCH A.J.
1950ApJ...111..414E 60 12 Photoelectric studies. III. Color-luminosity arrays for the Coma Berenices and Ursae Major clusters. EGGEN O.J.
1950ApJ...112..141E 189 10 Photoelectric studies. IV. Color-luminosity array for stars in the region of the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1951ApJ...113..437S 20 9 Lines of neutral oxygen in the infrared spectra of peculiar A stars. SLETTEBAK A.
1952ZA.....31..236B 28 1 Uber das Farben-Helligkeits-diagram des Com-Sternhaufens. BAHNER K. and MICZAIKA G.R.
1953ApJ...118..489P 40 84 Light variations of peculiar A stars. PROVIN S.S.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955AJ.....60..407E 123 19 The color-luminosity array for some galactic clusters. EGGEN O.J.
1955PASP...67..342D 65 T                   1 2 12 Spectrum variation in
21 Comae Berenices.
1956PASP...68...92D 16 49 The spectrum variables of type A. DEUTSCH A.J.
1956JO.....39..117W 8 0 Etude spectrophotometrique des etoiles les plus brillantes de l'amas M39. WESTERLUND B.
1956JO.....39..159W 19 4 Etude spectrophotometrique des etoiles les plus brillantes de l'amas galactique dans Com. WESTERLUND B.
1956ZA.....41..254B 65 T                   1 2 ~ Lichtelektrische Beobachtungen des Spektrumveranderlichen
21 Comae.
1957AJ.....62...45E 262 33 Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array. EGGEN O.
1958ApJ...128..228B 114 117 Magnetic fields in the A-type stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958ApJS....3..141B 336 677 A catalog of magnetic stars. BABCOCK H.W.
1958ZA.....45...35J 136 36 The position of the peculiar A-type stars in the color-absolute magnitude diagram. JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1959AAHam...5..105S viz 13       D               1 605 4 A finding-list of stars of spectral type F2 and earlier in a North Galactic Pole region. SLETTEBAK A. and STOCK J.
1959JO.....42...45B 477 41 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1959JO.....42..103B 39 0 Photometrie de la comete Mrkos (1957d). BALDET F. and BERTAUD C.
1960ApJ...132..532B 18 22 Photoeletric spectrophotometry of A-type stars. BLESS R.C.
1960JO.....43..129B 487 22 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles A a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1962MNRAS.123..521B viz 175 20 Photoeletric measures of hydrogen-line absorption in early-type stars. BAPPU M.K.V., CHANDRA S., SANWAL N.B., et al.
1965ApJ...142..681K 118 179 Studies of stellar rotation. I. Comparison of rotational velocities in the Hyades and Coma clusters. KRAFT R.P.
1965AnAp...28..679R 32 7 Repartition des periodes des variables Ap. RENSON P.
1965JO.....48..211B 719 21 Catalogue et bibliographie des etoiles A a spectre particulier. BERTAUD C.
1966AJ.....71..709C 13       D               1192 112 Photoelectric H-beta photometry for 1217 stars brighter than V= 6.5 mag. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., FAURE B.Q., et al.
1966GeoOM..21....0C 13       D               677 93 Investigation of the magnetic and related stars through narrow-band photometry. CAMERON R.C.
1966JO.....49..417R 659 2 Catalogue des etoiles mesurees dans le systeme photometrique de l'Observatoire de Geneve. RUFENER F., HAUCK B., GOY G., et al.
1967ApJS...15...21W 57 124 A spectroscopic and photometric study of the Ap stars. WOLFF S.C.
1967AnAp...30..697R 47 12 Abondances anormales d'elements dans les etoiles Ap. RENSON P.
1968AJ.....73.1000P 58 25 Photoelectric photometry of A-type stars near the North Galactic Pole. PHILIP A.G.D.
1968ApJ...151..907A 309 57 Polarimetric observations of nearby stars in the directions of the galactic poles and the galactic plane. APPENZELLER I.
1968BAN....19..326V 29 42 A study of stellar rotation. II. The region of Ap and Am stars and other slowly rotating A and B-type main-sequence stars. VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
1969AJ.....74..407C 13       D               53 130 Four-color and H-beta photometry of open clusters. II. Coma and Ursa Major. CRAWFORD D.L. and BARNES J.V.
1969ApJS...18...47H viz 144 41 K-line photometry of A stars. HENRY C.R.
1970A&AS....1..165J 13       D               489 28 Photoelectric observations of early A stars. JOHANSEN K.T. and GYLDENKERNE K.
1971A&A....12....5H 370 7 Narrow-band photometry of early-type stars. HAGGKVIST L.
1971AJ.....76..422W 22 78 Uvby photometry of Ap stars: the nature of the light variations. WOLFF S.C. and WOLFF R.J.
1971AJ.....76..567P 13       D               56 29 H-beta photometry of A-type stars near the North Galactic Pole. PHILIP A.G.D. and TIFFT L.E.
1971ApJS...23..421H viz 362 25 K-line photometry of southern A stars. HENRY R.C. and HESSER J.E.
1972AJ.....77..666B 67 T                   1 4 12 Photoelectric observations of magnetic stars. IV. 41 Tau and
21 Com.
1972ApJ...171..569T 43 17 Light variations in magnetic stars. TRASCO J.D.
1972ApJ...175..779A 61 106 Rotational velocities of Ap stars. ABT H.A., CHAFFEE F.H. and SUFFOLK G.
1972AN....294....1J 182 20 Uber die veranderlichkeit der sterne des spektraltyps A. JACKISCH G.
1973A&A....22..209S 42 22 Photometric investigations of magnetic stars. STIFT M.J.
1973A&A....22..381P 67 T                   1 13 24 A photometric study of
21 Comae Berenices.
1973A&A....26..385K 50 16 On the light variation of peculiar A-type stars. KODAIRA K.
1973ApJS...25..137A 75 166 The binary frequency for Ap stars. ABT H.A. and SNOWDEN M.S.
1974A&A....34..153S 35 21 The radii of the Ap stars. STIFT M.J.
1975A&AS...19..189M viz 775 6 Catalogue of early-type stars measured in a narrow-band photometric system. MORGULEFF N. and GERBALDI M.
1975AJ.....80..698P 41 21 Pulsation in peculiar A stars. PERCY J.R.
1975PGenA..81...53S 25 1 Methode photometrique de selection des etoiles Ap. STEIGER P.
1975SvAL....1...64A 11 0 Magnetic-field structure on the surface of Ap stars. ASLANOV I.A.
1976A&A....51..223M 172 156 Lichtelektrische Filterfotometrie der Flussdepression bei 5200 A in pekuliaren A-Sternen. MAITZEN H.M.
1976A&AS...26...49H 195 15 A photoelectric parameter of the peculiarity of the Ap stars. HAUCK B.
1976ApJS...32....7B viz 640 231 Catalog of spectrophotometric scans of stars. BREGER M.
1976AN....297..191A 13 5 Investigation of the Balmer lines in Ap Stars. ASLANOV I.A., RUSTAMOV J.S., KHALILOV V.M., et al.
1976AN....297..249A 8 1 Magnetfelder in den Atmospharen von Ap-Sternen. ASLANOV I.A. and RUSTAMOV J.S.
1976SvA....19..734A 14 1 Spectrophotometry of hydrogen lines in Ap stars. ASLANOV I.A., RUSTAMOV Y.S., KHALILOV V.M., et al.
1977A&AS...30....1C viz 294 11 Photoelectric Halpha line photometry of early-type stars. CESTER B., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1977A&AS...30...27F 9 6 Spectral variations of the Ap star HD 216533. I. Observational results. FLOQUET M.
1977MNRAS.181..647P 9 16 The application of maximum entropy spectral analysis to the study of short-period variable stars. PERCY J.R.
1977PASP...89...29A 35 26 Spectral types in the Coma Berenices cluster. ABT H.A. and LEVATO H.
1977PASP...89..650A 68 10 An examination of Breger's catalog of spectrophotometric scans for broad, continuum features in peculiar A and mercury-manganese stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1977RMxAA...2..259M 23 8 H alf and OI photometry of Ap stars. MENDOZA V E.E.
1978A&A....66..187V 105 13 Ultraviolet photometric observations of Ap and Am stars. VAN DIJK W., KERSSIES A., HAMMERSCHLAG-HENSBERGE G., et al.
1978A&A....69..285H 192 15 Photometric parameters for Am and Ap stars. HAUCK B.
1978A&AS...33...15C 605 7 Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra III. Early A-type stars. CUCCHIARO A., MACAU-HERCOT D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1978BICDS..14...16H 20 0 More errata in Bright Star catalogue, third edition. HOFFLEIT D.
1979A&A....74..201M 73 30 Polarization measurements and extinction near the North Galactic Pole. MARKKANEN T.
1979AJ.....84..559S 11 5 An application of the Barnes-Evans relation to the peculiar A stars: a clue to their atmospheric structure and evolutionary status. SHORE S.N. and ADELMAN S.J.
1979AJ.....84..857A 131 26 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. I. On the detection of the lam 4200 and lam 5200 broad, continuum features of peculiar A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1979ApJ...230..485A 106 172 The occurrence of abnormal stars in open clusters. ABT H.A.
1979PASP...91....5B 128 404 Delta Scuti and related stars. BREGER M.
1980A&A....90...18W 68 T                   1 5 15 The period of
21 Com.
1980IUE2n.......31G 68 T                   1 1 ~ Ultraviolet variation of the Ap star
21 Com.
1981A&AS...43...25A viz 68 T                   1 8 17 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. VIII. Omicron Aurigae, 137 Tauri, 15 Cancri, 3 Hydrae, nu Cancri, 17 Comae A,
21 Comae.
1981ApJ...244..221W 43 48 The rotational velocities of magnetic Ap stars. WOLFF S.C.
1981AN....302..219T 8 3 Discovery of microvariability in normal stars. Analysis of six main sequence stars. TOTOCHAVA A.G. and ZHILJAEV B.E.
1981IzKry..64...37P 4 1 On the rapid variations in the spectrum of magnetic star 53 Cam. POLOSUKHINA N.S., CHUVAEV K.K. and MALANUSHENKO V.P.
1981PZ.....21..465K 60 3 On the classification of variable stars. KHOLOPOV P.N.
1982A&A...114...23H 595 82 Photometric properties of Ap stars in the Geneva system. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1982IBVS.2237....1M 70 T                   1 1 7 Short time scale light variations of
21 Comae.
1982IBVS.2246....1B 151 32 IAU archives of unpublished observations of variable stars. BREGER M.
1982PDAO...16...87H 1583 5 Further studies of A and F stars in the region of the North Galactic Pole. III. A catalogue of star names and positions. HILL G.
1982PDAO...16..111H 1021 27 Further studies of A and F stars in the region of the North Galactic Pole. IV. A catalogue of uvby photometry and derived quantities. HILL G., BARNES J.V. and HILDITCH R.W.
1982SvA....26..328L 89 0 Calcium in the atmospheres of peculiar stars. LEUSHIN V.V.
1983Ap&SS..91...43H 179 19 Revised list of pulsating stars with ultra-short periods. HALPRIN L. and MOON T.T.
1983IBVS.2368....1G 70 T                   1 1 5 Confirmation of the 6 minute period for
21 Com.
1984A&A...139..161L 25 35 Bolometric corrections for peculiar B-type stars. LANZ T.
1984A&AS...55..371C viz 230 70 Catalogue des periodes observees pour des etoiles Ap. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1985A&AS...59..145C 1020 153 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations, 1984 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al.
1985MNRAS.216.1013K 3 4 The Ap star 53 Cam : another 21 Com ? KREIDL T.J.
1985PASP...97..970A 65 22 On the ultraviolet energy distributions and the temperatures of peculiar B and A stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1985AISAO..20...11K 19 1 Peculiar stars in the open clusters alpha Per, M 39, Coma Berenices. KLOCHKOVA V.G.
1985AZh....62..947K 77 9 On rotation velocities of chemically peculiar stars. KLOCHKOVA V.G. and KOPYLOV I.M.
1985RMxAA..11...55S 101 3 Research note : absolute UBV photometry at the Zacatecas Observatory SCHUSTER W.J., PARRAO L., GONZALEZ-BEDOLLA S.F., et al.
1986AISAO..21...21L 221 0 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. I. The stars with known periods. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..21...30L 207 4 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. II. The stars with the depression of continuum spectrum at lambda 5200 A. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..22...39G 343 2 On the effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and CHUNAKOVA N.M.
1986AISAO..23...37G 207 8 The magnetic field and other parameters of the chemically peculiar stars. I. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V., ROMANYUK I.I., CHUNAKOVA N.M., et al.
1986AISAO..23...58L 71 0 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. III. Acceleration of gravity and mass of stars from hydrogen line profiles. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986AISAO..23...64L 188 1 Statistical investigation of chemically peculiar stars. IV. Luminosity of different type stars. LEBEDEV V.S.
1986ATsir1450....6A 12 0 The separation of the magnetic stars into two groups according to an analysis of hydrogen lines. ALIEV S.G.
1986IrAJ...17..383E 1 ~ Some photometry of Ap stars. ELLIOTT I.
1986NIA86.......71S 54 ~ Search for chromospheric MG II emission in Ap-type stars. SEGGEWISS W.
1987A&A...178..313M 60 12 Photoelectric search for CP 2-stars in open clusters. IX. Pleiades and Coma Berenices. The case of Pleione. MAITZEN H.M. and PAVLOVSKI K.
1987AISAO..24...44K 160 7 Quantitative spectral peculiarity indexes of CP stars of the upper main sequence. KOPYLOV I.M.
1987AISAO..25...13G 110 3 Balmer discontinuities of chemically peculiar stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V. and GTOPILSKAJA G.P.
1987CoSka..16....7Z 70 T                   1 2 4
21 Com - photometry at H-beta.
1987IzKry..76...10K 209 2 The oscillation period of delta Scuti stars close to 160 minutes. KOTOV V.A.
1988A&A...203..341P 216 11 Stellar integrated fluxes for 216 stars in the wavelength range 380nm-900nm. PETFORD A.D., BLACKWELL D.E., BOOTH A.J., et al.
1988A&AS...72....1C 190 44 Premier supplement au catalogue des periodes observees pour des etoiles Ap. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1988A&AS...76..127R 416 13 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans des amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1988AcA....38..225N 403 11 Chemically peculiar stars in open clusters. I. The catalog. NIEDZIELSKI A. and MUCIEK M.
1988AN....309..181R 112 7 A search for age-dependency of Ap star parameters. RUEDIGER G. and SCHOLZ G.
1988IUEEN..29...45. 439 0 Merged log of IUE observations.
1988IBVS.3262....1S 8 3 BV photometry of iota Bootis. SZATMARY K.
1989A&A...219..197S 20 37 Effective temperatures of Ap stars. STEPIEN K. and DOMINICZAK R.
1989A&AS...81..127G 125 27 Behaviour of OI triplet lambda-7773. II. Ap stars. GERBALDI M., FLOQUET M., FARAGGIANA R., et al.
1989IBVS.3373....1S 71 T                   1 1 4 The pulsator
21 Com.
1989PBeiO..14...12L 1243 0 Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. LU L.-Z.
1989VilOB..84...26S 137 1 Photoelectric photometry of bright stars in the vicinity of the North Galactic Pole. STRAIZYS V. and MEISTAS E.
1990A&A...237..402M 70 T                   1 3 2 LTE analysis of the far-ultraviolet variations of
21 Comae.
1990AJ....100..884M 70 T                   1 1 1 Rapid line variations in the far-ultraviolet spectrum of
21 Com. I. The 1979 event.
1990MNRAS.245..642K 70 T                   1 5 8 Variability of the Ap star
21 Com : results from multiple-site campaigns.
1990AISAO..29...84K 293 1 The catalogue of equivalent line widths in the spectra of A- and F-stars. KLOCHKOVA V.G., PANCHUK V.E. and FEDOROVA O.V.
1990BICDS..38..151R 451 4 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans les amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1991A&AS...89..429R viz 14       D               1 6690 131 General catalogue of Ap and Am stars. RENSON P., GERBALDI M. and CATALANO F.A.
1991SoSAO..66....5K 235 1 Catalogue of hydrogen lines profiles of 236 B,A, F-stars' spectra. KLOCHKOVA V.G.
1992A&A...256..166M 70 T                   1 1 The surface gravity of 21 Comae Berenices (A3p). MONIER R.
1992A&A...256..205M 70 T                   6 4 The energy distribution of 21 Comae Berenices (A3p) : comparison to standard stars of similar spectral types and modeling. MONIER R. and MEGESSIER C.
1992A&A...260..112B 41 5 The initial mass function of the Coma Berenices open cluster (Mel 111). BOUNATIRO L. and ARIMOTO N.
1992A&AS...94..479D 1078 14 Mesures de vitesses radiales. V. Accompagnement au sol du programme d'observation du satellite Hipparcos. DUFLOT M., FEHRENBACH C., MANNONE C., et al.
1992A&AS...95..273C viz 1597 172 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations : 1991 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., HAUCK B., FRANCOIS P., et al.
1992BICDS..40...97R 368 14 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans les amas ouverts (edition revisee). RENSON P.
1993A&A...269..403H 95 65 Effective temperature of Ap and Am stars from Geneva photometry. HAUCK B. and NORTH P.
1993A&A...270..335L 31 19 Linear polarimetry of Ap stars. II. New observations with a reappraisal of former ones. LEROY J.L., LANDOLFI M. and LANDI DEGL'INNOCENTI E.
1993A&AS...98..269C 83 22 Third supplement to the catalogue of observed periods of Ap stars. CATALANO F.A., RENSON P. and LEONE F.
1993A&AS..100..531B 68 20 Etoiles membres de l'amas Mel 111 dans Coma Berenices. BOUNATIRO L.
1993A&AS..101..393A 77 9 Spectrophotometry of peculiar B and A stars. XIX. Variability of the magnetic CP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and PYPER D.M.
1993AJ....105.1903N 125 30 A seven-year northern sky survey of Ap stars for rapid variability. NELSON M.J. and KREIDL T.J.
1993MNRAS.263..742V 71 T                   2 1 On the nature of the short-period variability of 21 Com. VENTURA R. and RODONO M.
1994A&A...283..189B 31 30 Detection of calcium abundance stratification in Ap stars. BABEL J.
1994A&AS..105..125M viz 212 7 Catalogue of CP stars with references to short time scale variability. MALANUSHENKO V.P., POLOSUKHINA N.S. and WEISS W.W.
1994MNRAS.271..129M 228 55 The Cape rapidly oscillating Ap star survey - III. Null results of searches for high-overtone pulsation. MARTINEZ P. and KURTZ D.W.
1994BSAO...38..152G viz 672 30 A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1995A&AS..109..201G viz 304 29 A catalogue of variable stars in the lower instability strip. GARCIA J.R., CEBRAL J.R., SCOCCIMARRO E.R., et al.
1995A&AS..114...79L viz 54 82 Linear polarimetry of Ap stars. V. A general catalogue of measurements. LEROY J.L.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJ...450..137B 100 12 A study of ultraviolet objects near the North Galactic Pole with FAUST. BROSCH N., ALMOZNINO E., LEIBOWITZ E.M., et al.
1995ApJS...96..461B viz 4727 33 A catalog of far-ultraviolet point sources detected with the FAUST telescope on Atlas-1. BOWYER S., SASSEEN T.P., WU X., et al.
1995ApJS...99..135A viz 2017 518 The relation between rotational velocities and spectral peculiarities among A-type stars. ABT H.A. and MORRELL N.I.
1996A&A...313..815R 67 31 Coronal activity in the Coma Berenices open cluster. RANDICH S., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and PROSSER C.
1996A&A...314..491W viz 32 22 An analysis of the Ap spectroscopic binary HD 59435. WADE G.A., NORTH P., MATHYS G., et al.
1996A&AS..118..239H viz 609 1 The photoelectric astrolabe catalogue of Yunnan Observatory (YPAC). HU H., LI D., LI Y., et al.
1996PAZh...22..910S 71 T                   4 ~ A study of the atmospheres of the SrCrEu stars 17 Com A and 21 Com in the Coma cluster. SAVANOV I.S., RYABCHIKOVA T.A. and DAVYDOVA E.S.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...327..240A 119 14 Luminosity and related parameters of δ Scuti stars from Hipparcos parallaxes. General properties of luminosity. ANTONELLO E. and MANTEGAZZA L.
1997A&AS..124..299C viz 3158 203 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations: 1996 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., SOUBIRAN C., FRIEL E.D., et al.
1997AJ....114..699C viz 245 9 Spectrophotometry of 237 stars in 7 open clusters. CLAMPITT L. and BURSTEIN D.
1998A&AS..127..421C viz 369 38 The observed periods of Ap and Bp stars. CATALANO F.A. and RENSON P.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998A&AS..130..215S viz 68 18 Effective temperatures of Ap stars. SOKOLOV N.A.
1998A&AS..132...93A viz 649 27 On the Hipparcos photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars. ADELMAN S.J.
1998NewA....3..583O 53 34 The Coma Berenices star cluster and its moving group. ODENKIRCHEN M., SOUBIRAN C. and COLIN J.
1999A&A...345..471R viz 426 235 Open clusters with Hipparcos. I. Mean astrometric parameters. ROBICHON N., ARENOU F., MERMILLIOD J.-C., et al.
1999A&AS..136..307A viz 2410 7 An astrometric catalogue for the area of Coma Berenices. ABAD C. and VICENTE B.
1999AJ....118.1073M 634 2 A second catalog of orbiting astronomical observatory 2 filter photometry: ultraviolet photometry of 614 stars. MEADE M.R.
1999ApJ...521..682A viz 49 31 Binaries in the Praesepe and Coma star clusters and their implications for binary evolution. ABT H.A. and WILLMARTH D.W.
2000A&A...354..216B 29 29 The Pleiades, Coma, Hyades, and Praesepe open clusters: Li, Al, Si, S, Fe, Ni, and Eu abundances compared in A stars. BURKHART C. and COUPRY M.F.
2000A&A...355..308A 27 30 On the effective temperatures, surface gravities and optical region fluxes of the CP stars. ADELMAN S.J. and RAYLE K.E.
2000ARep...44..738A 4 3 Discovery of rapid spectral variability in the Ap star κ Psc. ALIEV S.G. and ISMAILOV N.Z.
2000BaltA...9..253K 59 64 Observing roAp stars with WET: a primer. KURTZ D.W. and MARTINEZ P.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001A&A...369.1048P viz 15       D               1 709 398 A database of high and medium-resolution stellar spectra. PRUGNIEL P. and SOUBIRAN C.
2001AJ....122.2008A 103 15 Are stellar rotational axes distributed randomly. ABT H.A.
2002A&A...381..446M viz 1053 100 Astrometric radial velocities. III. Hipparcos measurements of nearby star clusters and associations. MADSEN S., DRAVINS D. and LINDEGREN L.
2002A&A...392..637S 75 142 A highly sensitive search for magnetic fields in B, A and F stars. SHORLIN S.L.S., WADE G.A., DONATI J.-F., et al.
2002A&A...393..897R viz 2184 207 Rotational velocities of A-type stars. II. Measurement of vsini in the northern hemisphere. ROYER F., GRENIER S., BAYLAC M.-O., et al.
2002Ap.....45..408G 19 4 Investigation of weakly magnetic CP stars. I. GLAGOLEVSKII Y.V. and CHUNTONOV G.A.
2002PABei..20..245J 64 0 Delta Scuti stars and their related objects. JIANG S.
2003A&A...407..631B viz 597 86 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2003AJ....126.2408M 39 12 Improved Hipparcos parallaxes of Coma Berenices and NGC 6231. MAKAROV V.V.
2003PASP..115..609T 19 15 The CHARA catalog of orbital elements of spectroscopic binary stars. TAYLOR S.F., HARVIN J.A. and McALISTER H.A.
2003Ap.....46..319G 27 2 Some comments on the magnetic braking of CP stars. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
2004A&A...424..727P viz 15       D               3572 525 SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits. POURBAIX D., TOKOVININ A.A., BATTEN A.H., et al.
2004ApJ...607..778S 8 13 High-energy gamma-ray observations of W Comae with the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cerenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE). SCALZO R.A., BOONE L.M., BRAMEL D., et al.
2005A&A...430.1143B viz 137 60 A catalog of stellar magnetic rotational phase curves. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2005AstL...31..388R viz 118 15 Temperature behavior of elemental abundances in the atmospheres of magnetic peculiar stars. RYABCHIKOVA T.A.
2006A&A...450..763K viz 248 190 Evolutionary state of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. KOCHUKHOV O. and BAGNULO S.
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