* 19 Cep , the SIMBAD biblio

* 19 Cep , the SIMBAD biblio (380 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST15:38:10

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Title First 3 Authors
1905ApJ....21..292P 30 1 Stars having peculiar spectra. PICKERING E.C. and FLEMING W.P.
1920ApJ....52..198H 18 3 Radial velocities of eighteen stars. HNATEK A.
1926ApJ....64....1F 367 54 Radial velocities of 368 helium stars. FROST E.B., BARRETT S.B. and STRUVE O.
1950ApJ...112..362M 128 38 Revised standards for supergiants on the system of the Yerkes spectral Atlas. MORGAN W.W. and ROMAN N.G.
1951ApJ...113..100D 409 56 Intensities of the interstellar band at lambda 4430. DUKE D.
1951ApJ...113..141N 941 23 A finding list of O and B stars of high luminosity. NASSAU J.J. and MORGAN W.W.
1951ApJ...114..241H 814 89 Polarization of stellar radiation. III. The polarization of 841 stars. HILTNER W.A.
1952ApJ...115..341A 57 3 The intensity of certain lines of He I in the B stars. AHMAD I.I.
1952AnAp...15..113B 186 3 Sur la determination de la grandeur de la discontinuite de Balmer par les methodes de la photometrie a travers des filtres. BARBIER D.
1952AnAp...15..201C 240 154 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. V. Etude du spectre continu de 150 etoiles entre 3150 et 4600 A. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1952AnAp...15..237D 91 3 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. VI. Remarques sur les proprietes absorbantes de la matiere interstellaire. DIVAN L.
1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1747 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W.
1953ApJ...118...92M 193 118 Some characteristics of color systems. MORGAN W.W., HARRIS D.L. and JOHNSON H.L.
1953ApJ...118..370J 71 46 Spectrographic observations of galactic emission regions and nebulae. JOHNSON H.M.
1953MNRAS.113..530B 185 53 On the relation between distance and intensity for interstellar Ca and Na lines. BEALS C.S. and OKE J.B.
1953MNRAS.113..557W 7 3 The ionized He series originating from the fifth quantum level. WILSON R.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954AJ.....59..228E 368 0 Colors of bright stars. EPSTEIN I.
1955ApJS....2...41M 1279 406 Studies in galactic structure. II. Luminosity classification for 1270 blue giants stars. MORGAN W.W., CODE A.D. and WHITFORD A.E.
1956AJ.....61...90M 626 5 Proper motions of 650 bright B-type stars. MORGAN H.R.
1956ApJ...123..253S 99 24 Photoelectric spectrophotometry. I. Hydrogen line intensities of O, B and A type stars. STOCK J.
1956ApJ...123..440S 412 76 Six-color photometry of stars. VIII. The colors of 409 stars of different spectral types. STEBBINS J. and KRON G.E.
1956ApJ...124..367H 271 199 The law of interstellar reddening and absorption. HILTNER W.A. and JOHNSON H.L.
1957ApJ...125...42M 111 148 Interstellar absorption lines in distant stars. I. Northern Milky Way. MUNCH G.
1957ApJ...126...99B 66 7 Photoelectric spectrophotometry. II. Monochromatic colors of O, B and A-type stars. BONSACK W.K. and STOCK J.
1957JO.....40..129S 50 2 Sur la loi d'absorption interstellaire. SCHALEN C.
1958ApJ...128..185C 13       D               194 119 Two-dimensional spectral classification by narrow-band photometry for B stars in clusters and associations. CRAWFORD D.L.
1958PASP...70..561K 146 50 Color excesses from six-color photometry of supergiant stars. KRON G.E.
1958ZA.....45...98M 29 4 Bemerkungen uber das (B-V), (U-B) Diagram der O-B Sternen. MAWRIDIS L.
1959ApJ...130..577L 120 62 The light-variability of early B giants. LYNDS C.R.
1959ApJ...130..603L 4 16 A new eclipsing binary of very short period. LYNDS C.R.
1961ApJS....6....1K 692 8 Micrometer measures of double stars. KUIPER G.P.
1962MmSAI..33..159B 93 6 A two dimensional classification for stars of class O. BOTTO P. and HACK M.
1963AnAp...26...12M 8 1 Photometrie photoelectrique en 6 couleurs. MIANES P.
1963MmSAI..34....3H 74 7 Absolute magnitudes of O type stars. HACK M.
1964MNRAS.128..261B viz 440 34 Photoelectric distance of 461 Northern OB-stars and galactic structure from Hgamma luminosities. BEER A.
1964JO.....47..167M 59 0 Structure de la Galaxie dans une region de Cep. MARTIN N.
1964ZA.....58..202B 31 55 Vergleich der Spiralstruktur bei fruhen galaktischen Sternhaufen, HII-Regionen, HI-Regionen und aussergalaktischen Sternsystemen. BECKER W.
1964LS....C03....0H 13       D               1 1670 43 Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way HARDORP J., THEILE I. and VOIGT H.H.
1965JO.....48...45M 779 0 Troisieme catalogue de l'Observatoire de Besancon comprenant 764 etoiles a 1950.0 sans mouvement propre et 326 etoiles du FK3 pour l'epoque moyenne d'observation. MAITRE V.
1966ArA.....4..101R 44 12 Investigations of a Milky Way field in Scorpius. III. Galactic structure from UBV and H beta photometries of O and B stars. ROSLUND C.
1967JO.....50...83B 500 18 Photoelectric 4430 observations of 506 O, B and A stars. BAERENTZEN J., GAMMELGAARD P., HILBERG T., et al.
1967JO.....50..237B 964 10 Catalogue d'etoiles O et B. BONNEAU M.
1968ApJ...154..923S 83 81 A spectroscopic and photometric investigation of the association Cepheus OB2. SIMONSON S.C.
1968ApJS...17..371L viz 481 539 The kinematics of the Gould belt: an expanding group ? LESH J.R.
1969SvA....13..159V 4 1 The blue companion of delta Cephei (Cep C). VITRICHENKO E.A. and TSAREVSKII G.S.
1970AJ.....75..337L 152 8 An attempt to define luminosity criteria in O stars via narrow-band photoelectric photometry. LANDOLT A.U.
1970AJ.....75..602H 691 193 The space distribution and kinematics of supergiants. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1971A&A....12....5H 370 7 Narrow-band photometry of early-type stars. HAGGKVIST L.
1971AJ.....76.1058C 13       D               394 131 Four-color, H-beta and UBV photometry for bright B-type stars in the northern hemisphere. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V. and GOLSON J.C.
1971ApJ...170..325C 128 513 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. I. Classification and absolute magnitudes. CONTI P.S. and ALSCHULER W.R.
1971ApJ...170..541M 9 14 A comment on the interpretation of the broad component of N III at 4634-4640 A emission in Of stars. MIHALAS D.
1971ApJS...23..257W 232 360 Some spectroscopic characteristics of OB stars: an investigation of the space distribution of certain OB stars and the reference frame of the classification. WALBORN N.R.
1972AJ.....77..150F 140 16 Photometric data for 139 supergiants. FERNIE J.D.
1972AJ.....77..312W 125 627 Spectral classification of OB stars in both hemispheres and the absolute magnitude calibration. WALBORN N.R.
1972ApJ...171..293B 2 36 506 Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. II. Interstellar extinction. BLESS R.C. and SAVAGE B.D.
1972MNRAS.157..461M 52 16 Photoelectric measurements of the 6284 Angstroms diffuse interstellar line. MURDIN P.
1973A&A....27..261G 49 6 Observations in linearly polarized light of the intensity of the diffuse lambda 6180 absorption band in 49 O, B, and A stars. GAMMELGAARD P. and RUDKJOBING M.
1973A&AS...12..277G 545 35 A new general O type stars catalogue. GOY G.
1973ApJ...179L.123W 4 3 77 The spectrum of HDE 226868. WALBORN N.R.
1973ApJ...179..161C 126 152 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. II. Comparison with non-LTE models. CONTI P.S.
1973ApJ...182..523R 20 34 Observations of some early-type supergiants with variable H alpha profiles. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1973ApJ...186..909R 61 116 A survey of H-alpha emission in early-type high-luminosity stars. ROSENDHAL J.D.
1973SAOSR.350....1D viz 13       D               4539 ~ Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet magnitudes. DAVIS R.J., DEUTSCHMAN W.A. and HARAMUNDANIS K.L.
1974AJ.....79..642O 113 9 Narrow-band hydrogen line photometry of three early-type eclipsing binary systems. OLSON E.C. and WEIS E.W.
1974AJ.....79..678S 83 14 Interstellar circular polarization : results from a survey of 84 stars. STOKES R.A., SWEDLUND J.B., AVERY R.W., et al.
1974ApJ...187..539C 80 108 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. IV. Lines in the red region. CONTI P.S.
1974ApJ...191L.131L 40 12 Neutral potassium in dusty clouds. LUTZ B.L.
1974ApJ...193..113C 133 255 Spectroscopic observations of O-type stars. V. The hydrogen lines and lambda 4686 He II. CONTI P.S. and LEEP E.M.
1974ApJS...28..211P 85 9 Ultraviolet television data from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. II. Stellar ultraviolet colors and interstellar extinction. PEYTREMANN E. and DAVIS R.J.
1974MNRAS.166..463O 48 2 On the strength of H alpha in the O-stars. OSBORN W.
1974ArA.....5..391A 39 ~ Photoelectric photometry of luminous B-type stars in a Milky Way field in Cepheus. ARDEBERG A. and SARG K.
1974RMxAA...1..211C viz 675 269 A catalogue of galactic O stars. The ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars. CRUZ-GONZALEZ C., RECILLAS-CRUZ E., COSTERO R., et al.
1975A&A....45..383B 23 12 Recherche,sur les proprietes intrinseques des etoiles bleues de grande luminosite deduites de l'observation de systemes multiples. BURNICHON M.L.
1975A&AS...19..189M viz 775 6 Catalogue of early-type stars measured in a narrow-band photometric system. MORGULEFF N. and GERBALDI M.
1975ApJ...196..503S 70 12 The Balmer discontinuities of O9-B2 supergiants. SCHILD R.E. and CHAFFEE F.H.
1975ApJ...199...92S 80 150 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XX. The ultraviolet extinction bump. SAVAGE B.D.
1975ApJ...200..113M 14       D               102 38 Photometry of O-type stars, interpreted with reference to model atmospheres. MORRISON N.D.
1975PASP...87..481C 126 143 Four-color and H beta photometry of O-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L.
1975Ap&SS..37..371R 77 2 The abundance of negative hydrogen in small hot interstellar clouds. RUDKJOBING M.
1976A&AS...24...89B 23 6 Photometrie photoelectrique UBV des composantes de 20 systemes multiples stellaires jeunes. BURNICHON M.L. and GARNIER R.
1976ApJ...205..419W 92 238 The OBn and OBc stars. WALBORN N.R.
1976RMxAA...2...13B 72 4 Spectral classification of early-type stars. Calibration using a TV-vidicon multichannel system. BISIACCHI G.F., FIRMANI C., ORTEGA R., et al.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977A&AS...30....1C viz 294 11 Photoelectric Halpha line photometry of early-type stars. CESTER B., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1977ApJ...213..438C 203 288 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VII. Rotational velocities V*sin(i) and evidence for macroturbulent motions. CONTI P.S. and EBBETS D.
1977ApJ...214..759C 206 210 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VIII. Radial velocities and the K-term. CONTI P.S., LEEP E.M. and LORRE J.J.
1977ApJ...216..291S 1 110 793 A survey of interstellar molecular hydrogen. I. SAVAGE B.D., BOHLIN R.C., DRAKE J.F., et al.
1977Ap&SS..46..357D 37 3 The ultraviolet absorption band at 2175 A : correlations with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977PASJ...29..439T 68 T                   1 2 7 Spectroscopic study of two O-type supergiants, alpha Camelopardalis, 19 Cephei: model atmosphere analysis. TAKADA M.
1978A&A....69....1A 129 1 The influence of interstellar absorption on measured strengths of the Balmer discontinuity. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1978A&A....70..195G 105 0 Observations in linearly polarized light of the intensity of the diffuse lam 6180 absorption band in 56 southern O, B and A stars. GAMMELGAARD P.
1978AJ.....83..393S 64 31 Mean secular parallax at low galactic latitude. STONE R.C.
1978ApJ...223..458S 51 14 The diffuse interstellar band lambda 5780. SCHMIDT E.G.
1978ApJ...223..908B 22 50 A search for binaries and stellar winds among the O-type stars. BOHANNAN B. and GARMANY C.D.
1978ApJ...224..132B 5 101 3026 A survey of interstellar H I from L alpha absorption measurements. II. BOHLIN R.C., SAVAGE B.D. and DRAKE J.F.
1978ApJ...225..893A 65 227 The terminal velocities of stellar winds from early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C.
1978ApJ...226..976W 4 5 He II lam 4686 emission in the spectrum of HDE 226868 (Cygnus X-1). WALKER G.A.H., YANG S. and GLASPEY J.W.
1978ApJS...38..129H 91 117 Observations of interstellar lines of Na I and/or Ca II toward 47 stars. HOBBS L.M.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1979ApJ...227..510E 19 34 Photospheric velocity fields in the O-type stars. EBBETS D.
1979ApJ...229..136S 56 133 The depletion of interstellar gaseous iron. SAVAGE B.D. and BOHLIN R.C.
1979ApJ...232..520S 61 101 Kinematics, close binary evolution, and ages of the O stars. STONE R.C.
1979ApJS...39..195C 174 106 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXII. An atlas of ultraviolet stellar spectra. CODE A.D. and MEADE M.R.
1979PASP...91..101L 13 6 Observations of C III lam 5696 and He II lam 4686 and the transition of C III lam 5696 from absorption to emission in OB stars. LEPARSKAS H.J.A. and MARLBOROUGH J.M.
1979PASP...91..180M 186 71 Secondary standards for BVRI photometry. MOFFETT T.J. and BARNES III T.G.
1980A&AS...40..307A 340 23 A catalogue of stellar spectrophotometric data. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1980A&AS...41..299M 101 10 An automatic procedure for a determination of the effective temperature and gravity. Application to 100 O-type stars. MOROSSI C. and CRIVELLARI L.
1980ApJ...239..502B 27 59 Highly-ionized species in the interstellar medium. BLACK J.H., DUPREE A.K., HARTMANN L.W., et al.
1980ApJ...242.1063G 95 352 Spectroscopic studies of O type stars. IX. Binary frequency. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and MASSEY P.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1980PASP...92...84J 9 1 Observations of Paschen alpha in P Cygni and other OB stars. JONES T.J. and WOLFF S.C.
1981ApJ...243..204E 28 2 Observations of C III lam lam 9701-9718 in early type stars. EBBETS D. and WOLFF S.C.
1981SvAL....7..347K 115 3 Absolute proper motions for 117 type O stars. KARIMOVA D.K. and PAVLOVSKAYA E.D.
1982A&A...107..252B 87 23 Nitrogen anomalies in O-type stars: a new spectroscopic criterion. BISIACCHI G.F., LOPEZ J.A. and FIRMANI C.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1982ApJ...263..777G viz 402 379 The initial mass function for massive stars. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and CHIOSI C.
1982ApJS...48..369A 83 34 Copernicus observations of the N V resonance doublet in 53 early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C., BOHLIN R.C. and SAVAGE B.D.
1982ApJS...48..399E 25 99 The structure and variability of H alf emission in early-type supergiants. EBBETS D.
1982AN....303..105G 423 6 The interstellar 2200 A band : a catalogue of equivalent widths. GURTLER J., SCHIELICKE R., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1983A&A...126..192Z 261 14 Far ultraviolet colors of B and Be stars. ZOREC J., BRIOT D. and DIVAN L.
1983ApJS...51..277B 88 162 A survey of Ultraviolet interstellar absorption lines. BOHLIN R.C., HILL J.K., JENKINS E.B., et al.
1983PASP...95..491P 41 38 Photometric variability of B- and A-type supergiants. PERCY J.R. and WELCH D.L.
1983Afz....19..533R 22 1 Macrostructure of the ultraviolet continuous spectra of hot stars according to OAO-2 data. RUSTAMBEKOVA S.S.
1983Ap&SS..95..193M 17 2 Computations of radial velocities for O-type stars. MISSANA M.
1984ApJ...282..481M 71 39 Interstellar magnesium abundances. MURRAY M.J., DUFTON P.L., HIBBERT A., et al.
1984ApJS...56..315H 27 39 Optical interstellar absorption lines toward 29 stars. HOBBS L.M.
1984Afz....20..107G 40 2 Spectrophotometric study of OB-stars in the region of the association Cep OB2. GARIBJANIAN A.T.
1985A&A...149..151D 48 15 C IV and Si IV in the interstellar medium. DE KOOL M. and DE JONG T.
1985A&AS...59..145C 1020 153 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations, 1984 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al.
1985ApJ...294..599S 245 267 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. I. Neutral hydrogen SHULL J.M. and VAN STEENBERG M.E.
1985ApJ...298..838F 76 165 Na I as a tracer of H I in the diffuse interstellar medium. FERLET R. and VIDAL-MADJAR A.
1985ApJS...59..397S viz 1283 150 A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars. SAVAGE B.D., MASSA D., MEADE M., et al.
1985IAUS..111..121K 142 17 The MK classification and its calibration. KEENAN P.C.
1986A&A...164..179D 51 22 The abundance of phosphorus in the interstellar medium. DUFTON P.L., KEENAN F.P. and HIBBERT A.
1986A&A...166..271K 36 16 Interstellar extinction curve. The profile of very broad structure. KRELOWSKI J., MASZKOWSKI R. and STROBEL A.
1986A&AS...64..391V 56 122 Chemical equilibrium from diffuse to dense interstellar clouds. I. Galactic molecular clouds. VIALA Y.P.
1986ApJ...301..355J 87 215 Abundances of interstellar atoms from ultraviolet absorption lines. JENKINS E.B., SAVAGE B.D. and SPITZER L.Jr
1986ApJ...304..371G 9 6 218 The optical spectrum of HDE 226868 = Cygnus X-1. II. Spectrophotometry and mass estimates. GIES D.R. and BOLTON C.T.
1986PASP...98.1186H 77 12 The Mv - W (H-gamma) calibration for O6 to A3 supergiants. HILL G.M., WALKER G.A.H. and YANG S.
1986AnTok..21..107Y viz 1062 1 Catalog of O-B stars observed with Tokyo meridian circle during the period 1971-1979. YASUDA H., HARA H., FUKAYA R., et al.
1987A&A...174..203C 61 16 Mid-infrared excess and ultraviolet extinction. COX P. and LEENE A.
1987ApJ...316..449K 128 21 Interdependence of the 4430 A diffuse interstellar band, polarization, and ultraviolet extinction. KRELOWSKI J., WALKER G.A.H., GRIEVE G.R., et al.
1987ApJ...321..438N 7 19 The HeII lambda 4686 and H-alpha emission lines of Cygnus X-1. NINKOV Z., WALKER G.A.H. and YANG S.
1987ApJ...322..368H 26 2 Single Gaussian curve of growth abundance determinations from ultraviolet interstellar absorption-line data. HARRIS A.W.
1987ApJS...64..545G 191 265 The kinematical and binary properties of association and field O stars. GIES D.R.
1987PASP...99..284N 7 6 New emission lines in the spectra of O and Of stars. NINKOV Z., YANG S., HILL G.M., et al.
1987S&T....74..465K 35 0 The spectacular O stars. KALER J.B.
1988ApJ...326..356L 149 167 H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars. LEITHERER C.
1988ApJ...330..942V 261 92 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with the IUE. III. Silicon, manganese, iron, sulfur, and zinc. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988ApJ...335..197V 297 6 IUE-IRAS studies of the infrared cirrus. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988ApJS...67..225V 261 37 Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. II. The equivalent widths and column densities. VAN STEENBERG M.E. and SHULL J.M.
1988MNRAS.231p..21P 4 ~ Evidence for rotationally modulated variability in O star winds. PRINJA R.K.
1988IUEEN..29...45. 439 0 Merged log of IUE observations.
1988IUE88...2...53W 39 ~ IUE studies of mass loss phenomena in hot stars. WILLIS A.J.
1988IUE88...2..145H 4 ~ Rapid variability in O star winds. HENRICHS H.F., KAPER L. and ZWARTHOED G.A.A.
1989A&A...225..143H 16 10 A study of the ultraviolet spectrum of VV Cephei. HACK M., ENGIN S. and YILMAZ N.
1989A&A...226..215B 143 10 Stellar wind velocities and luminosities of O stars. BERNABEU G., MAGAZZU A. and STALIO R.
1989ApJ...340..518B 95 254 A survey of radio emission from galactic OB stars. BIEGING J.H., ABBOTT D.C. and CHURCHWELL E.B.
1989ApJ...340..762E 114 61 The density distribution of refractory elements away from the galactic plane. EDGAR R.J. and SAVAGE B.D.
1989ApJS...69..527H 200 568 The stellar winds of 203 galactic O stars: a quantitative ultraviolet survey. HOWARTH I.D. and PRINJA R.K.
1989PASP..101..118F 3 4 Identification of the lambda 6667.4, lambda 6701.3 emission doublet in the spectra of O supergiants. FULLERTON A.W.
1990A&A...228..125P 2 7 74 Radiation driven winds of hot luminous stars. VII. The evolution of massive stars and the morphology of stellar wind spectra. PAULDRACH A.W.A., KUDRITZKI R.P., PULS J., et al.
1990ApJ...361..607P 286 479 Terminal velocities for a large sample of O stars, B supergiants, and Wolf-Rayet stars. PRINJA R.K., BARLOW M.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
1990MNRAS.246..392P 296 19 Photospheric absorption lines in the UV spectra of O and B type stars. PRINJA R.K.
1991A&A...246..199B 43 7 Models for the radiatively driven stellar wind of early-type stars. BLOMME R.
1991ApJ...368..241C 119 210 On winds and X-rays of O-type stars. CHLEBOWSKI T. and GARMANY C.D.
1991Ap&SS.183...91T 519 18 The stellar temperature scale for stars of spectral types from 08 to F6 and the standard deviation of the MK spectral classification. THEODOSSIOU E. and DANEZIS E.
1992A&A...261..209H 2 39 410 Intrinsic parameters of galactic luminous OB stars. HERRERO A., KUDRITZKI R.P., VILCHEZ J.M., et al.
1992A&AS...94..211G 556 232 Galactic OB associations in the Northern Milky Way Galaxy. I. Longitudes 55 to 150. GARMANY C.D. and STENCEL R.E.
1992A&AS...94..569L 70 66 Galactic B-supergiants. I. An atlas of O9-B9 supergiant spectra from 3950 A to 4950 A. LENNON D.J., DUFTON P.L. and FITZSIMMONS A.
1992A&AS...95..273C viz 1597 172 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations : 1991 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., HAUCK B., FRANCOIS P., et al.
1992AZh....69..250P 133 3 Groups of stars with common motion in the Galaxy. Groups of stars of O and B spectral classes. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1992Ap&SS.197..237B 63 2 Stellar wind velocities and the radiation-driven winds theory for O stars. BERNABEU G.
1992Obs...112..123S 8 2 Radial velocities of the IUE calibration stars. STICKLAND D.J.
1992VilOB..86...59S 273 6 Photoelectric photometry of OB stars in the Vilnius system. SUDZIUS J. and BOBINAS V.
1993A&AS...97..559L 70 58 Galactic B-supergiants. II. Line strengths in the visible. Evidence for evolutionary effects? LENNON D.J., DUFTON P.L. and FITZSIMMONS A.
1993A&AS..101..599C 70 13 An atlas of Balmer lines (H-delta and H-gamma). CANANZI K., AUGARDE R. and LEQUEUX J.
1993ApJ...418..749R 212 80 Synthetic UV lines of Si IV, C IV and He II from a population of massive stars in starburst galaxies. ROBERT C., LEITHERER C. and HECKMAN T.M.
1993PASP..105..693T viz 60 88 An atlas of low-resolution near-infrared spectra of normal stars. TORRES-DODGEN A.V. and WEAVER W.B.
1993PAZh...19..919M 36 ~ Photometry of VV-type stars. MIROSHNICHENKO A.S.
1994A&A...284..138W 25 11 Evolution of initially mixed massive main sequence stars. WEISS A.
1994ApJ...424..754A 117 34 CH+ in the interstellar medium. ALLEN M.M.
1994ApJS...93..211D viz 555 284 An IUE survey of interstellar H I Ly-alpha absorption. I. Column densities. DIPLAS A. and SAVAGE B.D.
1994ApJS...94..127F viz 14       D               595 122 The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium. I. The data. FRUSCIONE A., HAWKINS I., JELINSKY P., et al.
1994ApJS...95..163S viz 233 29 An atlas of ultraviolet P Cygni profiles. SNOW T.P., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., LINDHOLM D.M., et al.
1994Ap&SS.221...41L 12 9 Observational aspects of wind variability. LAMERS H.J.G.L.M.
1994Ap&SS.221..115K 13 25 Wind variability in O-type stars. KAPER L. and HENRICHS H.F.
1994Ap&SS.221..249R 19 3 The infrared and radio continuum of OB-stars. RUNACRES M. and BLOMME R.
1994BaltA...3..158S 166 4 Intrinsic colour indices of O- and B- type stars in the Vilnius photometric system. SUDZIUS J. and BOBINAS V.
1995A&A...297..556H 10 5 203 Fundamental parameters of galactic luminous OB stars. II. A spectroscopic analysis of HDE 226868 and the mass of Cygnus X-1. HERRERO A., KUDRITZKI R.P., GABLER R., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..112..475A viz 76 34 An atlas of the infrared spectral region. I. The early type stars (O-G0). ANDRILLAT Y., JASCHEK C. and JASCHEK M.
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