[SRR2010] 12 , the SIMBAD biblio

2010ApJ...717..147S - Astrophys. J., 717, 147-162 (2010/July-1)

A warm molecular hydrogen tail due to ram-pressure stripping of a cluster galaxy.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have discovered a remarkable warm (130-160 K) molecular hydrogen tail with a H2 mass of approximately 4x107 Mextending 20 kpc from a cluster spiral galaxy, ESO 137-001, in Abell 3627. At least half of this gas is lost permanently to the intracluster medium, as the tail extends beyond the tidal radius of the galaxy. We also detect a hot (400-550 K) component in the tail that is approximately 1% of the mass. The large H2 line to IR continuum luminosity ratio in the tail indicates that star formation is not a major excitation source and that the gas is possibly shock-heated. This discovery confirms that the galaxy is currently undergoing ram-pressure stripping, as also indicated by its previously discovered X-ray and Hα tails. We estimate that the galaxy is losing its warm H2 gas at a rate of ∼2-3 M/yr. The true mass-loss rate is likely higher if we account for cold molecular gas and atomic gas. We predict that the galaxy will lose most of its gas in a single pass through the core and place a strong upper limit on the ram-pressure timescale of 1 Gyr. We also study the star-forming properties of the galaxy and its tail. We identify most of the previously discovered external Hα sources within the tail in our 8 µm data but not in our 3.6 µm data; IRS spectroscopy of the region containing these Hα sources also reveals aromatic features typically associated with star formation. From the positions of these H II regions, it appears that star formation is not occurring throughout the molecular hydrogen tail but only immediately downstream of the galaxy. Some of these H II regions lie outside the tidal radius of the galaxy, indicating that ram-pressure stripping can be a source of intracluster stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 3627 - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: individual: ESO 137-001 - galaxies: ISM - infrared: galaxies

Nomenclature: Table 4: [SRR2010] NN (Nos 1-21).

Simbad objects: 29

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