[GJN2002] 2 , the SIMBAD biblio

2002A&A...389..977G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 389, 977-992 (2002/7-3)

Results of the SEST Key Programme: CO in the Magellanic Clouds. VIII. The giant molecular complex No. 37 of the LMC.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report observations of the CO(1->0), CO(2->1) and 13CO(1->0) line emission from the giant molecular complex No. 37 of the Large Magellanic Cloud, made with linear resolutions between 6 and 12 pc. The observations were undertaken with the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) as part of the Key Programme: CO in the Magellanic Clouds. We find that the CO(1->0) emission arises from six large, distinct, molecular clouds, with CO luminosities in the range 1x104 to 5x104K(km/s)/pc2 and sizes between 22 and 38 pc, and seven smaller clumps, with CO luminosities in the range between 7x102 and 2x103K(km/s)/pc2. The opacities in the CO(1->0) line at the peak position of the large clouds are remarkably smaller than those derived for Galactic molecular clouds. Relationships between line width, size and CO luminosities are discussed. The total CO luminosity of the complex determined from the SEST observations, of 1.8x105K(km/s)/pc2, is in excellent agreement with that determined from the low spatial resolution (∼140pc) observations of Cohen et al. On the other hand, the total mass of molecular gas in the complex derived from the SEST observations, assuming that the individual clouds are virialized, is 2.4x106M, which is a factor of 6 lower than that estimated by Cohen et al. under the same assumption. We conclude that the value of the velocity integrated CO emission to H2 column density conversion factor in the LMC determined from low angular resolution observations has been overestimated by a factor of ∼3. We derive a conversion factor for clouds in Complex-37 of ∼6x1020cm–2K–1km–1.s, which is similar to that for clouds in the outer Galaxy.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: Magellanic Clouds - ISM: clouds - ISM: molecules - radio lines: ISM

Nomenclature: Table 1: [GJN2002] A (Nos A-F), [GJN2002] N (Nos 1-7).

CDS comments: complex No. 37 = LMC-CO 37.

Simbad objects: 22

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