[F88c] F1-3 , the SIMBAD biblio

1988ApJ...326..691F - Astrophys. J., 326, 691-709 (1988/March-0)

New Cepheid distances to nearby galaxies based on BVRI CCD photometry. I. IC 1613.


Abstract (from CDS):

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Individual Alphanumeric: IC 1613 - Galaxies: Distances - Galaxies: Local Group - Photometry - Stars: Cepheids - Stars: Pulsation

Nomenclature: Table 2A: [F88c] F1-NN (Nos 1-28). Table 2B: [F88c] F2-NN (Nos 1-52)

Simbad objects: 81

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