[CRH2015] J055342.7-102331 , the SIMBAD biblio

2015AJ....149..108C - Astron. J., 149, 108 (2015/March-0)

The Herbig Be star V1818 Ori and its environment.


Abstract (from CDS):

The little-studied Herbig Be star V1818 Ori is located in the direction of the southern L1641 cloud and the Mon R2 star-forming complex, and is most likely associated with the latter at a distance of : (900 pc. A high-resolution spectrum is consistent with a spectral type around B7 V, with lines of Hα, the red Ca ii triplet, and several forbidden lines in emission. An All Sky Automated Survey V-band light curve spanning 9 yr reveals major variability with deep absorption episodes reminiscent of the UX Orionis stars. We have searched for additional young stars clustering around V1818 Ori using grism images and the 2MASS and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer catalogs, and have found almost two dozen fainter stars with evidence of youth. Direct images show that the bright star IRAS 05510-1025, only about 3 arcmin from V1818 Ori, is surrounded by a reflection nebula, indicating its association with a molecular cloud. A spectrum of the star shows no emission-lines, and it is found to be a close binary with late B and early G type components. Its radial velocity indicates that it is an interloper, accidentally passing through the cloud and not physically associated with V1818 Ori.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: individual: V1818 Ori - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be

Nomenclature: Table 1: [CRH2015] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=3. Fig. 7, Table 3: [CRH2015] NN (Nos 1-22).

Simbad objects: 40

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