[VV2010c] J105250.3+572544 , the SIMBAD biblio

2010A&A...518A..10V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 518, A10-10 (2010/7-2)

A catalogue of quasars and active nuclei: 13th edition.


Abstract (from CDS):

This catalogue is aimed at presenting a compilation of all known AGN in a compact and convenient form, and we hope that it will be useful to all workers in this field. Like the twelfth edition, it includes position and redshift, as well as photometry (U, B, V) and 6cm and 20cm flux densities, when available. The present version contains 133336 quasars, 1374 BL Lac objects, and 34231 active galaxies (including 16517 Seyfert 1s), almost doubling the number listed in the 12th edition. We also give a list of all known lensed and double quasars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): quasars: general - galaxies: Seyfert - BL Lacertae objects: general

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: VII/258>

Nomenclature: qso.dat: [VV2010] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=133336. bllac.dat: [VV2010b] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=1374. agn.dat: [VV2010c] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS N=34231.

CDS comments: Table 3 Quasar J03.13 = CTS J03.13

Simbad objects: 168912

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