[VCE2001] C9 , the SIMBAD biblio

2001A&A...379..208V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 379, 208-214 (2001/11-3)

Low mass T Tauri and young brown dwarf candidates in the Chamaeleon II dark cloud found by DENIS.


Abstract (from CDS):

We define a sample designed to select low-mass T Tauri stars and young brown dwarfs using DENIS data in the Chamaeleon II molecular cloud. We use a star count method to construct an extinction map of the Chamaeleon II cloud. We select our low-mass T Tauri star and young brown dwarf candidates by their strong infrared color excess in the I-J/J-Ks color-color dereddened diagram. We retain only objects with colors I-J≥2, and spatially distributed in groups around the cloud cores. This provides a sample of 70 stars of which 4 are previously known T Tauri stars. We have carefully checked the reliability of all these objects by visual inspection of the DENIS images. Thanks to the association of the optical I band to the infra-red J and Ks bands in DENIS, we can apply this selection method to all star formation regions observed in the southern hemisphere. We also identify six DENIS sources with X-ray sources detected by ROSAT. Assuming that they are reliable low-mass candidates and using the evolutionary models for low-mass stars, we estimate the age of these sources between 1Myr and <10Myr.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: clouds - ISM: dust, extinction - ISM: individual objects: Chamaeleon

Nomenclature: Table 1: [VCE2001] CNN (Nos C1-C70), [VCE2001] XN (Nos X1-X6).

Simbad objects: 81

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