[SMF2006] 16 , the SIMBAD biblio

2006A&A...456..287S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 456, 287-293 (2006/9-2)

Unveiling the nature of the highly absorbed X-ray source SAX J1748.2-2808 with XMM-Newton.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report on the results of an EPIC XMM-Newton observation of the faint source SAX J1748.2-2808 and the surrounding field. This source was discovered during the BeppoSAX Galactic center survey performed in 1997-1998. A spatial analysis resulted in the detection of 31 sources within the EPIC field of view. SAX J1748.2-2808 is clearly resolved into 2 sources in EPIC images with the brighter contributing almost 80% of the 2-10keV flux. Spectral fits to this main source are consistent with an absorbed power-law with a photon index of 1.4±0.5 and absorption equivalent to 14 +6 –4x1022/cm2 together with an iron line at 6.6 +0.2 –0.2 keV with an equivalent width of 780 +620–380 eV. The significantly better statistics of the XMM-Newton observation, compared with BeppoSAX, allows to exclude a thermal nature for the X-ray emission. A comparison with other observations of SAXJ1748.2-2808 does not reveal any evidence for spectral or intensity long-term variability. Based on these properties we propose that the source is a low-luminosity high-mass X-ray binary located in the Galactic center region.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: center - X-rays: stars - X-rays: individual: SAX J1748.2-2808

Nomenclature: Table 4: [SMF2006] NN (Nos 1-31).

CDS comments: Table 3 star Tyc2 929 not identified.

Simbad objects: 36

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