[NRS2013] IC2944/2948 301 , the SIMBAD biblio

2013A&A...555A..83N - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 555A, 83-83 (2013/7-1)

X-ray properties of the young open clusters HM1 and IC2944/2948.


Abstract (from CDS):

Using XMM-Newton data, we study for the first time the X-ray emission of HM1 and IC 2944/2948. Low-mass, pre-main-sequence objects with an age of a few Myr are detected, as well as a few background or foreground objects. Most massive stars in both clusters display the usual high-energy properties of that type of objects, though with log[LX/LBOL] apparently lower in HM1 than in IC2944/2948. Compared with studies of other clusters, it seems that a low signal-to-noise ratio at soft energies, due to the high extinction, may be the main cause of this difference. In HM1, the two Wolf-Rayet stars show contrasting behaviors: WR89 is extremely bright, but much softer than WR87. It remains to be seen whether wind-wind collisions or magnetically confined winds can explain these emissions. In IC2944/2948, the X-ray sources concentrate around HD101205; a group of massive stars to the north of this object is isolated, suggesting that there exist two subclusters in the field-of-view.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): open clusters and associations: individual: HM1 - open clusters and associations: individual: IC 2944 - stars: early-type - open clusters and associations: individual: IC 2948 - X-rays: stars

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/555/A83): table1.dat table3.dat table4.dat>

Nomenclature: Table 1: [NRS2013] HM1 NN (Nos 1-58), Table 3: [NRS2013] IC2944/2948 NNN (Nos 1-368).

Simbad objects: 471

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