[LHZ2010] B2 , the SIMBAD biblio

2010ApJ...725.2190L - Astrophys. J., 725, 2190-2208 (2010/December-3)

The high-velocity molecular outflows in massive cluster-forming region G10.6-0.4.

LIU H.B., HO P.T.P. and ZHANG Q.

Abstract (from CDS):

We report the arcsecond resolution Submillimeter Array observations of the 12CO (2-1) transition in the massive cluster-forming region G10.6-0.4. In these observations, the high-velocity 12CO emission is resolved into individual outflow systems, which have a typical size scale of a few arcseconds. These molecular outflows are energetic and are interacting with the ambient molecular gas. By inspecting the shock signatures traced by CH3OH, SiO, and HCN emissions, we suggest that abundant star formation activities are distributed over the entire 0.5 pc scale dense molecular envelope. The star formation efficiency over one global free-fall timescale (of the 0.5 pc molecular envelope, ∼105 years) is about a few percent. The total energy feedback of these high-velocity outflows is higher than 1047 erg, which is comparable to the total kinetic energy in the rotational motion of the dense molecular envelope. From order-of-magnitude estimations, we suggest that the energy injected from the protostellar outflows is capable of balancing the turbulent energy dissipation. No high-velocity bipolar molecular outflow associated with the central OB cluster is directly detected, which can be due to the photoionization.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): H II regions - ISM: individual: G10.6-0.4 - ISM: kinematics and dynamics - stars: evolution - stars: formation - stars: massive

Nomenclature: Fig. 2, Table 3: [LHZ2010] AN (Nos R1-R4, B1-B6), [LHZ2010] HCN N=1, [LHZ2010] HCN-B N=1. Paragr. 3.1: [LHZ2010] filament NE N=1, [LHZ2010] G10-SW N=1.

Simbad objects: 23

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