[JCC87] IRAS 4B2 , the SIMBAD biblio

[JCC87] IRAS 4B2 , the SIMBAD biblio (20 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST16:40:48

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2000MNRAS.319..991S 1 5 19 NGC 1333/IRAS 4: a multiple star formation laboratory. SMITH K.W., BONNELL I.A., EMERSON J.P., et al.
2016ApJ...818...73T viz 17       D               1 145 206 The VLA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity survey of Perseus protostars (VANDAM). II. Multiplicity of protostars in the Perseus molecular cloud. TOBIN J.J., LOONEY L.W., LI Z.-Y., et al.
2017A&A...599A.121D viz 162           X C       3 29 19 Glycolaldehyde in Perseus young solar analogs. DE SIMONE M., CODELLA C., TESTI L., et al.
2017MNRAS.469.3881S viz 16       D               1 86 19 Embedded binaries and their dense cores. SADAVOY S.I. and STAHLER S.W.
2018A&A...616A.139G 206           X C       4 50 23 SMA observations of polarized dust emission in solar-type Class 0 protostars: Magnetic field properties at envelope scales. GALAMETZ M., MAURY A., GIRART J.M., et al.
2018ApJS..238...19T viz 16       D               1 176 106 The VLA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity survey of Perseus protostars (VANDAM). IV. Free-free emission from protostars: links to infrared properties, outflow tracers, and protostellar disk masses. TYCHONIEC L., TOBIN J.J., KARSKA A., et al.
2019ApJ...871...98Z 17       D               1 22 2 Anchoring magnetic fields in turbulent molecular clouds. II. From 0.1 to 0.01 pc. ZHANG Y., GUO Z., WANG H.H., et al.
2019A&A...621A..76M 168           X         4 80 90 Characterizing young protostellar disks with the CALYPSO IRAM-PdBI survey: large Class 0 disks are rare. MAURY A.J., ANDRE P., TESTI L., et al.
2020A&A...635A..15M 44           X         1 37 42 Searching for kinematic evidence of Keplerian disks around Class 0 protostars with CALYPSO. MARET S., MAURY A.J., BELLOCHE A., et al.
2020A&A...635A.198B 231       D     X         6 52 64 Questioning the spatial origin of complex organic molecules in young protostars with the CALYPSO survey BELLOCHE A., MAURY A.J., MARET S., et al.
2020A&A...637A..92G 86             C       2 31 41 Angular momentum profiles of Class 0 protostellar envelopes. GAUDEL M., MAURY A.J., BELLOCHE A., et al.
2020A&A...644A..47G 43           X         1 60 14 An observational correlation between magnetic field, angular momentum and fragmentation in the envelopes of Class 0 protostars? GALAMETZ M., MAURY A., GIRART J.M., et al.
2021ApJ...907...33Y 17       D               2 78 21 The JCMT BISTRO survey: alignment between outflows and magnetic fields in dense Cores/Clumps. YEN H.-W., KOCH P.M., HULL C.L.H., et al.
2021ApJ...910...20Y 17       D               5 85 52 The Perseus ALMA Chemistry Survey (PEACHES). I. The complex organic molecules in Perseus embedded protostars. YANG Y.-L., SAKAI N., ZHANG Y., et al.
2021A&A...648A..45P 435     A D S   X         10 65 24 The CALYPSO IRAM-PdBI survey of jets from Class 0 protostars. Exploring whether jets are ubiquitous in young stars. PODIO L., TABONE B., CODELLA C., et al.
2022ApJ...925...39T viz 18       D               1 405 20 The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk And Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars. V. A Characterization of Protostellar Multiplicity. TOBIN J.J., OFFNER S.S.R., KRATTER K.M., et al.
2022ApJ...930...67G 18       D               1 39 3 Effects of Magnetic Field Orientations in Dense Cores on Gas Kinematics in Protostellar Envelopes. GUPTA A., YEN H.-W., KOCH P., et al.
2023A&A...678A.124A 439       D     X C       9 88 ~ The Perseus ALMA Chemical Survey (PEACHES) III. Sulfur-bearing species tracing accretion and ejection processes in young protostars. ARTUR DE LA VILLARMOIS E., GUZMAN V.V., YANG Y.-L., et al.
2024ApJ...961...90C 20       D               1 38 ~ Protostellar Chimney Flues: Are Jets and Outflows Lifting Submillimeter Dust Grains from Disks into Envelopes? CACCIAPUOTI L., TESTI L., PODIO L., et al.
2024A&A...686A.162P viz 20       D               2 28 ~ Probing the physics of star formation (ProPStar) I. First resolved maps of the electron fraction and cosmic-ray ionization rate in NGC 1333. PINEDA J.E., SIPILA O., SEGURA-COX D.M., et al.

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