NGC 2024 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 2024 , the SIMBAD biblio (1160 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:41:19

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Title First 3 Authors
1920ApJ....51..276P 88 30 Photographs of nebulae with the 60-inch reflector, 1917-1919. PEASE F.G.
1921ApJ....53..392D 10 2 Bright and dark nebulae near zeta Orionis photographed with the 100-inch Hooker telescope. DUNCAN J.C.
1922ApJ....56..162H 112 131 A general study of diffuse galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1922ApJ....56..400H 62 99 The source of luminosity in galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.
1946MeLu2.119....1C viz 186 84 Studies of bright diffuse galactic nebulae with special regard to their spatial distribution. CEDERBLAD S.
1964BOTT....3..331J 12 28 The law of interstellar extinction in Orion. JOHNSON H.L. and MENDOZA V E.E.
1965BAN....18...42D 196 26 A catalogue of discrete sources observed at 400 Mc/s. DAVIS M.M., GELATO-VOLDERS L. and WESTERHOUT G.
1967ApJ...147..471M 5 21 741 Galactic H II regions. I. Observations of their continuum radiation at the frequency 5 GHz. MEZGER P.G. and HENDERSON A.P.
1968ApJ...151..473M 92 147 Radial velocities and kinematics of galactic H II regions. MILLER J.S.
1968ApJ...154..833M 14 38 Observations of four H II regions at a wavelength of 2.8 centimeters. MacLEOD J.M. and DOHERTY L.H.
1968PASP...80...20G 67 T                   1 5 20 The spectrum of star no. 1 in
NGC 2024.
1969A&A.....1..365G 2 9 Influence of dielectronic recombination of the radio recombination lines of carbon. GAYET R., BINH D.H., JOLY F., et al.
1969ApJ...158..629M 101 179 The effective temperatures of the O stars. MORTON D.C.
1970A&A.....4..244Z 7 29 Observations of the anomalous microwave recombination line at 11 cm wavelength. ZUCKERMAN B. and PALMER P.
1970A&A.....5..407R 3 11 A recombination line of mapping the H II region W 3 (IC 1795). RUBIN R.H. and MEZGER P.G.
1970A&A.....6..364W 186 302 A survey of H 109-alpha recombination line emission in galactic HII regions of the southern sky. WILSON T.L., MEZGER P.G., GARDNER F.F., et al.
1970A&A.....6..460L 7 12 On the electron temperature in H II regions. LOUISE R.
1970A&A.....7..322G 40 11 Comparaison des vitesses radiales de regions H II obtenues en optique et en radio. GEORGELIN Y.P.
1970QJRAS..11..199O 38 23 Abundances of the elements in gaseous nebulae. OSTERBROCK D.E.
1971AJ.....76..571S 10 22 Comparative study of radio and optical photometry of several H II regions. SCHMITTER E.F.
1972A&A....20..237K 16 59 Brightness and polarization structure of four supernova remnants 3C 58, IC 443, W 28 and W 44 at 2.8 centimeter wavelength. KUNDU M.R. and VELUSAMY T.
1972ApJ...177L..53L 1 7 62 21-micron observations of H II regions. LEMKE D. and LOW F.J.
1972ApJS...24...49R 1 42 309 III. 21 centimeter absorption measurements on 41 galactic sources north of declination -48. RADHAKRISHNAN V., GOSS W.M., MURRAY J.D., et al.
1972Natur.236....6F 67 T                   1 4 ~ Infrared astronomy - Observations of M 42,
NGC 2024 and M 1.
1973ApJ...181..781F 1 9 66 Interferometric observations of formaldehyde absorption in front of strong galactic sources. FOMALONT E.B. and WELIACHEW L.
1973ApJ...182...67J 38 86 Thirteen new H20 sources associated with OH emission in H II regions. JOHNSTON K.J., SLOANAKER R.M. and BOLOGNA J.M.
1973ApJ...182..497J 20 19 Infrared nebular luminosity versus stellar luminosity in five H II regions. JOHNSON H.M.
1973ApL....14..119L 5 5 Observations of the bright rim of the Horsehead Nebula in H alpha and (N II). LOUISE R. and SAPIN C.
1974A&A....32..283C 19 100 Helium abundance in galactic H II regions. CHURCHWELL E., MEZGER P.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.
1974A&A....37..389W 5 4 123 The 4830 MHz formaldehyde absorption in the direction of galactic radio sources. WHITEOAK J.B. and GARDNER F.F.
1974ApJ...192L.149Z 6 10 360 Models of massive molecular clouds. ZUCKERMAN B. and EVANS II N.J.
1974ApJ...192..221P 1 10 76 Infrared emission from H II regions. PANAGIA N.
1974ApJ...193..373G 74 T                   1 3 131 An infrared study of
NGC 2024.
1975A&A....39..481G 15 33 Young stellar clusters in diffuse nebulae. GLUSHKOV Y.I., DENISYUK E.K. and KARYAGINA Z.V.
1975ApJ...198..349P 9 10 On the intensities of decimetric-wavelength radio recombination lines. PARRISH A. and PANKONIN V.
1976A&A....46....1G 7 17 OH observations of the dust complex Lynds 1630 and of NGC 2024. GOSS W.M., WINNBERG A., JOHANSSON L.E.B., et al.
1976ApJ...203..159L 16 79 Optical and millemeter-wave observations of the M8 region. LADA C.J., GULL T.R., GOTTLIEB C.A., et al.
1976LicOB.722....1B 68 T                   1 6 0 Studies of the dusty H II region
NGC 2024.
1976PASAu...3...47L 42 8 The AFCRL catalogue: some southern sources studies. LONGMORE A.J. and HYLAND A.R.
1976S&T....51..140H 10 0 Deep-sky wonders. HOUSTON W.S.
1977A&A....59...43F 28 51 Aperture synthesis observations of galactic HII regions. V. The galactic nebula S252 (NGC 2175). FELLI M., HABING H.J. and ISRAEL F.P.
1977A&A....61..117G 1 7 65 H2O in Orion: outflow of matter in the last stages of star formation. GENZEL R. and DOWNES D.
1977A&AS...29...65B 204 48 A catalogue of bright nebulosities in opaque dust clouds. BERNES C.
1977ApJ...214...86C 16 20 The interstellar medium near stars with peculiar interstellar polarizations. COHEN J.G.
1977ApJ...215..521K 4 10 246 The molecular complexes in Orion. KUTNER M.L., TUCKER K.D., CHIN G., et al.
1978A&A....66...57W 62 143 The correlation of the interstellar extinction law with the wavelength of maximum polarization. WHITTET D.C.B. and VAN BREDA I.G.
1978A&A....67..355L 69 T                   1 7 45 High-resolution mapping of the H I absorption lines in the direction of
NGC 2024, Orion A, M 17 and W 49.
1978A&A....70..719C 31 132 Gradient of H II region electron temperatures and helium abundance in the Galaxy. CHURCHWELL E., SMITH L.F., MATHIS J., et al.
1978A&A....70..769I 1 22 191 H II regions and CO clouds - The blister model. ISRAEL F.P.
1978AJ.....83..492T 14 49 Observations of five moderate-luminosity far-infrared sources in Orion and Monoceros. THRONSON H.A., HARPER D.A., KEENE J., et al.
1978ApJS...36....1M 3 12 213 Microwave spectral lines in galactic dust globules. MARTIN R.N. and BARRETT A.H.
1978MNRAS.183..711G 54 25 Observations of the J=1-0 transition of CS at 49 GHz in southern molecular clouds. GARDNER F.F. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1979A&A....74..133F 71 T                   1 1 19 Near infrared observations of
NGC 2024.
1979ApJ...231..720P 1 13 109 Observations of CO(J=2-1) emission from molecular clouds. PHILLIPS T.G., HUGGINS P.J., WANNIER P.G., et al.
1979ARA&A..17..345H 109 223 Compact H II regions and OB star formation. HABING H.J. and ISRAEL F.P.
1980A&A....90..297B 12 28 OH observations of molecular complexes in Orion and Taurus. BAUD B. and WOUTERLOOT J.G.A.
1980A&AS...40...33V 11 3 Photometrie photoelectrique de nebuleuses gazeuses diffuses dans la raie H-alpha. VIDAL J.-L.
1980ApJ...241..655M 24 25 Ammonia observations of DR 21, W 51, NGC 1333, and other sources. MATSAKIS D.N., BOLOGNA J.M., SCHWARTZ P.R., et al.
1980MNRAS.192..467W 232 115 Infrared photometry of southern early-type stars. WHITTET D.C.B. and VAN BREDA I.G.
1981ApJ...245..482G 22 42 A study of interstellar carbonyl sulfide. GOLDSMITH P.F. and LINKE R.A.
1981ApJ...246...86W 11 6 A search for interstellar nitrous oxide. WILSON W.J. and SNYDER L.E.
1981MNRAS.194..809L 33 14 2375 Turbulence and star formation in molecular clouds. LARSON R.B.
1982A&AS...48..345K 73 T                   1 2 43 The structure of Orion B (
NGC 2024): a recombination line and continuum map.
1982A&AS...49..607B 19 49 Formaldehyde absorption measurements of selected galactic molecular clouds. BIEGING J.H., WILSON T.L. and DOWNES D.
1982ApJ...255..160W 27 96 A study of DCO+ emission regions in interstellar clouds. WOOTTEN A., LOREN R.B. and SNELL R.L.
1982ApJS...49..183B viz 409 459 Catalogue of CO radial velocities toward galactic HII regions. BLITZ L., FICH M. and STARK A.A.
1983A&A...120..322W 2 5 Aperture synthesis observations of Orion B at 2.695 and 8.085 GHz. WINK J.E., ALTENHOFF W.J. and WEBSTER W.J.
1983A&A...123L...5G 12 7 Possible supernova remnant associated with pulsar PSR 1930+22. GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J. and DEL ROMERO A.
1983A&A...125L..23C 71 T                   1 4 49 The magnetic field of the
NGC 2024 molecular cloud : detection of OH line Zeeman splitting.
1983A&A...125..258D 11 23 Diffuse light near zeta Orionis and the Horsehead Nebula, and anomalous extinction of HD 37903, as measured with the ANS. DE BOER K.S.
1983A&A...127..383T 12 0 Neon abundances in nearby HII regions. THUM C. and NISHIMURA T.
1983A&A...127..388H 10 34 Formaldehyde towards compact HII regions : densities and isotope ratios. HENKEL C., WILSON T.L., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1983A&AS...52..125V 56 10 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones - The anticentre region. VALLEE J.P.
1983AJ.....88..985S 66 39 Properties of young clusters near reflection nebulae. SELLGREN K.
1983ApJ...264..538K 69 T                   1 5 18 The 157 micron emission from
NGC 2024: core and halo components.
1983ApJ...265..824B 2 54 660 The high-velocity molecular flows near young stellar objects BALLY J. and LADA C.J.
1983ApJ...267..126W 19 21 The polarization of millimeter-wave emission lines in dense interstellar clouds. WANNIER P.G., SCOVILLE N.Z. and BARVAINIS R.
1983ApJ...268..123S 24 35 An extensive galactic search for conformer II Glycine. SNYDER L.E., HOLLIS J.M., SUENRAM R.D., et al.
1983ApJ...270..583W 17 61 The / abundance ratio in molecular clouds. WOODS R.C., GUDEMAN C.S., DICKMAN R.L., et al.
1983ApJ...271..170H 14 15 Comparison of C+ distributions with new interstellar sources of HCO emission. HOLLIS J.M. and CHURCHWELL E.
1983ApJ...275..125P 44 11 The brighter 94 micron sources observed by the far-infrared sky survey experiment. PRICE S.D., SHIVANANDAN K., MURDOCK T.L., et al.
1983ApJS...53..147B 23 10 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones : the Gum nebula area. BIGNELL R.C. and VALLEE J.P.
1983ApJS...53..413G viz 744 45 The stellar component of the galaxy as seen by the AFGL Infrared Sky Survey. GRASDALEN G.L., GEHRZ R.D., HACKWELL J.A., et al.
1983MNRAS.203..955H 58 3 An infrared luminosity function for star-forming molecular clouds. HARRIS S. and CLEGG P.E.
1983MNRAS.203.1123C 9 25 Formaldehyde and OH in the Orion molecular clouds. COHEN R.J., MATTHEWS N., FEW R.W., et al.
1983MNRAS.204.1117W 11 7 CS J = 5 ⟶ 4 observations of galactic molecular clouds. WHITE G.J., PHILLIPS J.P., RICHARDSON K.J., et al.
1983MNRAS.205..719Q 69 T                   1 5 8 A non-isothermal calculation of radio recombination-line intensities of
NGC 2024, Orion A and W 3.
1983BAAS...15Z.931C 8 ~ Interstellar magnetic fields : detection of OH Zeeman splitting. CRUTCHER R.M.
1983MmSAI..54..529P 12 0 HII regions. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1984A&A...130L...1J 44 42 SiO maser emission from OH/IR stars and a search for Orion-like SiO masers. JEWELL P.R., BATRLA W., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1984A&A...131...45G 49 41 Rotationally excited OH : emission and absorption toward HII/OH regions. GUILLOTEAU S., BAUDRY A., WALMSLEY C.M., et al.
1984A&A...133..347H 23 21 The distribution and abundance of interstellar C2H. HUGGINS P.J., CARLSON W.J. and KINNEY A.L.
1984A&A...135..249J 70 T                   1 3 28
NGC 2024 No 2 : infrared speckle interferometry and nature of the source.
1984A&A...137..117C 44 59 One-millimeter continuum observations of galactic and extragalactic sources. CHINI R., KREYSA E., MEZGER P.G., et al.
1984A&A...138..131A 39 14 On the statistics of galactic HI clouds. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R., RADHAKRISHNAN V. and SHAVER P.A.
1984A&A...139..258S 27 26 NH3 hyperfine intensity anomalies. STUTZKI J., JACKSON J.M., OLBERG M., et al.
1984A&A...140..213R 10 23 Dust around deeply embedded infrared sources. RENGARAJAN T.N.
1984A&AS...56..283M 32 9 Linear polarization observations in selected celestial zones. Gemini and its neighbourhood. MacLEOD J.M., VALLEE J.P. and BROTEN N.W.
1984ApJ...276..625S 6 6 208 Models of molecular clouds. I. Multitransition study of CS. SNELL R.L., MUNDY L.G., GOLDSMITH P.F., et al.
1984ApJ...277..581L 2 29 301 Carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation in dense interstellar clouds. LANGER W.D., GRAEDEL T.E., FRERKING M.A., et al.
1984ApJ...279..673B 3 4 65 Interstellar absorption lines in the infrared spectrum of NGC 2024 IRS 2. BLACK J.H. and WILLNER S.P.
1984ApJ...280..154T 71 T                   1 5 61
NGC 2024 : Far-infrared and radio molecular observations.
1984ApJ...280..163C 9 19 The sub-arc second structure of IRc2 at 5 microns. CHELLI A., PERRIER C. and LENA P.
1984ApJ...280..608J 22 30 HNCO in molecular clouds. JACKSON J.M., ARMSTRONG J.T. and BARRETT A.H.
1984ApJ...283..601O 87 112 A far-infrared survey of the Galactic Center. ODENWALD S.F. and FAZIO G.G.
1984ApJ...285...89D 119 6 3596 Optical properties of interstellar graphite and silicate grains. DRAINE B.T. and LEE H.M.
1984ApJS...55..563S 4 9 Laboratory millimeter and submillimeter spectra of HNO and DNO. SASTRY K.V.L.N., HELMINGER P., PLUMMER G.M., et al.
1984MNRAS.210...23G 99 35 Observations of the 14.5-GHz transition of interstellar H2CO towards continuum sources and dark clouds. GARDNER F.F. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1984Ap&SS.100..451R 69 T                   1 4 1 The electron temperatures of
NGC 2024 and IC 434.
1984BAAS...16Q.959S 3 7 Observations of several new transitions of interstellar HCO. SCHENEWERK M.S., SNYDER L.E. and HOLLIS J.M.
1984ORROE..12..105B 69 T                   1 3 0 The behaviour of the 3.28 mu.m dust feature in
NGC 2024.
1984PAZh...10..912K 4 3 Detection of the excited carbon lines at decametric waves in some galactic objects. KONOVALENKO A.A.
1985A&A...147L...1N 5 3 Spectroscopic observations of the Horsehead nebula. NECKEL T. and SARCANDER M.
1985A&A...147L..19W 33 42 The discovery of a new masering transition of interstellar methanol. WILSON T.L., WALMSLEY C.M., MENTEN K.M., et al.
1985A&AS...62..157G 745 9 A search for environmental effects on the optical properties of galaxies in groups. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1985AJ.....90.2291H 26 10 Models for infrared polarization from protostellar sources. HECKERT P.A. and ZEILIK M.
1985ApJ...290..637R 16 40 CO J = 3-2 observations of molecular line sources having high-velocity wings. RICHARDSON K.J., WHITE G.J., AVERY L.W., et al.
1985ApJ...291..755C 2 19 278 Far-infrared spectroscopy of galaxies: the 158 micron C+ line and the energy balance of molecular clouds. CRAWFORD M.K., GENZEL R., TOWNES C.H., et al.
1985ApJ...292L..25Z 6 28 Detection of interstellar rotationally excited CH. ZIURYS L.M. and TURNER B.E.
1985ApJ...293L..39S 4 2 41 The Orion B molecular jet. SANDERS D.B. and WILLNER S.P.
1985ApJ...296..218S 13 4 A search for the interstellar HCN dimer. SCHENEWERK M.S., JEWELL P.R., SNYDER L.E., et al.
1985ApJ...298..360S 15 13 Observations of several new transitions of interstellar HCO. SNYDER L.E., SCHENEWERK M.S. and HOLLIS J.M.
1985ApJ...299..405G 16 21 Further studies of vibrationally excited cyanoacetylene near Orion IRc2 and other sources. GOLDSMITH P.F., KROTKOV R. and SNELL R.L.
1985ApJS...57..571O 16 8 Determination of nebular density and temperature from radio recombination lines. ODEGARD N.
1985MNRAS.215p..75W 6 ~ Polarimetric evidence against a collimated outflow in the Horsehead nebula. WARREN-SMITH R.F., GLEDHILL T.M. and SCARROTT S.M.
1985AbaOB..59..135G 9 1 Catalogue of radio recombination lines : first results of data analysis. GULYAEV S.A. and SOROCHENKO R.L.
1985ARA&A..23..267L 2 72 794 Cold outflows, energetic winds, and enigmatic jets around young stellar objects. LADA C.J.
1985JApA....6..177A 61 30 A survey of radio recombination line emission from the galactic plane at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1985JApA....6..203A 42 49 Low density ionized gas in the inner galaxy - Interpretation of recombination line observations at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1986A&A...160..157M 1 15 109 Radio observations of CH in three dark nebulae and the correlation of CH with optical extinction and molecular hydrogen. MATTILA K.
1986A&A...162..248G 16 63 Absorption by solid and gaseous CO towards obscured infrared objects. GEBALLE T.R.
1986A&A...168L...7C 5 7 The wind of NGC 2024-IRS 2 high resolution spectroscopy of Brackett lines. CHALABAEV A.A. and LENA P.
1986A&A...168..237W 277 180 H2O masers associated with IRAS sources in regions of star formation. WOUTERLOOT J.G.A. and WALMSLEY C.M.
1986ApJ...301..331H 10 38 Zeeman splitting of 18 centimeter OH lines toward Cassiopeia A and other sources. HEILES C. and STEVENS M.
1986ApJ...303L..71S 4 5 Interstellar HCO : detection of the missing 3 millimeter quartet. SCHENEWERK M.S., SNYDER L.E. and HJALMARSON A.
1986ApJ...303..349T 22 39 Temperature determination of surrounding molecular clouds in bipolar flow sources. TAKANO T.
1986ApJ...303..375M 161 357 The large system of molecular clouds in Orion and Monoceros. MADDALENA R.J., MORRIS M., MOSCOWITZ J., et al.
1986ApJ...303..638M 6 10 Observations of the 157.7 micron (C II) emission from the galactic H II regions W 3 and W 51. MELNICK G., STACEY G.J., VISCUSO P.J., et al.
1986ApJ...303..683S 68 200 Compact radio sources associated with molecular outflows. SNELL R.L. and BALLY J.
1986ApJ...304..318C 108 43 X-ray-selected M dwarfs and the diffuse X-ray background. CAILLAULT J.-P., HELFAND D.J., NOUSEK J.A., et al.
1986ApJ...305..405C 21 61 The excitation, abundance and distribution of HNCO in Sagittarius B2. CHURCHWELL E., WOOD D., MYERS P.C., et al.
1986ApJ...306..670M 3 6 74 Models of molecular cloud cores. II. Multitransition study of C 34 S. MUNDY L.G., SNELL R.L., EVANS II N.J., et al.
1986ApJ...307..302C 107 T K                 1 3 43 VLA maps of formaldehyde absorption toward
NGC 2024.
1986ApJ...308..288G 18 25 Filled-aperture maps of selected HII regions at 3.5 millimeters. GORDON M.A., JEWELL P.R., KAFTAN-KASSIM M.A., et al.
1986ApJ...310L..77S 6 7 179 High-mass star formation due to cloud-cloud collision. SCOVILLE N.Z., SANDERS D.B. and CLEMENS D.P.
1986ApJ...311..371M 57 56 Luminosities of sources associated with molecular outflows. MOZURKEWICH D., SCHWARTZ P.R. and SMITH H.A.
1986MNRAS.220..233R 1 10 45 Rapid variability of H2O masers in Cepheus A. ROWLAND P.R. and COHEN R.J.
1986BAAS...18Q.931B 7 1 Observations of the 809 GHzz fine structure line of atomic carbon in dense molecular clouds. BETZ A.L., ZMUIDZINAS J., BOREIKO R.T., et al.
1986Sci...232..185B 11 5 Interstellar molecular clouds. BALLY J.
1987A&A...181..119C 1 9 47 Magnetic field strengths in molecular clouds. CRUTCHER R.M., KAZES I. and TROLAND T.H.
1987A&AS...68...75D 10 28 Designation and nomenclature for astronomical source of radiation. DICKEL H.R., LORTET M.-C. and DE BOER K.S.
1987AJ.....94..416P 57 42 Identification of new young stellar objects associated with IRAS point sources. I. The southern galactic plane. PERSSON S.E. and CAMPBELL B.
1987ApJ...312..297G 20 54 Emission from CO band heads in young stellar objects. GEBALLE T.R. and PERSSON S.E.
1987ApJ...312..344E 1 6 33 Submillimeter spectral line observations in very dense regions. EVANS II N.J., MUNDY L.G., DAVIS J.H., et al.
1987ApJ...314..363T 15 8 A search for interstellar neutral sodium at 17 centimeter wavelength. TURNER B.E.
1987ApJ...317..926H 1 14 73 The 12C/13C isotope ratio of the interstellar medium in the neighborhood of the sun. HAWKINS I. and JURA M.
1987ApJ...318..392M 2 8 67 Models of molecular cloud cores. III. A multitransition study of H2CO. MUNDY L.G., EVANS II N.J., SNELL R.L., et al.
1987ApJ...321L.145V 1 8 41 Giant molecular clouds in M 31. VOGEL S.N., BOULANGER F. and BALL R.
1987ApJ...322..706D viz 5 36 854 A composite CO survey of the entire Milky Way. DAME T.M., UNGERECHTS H., COHEN R.S., et al.
1987ApJ...323..766G 9 24 Maps of dust clouds at 1.3 millimeters associated with bright HII regions. GORDON M.A. and JEWELL P.R.
1987ApJS...64..127K viz 46 10 A Palomar Observatory Sky Survey Atlas of selected molecular clouds. KLINGLESMITH D.A. and HOLLIS J.M.
1987MNRAS.226..237R 1 2 10 A dense molecular outflow in Orion B. RUSSELL A.P.G., HILLS R.E. and PADMAN R.
1987MNRAS.227..361M 22 20 Herbig Haro objects in the vicinity of NGC 2023. MALIN D.F., OGURA K. and WALSH J.R.
1987PASP...99.1022T 7 0 A liquid-helium-cooled far-infrared grating spectrometer for a balloon-borne infrared telescope. TAKAMI H., MAIHARA T., MIZUTANI K., et al.
1987AISAO..24...93A 39 1 The catalogue oh HI-line absorption profiles in the spectra of galactic radiosources; I. Integrated profiles. ALFEROVA Z.A., VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., et al.
1987Ap&SS.133..275V 17 11 Molecular cloud edges : CII and SII layers in neutral interfaces near ionised HII regions. VALLEE J.P.
1987Ap&SS.135..237I 13 2 Low-mass stars in the Orion region. ISOBE S.
1987BAAS...19Z.726B 10 ~ Wide-field maping of 13 CO emission from molecular clouds. BALLY J., STARK A.A., WILSON W.D., et al.
1987BAAS...19..728G 4 3 Broad IR emission lines from NGC 2024 IRS 2. GEBALLE T.R., SMITH H.A. and FISCHER J.
1987Natur.326...49B 1 33 225 Detection of strong methanol masers towards galactic HII regions. BATRLA W., MATTHEWS H.E., MENTEN K.M., et al.
1987QJRAS..28..277P 10 6 The distribution of molecular gas in the galaxy. PARKINSON M., RICHARDSON K.M. and WOLFENDALE A.W.
1987S&T....74..253M 7 4 In the shadow of the Horsehead. MALIN D.
1987IAUS..120..137M 9 1 Far-infrared and submillimeter observations of interstellar clouds. MELNICK G.
1987IAUS..120..311W 1 8 47 Deuterated molecules in interstellar clouds. WOOTTEN A.
1987IAUS..120..577D 4 1 Astrochemistry - A summary. DALGARNO A.
1988A&A...190..289P 18 49 CO J=3-2 and J=2-1 spectroscopy and mapping of ten high velocity molecular outflow sources. PHILLIPS J.P., WHITE G.J., RAINEY R., et al.
1988A&A...191...44M 1 19 136 Dust emission at submillimeter wavelengths from cloud cores and protostellar condensations in NGC 2024 and S 255IR. MEZGER P.G., CHINI R., KREYSA E., et al.
1988A&A...193..125T 6 11 Analytical models of helical wind-type astrophysical flows. TSINGANOS K. and VLASTOU-TSINGANOS G.
1988A&A...195..257W 33 7 CCH N = 4-3 emission from dense interstellar clouds. WATT G.D., WHITE G.J., MILLAR T.J., et al.
1988A&A...197..253W 9 4 CO J=2-1 mapping of NGC 1976. WHITE G.J. and PHILLIPS J.P.
1988A&A...202..219R 53 135 New Herbig-Haro objects in star-forming regions. REIPURTH B. and GRAHAM J.A.
1988A&A...203..149D 7 5 Scattered light between 2 and 13 arcmin from dzeta Orionis in the 1200 to 3000 A wavelength range. DE BOER K.S. and KUSS C.
1988A&AS...76..445C 366 96 A catalogue of H2O maser sources north of delta = -30. CESARONI R., PALAGI F., FELLI M., et al.
1988ApJ...326L..23M 17 ~ Evidence for magnetic and virial equilibrium in molecular clouds. MYERS P.C. and GOODMAN A.A.
1988ApJ...326..931K 117 51 A survey of 12.2 GHz methanol masers and their polarization properties. KOO B.-C., WILLIAMS D.R.W., HEILES C., et al.
1988ApJ...328..304L 11 11 Linear polarization of millimeter-wave emission lines in clouds without large velocity gradients. LIS D.C., GOLDSMITH P.F., DICKMAN R.L., et al.
1988ApJ...328..785S 20 23 HCO emission from H II-molecular cloud interface regions. SCHENEWERK M.S., SNYDER L.E., HOLLIS J.M., et al.
1988ApJ...331..509G 11 38 The continuum spectra of warm cloud complexes associated with radio-bright HII regions. GORDON M.A.
1988ApJ...333..821M 11 7 329 Corrections to virial estimates of molecular cloud masses. MacLAREN I., RICHARDSON K.M. and WOLFENDALE A.W.
1988ApJ...334..771V 29 9 1050 The photodissociation and chemistry of interstellar CO. VAN DISHOECK E.F. and BLACK J.H.
1988ApJ...335..774Z 10 39 Neutral atomic carbon in dense molecular clouds. ZMUIDZINAS J., BETZ A.L., BOREIKO R.T., et al.
1988ApL....26..263H 13 ~ Magnetic alignment of grains. HILDEBRAND R.H.
1988BAAS...20..732L 3 ~ IRAS LRS spectra of extended objects. LYNCH D.K., HACKWELL J.A., WESSELIUS P., et al.
1988BAAS...20.1030L 3 0 An unbiased survey for dense cores and star formation in the Orion B molecular cloud. LADA E.A.
1988QJRAS..29..541B 15 0 IPS imaging of interplanetary transients. Molecular line observations. Studies of dark clouds. Galactic centre. Supernova remnants. Star formation in external galaxies. Radio sources and their environments. Source surveys and observational cosmology. Microwave background. BALDWIN J.E.
1988Sci...242.1264G 13 30 Astronomical imaging with infrared array detectors. GATLEY I., DEPOY D.L. and FOWLER A.M.
1989A&A...224..191V 42 8 Magnetised molecular cloud edges. VALLEE J.P.
1989A&A...224..206B 13 7 Zeeman splitting in interstellar molecules. BEL N. and LEROY B.
1989A&A...225..167S 12 33 Observations at 90 and 142 GHz of nine extended galactic radio sources. SALTER C.J., EMERSON D.T., STEPPE H., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1089B 76 29 Single-dish and interferometer measurements of water-maser polarization. BARVAINIS R. and DEGUCHI S.
1989AJ.....98..931V 374 157 New LRS spectra for 356 bright IRAS sources. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1989AJ.....98.2203C 1 9 39 Atomic hydrogen in the Orion star-forming region. CHROMEY F.R., ELMEGREEN B.G. and ELMEGREEN D.M.
1989ApJ...337L..41W 1 24 133 Interferometric observations of 1.4 millimeter continuum sources. WOODY D.P., SCOTT S.L., SCOVILLE N.Z., et al.
1989ApJ...337..342T 1 7 39 Aperture synthesis observations of the 21 centimeter Zeeman effect toward Orion A. TROLAND T.H., HEILES C. and GOSS W.M.
1989ApJ...337..782G 11 17 Millimeter-wave recombination lines from radio-bright HII regions. GORDON M.A.
1989ApJ...338..403A 32 30 Hydrogen line and continuum emission in young stellar objects. II. Theoretical results and observational constraints. ALONSO-COSTA J.L. and KWAN J.
1989ApJ...339..163V 10 22 Measurements of the 21 centimeter Zeeman effect in high-latitude directions. VERSCHUUR G.L.
1989ApJ...339..949H 56 33 The detection of the 4-1 -3 0 E transition of methanol at 36.2 GHz toward hot H II regions. HASCHICK A.D. and BAAN W.A.
1989ApJ...340..273V 49 185 Interstellar C2, CH, and CN in translucent molecular clouds. VAN DISHOECK E.F. and BLACK J.H.
1989ApJ...341..238V 10 6 Sulfurized molecular cloud edges. VALLEE J.P.
1989ApJ...341..823L 5 3 Search for circular polarization of HCN maser emission in CIT 6. LIS D.C., GOLDSMITH P.F. and PREDMORE C.R.
1989ApJ...342..855G 8 31 An infrared spectroscopic search for the molecular ion H3+. GEBALLE T.R. and OKA T.
1989ApJ...342..883B 105 T K                 1 34 69 Orion B (
NGC 2024). I. VLA and IR observations of the HII region.
1989ApJ...343..222T 10 23 NH3 observations of the AFGL 2591 region : a possible cavity in the molecular cloud. TORRELLES J.M., HO P.T.P., RODRIGUEZ L.F., et al.
1989ApJ...344..770W 1 18 107 The correlation of C II 158 micron and CO (J = 1-0) line emission. WOLFIRE M.G., HOLLENBACH D. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1989ApJ...345..802N 15 43 Polarization of far-infrared radiation from molecular clouds. NOVAK G., GONATAS D.P., HILDEBRAND R.H., et al.
1989ApJ...346..330H 42 25 Detection of three new methanol maser transitions toward star-forming regions. HASCHICK A.D., BAAN W.A. and MENTEN K.M.
1989MNRAS.237p...1M 70 T                   1 4 ~ CS(J=7-6) from heated gas near the embedded sources in
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1989MNRAS.241p..19M 70 T                   1 33 ~ Near-infrared observations of
NGC 2024 : identification of a 2-mu.m source within a dense core.
1989MNRAS.241..231R 2 4 46 High-resolution molecular line observations of the core and outflow in Orion B. RICHER J.S., HILLS R.E., PADMAN R., et al.
1989Afz....30..455A 38 0 On the relation of regions of recent star formation and stellar associations. AMBARTSUMIAN V.A. and KANDALIAN R.A.
1989AN....310..349K 23 0 Molecules as probes of star-forming regions. (Rewiew). KHERSONSKIJ V.K.
1989Ast....17k..33P 15 0 Unveiling the hidden Milky Way. PALMER S.
1989BAAS...21.1090B 2 0 Dynamics and chemistry of dense gas in the core of Orion B. BARNES P.J. and CRUTCHER R.M.
1989BAAS...21Z1090C 6 ~ Atomic hydrogen in the Orion star-forming region. CHROMEY F.R., ELMEGREEN B.G. and ELMEGREEN D.M.
1989BAAS...21.1121J 7 0 Interstellar polarization at 3.6 mu.m. JONES T.J.
1989JAF....34S..23W 8 0 Observations de H2 18O a bord du KAO. WANNIER P., FRERKING M., ENCRENAZ P., et al.
1989Rech...20..598C 3 0 L'univers froid. COMBES F.
1989RMxAA..18...21E 11 11 Physical conditions in molecular clouds. EVANS II N.J.
1989SSRv...51..235T 24 44 Recent progress in astrochemistry. TURNER B.E.
1989S&W....28..466W 8 0 Schnappschusse schwacher Emissionsnebel. WEILAND H. and HEITHAUSEN A.
1989IAUS..136..107W 17 35 Abundances in the galactic center. WANNIER P.G.
1990A&A...228...95M 3 15 201 Lambda 1.3 mm dust emission from the star-forming cloud cores OMC 1 and 2. MEZGER P.G., WINK J.E. and ZYLKA R.
1990A&A...236..275C 11 5 Turbulent magnetic fields. I. CHABOYER B. and HENRIKSEN R.N.
1990A&A...238..331W 3 2 The level populations of hydrogen at high principal quantum numbers. WILSON T.L., HOANG-BINH D., STAK A.A., et al.
1990A&AS...84..179C 408 163 The Arcetri atlas of H2O maser sources. COMORETTO G., PALAGI F., CESARONI R., et al.
1990AJ.....99.1894J 9 10 Interstellar polarization at 3.6micro-m. JONES T.J.
1990ApJ...348L..13N 34 28 Observations of interstellar polarization at 22 and 3.8 microns. NAGATA T.
1990ApJ...351..176B 106 T K                 1 3 21 Orion B (
NGC 2024). II. Hat Creek synthesis observations of the molecular core in the j = 1 ⟶ 0 line of HCO+.
1990ApJ...352..630H 41 12 Formation of OB clusters: detection of SiO v=0, J=1-0 emission as an indicator of compact outflow sources. HASCHICK A.D. and HO P.T.P.
1990ApJ...352..636G 12 14 Continuum emission from the star-forming regions Cepheus A and B. GORDON M.A.
1990ApJ...354..247C 3 6 95 The infrared emission from dust surrounding newly formed O stars. CHURCHWELL E., WOLFIRE M.G. and WOOD D.O.S.
1990ApJ...354..549M 105 T K                 1 5 14 Infrared spectroscopic study of
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1990ApJ...354..556H 55 100 Detection of widespread strong methanol masers at 44 GHZ. HASCHICK A.D., MENTEN K.M. and BAAN W.A.
1990ApJ...358..459B 1 7 55 Interstellar absorption lines toward NGC 2264 and AFGL 2591: abundances of H3, H+3, and CO. BLACK J.H., VAN DISHOECK E.F., WILLNER S.P., et al.
1990ApJ...364..672T 1 4 20 High spectral resolution observations and kinematic modeling of the 1667 MHz hyperfine transition of OH in comets Halley (1982i), Giacobini-Zinner (1984e), Hartley-Good (1985l), Thiele (1985m) and Wilson (1986l). TACCONI-GARMAN L.E., SCHLOERB F.P. and CLAUSSEN M.J.
1990ApJ...365..569T 25 40 Phosphorus in the dense interstellar medium. TURNER B.E., TSUJI T., BALLY J., et al.
1990ApJ...365..606G 10 22 An observational study of millimeter-wave recombination lines. GORDON M.A. and WALMSLEY C.M.
1990MNRAS.245p..24R 6 ~ A compact CO bipolar outflow from NGC 2024 FIR6. RICHER J.S.
1991A&A...241L..43B 1 13 61 Detection of the exciting source of the specular molecular outflow L 1448 at lambda lambda 1-3 mm. BACHILLER R., ANDRE P. and CABRIT S.
1991A&A...246..535R 43 65 Herbig-Haro jets and molecular outflows in L1617. REIPURTH B. and OLBERG M.
1991A&A...246..570S 70 T                   1 17 64 Dense clumps in
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1991ApJ...368..432L 92 265 An unbiased survey for dense cores in the Lynds 1630 molecular cloud. LADA E.A., BALLY J. and STARK A.A.
1991ApJ...370L..31S 5 9 213 Star formation and the nature of bipolar outflows. SHU F.H., RUDEN S.P., LADA C.J., et al.
1991ApJ...370..583L 106 T K                 1 5 20 Protostellar condensations in the core of
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1991ApJ...371..171L 8 9 319 A 2.2 micron survey in the L 1630 molecular cloud. LADA E.A., DEFOY D.L., EVANS II N.J., et al.
1991ApJ...375..630E 7 20 Near-infrared emission of neutral carbon from photon-dominated regions. ESCALANTE V., STERNBERG A. and DALGARNO A.
1991ApJ...383..645B 113 41 Infrared dust and millimeter-wave carbon monoxyde emission in the Orion region. BALLY J., LANGER W.D. and LIU W.
1991ApJ...383..693O 10 8 High-resolution spectroscopy of partially ionized gas around H II regions. ONELLO J.S., PHILLIPS J.A. and TERZIAN Y.
1991ApJS...77...59S 84 216 A catalog of bright-rimmed clouds with IRAS Point Sources: candidates for star formation by radiation-driven implosion. I. The Northern hemisphere. SUGITANI K., FUKUI Y. and OGURA K.
1991MNRAS.248p..11Z 9 ~ The nature of G 25.5+0.2 ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1991MmSAI..62..715M 19 18 Near-infrared imaging of embedded young clusters. McCAUGHREAN M.
1991MmSAI..62..761Z 5 18 Predicted near-infrared luminosity functions of pre-main sequence clusters ZINNECKER H. and McCAUGHREAN M.
1991Mercu..20....2F 7 0 Discovering the invisible universe. FRIEDMAN H.
1991S&T....82...18S 6 0 New frontiers in ground-based optical astronomy. SROM S.E.
1991S&W....30..617W 31 0 Eine Beobachtungsnacht im Herbst. WEISHEIT B.
1991IAUS..147..293E 10 30 Star formation in three nearby cloud complexes. EVANS II N.J. and LADA E.A.
1992A&A...255..293F 203 149 Molecular outflows and H2O masers: what type of connection ? FELLI M., PALAGI F. and TOFANI G.
1992A&A...256..631M 72 T                   10 94 Dust emission from star forming regions. II. The NGC 2024 cloud - core revisited. MEZGER P.G., SIEVERS A.W., HASLAM C.G.T., et al.
1992A&A...256..640M 72 T                   10 81 The internal structure of molecular clouds. III. Evidence for molecular depletion in the NGC 2024 condensations. MAUERSBERGER R., WILSON T.L., MEZGER P.G., et al.
1992A&A...259..241Z 155 31 A quantitative study of the 7.7 and 11.3 mu-m emission bands based on IRAS/LRS spectra. ZAVAGNO A., COX P. and BALUTEAU J.-P.
1992A&A...263..285H 15 38 Submm/mm observations of the Monoceros R2 cloud core. HENNING T., CHINI R. and PFAU W.
1992A&AS...93..525H 120 73 Maser search towards young stellar objects. HENNING T., CESARONI R., WALMSLEY M., et al.
1992ApJ...388..489G 107 T K                 6 32 High spatial resolution 1.3 centimeter imaging of the
NGC 2024 star-forming region.
1992ApJ...389..325B 106 T K                 5 5 Orion B (
NGC 2024). III. BIMA SO Jk = 2 2 ⟶ 1 1 observations: evidence for peculiar sulfur chemistry.
1992ApJ...393L..25L 7 6 189 Global star formation in the L 1630 molecular cloud. LADA E.A.
1992ApJ...395..140B 29 6 713 Pressure-confined clumps in magnetized molecular clouds. BERTOLDI F. and McKEE C.F.
1992ApJ...396L..35C 1 8 35 Extremely high velocity CO emission from NGC 2071. CHERNIN L.M. and MASSON C.R.
1992ApJ...397L..43S 62 6 The detection of a new, nonmasing transition of methanol at 28.3 GHz. SLYSH V.I., KALENSKII S.V. and VAL'TTS I.E.
1992MNRAS.254..291S 7 7 330-MHz radio continuum observations of the H II regions M 42 and M 43. SUBRAHMANYAN R.
1992MNRAS.254..525R 1 14 102 A fast CO jet in Orion B. RICHER J.S., HILLS R.E. and PADMAN R.
1992MNRAS.254..719S 5 9 Radio jet in the HII region Orion B. SUBRAHMANYAN R.
1992MNRAS.256..369C 70 T                   9 8 NGC 2024 : excitation of the dense cores CHANDLER C.J., MOORE T.J.T. and EMERSON J.P.
1992PASP..104..146L 12 5 The NASA Airborne Astronomy Program : a perspective on its contributions to science, technology and education. LARSON H.P.
1992PASP..104.1267H 3 0 Encounters with protostellar disks. HELLER C.H.
1992AZh....69..489A 5 0 Observations of the diffuse gaseous nebulae Barnard Loop and IC 434 at decametric wavelengths. ABRAMENKOV E.A. and KRYMKIN V.V.
1992AGAb....7...85K 9 0 The giant molecular clouds Orion A and B. KRAMER C., TIGGES A., SIMON R., et al.
1992A&ARv...3..257B 52 81 Bipolar moleculae outflows. BACHILLER R. and GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J.
1992A&ARv...4....1W 1 32 150 Abundances in the interstellar medium. WILSON T.L. and MATTEUCCI F.
1992A&ARv...4..161R 31 61 High resolution radio recombination line observations. ROELFSEMA P.R. and GOSS W.M.
1992ComAp..16..123S 4 6 Ultraviolet radiation inside dark interstellar clouds. SORRELL W.H.
1992S&W....31..756M 6 0 Der Sterentstehung auf der Spur. Teil 2 : Auf der Suche nach dem "Heiligen Gral der Astrophysik". MAUERSBERGER R.
1993A&A...269..568P 2 10 97 The 2140 cm-1 band of frozen CO : laboratory experiments and astrophysical applications. PALUMBO M.E. and STRAZZULLA G.
1993A&A...277..595M 1 11 55 A multi-transitional molecular and atomic line study of S 140. MINCHIN N.R., WHITE G.J. and PADMAN R.
1993A&A...278..161C 36 24 The observability of old isolated neutron stars with ROSAT. II. Molecular clouds and deep fields. COLPI M., CAMPANA S. and TREVES A.
1993A&A...278..267R 5 11 243 Molecular outflows entrained by jet bowshocks. RAGA A. and CABRIT S.
1993A&AS...98..127C 40 7 Observation of methanol maser sources with the Arcetri 12 GHz receiver. CATARZI M., MOSCADELLI L. and PANELLA D.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993ApJ...403L..17S 14 5 New 3 millimeter observations of interstellar HNO: reinstating a discredited identification. SNYDER L.E., KUAN Y.-J., ZIURYS L.M., et al.
1993ApJ...403..690B 1 17 128 Can we observe accreting, isolated neutron stars ? BLAES O. and MADAU P.
1993ApJ...404..219S 2 13 130 158 micron [C II] mapping of the Orion molecular cloud. STACEY G.J., JAFFE D.T., GEIS N., et al.
1993ApJ...405..249G 106 T K                 14 45 CO lines toward
NGC 2024 and other star-forming regions : a closer look at the warm gas component.
1993ApJ...406..122A 11 25 1132 Submillimeter continuum observations of rho Ophiuchi A: the candidate protostar VLA 1623 and prestellar clumps. ANDRE P., WARD-THOMPSON D. and BARSONY M.
1993ApJ...406..614B 9 35 Fragmentation of elongated cylindrical clouds. VI. Comparison with observations. BONNELL I. and BASTIEN P.
1993ApJ...408..337H 3 4 54 Encounters with protostellar disks. I. Disk tilt and the nonzero solar obliquity. HELLER C.H.
1993ApJ...408..471L 2 8 88 Infrared images of the young cluster NGC 2264. LADA C.J., YOUNG E.T. and GREENE T.P.
1993ApJ...408..565H 106 T K                 7 18 A flattened cloud core in
NGC 2024.
HO P.T.P., PENG Y._L., TORRELLES J.M., et al.
1993ApJ...410..179H 10 22 Extended CO(7–6) emission from warm gas in Orion. HOWE J.E., JAFFE D.T., GROSSMAN E.N., et al.
1993ApJ...411..247V 2 2 16 High-resolution HI observations of HII regions. III. Photodissociation regions and the magnetic field near Orion B. VAN DER WERF P.P., GOSS W.M., HEILES C., et al.
1993ApJ...412L..71C 2 9 74 Infrared CO emission from young stars : high-resolution spectroscopy. CHANDLER C.J., CARLSTROM J.E., SCOVILLE N.Z., et al.
1993ApJ...414..230M 5 13 264 Properties of jet-driven molecular outflows. MASSON C.R. and CHERNIN L.M.
1993ApJ...416..303F 24 3 297 Gravitational collapse of an isothermal sphere. FOSTER P.N. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1993ApJ...418..322B 19 66 The L 1448 molecular jet. BALLY J., LADA E.A. and LANE A.P.
1993ApJ...419..190Z 8 22 The [C II] 158 micron emission from the Horsehead nebula. ZHOU S., JAFFE D.T., HOWE J.E., et al.
1993ApJS...89..123M 3 14 198 Formaldehyde as a probe of physical conditions in dense molecular clouds. MANGUM J.G. and WOOTTEN A.
1993MNRAS.263..535G 9 13 A survey of HI in Orion - II. Large-scale features and the lack of evidence for rotation. GREEN D.A. and PADMAN R.
1993AZh....70...72T 10 0 The spectral character of an HII-region ionizing source as determined from H and He radio recombination line observations: O-B stars. TSIVILEV A.P.
1993RPPh...56.1209W 23 26 Interstellar molecules. WINNEWISSER G. and HERBST E.
1993RMxAA..27...99C 9 8 Near-infrared polarimetry of star formation regions. COLOME C. and HARVEY P.M.
1993S&T....85e..34D 7 ~ The univers in color. DI CICCO D.
1994A&A...281L...5B 3 9 143 COMPTEL observations of the Orion complex : evidence for cosmic-ray induced gamma-ray lines. BLOEMEN H., WIJNANDS R., BENNETT K., et al.
1994A&A...285L...1S 1 11 78 A molecular jet and bow shock in the low mass protostellar binary NGC 1333-IRAS2. SANDELL G., KNEE L.B.G., ASPIN C., et al.
1994A&A...286...60L 32 58 Star formation by infall of high velocity clouds on the galactic disk. LEPINE J.R.D. and DUVERT G.
1994A&A...287..601P 17 21 The warm and the cold neutral phase in the local interstellar medium at |b|≥10deg and at low velocities. POEPPEL W.G.L., MARRONETTI P. and BENAGLIA P.
1994A&A...289..101B viz 3 23 309 The Orion OB1 association. I. Stellar content. BROWN A.G.A., DE GEUS E.J. and DE ZEEUW P.T.
1994ApJ...422...92D 23 68 Molecular clouds in the extreme outer galaxy. DIGEL S., DE GEUS E. and THADDEUS P.
1994ApJ...424..189L 3 9 112 Submillimeter continuum survey of the Galactic Center. LIS D.C. and CARLSTROM J.E.
1994ApJ...424..688P 13 25 The formation of stellar groups and clusters in molecular cloud cores. PATEL K. and PUDRITZ R.E.
1994ApJ...425L..49P 1 11 49 Observations of large-scale [C I] emission from S 140. PLUME R., JAFFE D.T. and KEENE J.
1994ApJ...428L..69L 4 14 236 Detection of absorption by H2 in molecular clouds: a direct measurement of the H2:CO ratio. LACY J.H., KNACKE R., GEBALLE T.R., et al.
1994ApJ...429..645M 3 13 183 Statistical analysis of turbulence in molecular clouds. MIESCH M.S. and BALLY J.
1994ApJ...430..706Z 10 9 New detections of interstellar HNO at 2 and 1.2 millimeters: more N-O bonds. ZIURYS L.M., HOLLIS J.M. and SNYDER L.E.
1994ApJ...430..727T 30 29 Interstellar SO+. TURNER B.E.
1994ApJ...435..329F 1 7 28 The luminosity functions of embedded stellar clusters. II. Numerical results. FLETCHER A.B. and STAHLER S.W.
1994ApJ...436L.189M 1 39 164 Discovery of a molecular hydrogen jet near IC 348. McCAUGHREAN M.J., RAYNER J.T. and ZINNECKER H.
1994ApJ...436..203J 11 33 Ultraviolet-illuminated molecular cloud boundaries : extended [C II] 158 micron emission toward L 1630. JAFFE D.T., ZHOU S., HOWE J.E., et al.
1994ApJ...436..741C 16 26 High-velocity sulfur monoxide emission from protostellar outflows. CHERNIN L.M., MASSON C.R. and FULLER G.A.
1994ApJS...91..659K viz 134 529 Ultracompact H II regions. II. New high-resolution radio images. KURTZ S., CHURCHWELL E. and WOOD D.O.S.
1994ApJS...94..615H viz 193 307 A K' imaging survey of molecular outflow sources. HODAPP K.-W.
1994MNRAS.266..933D 16 41 Submillimettre and near-infrared observations of L 1448 : a curving H2 jet with multiple bow shocks. DAVIS C.J., DENT W.R.F., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
1994MNRAS.268..625S 6 16 Gravitational collapse and fragmentation of centrally condensed protostellar cores. SIGALOTTI L. DI G. and KLAPP J.
1994ARA&A..32..191W 25 10 1035 Abundances in the interstellar medium. WILSON T.L. and ROOD R.T.
1994AZh....71...37S viz 150 7 Detection of thermal methanol emission from 33 hot and cold clouds at 48 GHz. SLYSH V.I., BACHILLER R., BERULIS I.I., et al.
1994AGAb...10..176K 2 0 [CII]-, [CI]-, CO- and OH PDR line emission: observation and theory. KOESTER B., STOERZER H., STUTZKI J., et al.
1994Ap&SS.212..197M 16 17 The search for protostars using millimeter/submillimeter dust emission as a tracer. MEZGER P.G.
1994Ap&SS.216..113C 3 3 Modelling jet-driven molecular outflows. CHERNIN L.M. and MASSON C.R.
1994Ap&SS.216..129P 8 8 Interactions between molecular outflows and optical jets. PADMAN R. and RICHER J.S.
1994BAAS...26..932P 71 T                   4 ~ Search for ten micron sources in NGC 2023 and NGC 2024. POUILLY M.J., KUHI L.V., JONES T.J., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1471M 4 ~ Stellar populations of deeply embedded young clusters: near-infrared spectral classification. MEYER M.R.
1994BAAS...26Q1471L 4 ~ Investigations of the earliest phases of stellar evolution in young embedded clusters. LADA E.A.
1994Natur.372..411P 8 0 Chronology of the skies. PUDRITZ R.E.
1994PAZh...20..113K 108 ~ The determination of methanol column density and abundance in molecular clouds from observations in the 1 0-0 0A+ line. KALENSKII S.V. and SOBOLEV A.M.
1994PASJ...46..473Y 16 5 Ginga observation of the Orion B cloud region. YAMAUCHI S., KOYAMA K. and INDA-KOIDE M.
1994RMxAA..29...69R 23 16 Radio continuum observations of disks and outflows in young stars. RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1995A&A...295..183S 10 17 A high resolution CO J=4-3 map of Orion-KL. SCHULZ A., HENKEL C., BECKMANN U., et al.
1995A&A...296L..21F 107 T K                 75 10 ROSAT X-ray observations of the stellar clusters in NGC 2023 and
NGC 2024.
1995A&A...297...98B 29 58 Deep VLA search for the youngest protostars: a Class 0 source in the HH 24-26 region. BONTEMPS S., ANDRE P. and WARD-THOMPSON D.
1995A&A...297..418S 33 99 The spatial distribution of X-ray selected T-Tauri stars. I. Orion. STERZIK M.F., ALCALA J.M., NEUHAEUSER R., et al.
1995A&A...298L..13M 6 12 Abundance enhancements in black-hole accretion: application to γ-ray line observations of the Orion complex. MILLER J.A. and DERMER C.D.
1995A&A...299..869M 48 27 Dust emission from star forming regions. IV. A survey of IR-strong cloud cores. MOONEY T., SIEVERS A., MEZGER P.G., et al.
1995A&A...300..890P 10 33 Excitation and line profiles of CO molecules in clumpy interstellar clouds. PARK Y.-S. and HONG S.S.
1995A&A...303..541J 4 6 101 Millimeter and submillimeter observations of the Orion Bar. II. Chemical models. JANSEN D.J., SPAANS M., HOGERHEIJDE M.R., et al.
1995A&A...303..840W 107 T K                 12 22 High resolution observations of C18O and the 2.7 mm continuum toward
NGC 2024.
1995AJ....109..709A viz 1723 62 A 2.2 mu.m imaging survey of the Orion A molecular cloud. ALI B. and DEPOY D.L.
1995AJ....109.1682L 2 21 222 Near-infrared images of IC 348 and the luminosity functions of young embedded star clusters. LADA E.A. and LADA C.J.
1995ApJ...438..794M 10 24 A multitransition CO study of Gl 490. MITCHELL G.F., LEE S.W., MAILLARD J.-P., et al.
1995ApJ...439..399S 18 33 ROSAT observations of the Eridanus soft X-ray enhancement. SNOWDEN S.L., BURROWS D.N., SANDERS W.T., et al.
1995ApJ...440..722M 36   K                 21 21 A near-infrared reflection nebula associated with
NGC 2024 FIR 4.
1995ApJ...441..270D 2 7 70 EGRET observations of gamma-ray emission from the interstellar gas in Orion. DIGEL S.W., HUNTER S.D. and MUKHERJEE R.
1995ApJ...445L.161M 1 28 162 Overall distribution of dense molecular gas and star formation in the Taurus cloud complex. MIZUNO A., ONISHI T., YONEKURA Y., et al.
1995ApJ...446..574K 9 8 Are nuclear hot spots in galaxies sites of sequential star formation? KORCHAGIN V., KEMBHAVI A.K., MAYYA Y.D., et al.
1995ApJ...446..665C 1 51 246 The line width-size relation in massive cloud cores. CASELLI P. and MYERS P.C.
1995ApJ...446..793C 1 9 57 Infrared CO emission froum young stars: accretion disks and neutral winds. CHANDLER C.J., CARLSTROM J.E. and SCOVILLE N.Z.
1995ApJ...447L..53C 4 5 98 Massive supernovae, Orion gamma rays and the formation of the solar system. CAMERON A.G.W., HOEFLICH P., MYERS P.C., et al.
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1995ApJ...455..175Y 25 17 Interferometric observations of the circumstellar molecular structure around the young stellar object in L1287. YANG J., OHASHI N. and FUKUI Y.
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1995PASP..107..488P 9 7 The world's smallest 10-meter submillimeter telescope. PLUMR R. and JAFFE D.T.
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1995LAstr.109..218C 6 0 Histoire du noyau de carbone. CASSE M. and VANGIONI-FLAM E.
1995AGAb...11..171S 7 0 Millimeter and submillimeter observations of the CN radical. SIMON R., STUTZKI J., DEGIACOMI C., et al.
1995Ap&SS.224...29A 20 28 Low-mass protostars and protostellar stages. ANDRE P.
1995Ap&SS.224..189Z 11 0 Millimetre and submillimetre observations of high-mass star forming cores. ZYLKA R.
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1995S&T....89f..18M 15 0 Infrared arrays : the next generation. McLEAN I.S.
1995RMxAC...1...19B 21 12 Externally illuminated young stellar objects in the Orion Nebula. BALLY J., DEVINE D. and SUTHERLAND R.
1995RMxAC...1..137W 1 19 124 Dense cores in molecular clouds. WALMSLEY M.
1995RMxAC...1..317S 13 27 Initial frequency, lifetime and evolution of YSO disks. STROM S.E.
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1996A&A...308..565C 6 4 Clumpiness in molecular clouds and statistics of embedded sources. COMERON F., TORRA J. and RIEKE G.H.
1996A&A...309..544R 24 26 The infrared and radio continuum of early-type stars. RUNACRES M.C. and BLOMME R.
1996A&A...310..315D 13 31 The ionization fraction in dense clouds. DE BOISANGER C., HELMICH F.P. and VAN DISHOECK E.F.
1996A&A...310..456P 161 61 ROSAT X-ray observations of the young cluster IC 348. PREIBISCH T., ZINNECKER H. and HERBIG G.H.
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1996A&A...312..569L 52 38 Dust emission from star-forming regions. IV. Dense cores in the Orion B molecular cloud. LAUNHARDT R., MEZGER P.G., HASLAM C.G.T., et al.
1996A&A...314..251H 37 38 On the dynamical state of high-latitude molecular clouds. HEITHAUSEN A.
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1996A&AS..115..283W viz 269 71 A catalogue of high velocity molecular outflows. WU Y., HUANG M. and HE J.
1996A&AS..120C...5K 41 7 Key results from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment. KURFESS J.D.
1996A&AS..120C.349H 12 1 Possible sites of nuclear line emission from massive OB associations. HIGDON J.C. and LINGENFELTER R.E.
1996A&AS..120C.457P 6 3 An alternative view of the peculiar COMPTEL source in Orion. POHL M.
1996AJ....112.2718V 6 3 New Zeeman effect measurements of thermal OH sources S106, Orion B, B1, and L134 at 1665 and 1667 MHz. VERSCHUUR G.L.
1996ApJ...456..566W 13 19 COBE/DIRBE observations of the Orion constellation from the near- to far-infrared. WALL W.F., REACH W.T., HAUSER M.G., et al.
1996ApJ...457L..43P 1 11 34 H 2 emission from the inner 400 parsecs of the Galaxy. PAK S., JAFFE D.T. and KELLER L.D.
1996ApJ...457..267S 145 135 High-velocity molecular gas from high-mass star formation regions. SHEPHERD D.S. and CHURCHWELL E.
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1996ApJ...462..296K 3 9 89 On the dust-to-gas ratio and large particles in the interstellar medium. KIM S.-H. and MARTIN P.G.
1996ApJ...463..191L 36   K                 14 19 Ultraviolet-excited H2: a comparison with large-scale tracers of molecular clouds. LUHMAN M.L. and JAFFE D.T.
1996ApJ...463..205A viz 220 70 A CS and NH3 survey of regions with H2O maser emission. ANGLADA G., ESTALELLA R., PASTOR J., et al.
1996ApJ...463..642A 16 44 Enhanced chemical abundances in the L1157 outflow: SiO and CH3OH observations. AVERY L.W. and CHIAO M.
1996ApJ...466..191H 100 59 Radio recombination lines from inner galaxy diffuse gas. II. The extended low-density warm ionized medium and the ``worm-ionized medium''. HEILES C., REACH W.T. and KOO B.-C.
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1996ApJ...467..708S 17 18 Hydrogen chloride detection in Orion A and Monoceros R2 and derivation of the H35Cl/H37Cl isotopic ratio. SALEZ M., FRERKING M.A. and LANGER W.D.
1996ApJ...471..822R 5 4 67 The shapes of dense cores and Bok globules. RYDEN B.S.
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1996PASP..108..380M 4 4 The stellar populations of deeply embedded young clusters: near-infrared spectroscopy and emergent mass distributions. (Dissertation summary). MEYER M.R.
1996AcApS..16..169H 13 0 Infrared hydrogen line flux properties of YSOs and their applications. HOU J.-L., FU C.-Q. and JIANG D.-R.
1996Ap&SS.235..117D 8 2 A far-infrared H-R diagram of young stellar objects. DJAMALUDDIN T. and SAITO M.
1996MmSAI..67..263K 10 1 Supernovae and supernova remnants. KUNDT W.
1996Natur.382..114B 10 3 Filaments in creation's heart. BALLY J.
1996PAZh...22..664Z 20 ~ Close binary systems in star-forming regions: FF Ori, FH Ori, FK Ori, and FR Ori in the Ori I association. ZAKIROV M.M.
1996CCDA....3c..12G 12 0 Exploring the near-infrared sky. GOMBERT G.
1996PASA...13..197B 13 0 Molecular clouds and millimetre astronomy. BURTON M.
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1997A&AS..125..303R 11 0 The Cepheus molecular cloud. I. Multi-transition observations in CO and 13CO. REMY G.P., GRENIER I.A., DUVERT G., et al.
1997AJ....113.1733H viz 1616 923 On the stellar population and star-forming history of the Orion Nebula Cluster. HILLENBRAND L.A.
1997AJ....114..198C viz 911 140 Properties of the Monoceros R2 stellar cluster. CARPENTER J.M., MEYER M.R., DOUGADOS C., et al.
1997AJ....114..288M 34 8 825 Intrinsic near-infrared excesses of T Tauri stars: understanding the classical T Tauri star locus. MEYER M.R., CALVET N. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
1997AJ....114.2029W 164 74 Deep infrared imaging of the R Coronae Australis cloud core. WILKING B.A., McCAUGHREAN M.J., BURTON M.G., et al.
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1997ApJ...475..163C 23 24 IRAS 20050+2720: an embedded young cluster associated with a multipolar outflow. CHEN H., TAFALLA M., GREENE T.P., et al.
1997ApJ...475..594K 10 5 The connection between the interstellar cloud mass spectrum and the stellar mass spectrum in star-forming regions. KHERSONSKY V.K.
1997ApJ...475..693A 3 6 57 The extraordinary outflow toward G5.89-0.39. ACORD J.M., WALMSLEY C.M. and CHURCHWELL E.
1997ApJ...476..209R 7 17 High-resolution observations of H I Zeeman absorption toward DR 21. ROBERTS D.A., DICKEL H.R. and GOSS W.M.
1997ApJ...476..750M 6 8 150 Gravitational collapse and star formation in logotropic and nonisothermal spheres. McLAUGHLIN D.E. and PUDRITZ R.E.
1997ApJ...477..705P 33 74 Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 observations of the binary fraction among pre-main-sequence cluster stars in Orion. PADGETT D.L., STROM S.E. and GHEZ A.
1997ApJ...478..233H 1 10 53 Dense gas in the Milky Way. HELFER T.T. and BLITZ L.
1997ApJ...480L..59S 13 25 First detection of 492 GHz [C i] emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud. STARK A.A., BOLATTO A.D., CHAMBERLIN R.A., et al.
1997ApJ...480L.133L 12 14 Near-infrared spectra of IC 59/63 and NGC 1535: comparing infrared and ultraviolet observations of H2. LUHMAN M.L., LUHMAN K.L., BENEDICT T., et al.
1997ApJ...481..302S 20 16 Extensive high-resolution 12CO imaging of L1641 in Orion. SAKAMOTO S., HASEGAWA T., HAYASHI M., et al.
1997ApJ...481..800A 16 25 New observations of the [HCO+]/[HOC+] ratio in dense molecular clouds. APPONI A.J. and ZIURYS L.M.
1997ApJ...482..298L 8 21 Near-infrared H2 and associated O0 and C+ emission from dense photon-dominated regions. LUHMAN M.L., JAFFE D.T., STERNBERG A., et al.
1997ApJ...486..276S 2 11 67 An out-of-plane CO (J = 2-1) survey of the Milky Way. II. Physical conditions of molecular gas. SAKAMOTO S., HASEGAWA T., HANDA T., et al.
1997ApJ...487..237D 16 26 Far-infrared polarization by absorption in the molecular cloud Sagittarius B2. DOWELL C.D.
1997ApJ...488..277L 1 10 41 Looking for distributed star formation in L1630: a near-infrared (J, H, K) survey. LI W., EVANS N.J. and LADA E.A.
1997ApJ...488..286L 1 18 62 Physical properties of molecular cloud cores in L1630 and implications for star formation. LADA E.A., EVANS N.J. and FALGARONE E.
1997ApJ...489..734G 15 29 The ammonia core in L723: hot spots at the center of the quadrupolar molecular outflow. GIRART J.M., ESTALELLA R., ANGLADA G., et al.
1997ApJ...491..615G 2 14 122 Carbon monoxide and dust column densities: the dust-to-gas ratio and structure of three giant molecular cloud cores. GOLDSMITH P.F., BERGIN E.A. and LIS D.C.
1997ApJS..111..245H 52 34 A holistic view of the magnetic field in the Eridanus/Orion region. HEILES C.
1997MNRAS.290..431S 72 T                   7 3 A thermal plume in NGC 2024. SUBRAHMANYAN R., GOSS W.M., MEGEATH S.T., et al.
1997MNRAS.291..455C 73 T                   11 48 Chemical models of interstellar gas-grain processes - III. Molecular depletion in NGC 2024. CHARNLEY S.B.
1997AcApS..17..291Z 8 0 The "Hubble" law of the velocity field for highly collimated bipolar outflows. ZHENG X.-W.
1997Ast....25a..90J 30 0 Exploring southern nebulae. JAKIEL R.
1997Ap&SS.246..243H 34 ~ Dusty plasmas in interstellar clouds and star forming regions. HARTQUIST T.W., PILIPP W. and HAVNES O.
1997Msngr..89...31C 5 1 Oph 2320.8-1721, a young brown dwarf in the rho Ophiuchi cluster: views from the ground and from space. COMERON F., CLAES P. and RIEKE G.
1997PPMtO..16...69M 14 0 12CO (J = 1-0) and 13CO (J = 1-0) observations of some star forming regions. MAO R.-Q., ZENG Q., HAN F., et al.
1997RMxAA..33..165L 19 5 Photodissociated H I in NGC 2023. LEBRON M. and RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1997S&T....94f..36I 9 0 The lives of stars : from birth to death and beyond. I. IBEN I.Jr and TUTUKOV A.V.
1997IAUS..182..551M 10 11 Orion proplyds and the Eagle's EGGs. McCAUGHREAN M.
1997RMxAC...6..195B 6 6 Equilibrium and photoionization regulated star formation. BERTOLDI F. and McKEE C.F.
1998A&A...329..249K 4 20 291 Clump mass spectra of molecular clouds. KRAMER C., STUTZKI J., ROEHRIG R., et al.
1998A&A...329..624H 6 5 OSSE observations of the Orion giant molecular cloud during 1996. HARRIS M.J., MURPHY R.J., SHARE G.H., et al.
1998A&A...331..726P 1 7 22 The Orion Gamma-ray emission and the Orion-Eridanus bubble. PARIZOT E.M.G.
1998A&A...333..897R viz 495 96 Evolution of mass segregation in open clusters: some observational evidences. RABOUD D. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1998A&A...336..991T 27 41 A survey for dense cores and young stellar clusters in the W 3 giant molecular cloud. TIEFTRUNK A.R., MEGEATH S.T., WILSON T.L., et al.
1998A&A...338..262S 15 19 The Rosette molecular complex. II. [CII] 158µm observations. SCHNEIDER N., STUTZKI J., WINNEWISSER G., et al.
1998A&AS..128..349D 49 7 Searching for old neutron stars with ROSAT. II. Soft X-ray sources in galactic dark clouds. DANNER R.
1998A&AS..132..211H viz 663 67 A survey of SiO emission towards interstellar masers. I. SiO line characteristics. HARJU J., LEHTINEN K., BOOTH R.S., et al.
1998AJ....115.1524G 19 28 From head to sword: the clustering properties of stars in Orion. GOMEZ M. and LADA C.J.
1998AJ....116..840L 14 4 The discovery of a new outflow object: AFGL 490-iki. LYDER D.A., BELTON D.S. and GOWER A.C.
1998AJ....116.1933C 174 37 An X-ray survey of very young stellar objects. CARKNER L., KOZAK J.A. and FEIGELSON E.D.
1998ApJ...492..540H 8 26 647 A preliminary study of the Orion nebula cluster structure and dynamics. HILLENBRAND L.A. and HARTMANN L.W.
1998ApJ...493..730O 1 30 134 CO (J = 2-1) line observations of the Galactic center molecular cloud complex. II. Dynamical structure and physical conditions. OKA T., HASEGAWA T., HAYASHI M., et al.
1998ApJ...493..811S 2 21 157 Far-infrared and submillimeter polarization of OMC-1: evidence for magnetically regulated star formation. SCHLEUNING D.A.
1998ApJ...497..354L 34 96 The low-mass initial mass function in young clusters: L1495E. LUHMAN K.L. and RIEKE G.H.
1998ApJ...497..721N 19 37 Clustering of pre-main-sequence stars in the Orion, Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon, Vela, and Lupus star-forming regions. NAKAJIMA Y., TACHIHARA K., HANAWA T., et al.
1998ApJ...498..246T 2 4 34 Ortho-H2/Para-H2 ratio in low-velocity shocks. TIMMERMANN R.
1998ApJ...498..735P 1 19 96 Molecular cloud structure in the Magellanic clouds: effect of metallicity. PAK S., JAFFE D.T., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
1998ApJ...504..375K 14 19 VLA observations of hydrogen and carbon recombination lines toward W3A at 1.4 GHz. KANTHARIA N.G., ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R. and GOSS W.M.
1998ApJ...504..588D 1 16 54 Submillimeter array polarimetry with Hertz. DOWELL C.D., HILDEBRAND R.H., SCHLEUNING D.A., et al.
1998ApJ...508..347L 158 177 Low-mass star formation and the initial mass function in IC 348. LUHMAN K.L., RIEKE G.H., LADA C.J., et al.
1998MNRAS.299..965B 19 20 L 43: the late stages of a molecular outflow. BENCE S.J., PADMAN R., ISAAK K.G., et al.
1998MNRAS.301..585V 73 T                   12 47 Submillimetre continuum images of the NGC 2024 star-forming ridge. VISSER A.E., RICHER J.S., CHANDLER C.J., et al.
1998Ap&SS.258...15K 10 ~ Distribution of young stellar populations in the Orion region. KOGURE T.
1998RMxAC...7..118K 14 0 Gamma ray lines from supernovae, supernovae remnants, and the interstellar medium. KURFESS J.D.
1999A&A...341..547D 1 22 130 Binary fraction in low-mass star forming regions: a reexamination of the possible excesses and implications. DUCHENE G.
1999A&A...342..233W 4 6 80 The Eagle Nebula's fingers - pointers to the earliest stages of star formation? WHITE G.J., NELSON R.P., HOLLAND W.S., et al.
1999A&A...343..477C 41 60 Faint members of the Chamaeleon I cloud. COMERON F., RIEKE G.H. and NEUHAEUSER R.
1999A&A...343..831D 114 69 Low-mass binaries in the young cluster IC 348: implications for binary formation and evolution. DUCHENE G., BOUVIER J. and SIMON T.
1999A&A...345..965C 2 32 243 Mapping of the extinction in giant molecular clouds using optical star counts. CAMBRESY L.
1999A&AS..134..115S viz 411 83 The Medicina survey of methanol masers at 6.7GHz. SLYSH V.I., VAL'TTS I.E., KALENSKII S.V., et al.
1999A&AS..139..257L 235 34 Survey of bipolar outflows and methanol masers in the C32S (2-1) and C34S (2-1) lines in the Northern sky. LARIONOV G.M., VAL'TTS I.E., WINNBERG A., et al.
1999ApJ...510L..49J 3 25 286 JCMT/SCUBA submillimeter wavelength imaging of the integral-shaped filament in Orion. JOHNSTONE D. and BALLY J.
1999ApJ...511..208W 23 18 A survey for inward motions in the dense gas around young stellar clusters. WILLIAMS J.P. and MYERS P.C.
1999ApJ...512..724B 32 41 The ionization fraction in dense molecular gas. II. Massive cores. BERGIN E.A., PLUME R., WILLIAMS J.P., et al.
1999ApJ...512..768P 36   K                 18 40 Large-scale C I emission from molecular clouds with associated ultraviolet sources. PLUME R., JAFFE D.T., TATEMATSU K., et al.
1999ApJ...514L.121C 2 17 133 Detection of the CN Zeeman effect in molecular clouds. CRUTCHER R.M., TROLAND T.H., LAZAREFF B., et al.
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1999ApJ...516..834H 1 18 104 The far-infrared polarization spectrum: first results and analysis. HILDEBRAND R.H., DOTSON J.L., DOWELL C.D., et al.
1999ApJ...517..174W 19 28 The large-scale J=3⟶2 and J=2⟶1 CO emission from M17 and its implications for extragalactic CO observations. WILSON C.D., HOWE J.E. and BALOGH M.L.
1999ApJ...517..209G 18 10 563 Population diagram analysis of molecular line emission. GOLDSMITH P.F. and LANGER W.D.
1999ApJ...519L..89A 10 12 Detection of HOC+ toward the Orion bar and M17-SW: enhanced abundances in photon-dominated regions?. APPONI A.J., PESCH T.C. and ZIURYS L.M.
1999ApJ...520..149S 32 15 CO and C2 absorption toward W40 IRS 1a. SHUPING R.Y., SNOW T.P., CRUTCHER R., et al.
1999ApJ...520..196D 13 28 EGRET observations of the diffuse gamma-ray emission in Orion: analysis through cycle 6. DIGEL S.W., APRILE E., HUNTER S.D., et al.
1999ApJ...520..706C 8 31 795 Magnetic fields in molecular clouds: observations confront theory. CRUTCHER R.M.
1999ApJ...524..895M 32 47 Velocity field statistics in star-forming regions. I. Centroid velocity observations. MIESCH M.S., SCALO J. and BALLY J.
1999ApJ...525..343W 139 21 Dense cores in the Orion molecular cloud. WILSON T.L., MAUERSBERGER R., GENSHEIMER P.D., et al.
1999ApJ...526..295T 13 20 Atomic carbon is a temperature probe in dark clouds. TATEMATSU K., JAFFE D.T., PLUME R., et al.
1999ApJ...526..819V 63 17 Magnetism in interstellar nurseries at 760 microns. VALLEE J.P. and BASTIEN P.
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1999ApJ...527L..59I 16 41 Large-scale mapping observations of the C I (3P1-3P0) and CO (J = 3-2) lines toward the Orion A molecular cloud. IKEDA M., MAEZAWA H., ITO T., et al.
1999ApJS..125..161J viz 370 374 Dense cores mapped in ammonia: a database. JIJINA J., MYERS P.C. and ADAMS F.C.
1999MNRAS.310..331M 133 22 New Herbig-Haro objects and giant outflows in Orion. MADER S.L., ZEALEY W.J., PARKER Q.A., et al.
1999PASP..111.1049G 128 313 Massive stars: their environment and formation. (Invited review). GARAY G. and LIZANO S.
1999AGAb...15...49S 4 0 About the nature of the FIR dust knots in M31. SCHMIDTOBREICK L., HAAS M. and LEMKE D.
1999AN....320..328O 10 0 ASCA observation of the HH 24-26 star forming region. OZAWA H., NAGASE F., UEDA Y., et al.
1999AN....320..331Y 6 2 ASCA observations of the Orion B cloud region. YAMAUCHI S. and KAMIMURA R.
1999BASI...27..253K 10 0 High Rydberg state recombination lines from interstellar carbon : an observational study. KANTHARIA N.G.
1999SSRv...90..181W 22 14 Spectroscopy between the stars. WINNEWISSER G. and KRAMER C.
1999RvMP...71..173H 3 58 617 Photodissociation regions in the interstellar medium of galaxies. HOLLENBACH D.J. and TIELENS A.G.G.M.
1999RMxAC...8..107R 11 6 Mass segregation in very young open clusters. RABOUD D.
1999NewAR..43...67K 1 5 17 Theory of bipolar outflows from high-mass young stellar objects. KOENIGL A.
2000A&A...353..186A 123 54 High-resolution spectroscopy of ROSAT low-mass pre-main sequence stars in Orion. ALCALA J.M., COVINO E., TORRES G., et al.
2000A&A...355.1122W 14 30 Dust emission from star-forming regions. VI. The submillimetre YSO cluster in NGC 2264. WARD-THOMPSON D., ZYLKA R., MEZGER P.G., et al.
2000A&A...358..257N viz 37 18 SO and CS observations of molecular clouds. II. Analysis and modelling of the abundance ratios - probing O2/CO with SO/CS? NILSSON A., HJALMARSON A., BERGMAN P., et al.
2000A&A...358..287M 47 14 Search for γ Doradus variable stars in the Pleiades cluster. MARTIN S. and RODRIGUEZ E.
2000A&A...358..310G 109 T K                 12 24 Looking at the photon-dominated region in
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2000A&A...359..347D viz 277 60 Foreground and background dust in star cluster directions. DUTRA C.M. and BICA E.
2000A&A...362.1109B 12 34 CO mapping and multi-line-analysis of Cepheus B. BEUTHER H., KRAMER C., DEISS B., et al.
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