Kepler-1007 , the SIMBAD biblio

Kepler-1007 , the SIMBAD biblio (24 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST02:25:45

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2012ApJS..199...24T viz 15       D               1 5394 66 Detection of potential transit signals in the first three quarters of Kepler mission data. TENENBAUM P., CHRISTIANSEN J.L., JENKINS J.M., et al.
2013ApJS..204...24B viz 16       D               1 3274 922 Planetary candidates observed by Kepler. III. Analysis of the first 16 months of data. BATALHA N.M., ROWE J.F., BRYSON S.T., et al.
2013ApJ...771..107E viz 16       D               1 756 47 Spectroscopy of faint Kepler mission exoplanet candidate host stars. EVERETT M.E., HOWELL S.B., SILVA D.R., et al.
2013ApJ...775L..11M viz 16       D               1 2010 189 Stellar rotation periods of the Kepler Objects of Interest: a dearth of close-in planets around fast rotators. McQUILLAN A., MAZEH T. and AIGRAIN S.
2013ApJS..208...16M viz 16       D               1 1518 139 Transit timing observations from Kepler. VIII. Catalog of transit timing measurements of the first twelve quarters. MAZEH T., NACHMANI G., HOLCZER T., et al.
2013MNRAS.436.1883W viz 16       D               1 961 136 Rotation periods, variability properties and ages for Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars. WALKOWICZ L.M. and BASRI G.S.
2013A&A...560A...4R viz 16       D               1 24132 291 Rotation and differential rotation of active Kepler stars. REINHOLD T., REINERS A. and BASRI G.
2014ApJS..210...19B viz 16       D               1 5860 211 Planetary candidates observed by Kepler IV: planet sample from Q1-Q8 (22 months). BURKE C.J., BRYSON S.T., MULLALLY F., et al.
2014AJ....147..119C viz 16       D               1 8012 91 Contamination in the Kepler field. Identification of 685 KOIs as false positives via ephemeris matching based on Q1-Q12 data. COUGHLIN J.L., THOMPSON S.E., BRYSON S.T., et al.
2015ApJ...801....3M viz 16       D               1 3357 109 Photometric amplitude distribution of stellar rotation of KOIs–Indication for spin-orbit alignment of cool stars and high obliquity for hot stars. MAZEH T., PERETS H.B., McQUILLAN A., et al.
2015ApJS..217...16R viz 16       D               1 8625 149 Planetary candidates observed by Kepler. V. Planet sample from Q1-Q12 (36 months). ROWE J.F., COUGHLIN J.L., ANTOCI V., et al.
2015ApJ...807..170H viz 16       D               1 2117 10 Time variation of Kepler transits induced by stellar Spots–A way to distinguish between prograde and retrograde motion. II. Application to KOIs. HOLCZER T., SHPORER A., MAZEH T., et al.
2015ApJ...809....8B viz 16       D               1 112329 282 Terrestrial planet occurrence rates for the Kepler GK dwarf sample. BURKE C.J., CHRISTIANSEN J.L., MULLALLY F., et al.
2015ApJ...814..130M viz 16       D               1 2846 162 An increase in the mass of planetary systems around lower-mass stars. MULDERS G.D., PASCUCCI I. and APAI D.
2016ApJ...822...86M viz 16       D               1 6130 337 False positive probabilities for all Kepler objects of interest: 1284 newly validated planets and 428 likely false positives. MORTON T.D., BRYSON S.T., COUGHLIN J.L., et al.
2016ApJS..225....9H viz 16       D               1 2132 124 Transit timing observations from Kepler. IX. Catalog of the full long-cadence data set. HOLCZER T., MAZEH T., NACHMANI G., et al.
2017AJ....153...66Z viz 16       D               1 1663 45 Robo-AO Kepler Planetary Candidate Survey. III. Adaptive optics imaging of 1629 Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars. ZIEGLER C., LAW N.M., MORTON T., et al.
2017AJ....153...71F viz 16       D               1 3575 164 The Kepler follow-up observation program. I. A catalog of companions to Kepler stars from high-resolution imaging. FURLAN E., CIARDI D.R., EVERETT M.E., et al.
2017MNRAS.465.2634A viz 16       D               1 5400 21 Transit shapes and self-organizing maps as a tool for ranking planetary candidates: application to Kepler and K2. ARMSTRONG D.J., POLLACCO D. and SANTERNE A.
2017A&A...603A..30S viz 16       D               2 2500 58 Observational evidence for two distinct giant planet populations. SANTOS N.C., ADIBEKYAN V., FIGUEIRA P., et al.
2019ApJ...879...69T viz 17       D               1 222609 141 The Payne: self-consistent ab initio fitting of stellar spectra. TING Y.-S., CONROY C., RIX H.-W., et al.
2020ApJ...890...23L viz 17       D               1 4935 35 Current population statistics do not favor photoevaporation over core-powered mass loss as the dominant cause of the exoplanet radius gap. LOYD R.O.P., SHKOLNIK E.L., SCHNEIDER A.C., et al.
2020AJ....160..120J viz 17       D               1 365761 238 APOGEE data and spectral analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: seven years of observations including first results from APOGEE-South. JONSSON H., HOLTZMAN J.A., ALLENDE PRIETO C., et al.
2021MNRAS.504.5327A 17       D               1 7000 19 Exoplanet validation with machine learning: 50 new validated Kepler planets. ARMSTRONG D.J., GAMPER J. and DAMOULAS T.

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