V* V1724 Aql , the SIMBAD biblio

V* V1724 Aql , the SIMBAD biblio (16 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:14:29

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2012CBET.3273....1N 39 T       O X         1 1 Possible nova in Aquila = PNV J18523496-0018423. NISHIYAMA K., KABASHIMA F., TAKAO A., et al.
2012CBET.3273....2M 39 T       O X         1 0 Possible nova in Aquila = PNV J18523496-0018423. MUNARI U.
2012CBET.3273....3A 39 T       O X         1 0 Possible nova in Aquila = PNV J18523496-0018423. AYANI K.
2012CBET.3273....4A 39 T       O X         1 0 Possible nova in Aquila = PNV J18523496-0018423. AYANI K.
2012CBET.3287....1R 41 T       O X         1 5 Nova Aquilae 2012 = PNV J18523496-0018423. RUDY R.J., LAAG E.A., CRAWFORD K.B., et al.
2012CBET.3287....2H 39 T       O X         1 0 Nova Aquilae 2012 = PNV J18523496-0018423. HOLMBERG G.
2014ApJ...780L..26N 39           X         1 11 4 The transient molecular envelope in the outflow of the nova V2676 Oph during its early phase. NAGASHIMA M., ARAI A., KAJIKAWA T., et al.
2014MNRAS.444.1683E 16       D               1 86 5 A WISE view of novae - I. The data. EVANS A., GEHRZ R.D., WOODWARD C.E., et al.
2015RAA....15..993R 16       D               1 10 8 Near-infrared studies of nova V5584 Sgr in the pre-maximum and early decline phase. RAJ A., BANERJEE D.P.K., ASHOK N.M., et al.
2016MNRAS.455L.109B 17       D               1 19 22 Near-infrared studies of the carbon monoxide and dust-forming Nova V5668 Sgr. BANERJEE D.P.K., SRIVASTAVA M.K., ASHOK N.M., et al.
2016PASJ...68S..11M 16       D               2 51 5 Search for soft X-ray flashes at the fireball phase of classical/recurrent novae using MAXI/GSC data. MORII M., YAMAOKA H., MIHARA T., et al.
2017ApJ...851L..30J 16       D               1 15 1 Nova Ophiuchus 2017 as a probe of 13C nucleosynthesis and carbon monoxide formation and destruction in classical novae. JOSHI V., BANERJEE D.P.K. and SRIVASTAVA M.
2018A&A...609A.120F 82             C       1 82 47 Search for gamma-ray emission from Galactic novae with the Fermi -LAT. FRANCKOWIAK A., JEAN P., WOOD M., et al.
2021A&A...650A.187S 17       D               1 109 ~ Nucleosynthesis constraints through γ-ray line measurements from classical novae. Hierarchical model for the ejecta of 22Na and 7Be. SIEGERT T., GHOSH S., MATHUR K., et al.
2022MNRAS.517.6150S 18       D               1 421 10 Comprehensive catalogue of the overall best distances and properties of 402 galactic novae. SCHAEFER B.E.
2023ApJ...953..160A 19       D               1 80 ~ Search for sub-TeV Neutrino Emission from Novae with IceCube-DeepCore. ABBASI R., ACKERMANN M., ADAMS J., et al.

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