HAT-P-24 , the SIMBAD biblio

HAT-P-24 , the SIMBAD biblio (57 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:13:26

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2010ApJ...725.2017K viz 978   K A     X C       25 6 31
HAT-P-24b: an inflated hot Jupiter on a 3.36 day period transiting a hot, metal-poor star.
2011A&A...529A..50L 15       D               1 25 18 Constraining tidal dissipation in F-type main-sequence stars: the case of CoRoT-11. LANZA A.F., DAMIANI C. and GANDOLFI D.
2011MNRAS.414..108B viz 15       D               1 215 1 On the use of the Virtual Observatory to select calibrators for phase-referenced astrometry of exoplanet-host stars. BEUST H., BONNEAU D., MOURARD D., et al.
2011A&A...535A.116D 54       D     X         2 25 5 Prospecting transit duration variations in extrasolar planetary systems. DAMIANI C. and LANZA A.F.
2011MNRAS.418.1039M 15       D               2 22 17 UBV(RI)C photometry of transiting planet hosting stars. MAXTED P.F.L., KOEN C. and SMALLEY B.
2012ApJ...757...18A viz 350     A D S   X C       8 84 472 Obliquities of hot Jupiter host stars: evidence for tidal interactions and primordial misalignments. ALBRECHT S., WINN J.N., JOHNSON J.A., et al.
2012ApJ...757..161T viz 17       D               2 60 262 Improved spectroscopic parameters for transiting planet hosts. TORRES G., FISCHER D.A., SOZZETTI A., et al.
2013ApJ...766L..20F 39           X         1 26 44 Absorbing gas around the WASP-12 planetary system. FOSSATI L., AYRES T.R., HASWELL C.A., et al.
2013A&A...552A.119S viz 16       D               1 1487 118 Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvenic planet star and moon planet interactions. SAUR J., GRAMBUSCH T., DULING S., et al.
2013A&A...556A.150S viz 16       D               1 635 211 SWEET-Cat: a catalogue of parameters for Stars With ExoplanETs. I. New atmospheric parameters and masses for 48 stars with planets. SANTOS N.C., SOUSA S.G., MORTIER A., et al.
2013RAA....13..593W 1154 T K A     X         29 11 7 The refined physical parameters of transiting exoplanet system
2014AJ....147...92W 39           X         1 3 4 The refined physical properties of transiting exoplanetary system WASP-11/HAT-P-10. WANG X.-B., GU S.-H., COLLIER CAMERON A., et al.
2014ApJ...785..126K viz 17       D               2 120 242 Friends of hot Jupiters. I. A radial velocity search for massive, long-period companions to close-in gas giant planets. KNUTSON H.A., FULTON B.J., MONTET B.T., et al.
2014ApJ...786..102V 16       D               1 110 47 Tidal dissipation and obliquity evolution in hot Jupiter systems. VALSECCHI F. and RASIO F.A.
2014ApJ...788....1B 39           X         1 24 27 Stellar rotation-planetary orbit period commensurability in the HAT-P-11 system. BEKY B., HOLMAN M.J., KIPPING D.M., et al.
2015A&A...574A..39D viz 16       D               1 113 33 Evolution of angular-momentum-losing exoplanetary systems. Revisiting Darwin stability. DAMIANI C. and LANZA A.F.
2015ApJ...800..138N 254       D S   X         6 64 116 Friends of hot jupiters. II. No correspondence between Hot-Jupiter spin-orbit misalignment and the incidence of directly imaged stellar companions. NGO H., KNUTSON H.A., HINKLEY S., et al.
2015A&A...575A..18B viz 16       D               1 319 28 Revising the ages of planet-hosting stars. BONFANTI A., ORTOLANI S., PIOTTO G., et al.
2015RAA....15..117S 40           X         1 5 4 Long-term transit timing monitoring and homogenous study of WASP-32. SUN L.-L., GU S.-H., WANG X.-B., et al.
2015A&A...579A.129W 16       D               2 71 19 A Lucky Imaging search for stellar sources near 74 transit hosts. WOELLERT M. and BRANDNER W.
2015ApJ...814..148P 16       D               2 53 18 Friends of hot jupiters. III. An infrared spectroscopic search for low-mass stellar companions. PISKORZ D., KNUTSON H.A., NGO H., et al.
2016A&A...585A...5B viz 16       D               2 339 83 Age consistency between exoplanet hosts and field stars. BONFANTI A., ORTOLANI S. and NASCIMBENI V.
2016ApJ...823...29A 16       D               1 117 7 Spin-orbit alignment for three transiting hot jupiters: WASP-103b, WASP-87b, and WASP-66b. ADDISON B.C., TINNEY C.G., WRIGHT D.J., et al.
2016A&A...591A.118S viz 16       D               1 31407 141 The PASTEL catalogue: 2016 version. SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., BROUILLET N., et al.
2016AJ....152..181H viz 16       D               1 9279 22 SETI observations of exoplanets with the Allen Telescope Array. HARP G.R., RICHARDS J., TARTER J.C., et al.
2017AJ....153..136S viz 16       D               1 525 287 Accurate empirical radii and masses of planets and their host stars with Gaia parallaxes. STASSUN K.G., COLLINS K.A. and GAUDI B.S.
2017A&A...600A..69A 81         O X         2 58 17 SWEET-Cat update and FASMA. A new minimization procedure for stellar parameters using high-quality spectra. ANDREASEN D.T., SOUSA S.G., TSANTAKI M., et al.
2017A&A...602A.107B viz 16       D               15 476 185 The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. BONOMO A.S., DESIDERA S., BENATTI S., et al.
2017A&A...603A..30S viz 16       D               2 2500 58 Observational evidence for two distinct giant planet populations. SANTOS N.C., ADIBEKYAN V., FIGUEIRA P., et al.
2018ApJ...853...37S 16       D               2 153 90 Evidence of an upper bound on the masses of planets and its implications for giant planet formation. SCHLAUFMAN K.C.
2018AJ....156...82C viz 16       D               1 36 10 Quantifying the observational effort required for the radial velocity characterization of TESS planets. CLOUTIER R., DOYON R., BOUCHY F., et al.
2018ApJS..239...14J viz 16       D               1 1561 6 Revised exoplanet radii and habitability using Gaia data release 2. JOHNS D., MARTI C., HUFF M., et al.
2019AJ....158..190H viz 17       D               1 343 61 Hot Jupiters are destroyed by tides while their host stars are on the main sequence. HAMER J.H. and SCHLAUFMAN K.C.
2019A&A...631A.111A 59       D     X         2 67 ~ Does magnetic field impact tidal dynamics inside the convective zone of low-mass stars along their evolution? ASTOUL A., MATHIS S., BARUTEAU C., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.5088M viz 17       D               2 214 32 Search for stellar companions of exoplanet host stars by exploring the second ESA-Gaia data release. MUGRAUER M.
2020ApJ...890...23L viz 17       D               1 4935 35 Current population statistics do not favor photoevaporation over core-powered mass loss as the dominant cause of the exoplanet radius gap. LOYD R.O.P., SHKOLNIK E.L., SCHNEIDER A.C., et al.
2020MNRAS.496.1922B 56           X         1 16 209 Unresolved stellar companions with Gaia DR2 astrometry. BELOKUROV V., PENOYRE Z., OH S., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.1726M viz 17       D               1 337 26 A search for transiting planets around FGKM dwarfs and subgiants in the TESS full frame images of the Southern ecliptic hemisphere. MONTALTO M., BORSATO L., GRANATA V., et al.
2020A&A...643A.169K 17       D               1 92 ~ More planetary candidates from K2 Campaign 5 using TRAN_K2. KOVACS G.
2021A&A...645A...7K viz 17       D               1 1569 17 Determining the true mass of radial-velocity exoplanets with Gaia. Nine planet candidates in the brown dwarf or stellar regime and 27 confirmed planets. KIEFER F., HEBRARD G., LECAVELIER DES ETANGS A., et al.
2021ApJ...909..115C viz 17       D               1 2175 13 Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). I. Characterizing the memberships of Galactic components and stellar ages: revisiting the kinematic methods and applying to planet host stars. CHEN D.-C., XIE J.-W., ZHOU J.-L., et al.
2021ApJ...912..123J viz 17       D               1 757 22 Temperature and distance dependence of tidal circularization in close binaries: a catalog of eclipsing binaries in the southern hemisphere observed by the TESS satellite. JUSTESEN A.B. and ALBRECHT S.
2021ApJS..255...15W 17       D               1 82 15 Transiting exoplanet monitoring project (TEMP). VI. The homogeneous refinement of system parameters for 39 transiting hot Jupiters with 127 new light curves. WANG X.-Y., WANG Y.-H., WANG S., et al.
2021AJ....162...75L viz 17       D               1 518 28 Speckle observations of TESS exoplanet host stars. II. Stellar companions at 1-1000 au and implications for small planet detection. LESTER K.V., MATSON R.A., HOWELL S.B., et al.
2021AJ....162..192Z viz 17       D               1 713 29 SOAR TESS survey. II. The impact of stellar companions on planetary populations. ZIEGLER C., TOKOVININ A., LATIOLAIS M., et al.
2021AJ....162..263H viz 17       D               1 346 17 A uniform search for nearby planetary companions to hot Jupiters in TESS data reveals hot Jupiters are still lonely. HORD B.J., COLON K.D., KOSTOV V., et al.
2022ApJS..258...16P viz 18       D               1 4582 43 TESS Eclipsing Binary stars. I. Short-cadence observations of 4584 eclipsing binaries in sectors 1-26. PRSA A., KOCHOSKA A., CONROY K.E., et al.
2022ApJS..259...62I viz 18       D               1 395 24 TESS Transit Timing of Hundreds of Hot Jupiters. IVSHINA E.S. and WINN J.N.
2022AJ....164...60S viz 18       D               1 854 2 Galactic Chemical Evolution of Exoplanet Hosting Stars: Are High-mass Planetary Systems Young? SWASTIK C., BANYAL R.K., NARANG M., et al.
2022ApJS..261...26S viz 18       D               2 1893 2 Magnetic Activity and Physical Parameters of Exoplanet Host Stars Based on LAMOST DR7, TESS, Kepler, and K2 Surveys. SU T., ZHANG L.-Y., LONG L., et al.
2022A&A...663A...4S viz 18       D               1 14206 7 Assessment of [Fe/H] determinations for FGK stars in spectroscopic surveys. SOUBIRAN C., BROUILLET N. and CASAMIQUELA L.
2022A&A...663A.161M viz 18       D               1 213 8 Ariel stellar characterisation. I. Homogeneous stellar parameters of 187 FGK planet host stars: Description and validation of the method. MAGRINI L., DANIELSKI C., BOSSINI D., et al.
2022PASP..134h2001A viz 18       D               1 366 39 Stellar Obliquities in Exoplanetary Systems. ALBRECHT S.H., DAWSON R.I. and WINN J.N.
2024AJ....167..126R 50           X         1 60 ~ The Orbital Geometries and Stellar Obliquities of Exoplanet-hosting Multistar Systems. RICE M., GERBIG K. and VANDERBURG A.
2024A&A...682A.136C 220       D     X         5 144 ~ The GAPS Programme at TNG LI. Investigating the correlations between transiting system parameters and host chromospheric activity. CLAUDI R., BRUNO G., FOSSATI L., et al.
2023AcA....73..159M viz 280   K A D     X         7 27 ~ Search for planets in hot Jupiter systems with multi-sector TESS photometry. IV. Null detections in 12 systems. MACIEJEWSKI G., SIERZPUTOWSKA J. and GOLONKA J.
2024AJ....167..203M 150           X         3 468 ~ DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS). II. Hundreds of New TESS Candidate Exoplanets. MELTON E.J., FEIGELSON E.D., MONTALTO M., et al.

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