HD 150136 , the SIMBAD biblio

HD 150136 , the SIMBAD biblio (192 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST11:10:36

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Title First 3 Authors
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1963MNRAS.125..105W 200 55 An association of O and B stars in Ara. WHITEOAK J.B.
1968MNRAS.139..417B 71 24 Optical interstellar absorption features. BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1969ApJ...157..313H 495 300 MK spectral types for bright southern OB stars. HILTNER W.A., GARRISON R.F. and SCHILD R.E.
1969MNRAS.146..423P 43 120 On HII regions and pulsar distances. PRENTICE A.J.R. and TER HAAR D.
1971PW&SO...1a...1S viz 13       D               1 5137 345 Luminous stars in the Southern Milky Way. STEPHENSON C.B. and SANDULEAK N.
1972A&A....17..378G 57 10 A comparison between the radial velocities of optical and radio interstellar lines in southern hemisphere. GONIADZKI D.
1972A&AS....5..129L 442 104 New kinematical data for bright southern OB stars. LESH J.R.
1972AJ.....77..312W 125 627 Spectral classification of OB stars in both hemispheres and the absolute magnitude calibration. WALBORN N.R.
1972PASP...84..273M 153 4 A test for relative motions of gas and young stars. MOORE E.
1973A&A....24..393M 148 20 On the kinematical and spatial coincidence of optical and radio spiral arms in our galaxy. MINN Y.K. and GREENBERG J.M.
1973A&AS...10..135M 13       D               578 116 Southern open star clusters 3 UBV-H beta photometry of 28 clusters between galactic longitudes 297 and 353 degree. MOFFAT A.F.J. and VOGT N.
1973A&AS...12..277G 545 35 A new general O type stars catalogue. GOY G.
1974A&AS...15..215O 399 17 On the relationship between the apparent magnitudes given in several catalogues and the UBV system. OCHSENBEIN F.
1974AJ.....79..941H 5 16 NGC 6193: an emission region with a high ratio of total to selective extinction ? HERBST W.
1974RMxAA...1..211C viz 675 269 A catalogue of galactic O stars. The ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars. CRUZ-GONZALEZ C., RECILLAS-CRUZ E., COSTERO R., et al.
1975A&A....44..195N 125 277 Studies of ultraviolet interstellar extinction with the sky-survey telescope of the TD-1 satellite. I. Results for three galactic regions. NANDY K., THOMPSON G.I., JAMAR C., et al.
1976ApJS...30..451H 420 193 Evolved stars in open clusters. HARRIS G.L.H.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977A&AS...27..215K 14       D               1656 150 UBV, Hbeta and polarization measurements of 1660 southern OB stars. KLARE G. and NECKEL T.
1977A&AS...27..443G viz 14       D               2696 173 Photoelectric Hbeta photometry for bright O to G0 type stars south of declinaison +10. GRONBECH B. and OLSEN E.H.
1977A&AS...30..279H 127 45 Ara OB1, NGC 6193 and Ara R1: an optical study of a very young southern complex. HERBST W. and HAVLEN R.J.
1977ApJ...212..728C 1 19 146 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VI. The earliest types: O3-O5.5. CONTI P.S. and FROST S.A.
1977ApJ...213..438C 203 288 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VII. Rotational velocities V*sin(i) and evidence for macroturbulent motions. CONTI P.S. and EBBETS D.
1977ApJ...214..759C 206 210 Spectroscopic studies of O-type stars. VIII. Radial velocities and the K-term. CONTI P.S., LEEP E.M. and LORRE J.J.
1977ApJS...35..111G 1139 234 MK spectral classifications for southern OB stars. GARRISON R.F., HILTNER W.A. and SCHILD R.E.
1977BICDS..13...14H 12 0 Errata in the catalogue of Bright Stars. HOFFLEIT D.
1978A&A....70..195G 105 0 Observations in linearly polarized light of the intensity of the diffuse lam 6180 absorption band in 56 southern O, B and A stars. GAMMELGAARD P.
1978ApJS...38..309H 1049 1136 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1978Ap.....14...30S 151 2 Catalog of multiple trapezium type system. SALUKVADZE G.N.
1978MSS...C02....0H viz 14       D               1 30386 ~ Catalogue of two dimentional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol. 2 HOUK N.
1979A&AS...37..345F 215 50 Analysis of the results of MK classification of 176 stars in 37 southern open clusters. FITZGERALD M.P., LUIKEN M., MAITZEN H.M., et al.
1980ApJ...242.1063G 95 352 Spectroscopic studies of O type stars. IX. Binary frequency. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and MASSEY P.
1980BICDS..19...41H 368 1 Discordances between SAO and HD numbers for Bright Stars. HOFFLEIT D.
1980IUE80......687B 5 ~ The young Of star HD 148937 and its associated interstellar bubble - H II region. BRUHWEILER F.C. and GULL T.R.
1981AJ.....86.1658H 134 20 A classification system for 0-B2 stars based on the SI IV and CIV resonance lines. HENIZE K.G., WRAY J.D. and PARSONS S.B.
1981ApJ...251..126B 5 23 On the nebulosities associated with the extreme of star HD 148937. BRUHWEILER F.C., GULL T.R., HENIZE K.G., et al.
1981MNRAS.197..949T 89 47 Near-infrared observations of Trapezium-type multiple systems. Catalogue of observations and a new determination of the reddening law. TAPIA M.
1982A&AS...50..261D 320 11 UBV-Hbeta photometry of luminous stars between l=335 and l=6. DACHS J., KAISER D., NIKOLOV A., et al.
1982ApJ...262..641P 14 32 LY Aurigae, NY Cephei and the mass-luminosity anomaly within O type binaries. POPPER D.M.
1982ApJ...263..777G viz 402 379 The initial mass function for massive stars. GARMANY C.D., CONTI P.S. and CHIOSI C.
1982AN....303..105G 423 6 The interstellar 2200 A band : a catalogue of equivalent widths. GURTLER J., SCHIELICKE R., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1983ApJS...51..321S 1242 66 UBV Photometry for southern OB stars. SCHILD R.E., GARRISON R.F. and HILTNER W.A.
1983ApJS...52....1G 61 12 Massive eclipsing binary candidates. GARRISON R.F., SCHILD R.E. and HILTNER W.A.
1983MNRAS.202..317C 461 40 A survey of ultraviolet objects CARNOCHAN D.J. and WILSON R.
1983Obs...103...53L 14 1 On the turbulent motions revealed in the Sagittarius Arm by interstellar-line studies. LOUSTO C.O. and MUZZIO J.C.
1985A&AS...59..449T 179 5 Visual measurements of southern double stars. TORRES G.
1985A&AS...60...99W 2021 82 The local system of early type stars. Spatial extent and kinematics. WESTIN T.N.G.
1985A&AS...60..355H 89 13 Radial velocities for 28 southern young open clusters. HRON J., MAITZEN H.M., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
1985PASAu...6..164W 30 6 Interstellar NaI absorption towards the stellar association Ara OB-1. WHITEOAK J.B. and GARDNER F.F.
1986A&A...159..223F 74 20 Of-stars in young open clusters. FEINSTEIN A., VAZQUEZ R.A. and BENVENUTO O.G.
1986A&AS...65..465P 8 15 CO J=2-1 observations of three southern star formation regions. PHILLIPS J.P., DE VRIES C.P. and DE GRAAUW T.
1987ApJS...64..545G 191 265 The kinematical and binary properties of association and field O stars. GIES D.R.
1988A&AS...76..427M 101 110 The upper main sequence of OB associations. I. Spectral types and lines of C and N of southern single-lined O stars. MATHYS G.
1988PASP..100.1076A 8 26 The open cluster NGC 6193: another cluster rich in spectroscopic binari es. ARNAL M., MORRELL N., GARCIA B., et al.
1989ApJS...69..527H 200 568 The stellar winds of 203 galactic O stars: a quantitative ultraviolet survey. HOWARTH I.D. and PRINJA R.K.
1990ApJ...361..607P 286 479 Terminal velocities for a large sample of O stars, B supergiants, and Wolf-Rayet stars. PRINJA R.K., BARLOW M.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
1990MNRAS.246..392P 296 19 Photospheric absorption lines in the UV spectra of O and B type stars. PRINJA R.K.
1990BICDS..38..175K 660 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990SAAOC..14...33M 529 12 Broad-band photometry of selected southern ultraviolet-bright stars. MENZIES J.W., MARANG F. and WESTERHUYS J.E.
1991AJ....102.1405G 18 20 Changing environments of pre-main-sequence stars and their effect on the 3 micro-m ice feature. GRAHAM J.A. and CHEN W.P.
1992A&AS...92..863V 48 13 Binary stars : another effect contributing to the supposed abnormal extinction law in NGC 6193 ? VAZQUEZ R.A. and FEINSTEIN A.
1992ApJ...398...53P 34 23 CN rotational excitation. PALAZZI E., MANDOLESI N. and CRANE P.
1993ApJ...418..749R 212 80 Synthetic UV lines of Si IV, C IV and He II from a population of massive stars in starburst galaxies. ROBERT C., LEITHERER C. and HECKMAN T.M.
1993ApJS...89..293V 339 42 MK spectral types for OB+ stars in the southern Milky Way. VIJAPURKAR J. and DRILLING J.
1994A&A...289..922R 36 13 The interstellar medium in the Ara OB1 field. RIZZO J.R. and BAJAJA E.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJS...97..189R viz 2583 34 A spectroscopic database for Stephenson-Sanduleak southern luminous stars. REED B.C. and BEATTY A.E.
1996A&A...305..457M 103 25 X-ray and γ-ray emission in open clusters. MANCHANDA R.K., POLCARO V.F., NORCI L., et al.
1996A&AS..118..481B viz 1826 175 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars. BERGHOEFER T.W., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1996A&AS..120...41G 153 19 Deep Hα survey of the Milky Way. III. The l=338deg area. GEORGELIN Y.M., RUSSEIL D., MARCELIN M., et al.
1996ApJ...463..737P 173 178 Projected rotational velocities of O-type stars. PENNY L.R.
1996MmSAI..67..289G 59 1 Young open clusters as gamma-ray emitters. GIOVANNELLI F.
1996Obs...116..294S 14 8 Spectroscopic binary orbits from ultraviolet radial velocities. Paper 22 : HD 48099. STICKLAND D.J.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997AJ....113..823R viz 867 6 A radial velocity database for Stevenson-Sanduleak southern luminous stars. REED B.C. and KUHNA K.M.
1997MNRAS.284..265H viz 346 333 Cross-correlation characteristics of OB stars from IUE spectroscopy. HOWARTH I.D., SIEBERT K.W., HUSSAIN G.A.J., et al.
1998A&A...331..949M viz 141 79 Wolf-Rayet stars and O-star runaways with HIPPARCOS. I. Kinematics. MOFFAT A.F.J., MARCHENKO S.V., SEGGEWISS W., et al.
1998A&A...331.1022M 71 48 Wolf-Rayet stars and O-star runaways with HIPPARCOS. II. Photometry. MARCHENKO S.V., MOFFAT A.F.J., VAN DER HUCHT K.A., et al.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998AJ....115..821M 264 375 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. XIX. An Astrometric/Spectroscopic survey of O stars. MASON B.D., GIES D.R., HARTKOPF W.I., et al.
1998ApJ...492..213G 11 12 3 micron ice-band absorption in young stellar objects. GRAHAM J.A.
1998ApJS..115..271R viz 12229 34 UBV beta database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars. REED B.C.
1998JRASC..92..134W 44 4 A search for helium spectrum variables. WIEGERT P. and GARRISON R.F.
1999A&A...352..600K viz 190 6 Stroemgren and Hβ photometry of O and B type stars in star-forming regions. I. Canis Major - Puppis - Vela. KALTCHEVA N.T. and OLSEN E.H.
1999A&AS..137..113V viz 1207 2 Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere. VAN HOUTEN C.J., WALRAVEN T. and WALRAVEN J.H.
1999ApJ...521..682A viz 49 31 Binaries in the Praesepe and Coma star clusters and their implications for binary evolution. ABT H.A. and WILLMARTH D.W.
1999PASJ...51..791Y viz 66 53 Molecular clouds and star formation in the southern HII regions. YAMAGUCHI R., SAITO H., MIZUNO N., et al.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2001A&A...368..122G 98 100 High-mass binaries in the very young open cluster NGC 6231. Implication for cluster and star formation. GARCIA B. and MERMILLIOD J.C.
2001A&A...372..952B 13 25 Mass loss rate determination of southern OB stars. BENAGLIA P., CAPPA C.E. and KORIBALSKI B.S.
2002RMxAC..14..130A 5 0 The molecular gas associated with Ara OB 1. ARNAL E.M. and ROMERO G.A.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...412..431A 21 9 A 12CO (J = 1 -> 0) study towards the Ara OB1 region. ARNAL E.M., MAY J. and ROMERO G.A.
2003AJ....125.2531R viz 15       D               18376 146 Catalog of galactic OB stars. REED B.C.
2003AN....324..219W viz 599 31 The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars. WEGNER W.
2004A&A...415..627T 123 34 A Compact Array imaging survey of southern bright-rimmed clouds. THOMPSON M.A., URQUHART J.S. and WHITE G.J.
2004A&A...424..727P viz 15       D               3572 525 SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits. POURBAIX D., TOKOVININ A.A., BATTEN A.H., et al.
2004A&A...428..723U 37 23 High-mass star formation within the bright-rimmed cloud SFO 79. URQUHART J.S., THOMPSON M.A., MORGAN L.K., et al.
2004ApJS..151..103M viz 388 209 A galactic O star catalog. MAIZ-APELLANIZ J., WALBORN N.R., GALUE H.A., et al.
2005A&A...433..955C         O           43 25 Star formation in RCW 108: Triggered or spontaneous? COMERON F., SCHNEIDER N. and RUSSEIL D.
2005AJ....130.1652R viz 15       D               18344 57 New estimates of the solar-neighborhood massive star birthrate and the galactic supernova rate. REED B.C.
2005MNRAS.356..974N 111 T K                 14 18 The nearest star of spectral type O3: a component of the multiple system
HD 150136.
2005MNRAS.361..191S 37   K                 54 21 Chandra X-ray observations of the young stellar cluster NGC 6193 in the Ara OB1 association. SKINNER S.L., ZHEKOV S.A., PALLA F., et al.
2005MNRAS.363.1111C viz 15       D               2 2120 23 Tycho-2 stars with infrared excess in the MSX Point Source Catalogue. CLARKE A.J., OUDMAIJER R.D. and LUMSDEN S.L.
2006A&A...452.1011V 1         O           16 32 Can single O stars produce non-thermal radio emission? VAN LOO S., RUNACRES M.C. and BLOMME R.
2006ApJ...651..408M 25 28 Identification of the infrared counterpart to a newly discovered X-ray source in the Galactic Center. MIKLES V.J., EIKENBERRY S.S., MUNO M.P., et al.
2006PASA...23...50B 25 8 Radio detection of colliding wind binaries. BENAGLIA P., KORIBALSKI B. and ALBACETE COLOMBO J.F.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007A&A...466..247V 37           X         1 110 4 H2O maser emission from bright rimmed clouds in the southern hemisphere. VALDETTARO R., CHAPMAN J.M., LOVELL J.E.J., et al.
2007ApJ...668..456W 16       D               6 19 71 An extensive collection of stellar wind X-ray source region emission line parameters, temperatures, velocities, and their radial distributions as obtained from Chandra observations of 17 OB stars. WALDRON W.L. and CASSINELLI J.P.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2007MNRAS.382.1124Z 166       D       C F     4 15 34 X-rays from massive OB stars: thermal emission from radiative shocks. ZHEKOV S.A. and PALLA F.
2008AJ....135..693W viz 75           X         2 398 18 X-ray and IR point source identification and characteristics in the embedded, massive star-forming region RCW 108. WOLK S.J., SPITZBART B.D., BOURKE T.L., et al.
2008ApJS..176..218W 166       D     X C       4 77 6 X-atlas: an online archive of chandra's stellar high-energy transmission grating observations. WESTBROOK O.W., EVANS N.R., WOLK S.J., et al.
2008A&A...484..381W 15       D               1 86 34 The relation between CH and CN molecules and carriers of 5780 and 5797 diffuse interstellar bands. WESELAK T., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., MUSAEV F.A., et al.
2008ApJ...683..796S 188           X         5 67 31 High-resolution Chandra X-ray imaging and spectroscopy of the σ Orionis cluster. SKINNER S.L., SOKAL K.R., COHEN D.H., et al.
2008MNRAS.389..869E viz 15       D               1 4737 155 A catalogue of multiplicity among bright stellar systems. EGGLETON P.P. and TOKOVININ A.A.
2007A&ARv..14..171D 1 44 100 Non-Thermal Emission in Massive Binaries. DE BECKER M.
2008MNRAS.390.1733S viz 15       D               2 131 13 CN column densities and excitation temperatures. SLYK K., BONDAR A.V., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., et al.
2009AJ....137.3358M viz 15       D               2 1186 315 The high angular resolution multiplicity of massive stars. MASON B.D., HARTKOPF W.I., GIES D.R., et al.
2008RMxAC..33..166R 38           X         1 7 0 Multiwavelength study of RCW 108 as a massive star forming region. ROMERO G.A., BARBA R.H. and ARNAL E.M.
2009A&A...497..789U 15       D               1 143 35 Observational study of sites of triggered star formation. CO and mid-infrared observations. URQUHART J.S., MORGAN L.K. and THOMPSON M.A.
2009ApJ...703..633W 91       D     X   F     2 19 17 The correlation between X-ray line ionization and optical spectral types of the OB stars. WALBORN N.R., NICHOLS J.S. and WALDRON W.L.
2009A&A...507..833M viz 15       D               1 300 66 The interstellar CaII distance scale. MEGIER A., STROBEL A., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., et al.
2009MNRAS.400..518M viz 38           X         1 97 87 Kinematics of OB-associations and the new reduction of the Hipparcos data. MEL'NIK A.M. and DAMBIS A.K.
2010ApJ...719.1767L 55       D     X         2 8 32 Modeling broadband X-ray absorption of massive star winds. LEUTENEGGER M.A., COHEN D.H., ZSARGO J., et al.
2010MNRAS.404.1321W viz 15       D               4 464 26 Interstellar Ti II in the Milky way and Magellanic clouds. WELTY D.E. and CROWTHER P.A.
2011AJ....141..129H viz 15       D               1 339 50 TGCat: the Chandra Transmission Grating Data Catalog and Archive. HUENEMOERDER D.P., MITSCHANG A., DEWEY D., et al.
2011ApJ...735..124K 15       D               2 56 21 Can H2 CCC Be the carrier of broad diffuse bands? KRELOWSKI J., GALAZUTDINOV G. and KOLOS R.
2011A&A...531A..73B viz 38           X         1 22 8 The Ara OB1a association. Stellar population and star formation history. BAUME G., CARRARO G., COMERON F., et al.
2011AstL...37..526B 33 14 Galactic kinematics from OB3 stars with distances determined from interstellar Ca II lines. BOBYLEV V.V. and BAJKOVA A.T.
2012ApJS..199....8G viz 15       D               3 3038 80 A compilation of interstellar column densities. GUDENNAVAR S.B., BUBBLY S.G., PREETHI K., et al.
2012A&A...540A..97M 1858 T K A D S   X C       46 9 22 Evidence for a physically bound third component in
HD 150136.
MAHY L., GOSSET E., SANA H., et al.
2012MNRAS.423.2711D 39           X         1 12 9 The long-period eccentric orbit of the particle accelerator HD 167971 revealed by long baseline interferometry. DE BECKER M., SANA H., ABSIL O., et al.
2012MNRAS.424.1925C viz 15       D               1 828 268 A spectroscopic survey on the multiplicity of high-mass stars. CHINI R., HOFFMEISTER V.H., NASSERI A., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95691 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013ApJ...766...64S 49           X         1 4 81 The mass-loss-induced eccentric Kozai mechanism: a new channel for the production of close compact object-stellar binaries. SHAPPEE B.J. and THOMPSON T.A.
2013A&A...553A.131S 765 T   A   O X         19 5 18 Three-dimensional orbits of the triple-O stellar system
HD 150136.
SANA H., LE BOUQUIN J.-B., MAHY L., et al.
2013A&A...554L...4S 1077 T   A     X C       26 3 11 Direct detection of the tertiary component in the massive multiple HD 150136 with VLTI. SANCHEZ-BERMUDEZ J., SCHOEDEL R., ALBERDI A., et al.
2013A&A...558A..28D 328       D   O X         9 80 91 Catalogue of particle-accelerating colliding-wind binaries. DE BECKER M. and RAUCQ F.
2013AstL...39..532B viz 16       D               1 229 18 Galactic kinematics from a sample of young massive stars. BOBYLEV V.V. and BAJKOVA A.T.
2014ApJS..211...10S viz 16       D               1 356 278 The Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS). II. Bright southern stars. SOTA A., MAIZ APELLANIZ J., MORRELL N.I., et al.
2014MNRAS.439..908C 449       D S   X   F     10 21 50 Measuring mass-loss rates and constraining shock physics using X-ray line profiles of O stars from the Chandra archive. COHEN D.H., WOLLMAN E.E., LEUTENEGGER M.A., et al.
2014ApJS..215...15S viz 173       D     X         5 198 308 Southern MAssive Stars at High angular resolution: observational campaign and companion detection. SANA H., LE BOUQUIN J.-B., LACOUR S., et al.
2014A&A...572L...1S 39           X         1 8 6 Resolving the stellar components of the massive multiple system Herschel 36 with AMBER/VLTI. SANCHEZ-BERMUDEZ J., ALBERDI A., SCHOEDEL R., et al.
2015AJ....149...26A viz 95       D     X         3 319 73 The multiplicity of massive stars: a high angular resolution survey with the guidance sensor. ALDORETTA E.J., CABALLERO-NIEVES S.M., GIES D.R., et al.
2014Ap.....57..520G 39           X         1 17 ~ New radial systems of dark globules and HH objects. GYULBUDAGHIAN A.L. and MENDEZ R.A.
2015ApJS..216...22B viz 16       D               1 94 16 A sensitive spectral survey of interstellar features in the near-UV [3050-3700 Å]. BHATT N.H. and CAMI J.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015A&A...579A.108M 119           X         3 32 15 The little-studied cluster Berkeley 90. I. LS III +46 11: a very massive O3.5 If* + O3.5 If* binary. MAIZ-APELLANIZ J., NEGUERUELA I., BARBA R.H., et al.
2015A&A...579A.111K 95       D   O   C       3 55 15 X-ray irradiation of the winds in binaries with massive components. KRTICKA J., KUBAT J. and KRTICKOVA I.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2015ApJ...809..134P viz 40           X         1 9 14 A coordinated X-ray and optical campaign of the nearest massive eclipsing binary, δ Orionis Aa. III. Analysis of optical photometric (MOST) and spectroscopic (ground-based) variations. PABLO H., RICHARDSON N.D., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
2014AcA....64..371W 16       D               1 104 1 Carriers of 4964 and 6196 diffuse interstellar bands and environments dominated by either CH or CH+ molecules. WESELAK T., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., SERGEEV O., et al.
2015MNRAS.453.3288P 40           X         1 7 7 X-ray emission from the giant magnetosphere of the magnetic O-type star NGC 1624-2. PETIT V., COHEN D.H., WADE G.A., et al.
2015AstL...41..473B 58 13 Determination of the galactic rotation curve from OB stars. BOBYLEV V.V. and BAJKOVA A.T.
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