GAL 332.80-00.60 , the SIMBAD biblio

GAL 332.80-00.60 , the SIMBAD biblio (99 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST16:34:53

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1960MNRAS.121..103R viz 187 410 A catalogue of H-alpha emission regions in the Southern Milky Way. RODGERS A.W., CAMPBELL C.T. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1969AuJPA..12....1M 157 ~ Flux densities and positions of southern galactic sources. MANCHESTER B.A.
1970A&A.....6..364W 186 302 A survey of H 109-alpha recombination line emission in galactic HII regions of the southern sky. WILSON T.L., MEZGER P.G., GARDNER F.F., et al.
1976PASP...88..647H 47 42 A model for the local spiral structure of the galaxy. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1978MNRAS.183..711G 54 25 Observations of the J=1-0 transition of CS at 49 GHz in southern molecular clouds. GARDNER F.F. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1979ApJ...232..761L 42 98 The distribution of dense HII regions in the inner galaxy. LOCKMAN F.J.
1982PASAu...4..434W 78 24 Observations of the 1-0 transition of CO towards southern HII regions. WHITEOAK J.B., OTRUPCEK R.E. and RENNIE C.J.
1984A&A...139..181B 47 27 CO (J=2->1) observations of molecular clouds associated with HII regions from the southern hemisphere. BRAND J., VAN DER BIJ M.D.P., DE VRIES C.P., et al.
1984MNRAS.210...23G 99 35 Observations of the 14.5-GHz transition of interstellar H2CO towards continuum sources and dark clouds. GARDNER F.F. and WHITEOAK J.B.
1987A&A...176..245B 14 21 New detections of probable massive pre-main sequence stars in the southern galactic plane. BRAZ M.A. and EPCHTEIN N.
1987MNRAS.227.1013K 64 13 IRAS observations of southern molecular clouds. KUIPER T.B.H., WHITEOAK J.B., FOWLER J.W., et al.
1989BAICz..40...42A 223 18 Kinematics of star forming regions. AVEDISOVA V.S. and PALOUS J.
1995BASI...23R.509V 71 T                   1 0 Far-infrared study of a large star forming complex associated with RCW 106. VERMA R.P., GHOSH S.K., RENGARAJAN T.N., et al.
1996A&AS..118..191J viz 42 42 Studies of dense molecular cores in regions of massive star formation. IV. Multitransition CS-study towards southern H2O masers in the longitude range l=308-360deg. JUVELA M.
1996A&AS..120C.349H 12 1 Possible sites of nuclear line emission from massive OB associations. HIGDON J.C. and LINGENFELTER R.E.
1998A&A...329..659J 14 13 Clumpy cloud models for CS and C34S spectra observed towards southern massive star forming cores. JUVELA M.
1998A&AS..132..211H viz 663 67 A survey of SiO emission towards interstellar masers. I. SiO line characteristics. HARJU J., LEHTINEN K., BOOTH R.S., et al.
2000A&A...355.1115V 139 8 NH3(1,1) survey toward southern hemisphere HII regions. I. VILAS-BOAS J.W.S. and ABRAHAM Z.
2000A&A...361.1079Z viz 132 84 HNCO in massive galactic dense cores. ZINCHENKO I., HENKEL C. and MAO R.Q.
2000BASI...28..225G 49 3 Mid- and far-infrared studies of galactic compact H II regions. GHOSH S.K.
2001A&A...375L..23T 7 5 13CI in high-mass star-forming clouds. TIEFTRUNK A.R., JACOBS K., MARTIN C.L., et al.
2001MNRAS.326..293K 109 T K                 28 17 Study of star formation in
RCW 106 using far-infrared observations.
2003A&A...400..533D viz 487 186 New infrared star clusters in the southern Milky Way with 2MASS. DUTRA C.M., BICA E., SOARES J., et al.
2003AJ....126.1896R 43 15 Discovery of a young massive stellar cluster associated with IRAS source 16177-5018. ROMAN-LOPES A., ABRAHAM Z. and LEPINE J.R.D.
2003RMxAC..15..157V 4 0 High-mass star formation through far-infrared studies. VERMA R.P., GHOSH S.K. and RENGARAJAN T.N.
2004A&A...426..119M viz 111 T K                 67 50 The Giant Molecular Cloud associated with
RCW 106. A 1.2 mm continuum mapping study.
2004AJ....127.2817R 43 12 The stellar population associated with the IRAS source 16132-5039. ROMAN-LOPES A. and ABRAHAM Z.
2004PASA...21...82R 9 18 Influence of the neutron star 1E 161348-5055 in RCW 103 on the surrounding medium. REYNOSO E.M., GREEN A.J., JOHNSTON S., et al.
2005A&A...429..497R 140 18 A deep Hα survey of the Milky Way. VI. The l = 332° area. RUSSEIL D., ADAMI C., AMRAM P., et al.
2005ApJ...625..891R viz 1 23 82 High-mass star formation. I. The mass distribution of submillimeter clumps in NGC 7538. REID M.A. and WILSON C.D.
2005BASI...33..133G 11 3 Star formation studies at TIFR. GHOSH S.K.
2006MNRAS.367.1609B viz 75 T                   14 37 Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with
RCW 106 - I. 13CO.
2006ApJ...650..970R 1 13 36 High-mass star formation. III. The functional form of the submillimeter clump mass function. REID M.A. and WILSON C.D.
2007ApJ...655..351L viz 1 9 29 Massive quiescent cores in Orion. II. Core mass function. LI D., VELUSAMY T., GOLDSMITH P.F., et al.
2007MNRAS.377..491B 247 T   A     X         6 37 30 A search for 22-GHz water masers within the giant molecular cloud associated with
RCW 106.
2007A&A...466.1013M 37         O X         1 86 19 Star formation in the Vela molecular ridge. Large scale mapping of cloud D in the mm continuum. MASSI F., DE LUCA M., ELIA D., et al.
2007A&A...471..813R viz 22     A   O           15 5 Near-infrared study of southern massive star formation regions. The case of IRAS 16571-4029 source. ROMAN-LOPES A.
2008MNRAS.386..117J 39           X         1 13 32 Spectral imaging of the Sagittarius B2 region in multiple 3-mm molecular lines with the Mopra telescope. JONES P.A., BURTON M.G., CUNNINGHAM M.R., et al.
2008MNRAS.386.1069W 553 T   A     X C F     12 8 55 Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - II. Column density and dynamical state of the clumps. WONG T., LADD E.F., BRISBIN D., et al.
2009MNRAS.394..467R 417       S   X         10 29 11 GEMINI near-infrared spectroscopic observations of young massive stars embedded in molecular clouds. ROMAN-LOPES A., ABRAHAM Z., ORTIZ R., et al.
2009MNRAS.395.1021L 251 T   A     X   F     5 15 39 Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW106 - III. Multimolecular line mapping. LO N., CUNNINGHAM M.R., JONES P.A., et al.
2009ApJ...698..324R viz 76           X         2 337 53 Detection of structure in infrared-dark clouds with Spitzer: characterizing star formation in the molecular ring. RAGAN S.E., BERGIN E.A. and GUTERMUTH R.A.
2009ApJ...705L..95I 38           X         1 14 20 A C18O study of the origin of the power-law nature in the initial mass function. IKEDA N. and KITAMURA Y.
2010MNRAS.401..275W 15       D               1 173 198 The relation between the most-massive star and its parental star cluster mass. WEIDNER C., KROUPA P. and BONNELL I.A.D.
2010MNRAS.401.2219B 61           X         1 3 140 12.2-GHz methanol masers towards 1.2-mm dust clumps: quantifying high-mass star formation evolutionary schemes. BREEN S.L., ELLINGSEN S.P., CASWELL J.L., et al.
2010ApJ...719.1104R viz 38           X         1 79 28 A new sample of very massive star forming complexes in the Spitzer GLIMPSE survey. RAHMAN M. and MURRAY N.
2010MNRAS.408.1089T 42           X         1 4 36 Do lognormal column-density distributions in molecular clouds imply supersonic turbulence ? TASSIS K., CHRISTIE D.A., URBAN A., et al.
2011MNRAS.411..705M viz 15       D               1 105 43 Spectrophotometric distances to Galactic H II regions. MOISES A.P., DAMINELI A., FIGUEREDO E., et al.
2011MNRAS.411.2293J 38           X         1 7 12 Spectral imaging of the Sagittarius B2 region in multiple 7-mm molecular lines. JONES P.A., BURTON M.G., TOTHILL N.F.H., et al.
2011A&A...527A.145B viz 38           X         1 102 65 The end of star formation in Chamaeleon I? A LABOCA census of starless and protostellar cores. BELLOCHE A., SCHULLER F., PARISE B., et al.
2011ApJ...732..101I viz 154           X         4 23 8 Similarity between the C18O (J = 1-0) core mass function and the initial mass function (IMF) in the S140 region. IKEDA N. and KITAMURA Y.
2011A&A...534A.131L viz 38           X         1 15 12 Massive star formation in the GMC G345.5+1.0: spatial distribution of the dust emission. LOPEZ C., BRONFMAN L., NYMAN L.-A., et al.
2011MNRAS.416..178B viz 77           X         2 300 34 Constraining the properties of 1.2-mm dust clumps that contain luminous water masers. BREEN S.L. and ELLINGSEN S.P.
2011BaltA..20..558L 11 0 Analysis of hydrogen cyanide hyperfine spectral components towards star forming cores. LOUGHNANE R.M., REDMAN M.P., KETO E.R., et al.
2012MNRAS.420.1367L 39           X         1 17 29 Observations of HCN hyperfine line anomalies towards low- and high-mass star-forming cores. LOUGHNANE R.M., REDMAN M.P., THOMPSON M.A., et al.
2012MNRAS.420.1656U viz 117       S   X         2 14 45 The RMS survey: resolving kinematic distance ambiguities towards a sample of compact H II regions using H I absorption. URQUHART J.S., HOARE M.G., LUMSDEN S.L., et al.
2012ApJ...753...62J viz 193           X         5 200 23 Kinematic distance assignments with H I absorption. JONES C. and DICKEY J.M.
2012A&A...544A..11Z 77           X         2 7 13 Multiwavelength study of the infrared dust bubble S51. ZHANG C.P. and WANG J.J.
2012A&A...545A..51R viz 39           X         1 60 12 Fragmentation in the massive star-forming region IRAS 19410+2336. RODON J.A., BEUTHER H. and SCHILKE P.
2013MNRAS.429..469J 78           X         2 5 5 Pilot observations for MALT-45: a galactic plane survey at 7 mm. JORDAN C.H., WALSH A.J., LOWE V., et al.
2013A&A...558A.119K 39           X         1 8 6 Radiatively driven Rayleigh-Taylor instability candidates around a forming massive star system. NACO adaptive optics and VISIR study of G333.6-0.2. KUMAR M.S.N.
2014MNRAS.437.1791U viz 57       D     X         2 32 129 The RMS survey: galactic distribution of massive star formation. URQUHART J.S., FIGURA C.C., MOORE T.J.T., et al.
2014A&A...561A.148G viz 39           X         1 33 7 The mass distribution of clumps within infrared dark clouds. A large APEX Bolometer Camera study. GOMEZ L., WYROWSKI F., SCHULLER F., et al.
2014A&A...563A.123G 1102 T   A D     X C       27 10 4 The ionizing sources of luminous compact H II regions in the RCW 106 and RCW 122 clouds. GRAVE J.M.C., KUMAR M.S.N., OJHA D.K., et al.
2014ApJS..212....2G viz 39           X         1 219 42 Giant molecular clouds and massive star formation in the southern Milky Way. GARCIA P., BRONFMAN L., NYMAN L.-A., et al.
2014A&A...565A..75C viz 39           X         1 564 167 The ATLASGAL survey: a catalog of dust condensations in the Galactic plane. CSENGERI T., URQUHART J.S., SCHULLER F., et al.
2014MNRAS.441..256L viz 771 T   A     X C F     17 69 3 Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with
RCW 106 - IV. Ammonia towards dust emission.
2014ApJS..213....1T viz 79           X         2 68 70 The Massive Star-Forming Regions Omnibus X-ray Catalog. TOWNSLEY L.K., BROOS P.S., GARMIRE G.P., et al.
2014ApJ...797L..17L 79             C       1 11 5 Tracing H2 column density with atomic carbon (C i) and CO isotopologs. LO N., CUNNINGHAM M.R., JONES P.A., et al.
2015MNRAS.447.2307M viz 41           X         1 11 31 Study of morphology and stellar content of the Galactic HII region IRAS 16148-5011. MALLICK K.K., OJHA D.K., TAMURA M., et al.
2015MNRAS.448.2344J viz 79           X         2 9 17 MALT-45: a 7 mm survey of the southern Galaxy - I. Techniques and spectral line data. JORDAN C.H., WALSH A.J., LOWE V., et al.
2015A&A...579A..91W viz 79           X         2 1616 97 ATLASGAL - Kinematic distances and the dense gas mass distribution of the inner Galaxy. WIENEN M., WYROWSKI F., MENTEN K.M., et al.
2015A&A...581A.120B 143     A   O X         4 95 20 Hundreds of new cluster candidates in the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey DR1. BARBA R.H., ROMAN-LOPES A., NILO CASTELLON J.L., et al.
2015ApJ...812....7N 4528 T   A D S   X C       112 82 11 The three-mm ultimate mopra Milky Way survey. II.Cloud and star formation near the filamentary ministarburst
RCW 106.
2015ApJ...813...25S viz 40           X         1 3586 14 Young stellar objects in the massive star-forming region W49. SARAL G., HORA J.L., WILLIS S.E., et al.
2016RAA....16c...3W 40           X         1 10 ~ Water abundance in four of the brightest water sources in the southern sky. WANG B.-R., QIAN L. and PAN Z.-C.
2016A&A...588A..63C viz 40           X         1 22 2 The embedded clusters DBS 77, 78, 102, and 160-161, and their link with the interstellar medium. CORTI M.A., BAUME G.L., PANEI J.A., et al.
2016A&A...588A..75M 40           X         1 20 3 Large-scale latitude distortions of the inner Milky Way disk from the Herschel/Hi-GAL Survey. MOLINARI S., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., BALLY J., et al.
2016A&A...590A.131A viz 161           X         4 24 16 Giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way. II. The fourth Galactic quadrant. ABREU-VICENTE J., RAGAN S., KAINULAINEN J., et al.
2016A&A...591A...5L viz 42           X         1 42 87 ATLASGAL: A Galaxy-wide sample of dense filamentary structures. LI G.-X., URQUHART J.S., LEURINI S., et al.
2016MNRAS.460.1039P 17       D               2 52 77 A search for ionized jets towards massive young stellar objects. PURSER S.J.D., LUMSDEN S.L., HOARE M.G., et al.
2016AJ....152...74B 40           X         1 90 10 Young stellar clusters containing massive young stellar objects in the VVV survey. BORISSOVA J., RAMIREZ ALEGRIA S., ALONSO J., et al.
2016ApJ...833...23N 120           X         3 28 16 The scaling relations and star formation laws of mini-starburst complexes. NGUYEN-LU'O'NG Q., NGUYEN H.V.V., MOTTE F., et al.
2017A&A...601A..60C viz 41           X         1 254 18 The ATLASGAL survey: The sample of young massive cluster progenitors. CSENGERI T., BONTEMPS S., WYROWSKI F., et al.
2017A&A...605A..35P 43           X         1 10 27 Spatial distribution of star formation related to ionized regions throughout the inner Galactic plane. PALMEIRIM P., ZAVAGNO A., ELIA D., et al.
2018ApJS..235...43T viz 181       D S     C       6 69 12 The Massive Star-forming Regions Omnibus X-ray Catalog, second installment. TOWNSLEY L.K., BROOS P.S., GARMIRE G.P., et al.
2018MNRAS.477.3369E viz 41           X         1 477 3 Extreme star formation in the Milky Way: luminosity distributions of young stellar objects in W49A and W51. EDEN D.J., MOORE T.J.T., URQUHART J.S., et al.
2018ApJ...861...14C 45           X         1 12 50 Infall signatures in a prestellar core embedded in the high-mass 70 µm dark IRDC G331.372-00.116. CONTRERAS Y., SANHUEZA P., JACKSON J.M., et al.
2019MNRAS.483.1624B 84           X         2 70 1 An ALMA archival study of the clump mass function in the Large Magellanic Cloud. BRUNETTI N. and WILSON C.D.
2019MNRAS.484.2089R 84             C       1 13 1 The G332 molecular cloud ring: I. Morphology and physical characteristics. ROMANO D., BURTON M.G., ASHLEY M.C.B., et al.
2019A&A...623A.141F viz 167           X         4 15 ~ Multiwavelength study of the G345.5+1.5 region. FIGUEIRA M., LOPEZ-CALDERON C., BRONFMAN L., et al.
2019ApJ...875L..16T 568 T   A S   X         12 2 ~ Magnetic stability of massive star-forming clumps in
RCW 106.
2020A&A...633A.155R viz 43           X         1 279 4 The young stellar content of the giant H II regions M 8, G333.6-0.2, and NGC 6357 with VLT/KMOS. RAMIREZ-TANNUS M.C., POORTA J., BIK A., et al.
2021ApJS..257...42L 87             C       1 77 18 One of everything: the Breakthrough Listen Exotica Catalog. LACKI B.C., BRZYCKI B., CROFT S., et al.
2022A&A...662A...8M 242       D     X         6 75 20 ALMA-IMF. I. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Introduction to the Large Program and first results. MOTTE F., BONTEMPS S., CSENGERI T., et al.
2022ApJ...933...60D 45           X         1 48 1 Surveying the Giant H II Regions of the Milky Way with SOFIA. IV. Sgr D, W42, and a Reassessment of the Giant H II Region Census. DE BUIZER J.M., LIM W., KARNATH N., et al.
2022ApJS..261...14L 45           X         1 8 3 Water Masers as an Early Tracer of Star Formation. LADEYSCHIKOV D.A., GONG Y., SOBOLEV A.M., et al.
2022A&A...667A.137B viz 45           X         1 23 ~ Ammonia characterisation of dense cores in the Rosette Molecular Cloud. BOGNER R., CSENGERI T., MONTILLAUD J., et al.
2023A&A...676A..69Z viz 140           X         3 75 ~ High-resolution APEX/LAsMA 12CO and 13CO (3-2) observation of the G333 giant molecular cloud complex I. Evidence for gravitational acceleration in hub-filament systems. ZHOU J.W., WYROWSKI F., NEUPANE S., et al.

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