LDN 1689N , the SIMBAD biblio

LDN 1689N , the SIMBAD biblio (116 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:43:54

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1987A&A...173L...1G 1 7 30 Deuterated C3H2 as a clue to deuterium chemistry. GERIN M., WOOTTEN H.A., COMBES F., et al.
1987ApJ...317..220W 77 T                   1 2 56
L 1689N : misalignment between a bipolar outflow and a magnetic field.
1988A&A...199..312B 45 5 Low spatial resolution observations of C3H2 in HII regions and dark clouds. BROUILLET N., BAUDRY A. and DAIGNE G.
1989ApJ...337..858W 4 9 175 The duplicity of IRAS 16293-2422 : a protobinary star ? WOOTTEN A.
1989ApJ...338..902L 118 287 The cobwebs of Ophiuchus. I. Strands of 13 CO: the mass distribution. LOREN R.B.
1989ApJ...345..257W 80 131 A millimeter-wave spectral-line and continuum survey of cold IRAS sources. WILKING B.A., MUNDY L.G., BLACKWELL J.H., et al.
1990A&A...239..319M 21 23 Observations of the cyclic C3H radical in the interstellar medium. MANGUM J.G. and WOOTTEN A.
1990AJ....100..758W 24 65 High-velocity molecular gas associated with cold IRAS sources. WILKING B.A. and BLACKWELL J.H.
1990ApJ...365..269L 42 143 Cold DCO+ cores and protostars in the warm rho Ophiuchi cloud. LOREN R.B., WOOTTEN A. and WILKING B.A.
1990ApJ...365..569T 25 40 Phosphorus in the dense interstellar medium. TURNER B.E., TSUJI T., BALLY J., et al.
1992A&A...253L..29G 7 20 Interstellar detection of deuterated methyl acetylene. GERIN M., COMBES F., WLODARCZAK G., et al.
1992ApJ...397L..43S 62 6 The detection of a new, nonmasing transition of methanol at 28.3 GHz. SLYSH V.I., KALENSKII S.V. and VAL'TTS I.E.
1992ApJ...401..146F 3 11 Interstellar cloud shapes: a minimum-hypothesis account involving a purely gravitational effect. FLECK R.C.
1993A&A...277..609B 1 15 72 Modeling of IR emission of interstellar clouds. II. Self-consistent models of individual nearby clouds. BERNARD J.P., BOULANGER F. and PUGET J.-L.
1993ApJ...414..759T 48 127 The contribution of disks and envelopes to the millimeter continuum emission from very young low-mass stars. TEREBEY S., CHANDLER C.J. and ANDRE P.
1994MNRAS.268..276W 2 42 416 A submillimetre continuum survey of pre-protostellar cores. WARD-THOMPSON D., SCOTT P.F., HILLS R.E., et al.
1994AZh....71...37S viz 150 7 Detection of thermal methanol emission from 33 hot and cold clouds at 48 GHz. SLYSH V.I., BACHILLER R., BERULIS I.I., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1457W 71 T                   2 ~ A study of deutero-ammonia in the pre-stellar condensation in L 1689N. WOOTTEN A. and MANGUM J.G.
1994PAZh...20..113K 108 ~ The determination of methanol column density and abundance in molecular clouds from observations in the 1 0-0 0A+ line. KALENSKII S.V. and SOBOLEV A.M.
1996A&A...311..858B 2 82 602 Evolution of outflow activity around low-mass embedded young stellar objects. BONTEMPS S., ANDRE P., TEREBEY S., et al.
1996A&A...314..625A 7 8 180 Probing the initial conditions of star formation: the structure of the prestellar core L 1689B. ANDRE P., WARD-THOMPSON D. and MOTTE F.
1996A&AS..115..283W viz 269 71 A catalogue of high velocity molecular outflows. WU Y., HUANG M. and HE J.
1998ApJ...503..717H 1 40 198 Abundances of HCN and HNC in dark cloud cores. HIROTA T., YAMAMOTO S., MIKAMI H., et al.
1999A&A...347L...1C 112 T K                 4 51 Large atomic oxygen abundance towards the molecular cloud
1999ApJS..125..161J viz 370 374 Dense cores mapped in ammonia: a database. JIJINA J., MYERS P.C. and ADAMS F.C.
2000A&A...355.1129C 11 4 140 The structure of the collapsing envelope around the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422. CECCARELLI C., CASTETS A., CAUX E., et al.
2000A&A...357..994V 13 37 Large [O]/[CO] ratios in cold molecular clouds towards W 49N. VASTEL C., CAUX E., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2001A&A...372..173B viz 230 244 ISOCAM observations of the ρ Ophiuchi cloud: Luminosity and mass functions of the pre-main sequence embedded cluster. BONTEMPS S., ANDRE P., KAAS A.A., et al.
2001A&A...372..998C 4 5 69 Extended D2CO emission: The smoking gun of grain surface-chemistry. CECCARELLI C., LOINARD L., CASTETS A., et al.
2001A&A...375...40C 13 34 Multiple shocks around the low-luminosity protostar IRAS 16293-2422. CASTETS A., CECCARELLI C., LOINARD L., et al.
2001ApJ...547..814H 49 30 Observations of DNC and HN13C in dark cloud cores. HIROTA T., IKEDA M. and YAMAMOTO S.
2001ApJ...554..933S 41 41 Deuterated ammonia in galactic protostellar cores. SHAH R.Y. and WOOTTEN A.
2001ApJ...561..823L 1 8 25 Atomic oxygen abundance in molecular clouds: absorption toward Sagittarius B2. LIS D.C., KEENE J., PHILLIPS T.G., et al.
2002A&A...381L..17C 112 T K                 4 26 The puzzling detection of D2CO in the molecular cloud
2002A&A...388L..53V 4 9 111 Triply deuterated ammonia in NGC 1333. VAN DER TAK F.F.S., SCHILKE P., MUELLER H.S.P., et al.
2002A&A...393L..49P 7 8 181 Detection of doubly-deuterated methanol in the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422. PARISE B., CECCARELLI C., TIELENS A.G.G.M., et al.
2002ApJ...569..322L 110 T K                 11 21 The role of outflows and C shocks in the strong deuteration of
2002ApJ...571L..55L 8 6 157 Detection of triply deuterated ammonia in the Barnard 1 cloud. LIS D.C., ROUEFF E., GERIN M., et al.
2002RMxAA..38...61L 13 13 Large proper motions in the young low-mass protostellar system IRAS 16293-2422. LOINARD L.
2003A&A...400L...1V 1 10 45 Detection of DCO+ in a circumstellar disk. VAN DISHOECK E.F., THI W.-F. and VAN ZADELHOFF G.-J.
2003ApJ...585L..55B 5 10 167 CO depletion and deuterium fractionation in prestellar cores. BACMANN A., LEFLOCH B., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2003ApJ...593L..97V 1 13 53 First detection of doubly deuterated hydrogen sulfide. VASTEL C., PHILLIPS T.G., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2003ApJS..144...71F 268 129 Water maser survey toward low-mass young stellar objects in the northern sky with the Nobeyama 45 meter telescope and the Very Large Array. FURUYA R.S., KITAMURA Y., WOOTTEN A., et al.
2003SSRv..106...61R 11 30 Deuterium in molecules of the interstellar medium. ROUEFF E. and GERIN M.
2004A&A...413..609W 111 T K                 29 27 Sulphur-bearing species in the star forming region
2004A&A...426..503W viz 434 259 A study of high velocity molecular outflows with an up-to-date sample. WU Y., WEI Y., ZHAO M., et al.
2004ApJ...608..341S 75 T                   19 82 Probing the early stages of low-mass star formation in
LDN 1689N: dust and water in IRAS 16293-2422A, B, and E.
2004ARA&A..42..119V 87 222 ISO spectroscopy of gas and dust : from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks. VAN DISHOECK E.F.
2004RMxAC..21...93R 13 1 Orbital motions in binary protostellar systems. RODRIGUEZ L.F.
2005A&A...437..611R         O           214 92 A multiplicity survey of the ρ Ophiuchi molecular clouds. RATZKA T., KOEHLER R. and LEINERT C.
2005A&A...438..585R 1 22 129 Interstellar deuterated ammonia: from NH3 to ND3. ROUEFF E., LIS D.C., VAN DER TAK F.F.S., et al.
2005A&A...439..195V 2 6 42 Line profiles of molecular ions toward the pre-stellar core LDN 1544. VAN DER TAK F.F.S., CASELLI P. and CECCARELLI C.
2005ApJ...632..371C 1 29 170 IRAS 16293-2422: proper motions, jet precession, the hot core, and the unambiguous detection of infall. CHANDLER C.J., BROGAN C.L., SHIRLEY Y.L., et al.
2006A&A...454L..63G 115 T K     O           2 14 The distribution of ND2H in
GERIN M., LIS D.C., PHILIPP S., et al.
2006ApJ...636..916L 38   K                 7 16 Ground state rotational lines of doubly deuterated ammonia as tracers of the physical conditions and chemistry of cold interstellar medium. LIS D.C., GERIN M., ROUEFF E., et al.
2007A&A...465..647M 76           X         2 3 10 Collisional excitation of doubly deuterated ammonia ND2H by helium. MACHIN L. and ROUEFF E.
2007ApJ...661L.159R 7 9 The effect of an increased elemental D/H ratio on deuterium fractionation in the cold interstellar medium. ROUEFF E., HERBST E., LIS D.C., et al.
2007ApJ...667..980D 22 34 The excitation of N2H+ in interstellar molecular clouds. II. Observations. DANIEL F., CERNICHARO J., ROUEFF E., et al.
2007ApJ...670.1353L 75           X         2 11 21 New radio sources and the composite structure of component B in the very young protostellar system IRAS 16293-2422. LOINARD L., CHANDLER C.J., RODRIGUEZ L.F., et al.
2008ApJ...674.1015F 542       D     X         15 30 40 SWAS observations of water in molecular outflows. FRANKLIN J., SNELL R.L., KAUFMAN M.J., et al.
2008ApJ...681.1717K 38           X         1 7 7 Dissociative recombination of D3S+: product branching fractions and absolute cross sections. KAMINSKA M., VIGREN E., ZHAUNERCHYK V., et al.
2008ApJ...683..822J viz 38           X         1 127 123 Current star formation in the Ophiuchus and Perseus molecular clouds: constraints and comparisons from unbiased submillimeter and mid-infrared surveys. II. JORGENSEN J.K., JOHNSTONE D., KIRK H., et al.
2009A&A...494..623P 73           X         1 2 143 Chemical modeling of L183 (L134N): an estimate of the ortho/para H2 ratio. PAGANI L., VASTEL C., HUGO E., et al.
2009A&A...498L...9G 266     A D     X C       7 9 31 Detection of 15NH2D in dense cores: a new tool for measuring the 14N/15N ratio in the cold ISM. GERIN M., MARCELINO N., BIVER N., et al.
2009ApJ...699..585H 205       D     X         6 147 62 A search for carbon-chain-rich cores in dark clouds. HIROTA T., OHISHI M. and YAMAMOTO S.
2010ApJ...712.1403P 39           X         1 8 31 Confirmation of a recent bipolar ejection in the very young hierarchical multiple system IRAS 16293-2422. PECH G., LOINARD L., CHANDLER C.J., et al.
2010A&A...521L..29C 40           X         1 7 33 Water vapor toward starless cores: the Herschel view. CASELLI P., KETO E., PAGANI L., et al.
2011MNRAS.413..509W 79           X         2 3 13 Collisional excitation of doubly deuterated ammonia ND2 H by para-H2. WIESENFELD L., SCIFONI E., FAURE A., et al.
2011A&A...532A..23C 47           X         1 7 136 TIMASSS: the IRAS 16293-2422 millimeter and submillimeter spectral survey. I. Observations, calibration, and analysis of the line kinematics. CAUX E., KAHANE C., CASTETS A., et al.
2012A&A...539A.132C 45           X         1 7 87 A study of deuterated water in the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422. COUTENS A., VASTEL C., CAUX E., et al.
2012A&A...547A..33V viz 155           X         4 7 9 Upper limit for the D2H+ ortho-to-para ratio in the prestellar core 16293E (CHESS). VASTEL C., CASELLI P., CECCARELLI C., et al.
2013ApJ...763L..38K 43           X         1 4 35 Detection of formamide, the simplest but crucial amide, in a solar-type protostar. KAHANE C., CECCARELLI C., FAURE A., et al.
2013A&A...549L...3P 40           X         1 13 42 Warm water deuterium fractionation in IRAS 16293-2422. The high-resolution ALMA and SMA view. PERSSON M.V., JORGENSEN J.K. and VAN DISHOECK E.F.
2014ApJ...780L..11G 40           X         1 9 22 On the origin of the molecular outflows in IRAS 16293-2422. GIRART J.M., ESTALELLA R., PALAU A., et al.
2013A&A...559A..49M 119           X C       2 3 17 CO2 formation on interstellar dust grains: a detailed study of the barrier of the CO+O channel. MINISSALE M., CONGIU E., MANICO G., et al.
2014ApJ...790...55F 39           X         1 14 10 Dynamical structure of the inner 100 AU of the deeply embedded protostar IRAS 16293-2422. FAVRE C., JORGENSEN J.K., FIELD D., et al.
2014Natur.516..219B 12 4 101 H2D2 observations give an age of at least one million years for a cloud core forming Sun-like stars. BRUENKEN S., SIPILAE O., CHAMBERS E.T., et al.
2014A&A...572A..24W 16       D               1 27 23 Observations of nitrogen isotope fractionation in deeply embedded protostars. WAMPFLER S.F., JORGENSEN J.K., BIZZARRO M., et al.
2015ApJ...807..119R 40           X         1 25 17 Internal and relative motions of the Taurus and Ophiuchus star-forming regions. RIVERA J.L., LOINARD L., DZIB S.A., et al.
2015MNRAS.450.1094P 119           X         3 115 110 The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: first results from the SCUBA-2 observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud and a virial analysis of its prestellar core population. PATTLE K., WARD-THOMPSON D., KIRK J.M., et al.
2016A&A...585A.112M viz 43           X         1 3 10 The sulfur depletion problem: upper limits on the H2S2, HS2., and S2 gas-phase abundances toward the low-mass warm core IRAS 16293-2422. MARTIN-DOMENECH R., JIMENEZ-SERRA I., MUNOZ CARO G.M., et al.
2016A&A...587A..26B 81 T                   1 6 9 Stratified NH and ND emission in the prestellar core 16293E in
2016MNRAS.457.1535D 80             C       1 9 5 Collisional excitation of doubly and triply deuterated ammonia ND2H and ND3 by H2. DANIEL F., RIST C., FAURE A., et al.
2016A&A...592A..45D 121 T         X         2 6 11 N2H+ and N15NH+ toward the prestellar core 16293E in
2016ApJ...827..133L 666 T   A     X C       15 22 4 Star formation and feedback: a molecular outflow-prestellar core interaction in
LIS D.C., WOOTTEN H.A., GERIN M., et al.
2016ApJ...830..102W 40           X         1 15 2 A search for O2 in CO-depleted molecular cloud cores with Herschel. WIRSTROM E.S., CHARNLEY S.B., CORDINER M.A., et al.
2016ApJ...833L..14L 80             C       1 50 4 On the origin of C4H and CH3OH in protostellar envelopes. LINDBERG J.E., CHARNLEY S.B. and CORDINER M.A.
2017ApJ...835....3L viz 81             C       2 60 5 Externally heated protostellar cores in the Ophiuchus star-forming region. LINDBERG J.E., CHARNLEY S.B., JORGENSEN J.K., et al.
2017ApJ...836..194P 179       D     X C       4 51 7 Large-scale spectroscopic mapping of the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud complex. I. The C2H-to-N2H ratio as a signpost of cloud characteristics. PAN Z., LI D., CHANG Q., et al.
2017ApJ...838..114K 122           X C       2 96 20 ALMA observations of starless core substructure in Ophiuchus. KIRK H., DUNHAM M.M., DI FRANCESCO J., et al.
2017A&A...600A..61H 204           X         5 13 16 Deuteration of ammonia in the starless core Ophiuchus/H-MM1. HARJU J., DANIEL F., SIPILA O., et al.
2017ApJ...840...63H 83             C       1 7 15 Detection of interstellar ortho-D2H+ with SOFIA. HARJU J., SIPILA O., BRUNKEN S., et al.
2017A&A...603L...1C 82           X         2 9 14 NH3 (10-00) in the pre-stellar core L1544. CASELLI P., BIZZOCCHI L., KETO E., et al.
2018MNRAS.473.4824D 41           X         1 6 ~ Collisional excitation of CH2 rotational/fine-structure levels by helium. DAGDIGIAN P.J. and LIQUE F.
2018MNRAS.475.5480D 42           X         1 2 2 Hyperfine excitation of CH in collisions with atomic and molecular hydrogen. DAGDIGIAN P.J.
2018MNRAS.476.1982D 41           X         1 22 6 Deuterium and 15N fractionation in N2H+ during the formation of a Sun-like star. DE SIMONE M., FONTANI F., CODELLA C., et al.
2018A&A...614A..20D 27     A               1 9 22 A revised distance to IRAS 16293-2422 from VLBA astrometry of associated water masers. DZIB S.A., ORTIZ-LEON G.N., HERNANDEZ-GOMEZ A., et al.
2018MNRAS.477.5312Q 41           X         1 14 5 3D modelling of HCO+ and its isotopologues in the low-mass proto-star IRAS16293-2422. QUENARD D., BOTTINELLI S., CAUX E., et al.
2018A&A...616A..31M 41           X         1 12 4 C+ distribution around S 1 in ρ Ophiuchi. MOOKERJEA B., SANDELL G., VACCA W., et al.
2018A&A...617A...7R viz 42           X         1 9 9 14N/15N ratio measurements in prestellar cores with N2H+: new evidence of 15N-antifractionation. REDAELLI E., BIZZOCCHI L., CASELLI P., et al.
2018A&A...617A.120M 41           X         1 21 11 Tracing the cold and warm physico-chemical structure of deeply embedded protostars: IRAS 16293-2422 vs. VLA 1623-2417. MURILLO N.M., VAN DISHOECK E.F., VAN DER WIEL M.H.D., et al.
2018AcA....68..125K 165           X         4 76 ~ Deuterated Molecules in Star-Forming Regions. KULCZAK-JASTRZEBSKA M.
2019ApJ...874...89C 87           X         2 12 40 The central 1000 au of a pre-stellar core revealed with ALMA. I. 1.3 mm continuum observations. CASELLI P., PINEDA J.E., ZHAO B., et al.
2019ApJ...875...94H 84           X         2 11 5 On the nature of the compact sources in IRAS 16293-2422 seen at centimeter to submillimeter wavelengths. HERNANDEZ-GOMEZ A., LOINARD L., CHANDLER C.J., et al.
2019ApJS..245....2S 226       D     X C       5 62 43 Dust polarization toward embedded protostars in Ophiuchus with ALMA. III. Survey overview. SADAVOY S.I., STEPHENS I.W., MYERS P.C., et al.
2019MNRAS.490...50D 92           X         2 9 77 Ingredients for solar-like systems: protostar IRAS 16293-2422 B versus comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. DROZDOVSKAYA M.N., VAN DISHOECK E.F., RUBIN M., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.2178B 42           X         1 4 ~ The excitation of NH2 in the interstellar medium. BOUHAFS N., BACMANN A., FAURE A., et al.
2019PASJ...71...73T 42           X         1 22 3 A centrally concentrated sub-solar-mass starless core in the Taurus L1495 filamentary complex. TOKUDA K., TACHIHARA K., SAIGO K., et al.
2020A&A...643A..76H 145       D     X         4 18 ~ Depletion and fractionation of nitrogen in collapsing cores. HILY-BLANT P., PINEAU DES FORETS G., FAURE A., et al.
2021ApJ...907...88P 4833     A D S   X C       110 29 30 JCMT POL-2 and BISTRO survey observations of magnetic fields in the L1689 molecular cloud. PATTLE K., LAI S.-P., DI FRANCESCO J., et al.
2021A&A...648A..40M 44           X         1 11 ~ Distribution of ionized, atomic, and PDR gas around S 1 in ρ Ophiuchus. MOOKERJEA B., SANDELL G., VEENA V.S., et al.
2021MNRAS.508.2583Z 44           X         1 15 13 The young protostellar disc in IRAS 16293-2422 B is hot and shows signatures of gravitational instability. ZAMPONI J., MAUREIRA M.J., ZHAO B., et al.
2021A&A...656A.148R 17       D               1 72 ~ Mechanisms for gas-phase molecular formation of neutral formaldehyde (H2CO) in cold astrophysical regions. RAMAL-OLMEDO J.C., MENOR-SALVAN C.A. and FORTENBERRY R.C.
2022A&A...658A..53M 46           X         1 11 14 A cold accretion flow onto one component of a multiple protostellar system. MURILLO N.M., VAN DISHOECK E.F., HACAR A., et al.
2023A&A...673A.143K viz 1194     A S   X C       24 15 ~ The molecular environment of the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422. KAHLE K.A., HERNANDEZ-GOMEZ A., WYROWSKI F., et al.
2024ApJ...968..101E 150           X         3 20 ~ Magnetic Fields Observed along the East-West Outflow of IRAS 16293-2422. ENCALADA F.J., LOONEY L.W., NOVAK G., et al.

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