ICRF J145304.5-220429 , the SIMBAD biblio

ICRF J145304.5-220429 , the SIMBAD biblio (8 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:48:36

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Title First 3 Authors
2010A&A...511A..53V viz 15       D               1 107939 39 The SPECFIND V2.0 catalogue of radio cross-identifications and spectra. SPECFIND meets the Virtual Observatory. VOLLMER B., GASSMANN B., DERRIERE S., et al.
2014ApJS..212...15F viz 16       D               1 24940 60 A broadband polarization catalog of extragalactic radio sources. FARNES J.S., GAENSLER B.M. and CARRETTI E.
2014ApJS..213....3M viz 16       D               1 28367 27 The Low-frequency Radio Catalog of flat-spectrum sources. MASSARO F., GIROLETTI M., D'ABRUSCO R., et al.
2017ApJS..230...13S viz 16       D               2 627 2 VLBI Ecliptic Plane Survey: VEPS-1. SHU F., PETROV L., JIANG W., et al.
2019ApJ...873..132M viz 17       D               1 2125 2 The precious set of radio-optical reference frame objects in the light of Gaia DR2 data. MAKAROV V.V., BERGHEA C.T., FROUARD J., et al.
2020A&A...644A.159C viz 17       D               1 4536 184 The third realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by very long baseline interferometry. CHARLOT P., JACOBS C.S., GORDON D., et al.
2021A&A...655A..17S viz 17       D               1 338596 3 The SPECFIND V3.0 catalog of radio continuum cross-identifications and spectra: Reaching lower frequencies. STEIN Y., VOLLMER B., BOCH T., et al.
2022ApJS..260....4P viz 18       D               1 7978 3 Direction of Parsec-scale Jets for 9220 Active Galactic Nuclei. PLAVIN A.V., KOVALEV Y.Y. and PUSHKAREV A.B.

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