6C 121520+302351 , the SIMBAD biblio

6C 121520+302351 , the SIMBAD biblio (487 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST15:59:01

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Title First 3 Authors
1967AJ.....72..536S 274 55 A High-Sensivity Survey of the North Polar Galactic Region at 1415 MHz. SCHEER D.J. and KRAUS J.D.
1972A&A....17..325K 67 T                   1 3 1 Brightness of the new quasi-stellar source
B2 1215+30.
1972AJ.....77..797P viz 242 111 The NRAO 5-GHz radio source survey. III. The 140-ft "strong" source survey. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K. and KELLERMANN K.I.
1972ApJ...175L...7S 5 5 173 Compact extragalactic nonthermal sources. STRITTMATTER P.A., SERKOWSKI K., CARSWELL R., et al.
1972MmSAI..43..309R 67 T                   1 7 10 Optical variations of the radio sources ON 231 = W Comae and
B2 1215+30.
1973A&A....23..195B 76 28 Optical identifications of radiosources from the B2 catalogue. Quasi Stellar Sources. BERGAMINI R., BRACCESI A., COLLA G., et al.
1973A&A....28..319V 48 11 Optical positions of radio sources. II. VERON M.P. and VERON P.
1973AJ.....78..521W 180 87 Optical identifications of radio sources using accurate radio and optical positions. WILLS B.J., WILLS D. and DOUGLAS J.N.
1973AJ.....78..684W 30 52 UBV sequences in the field of radio-sources. WING R.F.
1974A&A....34..285C 69 4 4850-MHz observations of a sample radio sources identified with quasars. CROVISIER J. and LE SQUEREN A.M.
1974A&A....35...93B 14 22 Photoelectric observations of low radioemission quasars. BATTISTINI P. and BRACCESI A.
1974AJ.....79..846A 160 17 Observations with the RRE interferometer of radio sources in the NRAO "strong" survey. ADGIE R.L.
1974AJ.....79.1220C 462 84 Spectra of sources in the NRAO 5000-MHz surveys. CONDON J.J. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1974ApJ...192L...3E 15 84 On the variability of the compact nonthermal sources. ELLIOT J. and SHAPIRO S.L.
1975A&A....39..281V 1 6 50 Photographic photometry of five BL Lacertae-type objects. VERON P. and VERON M.P.
1975A&AS...19..143F 132 51 Westerbrok six centimeter observations of a complete sample of quasars from the B2 catalogue. FANTI C., FANTI R., FICARRA A., et al.
1975AJ.....80..759R 1 1 8 Ohio Survey supplement 2. RINSLAND C.P., DIXON R.S. and KRAUS J.D.
1975ApJ...198L..53P 15 49 Variability and optical radio properties of BL Lacertae objects. POLLOCK J.T.
1975MNRAS.170...15S 37 45 Optical monitoring of radio sources - IV. Results up to 1973 April. SELMES R.A., TRITTON K.P. and WORDSWORTH R.W.
1975MmSAI..46..461B 493 7 Catalogue of quasi-stellar-objects. BARBIERI C., CAPACCIOLI M. and ZAMBON M.
1976AJ.....81....7S 63 40 Optical behavior of 64 extragalactic radio sources. SCOTT R.L., LEACOCK R.J., McGIMSEY B.Q., et al.
1976AJ.....81..574P 412 12 Radio two-color diagram for QSOs, spiral galaxies, and BL Lac objets. PACHT E.
1976ApJ...205....1K 33 113 Photoelectric magnitudes and polarization data for possible BL Lacertae objects. KINMAN T.D.
1977A&A....59..419B 1 9 58 Survey of the optical variability of compact extragalactic objects. I. The field of 3C 345. BARBIERI C., ROMANO G., DI SEREGO S., et al.
1977ApJ...213..351O 1 8 44 The 0.36-3.5 micrometer spectral-flux distribution of several BL Lacertae objects. O'DELL S.L.
1977ApJS...35..359G 212 31 Optical identification of 664 Ohio sources using accurate radio and optical positions measured by the Texas interferometers. GHIGO F.D.
1978A&A....67...65D 18 27 Precise optical positions of radio sources in the FK 4-system. Results from a pilot program. DE VEGT C. and GEHLICH U.K.
1980AJ.....85..363L 52 39 Variable radio sources: 90-GHz flux densities. LANDAU R., EPSTEIN E.E. and RATHER J.D.G.
1980AJ.....85.1442P 105 93 Long-term optical behavior of 114 extragalactic sources. PICA A.J., POLLOCK J.T., SMITH A.G., et al.
1980PASP...92..255S 8 19 A search for rapid variability in eight quasars and BL Lacertae objects. SCHAEFER B.E.
1981A&A...103..342Z 21 29 Optical brightness variations of BL Lac objects. ZEKL H., KLARE G. and APPENZELLER I.
1981A&AS...44..159B 20 9 Survey of the optical variability of compact extragalactic objects. IV. Objects from 12h to 16h. BARBIERI C. and ROMANO G.
1982AJ.....87..387A 57 26 The short-term radio variability of BL Lacertae objects. ALTSCHULER D.R.
1982IUE82......181W 6 ~ IUE observations of four BL Lacertae-type objects. WORRALL D.M.
1983AJ.....88...16A 49 16 The radio variability of BL Lacertae objects. ALTSCHULER D.R.
1983ApJ...266...18U 1 14 71 The arc second radio structure of 12 BL Lacertae objects. ULVESTAD J.S., JOHNSTON K.J. and WEILER K.W.
1983ApJ...272...11P 131 88 Optical variability, absolute luminosity, and the Hubble diagram for QSOs. PICA A.J. and SMITH A.G.
1983MNRAS.203..861C 66 11 Optical positions of quasars. CLEMENTS E.D.
1983Ap&SS..90..457B 15 6 High-redshift objects as probes of nearby cosmic voids. BROSCH N. and GREENBERG M.
1983MmSAI..54..399M 24 2 Far ultraviolet observations of BL Lac objects. MARASCHI L., TANZI E.G. and TREVES A.
1983MmSAI..54..617B 96 4 Optical variability of Quasi Stellar Objects. BARBIERI C., CRISTIANI S., NARDON G., et al.
1984AJ.....89..189U 19 37 A search for arcminute-scale radio emission in BL Lacertae objects. ULVESTAD J.S. and JOHNSTON K.J.
1984ApJ...279...93W 33 117 The radio morphology of blazars and relationships to optical polarization and to normal radio galaxies. WARDLE J.F.C., MOORE R.L. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1984ApJ...284..512W 70 T                   1 3 22 Multifrequency observations of the BL Lacertae objects OQ 530 and
ON 325.
1984ApJS...55..517S 330 41 The Case low-dispersion northern sky survey. II. SANDULEAK N. and PESCH P.
1984MNRAS.209..697L 37 68 Optical monitoring of radio sources. LLOYD C.
1985A&A...148..226D 13 4 Results from a pilot program for determining precise optical positions of radio sources with the 1.5 m L. Figl-telescope of the Vienna Observatory. DE VEGT C. and PROCHAZKA F.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985ApJ...294..158A 55 261 Extended radio emission and the nature of blazars. ANTONUCCI R.R.J. and ULVESTAD J.S.
1985ApJ...298..630L 100 159 The radio-optical-X-ray spectral flux distributions of blazars. LEDDEN J.E. and O'DELL S.L.
1985ApJS...58..255M 18 53 UBVRI observations of BL Lacertae objects. MOLES M., GARCIA-PELAYO J.M., MASEGOSA J., et al.
1985ApJS...59..323S 25 111 Optical polarimetry of BL Lacertae objects and violent variable quasars. SITKO M.L., SCHMIDT G.D. and STEIN W.A.
1985AZh....62..432B 31 10 Investigations of radio objects with continuous optical spectra. The results of four-colour electrophotometric observations. BESKIN G.M., LYUTYJ V.M., NEIZVESTNYJ S.I., et al.
1985IzPul.203...28K 57 0 Astrometry from optical positions of extragalactic radio sources. KUMKOVA I.I.
1986ApJ...303..589W 9 30 Observations of three BL Lacertae objects : constraints on inhomogeneous relativistically beamed jet models. WORRALL D.M., RODRIGUEZ-ESPINOSA J.M., WISNIEWSKI W.Z., et al.
1986ApJ...310..317G 35 103 Spectral properties of blazars. I. Objects in the far-ultraviolet. GHISELLINI G., MARASCHI L., TANZI E.G., et al.
1987A&AS...67...17X 1 8 45 The optical variability of seven BL Lacertae objects. XIE G.-Z., LI K.-H., BAO M.-X., et al.
1987A&AS...67..267R 38 8 VLA observations of B2 quasars. II. Compact sources. ROGORA A., PADRIELLI L. and DE RUITER H.R.
1987A&AS...71..565K 5 6 The optical polarization properties of blazars. KULSHRESTHA A., DESHPANDE M.R. and JOSHI U.C.
1987AJ.....93....1B 87 102 An updated list of BL Lac objects, and their relation to galaxies and quasi stellar objects. BURBIDGE G. and HEWITT A.
1987MNRAS.224..257M 43 46 Beaming in blazars. MADAU G., GHISELLINI G. and PERSIC M.
1987MmSAI..58..279L 12 1 Near infrared variability of bright BL Lac objects. LORENZETTI D., MASSARO E., PEROLA G.C., et al.
1988A&AS...76..477B 14 23 Optical variability of 16 quasi stellar objects. BARBIERI C., CAPPELLARO E., ROMANO G., et al.
1988AJ.....95..307I 166 261 Energy distributions of blazars. IMPEY C.D. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1988AJ.....96.1215P 144 137 Long-term optical behavior of 144 compact extragalactic objects: 1969-1988. PICA A.J., SMITH A.G., WEBB J.R., et al.
1988MNRAS.235..787G 9 16 The ultraviolet to X-ray continua of BL Lac objects. GEORGE I.M., WARWICK R.S. and McHARDY I.M.
1988IzKry..78..112M 168 2 High sensitivity observations at the wavelength 8,2 mm of complete sample of extragalactic radio sources. MOISEEV I.G., NESTEROV N.S., EFANOV S.V., et al.
1988MmSAI..59...33G 11 10 Serendipitous sources in EXOSAT images. GIOMMI P., TAGLIAFERRI G. and ANGELINI L.
1988MmSAI..59..277M 36 12 EXOSAT observations of BL Lac objects. MARASCHI L. and MACCAGNI D.
1989A&A...224..323G 21 4 Optical positions of 21 radio sources in the Brorfelde system. GEFFERT M., TUCHOLKE H.-J., WALTER H.G., et al.
1989AJ.....97..777E 174 366 Accurate galactic N H values towards quasars and AGN. ELVIS M., LOCKMAN F.J. and WILKES B.J.
1989ApJS...69....1H 1594 191 The first addition to the new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1989Afz....31..457S 20 3 The results of search for superrapid optical variability of radio objects with continuous optical spectra. SHVARTSMAN V.F., BESKIN G.M. and PUSTIL'NIK S.A.
1989AZh....66.1132L 14 0 The investigations of radio objects with continuous optical spectra. The search of spectral features with the 6-meter telescope. LIPOVETSKIJ V.A., PUSTIL'NIK L.A., PUSTIL'NIK S.A., et al.
1990A&A...235...35L 1 4 18 Near-infrared spectral variability in three bright BL Lacertae objects. LORENZETTI D., MASSARO E., PEROLA G.C., et al.
1990AJ.....99.1421B 89 27 Optical variability of extragalactic objects used to tie the HIPPARCOS reference frame to an extragalactic system using HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE observations. BOZYAN E.P., HEMENWAY P.D. and ARGUE A.N.
1990ApJ...356..432G 1 35 163 A study of BL Lacertae-type objects with EXOSAT. I. Flux correlations, luminosity and spectral variability. GIOMMI P., BARR P., GARILLI B., et al.
1990ApJ...360..396W 62 169 X-ray spectra of compact extragalactic radio sources. WORRALL D.M. and WILKES B.J.
1990SoSAO..64...36S 37 0 The results of search for isolated black holes in MANIA experiment. SHVARTSMAN V.F., BESKIN G.M., MITRONOVA S.N., et al.
1991A&AS...90..161T 1 12 51 Simultaneous UBVRI photopolarimetric observations of blazars. TAKALO L.O.
1991AJ....101...78V 11 39 UBVRI photopolarimetry of BL Lac objects: the connection between frequency-dependent polarization and growing radio shocks. VALTAOJA L., VALTAOJA E., SHAKHOVSKOY N.M., et al.
1991ApJ...378...77G 236 104 The EXOSAT high galactic latitude survey. GIOMMI P., TAGLIAFERRI G., BEUERMANN K., et al.
1991MNRAS.252..482A 24 93 Optical imaging of BL Lac host galaxies. ABRAHAM R.G., McHARDY I.M. and CRAWFORD C.S.
1991PASP..103..160S 33 33 0.35-3.5 micron photometry of blazars. SITKO M.L. and SITKO A.K.
1992ApJ...398..454W 267 218 A survey for high optical polarization in quasars with core-dominant radio structure: is there a beamed optical continuum ? WILLS B.J., WILLS D., BREGER M., et al.
1992ApJS...80..257E 823 245 The Einstein Slew Survey. ELVIS M., PLUMMER D., SCHACHTER J., et al.
1992ApJS...83....1E 44 27 The Colorado IUE active galaxy survey. I. Blazars. EDELSON R., PIKE G.F., SAKEN J.M., et al.
1992MNRAS.258..776G 75 42 The role of electron-position pairs in parsec-scale radio jets. GHISELLINI G., CELOTTI A., GEORGE I.M., et al.
1993ApJ...407...65G 1 104 544 Relativistic bulk motion in active galactic nuclei. GHISELLINI G., PADOVANI P., CELOTTI A., et al.
1993ApJ...416..130P 47 38 The ultraviolet continua of blazars: a reconsideration of IUE archives. PIAN E. and TREVES A.
1993ApJS...87..451H viz 14       D               7278 328 A revised and updated catalog of quasi-stellar objects. HEWITT A. and BURBIDGE G.
1993MNRAS.264..298M 115 228 VLA observations of a complete sample of core-dominated radio sources. MURPHY D.W., BROWNE I.W.A. and PERLEY R.A.
1994A&A...285..812B viz 70 44 Spectral properties of X-ray loud extragalactic radio sources. BRINKMANN W. and SIEBERT J.
1994IAUS..159..384T 9 2 Rosat spectra and lightcurves of bright BL Lacertae objects at low interstellar absorption. THOMAS H.C. and FINK H.H.
1995A&A...299..339M 12 24 Investigating the near infrared spectral slope-intensity correlation in six radio selected BL Lacertae objects. MASSARO E., NESCI R., PEROLA G.C., et al.
1995A&AS..109..147B viz 629 94 The ROSAT AGN content of the 87GB 5 GHz survey: bulk properties of previously optically identified sources. BRINKMANN W., SIEBERT J., REICH W., et al.
1995A&AS..109..267G viz 124 124 Radio to X-ray energy distribution of BL Lacertae objects. GIOMMI P., ANSARI S.G. and MICOL A.
1995AJ....110..880J viz 632 155 A radio reference frame. JOHNSTON K.J., FEY A.L., ZACHARIAS N., et al.
1995ApJ...439...80C 43 30 On the X-ray spectra of BL Lacertae objects. CILIEGI P., BASSANI L. and CAROLI E.
1995ApJ...439...90M 205 55 Active galaxies observed during the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer all-sky survey. MARSHALL H.L., FRUSCIONE A. and CARONE T.E.
1995ApJ...440..435L 239 354 The IUE survey for damped Lyman-alpha and Lyman-limit absorption systems: evolution of the gaseous content of the universe. LANZETTA K.M., WOLFE A.M. and TURNSHEK D.A.
1995ApJ...452..588K 37 52 Upper limits on TeV gamma-ray emission from active galactic nuclei. KERRICK A.D., AKERLOF C.W., BILLER S., et al.
1995MNRAS.277.1477P viz 228 166 A sample-oriented catalogue of BL Lacertae objects. PADOVANI P. and GIOMMI P.
1995PASP..107..863S 66 36 Time scales of long-term optical base-level fluctuations in three classes of AGN. SMITH A.G. and NAIR A.D.
1996A&A...309..419N 79 51 BL Lacertae objects in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey: new objects and comparison of different search techniques. NASS P., BADE N., KOLLGAARD R.I., et al.
1996A&A...311..384L viz 74 68 ROSAT observations of BL Lacertae objects. LAMER G., BRUNNER H. and STAUBERT R.
1996A&AS..115...97V viz 927 30 Astrometry with the Digitized Sky Survey. Positions of 790 AGNs. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
1996A&AS..116..403F viz 53 112 VRI photometry of stars in the fields of 12 BL Lacertae objects. FIORUCCI M. and TOSTI G.
1996A&AS..117..475F viz 11 23 Automatic optical monitoring of 10 blazars. FIORUCCI M. and TOSTI G.
1996AJ....112..407G viz 174 111 The FIRST bright QSO survey. GREGG M.D., BECKER R.H., WHITE R.L., et al.
1996ApJ...459..509F 97 23 X-ray-selected extreme-ultraviolet galaxies: scraping the bottom of the ``Invisible'' barrel. FRUSCIONE A.
1996ApJ...461..600G 103 62 Equipartition doppler factors for a sample of active galactic nuclei. GUEIJOSA A. and DALY R.A.
1996MNRAS.281..425M 1 58 251 Optical spectroscopy and polarization of a new sample of optically bright flat radio spectrum sources. MARCHA M.J.M., BROWNE I.W.A., IMPEY C.D., et al.
1996PASP..108..706T 27 36 The Perugia university automatic observatory. TOSTI G., PASCOLINI S. and FIORUCCI M.
1996AcApS..16..239F 62 0 Some properties of X-ray selected BL Lac objects (II) FAN J.-H., LIN R.-G., WEN S.-L., et al.
1997ApJ...476L..11L 25 18 Comparison of X-ray- and radio-selected BL Lacertae objects in high-energy gamma-ray observations. LIN Y.C., BERTSCH D.L., DINGUS B.L., et al.
1997ApJ...487L..41Q 41 4 Decijansky radio flux BL Lacertae objects. QIN Y.P. and XIE G.Z.
1997MNRAS.287..641N 64 7 Investigating properties of a set of variable AGN with cluster analysis. NAIR A.D.
1997Ap&SS.253..275F 79 8 The unified scheme of BL Lac objects and the K-band Hubble diagram. FAN J.H., OKUDAIRA A., LIN R.G., et al.
1998A&A...329..853H 34 36 Intraday variability in X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects. HEIDT J. and WAGNER S.J.
1998A&A...334..459B 40 73 On the evolutionary behaviour of BL Lac objects. BADE N., BECKMANN V., DOUGLAS N.G., et al.
1998A&A...335..467T viz 393 77 Identification of soft high galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources. I. A complete count-rate limited sample. THOMAS H.-C., BEUERMANN K., REINSCH K., et al.
1998A&AS..132..305T viz 157 248 Fifteen years monitoring of extragalactic radio sources at 22, 37 and 87 GHz. TERAESRANTA H., TORNIKOSKI M., MUJUNEN A., et al.
1998AJ....115.1253P viz 184 208 The deep X-ray radio blazar survey. I. Methods and first results. PERLMAN E.S., PADOVANI P., GIOMMI P., et al.
1998AJ....116..516M viz 609 623 The International Celestial Reference Frame as realized by very long baseline interferometry. MA C., ARIAS E.F., EUBANKS T.M., et al.
1998ApJS..117..319A viz 765 84 Identification of a complete sample of northern ROSAT all-sky survey X-ray sources. III. The catalog. APPENZELLER I., THIERING I., ZICKGRAF F.-J., et al.
1998MNRAS.299..433F 2 155 1108 A unifying view of the spectral energy distributions of blazars. FOSSATI G., MARASCHI L., CELOTTI A., et al.
1998MNRAS.300..790W viz 541 128 Interferometer phase calibrations sources - III. The regions +20deg ≤ delB1950 ≤ +35deg and +75deg ≤ delB1950 ≤ +90deg . WILKINSON P.N., BROWNE I.W.A., PATNAIK A.R., et al.
1999A&AS..139..545K viz 551 105 Survey of instantaneous 1-22 GHz spectra of 550 compact extragalactic objects with declinations from -30° to +43°. KOVALEV Y.Y., NIZHELSKY N.A., KOVALEV Y.A., et al.
1999ApJ...512..601A 44 72 Centimeter-wavelength total flux and linear polarization properties of radio-loud BL Lacertae objects. ALLER M.F., ALLER H.D., HUGHES P.A., et al.
1999ApJ...525..127L viz 129 130 The RGB sample of intermediate BL Lacertae objects. LAURENT-MUEHLEISEN S.A., KOLLGAARD R.I., FEIGELSON E.D., et al.
1999ApJS..121..131F 39 51 Infrared variation of radio-selected BL Lacertae objects. FAN J.H. and LIN R.G.
1999MmSAI..70..153B 11 0 VLBA observations of low luminosity flat spectrum radio galaxies and BL Lac objects: parsec scale morphology and polarisation properties. BONDI M., DALLACASA D., MARCHA M.J.M., et al.
1999PASJ...51..579M 98 4 Doppler-boosting effect on the fluxes of active galactic nuclei. MEI D.-C., XIE G.-Z., QIN Y.-P., et al.
1999PYunO..77....1F 68 2 The observation properties of radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs). II. FAN J.H., FENG X.C. and SU C.-Y.
1999bmtm........25K 45 ~ Blazar monitoring at Abastumani. KURTANIDZE O.M. and NIKOLASHVILI M.G.
1999bmtm........55E 36 ~ Blazars optical polarimetry. EFIMOV Yu.
2000A&A...356..445B viz 14       D               881 111 Radio and X-ray bright AGN: the ROSAT - FIRST correlation. BRINKMANN W., LAURENT-MUEHLEISEN S.A., VOGES W., et al.
2000A&A...361..480D 58 16 Flat radio-spectrum galaxies and BL Lacs. I. Core properties. DENNETT-THORPE J. and MARCHA M.J.
2000A&A...363..141R viz 752 25 Radio-loud active galaxies in the northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey. IV. Properties of sources stronger than 100 mJy at 5 GHz. REICH W., FUERST E., REICH P., et al.
2000A&AS..143..357K viz 28 49 Tuorla quasar monitoring I. Observations of 1995-1997. KATAJAINEN S., TAKALO L.O., SILLANPAEAE A., et al.
2000AJ....119.1470D 316 12 Optical positions for a sample of ICRF sources. DA SILVA NETO D.N., ANDREI A.H., VIEIRA MARTINS R., et al.
2000AJ....119.2540G viz 520 29 The Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO survey. I. The catalog and the local QSO luminosity function. GRAZIAN A., CRISTIANI S., D'ODORICO V., et al.
2000ApJ...532..740S 110 158 The Hubble space telescope survey of BL Lacertae objects. I. Surface brightness profiles, magnitudes, and radii of host galaxies. SCARPA R., URRY C.M., FALOMO R., et al.
2000ApJ...532..816U 110 240 The Hubble space telescope survey of BL Lacertae objects. II. Host galaxies. URRY C.M., SCARPA R., O'DOWD M., et al.
2000ApJ...537..101F viz 31 77 Optical variability and periodicity analysis for blazars. I. Light curves for radio-selected BL Lacertae objects. FAN J.H. and LIN R.G.
2000ApJ...543..552S viz 636 252 Surveys for z>3 damped Lyα absorption systems: the evolution of neutral gas. STORRIE-LOMBARDI L.J. and WOLFE A.M.
2000ApJS..126..133W viz 1239 304 The FIRST bright quasar survey. II. 60 nights and 1200 spectra later. WHITE R.L., BECKER R.H., GREGG M.D., et al.
2000ApJS..128...17F viz 231 144 VLBA observations of radio reference frame sources. III. Astrometric suitability of an additional 225 sources. FEY A.L. and CHARLOT P.
2000ApJS..129..547B viz 14       D               1 1633 94 RBSC-NVSS sample. I. Radio and optical identifications of a complete sample of 1556 bright X-ray sources. BAUER F.E., CONDON J.J., THUAN T.X., et al.
2000MNRAS.311..456M viz 482 83 The ROSAT International X-ray/Optical Survey (RIXOS): source catalogue. MASON K.O., CARRERA F.J., HASINGER G., et al.
2000AN....321....1S viz 14       D               2101 219 The ROSAT Bright Survey: II. Catalogue of all high-galactic latitude RASS sources with PSPC countrate CR > 0.2/s. SCHWOPE A.D., HASINGER G., LEHMANN I., et al.
2001A&A...370..900V viz 69 19 The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey. IV. On the soft X-ray properties of the hard X-ray-selected HELLAS sources. VIGNALI C., COMASTRI A., FIORE F., et al.
2001A&A...375..739D viz 268 237 Hard X-ray properties of blazars. DONATO D., GHISELLINI G., TAGLIAFERRI G., et al.
2001AJ....121.1741F 393 14 Extragalactic radio source selection for use in directly linking optical astrometric observations to the radio reference frame. FEY A.L., BOBOLTZ D.A., GAUME R.A., et al.
2001ApJS..133....1U viz 1480 79 The ASCA medium sensitivity survey (the GIS catalog project): source catalog. UEDA Y., ISHISAKI Y., TAKAHASHI T., et al.
2001MNRAS.325.1109B 52 25 Intermediate BL Lac objects. BONDI M., MARCHA M.J.M., DALLACASA D., et al.
2001MNRAS.327..771F viz 148 54 The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) - II. Number counts and X-ray spectral properties. FIORE F., GIOMMI P., VIGNALI C., et al.
2001JApA...22..263B 180 2 Variability of extragalactic objects in relation to redshift, color, radio spectral index and absorption lines. BASU D.
2001PASJ...53..201F 37 9 Polarization and variations of BL Lacertae objects. FAN J.H., CHENG K.S. and ZHANG L.
2001PASJ...53..469X 33 12 The spectral energy distributions of blazars and the connections among XBLs, RBLs, and OVV quasars. XIE G., DAI B., LIANG E., et al.
2001PABei..19..257F 45 0 Variability properties and masses of central black hole for Blazars. FAN J.
2002A&A...381....1F 1 13 42 Optical periodicity analysis for radio selected BL Lacertae objects (RBLs). FAN J.H., LIN R.G., XIE G.Z., et al.
2002A&A...384...56C 1 39 215 TeV candidate BL Lac objects. COSTAMANTE L. and GHISELLINI G.
2002A&A...389..742W 93 47 Supermassive black hole masses of AGNs with elliptical hosts. WU X.-B., LIU F.K. and ZHANG T.Z.
2002ApJ...566..181C 55 29 On the cosmological evolution of BL Lacertae objects. CACCIANIGA A., MACCACARO T., WOLTER A., et al.
2002ApJ...570..100L viz 62 50 The BeppoSAX high-energy large-area survey. V. The nature of the hard X-ray source population and its evolution. LA FRANCA F., FIORE F., VIGNALI C., et al.
2002MNRAS.329..700S viz 1288 23 Automated optical identification of a large complete northern hemisphere sample of flat-spectrum radio sources with S6cm>200mJy. SNELLEN I.A.G., McMAHON R.G., HOOK I.M., et al.
2002ChJAA...2....8D 77 1 Properties of BL Lac objects with redshift < or = 0.2. DAI B.-Z., XIE G.-Z. and JIANG Z.-J.
2002ChJAA...2..117C 17 3 Variability of soft X-ray spectral shape in blazars observed by ROSAT. CHENG L.-P., ZHAO Y.-H. and WEI J.-Y.
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2014A&A...563A..90A 39           X         1 11 17 Discovery of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the blazar 1ES 1727+502 with the MAGIC Telescopes. ALEKSIC J., ANTONELLI L.A., ANTORANZ P., et al.
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