LP 263-71 , the SIMBAD biblio

LP 263-71 , the SIMBAD biblio (14 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST10:36:20

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Title First 3 Authors
2003ApJ...582.1011S viz 35377 223 Improved astrometry and photometry for the Luyten catalog. II. Faint stars and the revised catalog. SALIM S. and GOULD A.
2005AJ....129.1483L viz 63380 364 A catalog of northern stars with annual proper motions larger than 0.15" (LSPM-NORTH catalog). LEPINE S. and SHARA M.M.
2014ApJ...784..156D viz 16       D               1 1505 60 Trigonometric parallaxes for 1507 nearby mid-to-late M dwarfs. DITTMANN J.A., IRWIN J.M., CHARBONNEAU D., et al.
2016ApJ...818..153D viz 16       D               1 1874 9 Calibration of the MEarth photometric system: optical magnitudes and photometric metallicity estimates for 1802 nearby M-dwarfs. DITTMANN J.A., IRWIN J.M., CHARBONNEAU D., et al.
2016ApJ...821...93N viz 16       D               2 1898 209 The rotation and galactic kinematics of mid M dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. NEWTON E.R., IRWIN J., CHARBONNEAU D., et al.
2016ApJS..224...36K viz 16       D               1 45304 70 The AllWISE motion survey, part 2. KIRKPATRICK J.D., KELLOGG K., SCHNEIDER A.C., et al.
2017ApJ...834...85N viz 16       D               1 2207 217 The Hα emission of nearby M dwarfs and its relation to stellar rotation. NEWTON E.R., IRWIN J., CHARBONNEAU D., et al.
1995yCat.1098....0L viz 14       D               1 52093 ~ New Luyten Catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than two tenths of an arcsecond (NLTT). LUYTEN W.J.
2019MNRAS.485.2167G viz 17       D               1 11121 2 Recognition of M-type stars in the unclassified spectra of LAMOST DR5 using a hash-learning method. GUO Y.-X., LUO A.-L., ZHANG S., et al.
2021AJ....161..233K viz 17       D               1 6504 ~ Around which stars can TESS detect Earth-like planets? The Revised TESS Habitable Zone Catalog. KALTENEGGER L., PEPPER J., CHRISTODOULOU P.M., et al.
2021A&A...649A...6G viz 17       D               1 128237 168 Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. GAIA COLLABORATION, SMART R.L., SARRO L.M., et al.
2021AJ....162..102S viz 17       D               1 439 5 Large Adaptive optics Survey for Substellar Objects around young, nearby, low-mass stars with Robo-AO. SALAMA M., OU J., BARANEC C., et al.
2022A&A...660A..38W viz 18       D               1 736 1 Ultracool dwarfs identified using spectra in LAMOST DR7. WANG Y.-F., LUO A.-L., CHEN W.-P., et al.
2023AJ....165..267H viz 19       D               1 64663 1 Bioverse: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Capabilities of Extremely Large Telescopes to Probe Earth-like O2 Levels in Nearby Transiting Habitable-zone Exoplanets. HARDEGREE-ULLMAN K.K., APAI D., BERGSTEN G.J., et al.

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