SN 2006gr , the SIMBAD biblio

SN 2006gr , the SIMBAD biblio (61 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:36:54

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2006IAUC.8754....1F 20 1 Supernovae 2006gk-2006gz. FRIEMAN J., PRASAD R.R., LI W., et al.
2008ApJ...689..377W viz 16       D               2 50 144 Type Ia supernovae are good standard candles in the near infrared: evidence from PAIRITEL. WOOD-VASEY W.M., FRIEDMAN A.S., BLOOM J.S., et al.
2009ApJ...699L.139W viz 15       D               1 163 243 Improved distances to type Ia supernovae with two spectroscopic subclasses. WANG X., FILIPPENKO A.V., GANESHALINGAM M., et al.
2009ApJ...700..331H viz 15       D               3 399 418 CfA3: 185 type Ia supernova light curves from the CfA. HICKEN M., CHALLIS P., JHA S., et al.
2009ApJ...700.1097H viz 15       D               4 509 790 Improved dark energy constraints from ∼100 new CfA supernova type Ia light curves. HICKEN M., WOOD-VASEY W.M., BLONDIN S., et al.
2009ApJ...704..629M 16       D               2 44 99 Type Ia supernova light-curve inference: hierarchical bayesian analysis in the near-infrared. MANDEL K.S., WOOD-VASEY W.M., FRIEDMAN A.S., et al.
2010PASP..122....1Z viz 76             C       1 30 16 Optical observations of the rapidly expanding type Ia supernova 2007gi. ZHANG T., WANG X., LI W., et al.
2010ApJ...714.1441S viz 15       D               1 505 17 The linearity of the cosmic expansion field from 300 to 30,000 km/s and the bulk motion of the Local Supercluster with respect to the cosmic microwave background. SANDAGE A., REINDL B. and TAMMANN G.A.
2010ApJ...716..712A viz 15       D               1 720 1196 Spectra and Hubble Space Telescope light curves of six type Ia supernovae at 0.511 < z < 1.12 and the Union2 compilation. AMANULLAH R., LIDMAN C., RUBIN D., et al.
2010ApJS..190..418G viz 15       D               5 334 202 Results of the Lick observatory supernova search follow-up photometry program: BVRI light curves of 165 type Ia supernovae. GANESHALINGAM M., LI W., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
2011ApJS..192....1C viz 15       D               1 483 700 Supernova constraints and systematic uncertainties from the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey. CONLEY A., GUY J., SULLIVAN M., et al.
2011ApJ...731..120M viz 15       D               2 113 164 Type Ia supernova light curve inference: hierarchical models in the optical and near-infrared. MANDEL K.S., NARAYAN G. and KIRSHNER R.P.
2011MNRAS.412.1419L viz 15       D               1 1826 164 Nearby supernova rates from the Lick observatory supernova search – I. The methods and data base. LEAMAN J., LI W., CHORNOCK R., et al.
2011ApJ...742...89F viz 15       D               2 276 69 Velocity evolution and the intrinsic color of type Ia supernovae. FOLEY R.J., SANDERS N.E. and KIRSHNER R.P.
2012A&A...538A.120L viz 15       D               1 5598 37 A unified supernova catalogue. LENNARZ D., ALTMANN D. and WIEBUSCH C.
2006CBET..638....1P 37 T       O X         1 0 Supernova 2006gr in UGC 12071. PRASAD R.R. and LI W.
2006CBET..642....1B 37 T       O X         1 0 Supernova 2006gr in UGC 12071. BLONDIN S., MODJAZ M., KIRSHNER R., et al.
2012AJ....143..126B viz 209       D     X   F     5 532 244 The spectroscopic diversity of type Ia supernovae. BLONDIN S., MATHESON T., KIRSHNER R.P., et al.
2012MNRAS.425.1789S viz 15       D               1 677 269 Berkeley supernova Ia program – I. Observations, data reduction and spectroscopic sample of 582 low-redshift type Ia supernovae. SILVERMAN J.M., FOLEY R.J., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
2012MNRAS.425.1819S viz 15       D               4 265 80 Berkeley supernova Ia program – II. Initial analysis of spectra obtained near maximum brightness. SILVERMAN J.M., KONG J.J. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2012MNRAS.425.1917S 15       D               2 151 47 Berkeley supernova Ia program – IV. Carbon detection in early-time optical spectra of type Ia supernovae. SILVERMAN J.M. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2012A&A...544A..81H viz 15       D               1 7232 67 Supernovae and their host galaxies. I. The SDSS DR8 database and statistics. HAKOBYAN A.A., ADIBEKYAN V.Zh., ARAMYAN L.S., et al.
2013Sci...340..170W viz 16       D               1 378 132 Evidence for two distinct populations of type Ia supernovae. WANG X., WANG L., FILIPPENKO A.V., et al.
2013MNRAS.433.2240G viz 16       D               1 597 70 Constraints on dark energy with the LOSS SN Ia sample. GANESHALINGAM M., LI W. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2014ApJ...784..105W 16       D               1 163 17 SweetSpot: near-infrared observations of 13 type Ia supernovae from a new NOAO survey probing the nearby smooth Hubble flow. WEYANT A., WOOD-VASEY W.M., ALLEN L., et al.
2014A&A...568A..22B viz 17       D               1 752 1525 Improved cosmological constraints from a joint analysis of the SDSS-II and SNLS supernova samples. BETOULE M., KESSLER R., GUY J., et al.
2014ApJ...795...44R viz 16       D               1 346 306 Cosmological constraints from measurements of type Ia supernovae discovered during the first 1.5 yr of the Pan-STARRS1 survey. REST A., SCOLNIC D., FOLEY R.J., et al.
2014ApJ...795..142G viz 16       D               1 448 7 Defining photometric peculiar type Ia supernovae. GONZALEZ-GAITAN S., HSIAO E.Y., PIGNATA G., et al.
2015ApJ...802...20R 16       D               1 138 187 Confirmation of a star formation bias in Type Ia supernova distances and its effect on the measurement of the Hubble constant. RIGAULT M., ALDERING G., KOWALSKI M., et al.
2015ApJS..220....9F viz 16       D               5 315 64 CfAIR2: near-infrared light curves of 94 Type Ia supernovae. FRIEDMAN A.S., WOOD-VASEY W.M., MARION G.H., et al.
2015ApJS..220...20Z viz 16       D               1 209 14 The silicon and calcium high-velocity features in Type Ia supernovae from early to maximum phases. ZHAO X., WANG X., MAEDA K., et al.
2015ApJ...812...31J viz 16       D               1 337 27 Reconsidering the effects of local star formation on type Ia supernova cosmology. JONES D.O., RIESS A.G. and SCOLNIC D.M.
2015MNRAS.451.1973S viz 16       D               3 211 45 High-velocity features of calcium and silicon in the spectra of Type Ia supernovae. SILVERMAN J.M., VINKO J., MARION G.H., et al.
2013ATel.5648....1B 39           X         1 8 ~ PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients. BERSIER D., LYMAN J., DENNEFELD M., et al.
2016MNRAS.457.1000S 80               F     1 64 16 Optical and NIR observations of the nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2014J. SRIVASTAV S., NINAN J.P., KUMAR B., et al.
2016ApJ...826..211Z 16       D               2 88 7 The oxygen features in type Ia supernovae and implications for the nature of thermonuclear explosions. ZHAO X., MAEDA K., WANG X., et al.
2017MNRAS.466.2436S 81               F     1 35 5 SN 2015bp: adding to the growing population of transitional Type Ia supernovae. SRIVASTAV S., ANUPAMA G.C., SAHU D.K., et al.
2017ApJ...848...66Z 138       D     X         4 66 4 An empirical fitting method for Type Ia supernova light curves. II. Estimating the first-light time and rise time. ZHENG W., KELLY P.L. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2017ATel11065....1Z 41           X         1 2 ~ Spectroscopic Classification of SN 2017ixg as a young Type Ia Supernova with detached HVF of Si II 6355. ZHANG J., YU X. and WANG X.
2018ApJ...858..104Z 16       D               1 58 1 An empirical fitting method to Type Ia supernova light curves. III. A three-parameter relationship: peak magnitude, rise time, and photospheric velocity. ZHENG W., KELLY P.L. and FILIPPENKO A.V.
2018ApJ...859..101S viz 17       D               1 1047 1682 The complete light-curve sample of spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia from Pan-STARRS1 and cosmological constraints from the combined Pantheon Sample. SCOLNIC D.M., JONES D.O., REST A., et al.
2018A&A...615A..68R viz 16       D               1 809 78 Dependence of Type Ia supernova luminosities on their local environment. ROMAN M., HARDIN D., BETOULE M., et al.
2018MNRAS.481..566K viz 16       D               1 365 4 The impact of spiral density waves on the distribution of supernovae. KARAPETYAN A.G., HAKOBYAN A.A., BARKHUDARYAN L.V., et al.
2019ApJ...874..150B viz 17       D               2 329 108 First cosmology results using SNe Ia from the dark Energy Survey: analysis, systematic uncertainties, and validation. BROUT D., SCOLNIC D., KESSLER R., et al.
2019ApJ...882..120W viz 17       D               1 210 5 The cold and dusty circumstellar matter around fast-expanding Type Ia supernovae. WANG X., CHEN J., WANG L., et al.
2020ApJ...896L...4R viz 17       D               1 259 ~ Evidence for cosmic acceleration is robust to observed correlations between Type Ia supernova luminosity and stellar age. ROSE B.M., RUBIN D., CIKOTA A., et al.
2020MNRAS.496.3553S 17       D               1 202 ~ deepSIP: linking Type Ia supernova spectra to photometric quantities with deep learning. STAHL B.E., MARTINEZ-PALOMERA J., ZHENG W., et al.
2020MNRAS.498.2703B viz 17       D               1 474 54 Cosmic flows in the nearby Universe: new peculiar velocities from SNe and cosmological constraints. BORUAH S.S., HUDSON M.J. and LAVAUX G.
2020ApJ...901..154B 17       D               1 130 ~ Carnegie Supernova Project: classification of Type Ia supernovae. BURROW A., BARON E., ASHALL C., et al.
2020ApJ...902...14S viz 17       D               1 1047 22 Effects of supernova redshift uncertainties on the determination of cosmological parameters. STEINHARDT C.L., SNEPPEN A. and SEN B.
2020MNRAS.499.1424H viz 17       D               1 408 ~ Supernovae and their host galaxies - VII. The diversity of Type Ia supernova progenitors. HAKOBYAN A.A., BARKHUDARYAN L.V., KARAPETYAN A.G., et al.
2020MNRAS.499.5121P 17       D               1 631 16 The dependence of Type Ia Supernovae SALT2 light-curve parameters on host galaxy morphology. PRUZHINSKAYA M.V., NOVINSKAYA A.K., PAUNA N., et al.
2017ATel10659....1H 41           X         1 15 ~ ePESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients. HOMAN D., LYMAN J., LELOUDAS G., et al.
2018ATel11955....1S 41           X         1 4 ~ NOT classifications: supernovae 2018ekt and 2018exb. STRITZINGER M., DONG S., FYNBO J., et al.
2021MNRAS.505L..52H viz 17       D               1 189 ~ Type Ia supernovae in the star formation deserts of spiral host galaxies. HAKOBYAN A.A., KARAPETYAN A.G., BARKHUDARYAN L.V., et al.
2018ATel12131....1R 41           X         1 4 ~ Spectroscopic classification of Gaia18czg (SN 2018hib) by NUTS (NOT Un-biased Transient Survey). REGUITTI A., STRITZINGER M., DONG S., et al.
2021ApJ...923..197P viz 17       D               1 441 ~ Are Type Ia supernovae in rest-frame H brighter in more massive galaxies? PONDER K.A., WOOD-VASEY W.M., WEYANT A., et al.
2021ApJ...923..267D viz 104       D     X         3 379 11 The Foundation Supernova Survey: photospheric velocity correlations in Type Ia supernovae. DETTMAN K.G., JHA S.W., DAI M., et al.
2022MNRAS.510.4779S 18       D               2 445 ~ Type Ia supernova magnitude step from the local dark matter environment. STEIGERWALD H., RODRIGUES D., PROFUMO S., et al.
2022A&A...668A..34H viz 18       D               1 1045 24 Inference of the cosmic rest-frame from supernovae Ia. HORSTMANN N., PIETSCHKE Y. and SCHWARZ D.J.
2024ApJ...964..137O 20       D               1 40 ~ 1991T-Like Type Ia Supernovae as an Extension of the Normal Population. O'BRIEN J.T., KERZENDORF W.E., FULLARD A., et al.

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