NAME COLA1 , the SIMBAD biblio

NAME COLA1 , the SIMBAD biblio (28 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:05:39

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2016ApJ...825L...7H 1607     A D     X C       40 10 24 An ultraluminous Lyα emitter with a blue wing at z = 6.6. HU E.M., COWIE L.L., SONGAILA A., et al.
2017ApJ...836..217C 81           X         2 2 1 Constraint on matter power spectrum on 106-109 M☉ scales from τ_e. CEN R.
2017ApJ...837...11B 327           X C       7 11 24 A high space density of luminous Lyman alpha emitters at z ∼ 6.5. BAGLEY M.B., SCARLATA C., HENRY A., et al.
2017ApJ...846..134J 187     A     X         5 40 8 A Magellan M2FS spectroscopic survey of galaxies at 5.5 < z < 6.8: program overview and a sample of the brightest Lyα emitters. JIANG L., SHEN Y., BIAN F., et al.
2017MNRAS.472..772M viz 180       D     X C       4 48 66 Spectroscopic properties of luminous Ly α emitters at z ~= 6-7 and comparison to the Lyman-break population. MATTHEE J., SOBRAL D., DARVISH B., et al.
2018ApJ...858...77H viz 16       D               1 7945 125 The DEIMOS 10k spectroscopic survey catalog of the COSMOS field. HASINGER G., CAPAK P., SALVATO M., et al.
2018ApJ...859...91S 576     A D     X C       14 12 5 Complex Lyα profiles in redshift 6.6 ultraluminous Lyα emitters. SONGAILA A., HU E.M., BARGER A.J., et al.
2018A&A...619A.136M viz 5796     A S   X C       139 7 63 Confirmation of double peaked Lyα emission at z=6.593. Witnessing a galaxy directly contributing to the reionisation of the Universe. MATTHEE J., SOBRAL D., GRONKE M., et al.
2018PASJ...70S..15S 17       D               1 104 117 SILVERRUSH. III. Deep optical and near-infrared spectroscopy for Lyα and UV-nebular lines of bright Lyα emitters at z = 6-7. SHIBUYA T., OUCHI M., HARIKANE Y., et al.
2019A&A...623A.157S 19       D               1 27 57 Predicting Lyα escape fractions with a simple observable. Lyα in emission as an empirically calibrated star formation rate indicator. SOBRAL D. and MATTHEE J.
2019ApJ...879...28H 43           X         1 46 57 SILVERRUSH. VII. Subaru/HSC identifications of protocluster candidates at z ∼ 6-7: implications for cosmic reionization. HIGUCHI R., OUCHI M., ONO Y., et al.
2020ApJ...895..132T 128     A D     X         4 17 ~ The ultraluminous Lyα luminosity function at z = 6.6. TAYLOR A.J., BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L., et al.
2020ApJ...896...49B 473           X C       10 7 35 Three Lyα emitting galaxies within a quasar proximity zone at z ∼ 5.8. BOSMAN S.E.I., KAKIICHI K., MEYER R.A., et al.
2020MNRAS.499.1395M 890     A S   X C F     18 3 40 Measuring the properties of reionized bubbles with resolved Lyα spectra. MASON C.A. and GRONKE M.
2020ApJ...904..144J 44           X         1 72 86 Texas Spectroscopic Search for Lyα Emission at the End of Reionization. III. The Lyα equivalent-width distribution and ionized structures at z > 7. JUNG I., FINKELSTEIN S.L., DICKINSON M., et al.
2021ApJ...908...36H 180           X         4 5 31 Spectral shapes of the Lyα emission from galaxies. I. Blueshifted emission and intrinsic invariance with redshift. HAYES M.J., RUNNHOLM A., GRONKE M., et al.
2021A&A...646L..10P 696           X C       15 4 ~ Distinguishing AGN from starbursts as the origin of double-peaked Lyman-alpha emitters in the reionization era. PADMANABHAN H. and LOEB A.
2021A&A...646A.138I 54           X         1 3 31 Low-redshift compact star-forming galaxies as analogues of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. IZOTOV Y.I., GUSEVA N.G., FRICKE K.J., et al.
2021ApJ...908L..30P 131           X         3 7 ~ RELICS-DP7: spectroscopic confirmation of a dichromatic Primeval Galaxy at z ∼ 7. PELLICCIA D., STRAIT V., LEMAUX B.C., et al.
2021ApJ...911...78O viz 17       D               1 181 17 SILVERRUSH X: machine learning-aided selection of 9318 LAEs at z = 2.2, 3.3, 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 from the HSC SSP and CHORUS survey data. ONO Y., ITOH R., SHIBUYA T., et al.
2021ApJ...914...79T 46           X         1 6 15 The evolution of the Ultraluminous Lyα luminosity function over z = 5.7-6.6. TAYLOR A.J., COWIE L.L., BARGER A.J., et al.
2021MNRAS.505.3336L 48           X         1 14 63 Probing cosmic dawn: Ages and star formation histories of candidate z >= 9 galaxies. LAPORTE N., MEYER R.A., ELLIS R.S., et al.
2021MNRAS.508.3697G 699           X C       15 7 27 Lyman-α transmission properties of the intergalactic medium in the CoDaII simulation. GRONKE M., OCVIRK P., MASON C., et al.
2022MNRAS.512.5960M 80           X         1 1 35 (Re)Solving reionization with Lyα: how bright Lyα Emitters account for the z ≃ 2-8 cosmic ionizing background. MATTHEE J., NAIDU R.P., PEZZULLI G., et al.
2022ApJS..259...20H viz 18       D               1 1042 83 GOLDRUSH. IV. Luminosity Functions and Clustering Revealed with ∼4,000,000 Galaxies at z ∼ 2-7: Galaxy-AGN Transition, Star Formation Efficiency, and Implication for Evolution at z > 10. HARIKANE Y., ONO Y., OUCHI M., et al.
2022ApJ...935...52S 287       D     X C       6 19 2 The Evolution of Lyα Emitter Line Widths from z = 5.7 to z = 6.6. SONGAILA A., BARGER A.J., COWIE L.L., et al.
2023ApJ...953L...4P 93           X         2 4 ~ Alleviating the Need for Exponential Evolution of JWST Galaxies in 1010M Haloes at z > 10 by a Modified ΛCDM Power Spectrum. PADMANABHAN H. and LOEB A.
2023ApJ...954L..14H 47           X         1 3 ~ On the Sizes of Ionized Bubbles Around Galaxies During the Reionization Epoch. The Spectral Shapes of the Lyα Emission from Galaxies. HAYES M.J. and SCARLATA C.

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