coord 12 59 56.191 +28 02 14.66 (ICRS, J2000, 2000.0), radius: 2 arcmin

Query : coord 12 59 56.191 +28 02 14.66 (ICRS, J2000, 2000.0), radius: 2 arcmin

Number of rows : 15 Want to see more from a catalogue? You can use VizieR to search in the same area
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N Identifier dist(asec) Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 4883 9.95 GiG 12 59 56.0172515304 +28 02 04.976091780 15.76 15.2 14.27 13.872 13.165 ~ 106 0
2 [EDG2007] 577 55.42 G 12 59 55.37 +28 03 09.0   22.955 22.777 20.533 18.671 ~ 1 0
3 GMP 3064 59.26 G 12 59 56.752 +28 01 15.87   23.10 21.81 20.81 20.11 ~ 3 0
4 [EDG2007] 200 76.83 * 12 59 51.3736638432 +28 02 57.499760328 20.991 19.741 18.264 17.42 16.558 ~ 1 0
5 [EDG2007] 242 84.31 PM* 13 00 01.0909463256 +28 01 20.813448504 20.849 20.656 19.123 18.173 17.01 ~ 1 0
6 [YKK2016] 389 84.41 LSB 12 59 50.605 +28 01 33.98   21.31   20.43   ~ 1 0
7 [EDG2007] 738 88.56 G 12 59 51.42 +28 01 12.6 20.615 20.416 19.555 19.156 18.565 ~ 3 0
8 [YKK2016] 388 89.59 LSB 12 59 50.208 +28 02 56.52           ~ 1 0
9 [YKK2016] 396 90.61 LSB 12 59 58.989 +28 00 51.97   23.5   22.60   ~ 1 0
10 2MASX J12595760+2803543 101.41 GiC 12 59 57.607 +28 03 54.32 17.97 17.914 16.91 16.55 15.891 ~ 37 0
11 CAIRNS J130002.78+280122.8 102.17 GiC 13 00 02.87 +28 01 23.5 20.003 19.873 18.597 17.983 17.256 ~ 7 0
12 [EDG2007] 527 103.32 G 12 59 48.39 +28 02 11.9   25.097 21.984 20.307 18.688 ~ 1 0
13 [EDG2007] 164 104.56 * 13 00 03.2546668560 +28 03 01.428706368 19.614 18.405 17.219 16.477 15.789 ~ 1 0
14 [EDG2007] 484 107.66 G 13 00 04.31 +28 02 20.6 21.3 22.241 20.54 19.845 18.77 ~ 1 0
15 [CG99] SA1656-67 112.89 GrG 13 00 04.0 +28 03 00   24.38       ~ 1 0

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