coord 12 59 31.649 +28 02 55.21 (ICRS, J2000, 2000.0), radius: 2 arcmin

Query : coord 12 59 31.649 +28 02 55.21 (ICRS, J2000, 2000.0), radius: 2 arcmin

Number of rows : 36 Want to see more from a catalogue? You can use VizieR to search in the same area
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N Identifier dist(asec) Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 LEDA 44616 7.91 EmG 12 59 31.4454616392 +28 02 47.777266752 16.664 15.931 15.014 14.412 13.647 ~ 65 0
2 GMP 3397 26.47 G 12 59 30.76 +28 02 31.5 18.864 18.999 18.44 17.822 18.1 ~ 10 0
3 [HVH2010] Comai J125930.062+280237.71 27.34 G 12 59 30.062 +28 02 37.71           ~ 1 0
4 GMP 3402 37.62 G 12 59 30.4 +28 03 29           ~ 2 0
5 SDSS J125928.55+280305.2 42.23 G 12 59 28.6 +28 03 06         19.3 ~ 2 0
6 [EDG2007] 529 47.53 * 12 59 34.7516681520 +28 02 31.292664180 25.548 22.42 20.63 19.54 18.22 ~ 2 0
7 LEDA 44602 48.51 AG? 12 59 28.7291561256 +28 02 25.896174396 17.389 16.995 16.033 15.471 14.803 ~ 51 0
8 [EDG2007] 367 54.02 * 12 59 34.9407295944 +28 02 23.292569004 20.736 20.171 18.806 17.989 17.165 ~ 1 0
9 CAIRNS J125927.76+280317.1 56.81 GiC 12 59 27.78 +28 03 19.8 19.892 20.926 19.729 18.909 18.212 ~ 5 0
10 HD 112887 63.56 * 12 59 32.9513020776 +28 03 56.386939140   7.57 7.17     F4V 66 0
11 GMP 3363 65.83 G 12 59 33.23 +28 01 52.8 19.579 19.771 18.966 18.488 18.5 ~ 7 0
12 CAIRNS J125936.24+280231.3 66.32 GiC 12 59 36.31 +28 02 30.9 20.529 20.682 19.417 18.861 18.134 ~ 5 0
13 [CTM2010] 120551 67.92 G 12 59 34.78 +28 02 01.4       22.01 22.05 ~ 1 0
14 [EDG2007] 648 69.23 G 12 59 30.05 +28 01 49.3 22.416 21.477 20.492 19.601 19.263 ~ 3 0
15 [EDG2007] 691 70.37 G 12 59 27.43 +28 02 12.4     20.825 19.956 18.725 ~ 1 0
16 [EDG2007] 631 83.39 G 12 59 26.66 +28 02 04.3 21.986 21.463 20.299 19.983 18.995 ~ 3 0
17 CAIRNS J125932.37+280419.0 84.33 GiC 12 59 32.37 +28 04 19.0           ~ 1 0
18 [EDG2007] 586 85.70 * 12 59 31.95 +28 01 29.6     21.835 20.228 18.599 ~ 1 0
19 GMP 3451 86.93 G 12 59 27.70 +28 01 45.8   20.54 19.75 19.44 19.03 ~ 4 0
20 [HVH2010] Comai J125937.351+280210.65 87.20 G 12 59 37.3 +28 02 11         20.5 ~ 2 0
21 GMP 3377 87.27 G 12 59 31.9 +28 01 28           ~ 2 0
22 [EDG2007] 588 89.37 G 12 59 29.13 +28 01 32.3 21.668 21.23 19.78 19.05 18.97 ~ 5 0
23 GMP 3322 92.34 G 12 59 35.9 +28 01 42           ~ 2 0
24 SDSS J125925.47+280210.6 93.14 G 12 59 25.470 +28 02 10.67         20.7 ~ 3 0
25 GMP 3415 98.01 G 12 59 29.5 +28 04 29           ~ 2 0
26 [HVH2010] Comai J125935.295+280126.99 100.54 G 12 59 35.2944 +28 01 27.012         21.8 ~ 2 0
27 [HVH2010] Comai J125928.566+280121.99 101.71 LSB 12 59 28.6 +28 01 22         20.8 ~ 7 0
28 ECO 1224 101.85 G 12 59 30.257 +28 01 15.04 19.403 19.182 18.253 17.73 17.6 ~ 24 0
29 [EDG2007] 519 106.82 * 12 59 39.09 +28 02 13.9     20.887 20.326 19.26 ~ 1 0
30 [EDG2007] 609 110.70 G 12 59 39.91 +28 03 12.4   21.397 20.972 21.08 21.003 ~ 1 0
31 [HVH2010] Comai J125926.648+280125.25 111.42 G 12 59 26.6 +28 01 26         21.9 ~ 2 0
32 GMP 3419 111.83 G 12 59 29.4 +28 04 43           ~ 2 0
33 SDSS J125928.50+280109.3 113.77 AG? 12 59 28.503 +28 01 09.34 19.35 19.32 18.49 17.86 17.9 ~ 22 0
34 [EDG2007] 485 114.04 G 12 59 23.67 +28 03 38.2 20.631 20.65 19.53 18.77 18.00 ~ 4 0
35 GMP 3263 118.06 G 12 59 39.7 +28 03 46           ~ 2 0
36 [CTM2010] 120985 119.17 G 12 59 36.1882 +28 01 12.299       22.04 22.31 ~ 4 0

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